Many of you likely have collections of old Nintendo cartridges lying about; boxy relics of gaming's yesteryears great for some nostalgic fun. Still, there has always been one core functionality that these old carts lack: they don't clean dirt off your body.
Well, Etsy shop DigitalSoaps aims to change all that with its soapy line of replica gaming cartridges, featuring lathery renditions of games from the Super Nintendo, Game Boy and Sega Genesis. The soaps are all homemade, with vegan ingredients (if that's your thing) and have a "mountain-dew scent."
The SNES soaps cost $9 each, with near-identical renditions of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario Kart and Super Street Fighter II. At the moment though, the only soap still in stock is Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
The Game Boy soaps, being much tinier, demand a smaller price, coming in at just $2 a piece. Tetris seems to be your only choice at the time.
Genesis soaps are 6 dollars each, with Mortal Kombat currently being the only title available.
DigitalSoaps also offers retro console controllers, ranging from the NES to the Dreamcast. Be careful though, these soaps are so good you may never want to wash yourself again.
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Comments 23
Totally! Those are awesome!
...the hell?
Hope they come out with a Super Metroid one soon...
I'd have to put them on display, because I'd feel too much guilt in ever actually using them though.
I'm gonna wash myself with Chrono Trigger, and touch-up a little with Tetris.
The Tetris Link goes to Super Mario Kart, Please fix it.
I want mys in Shaq-Fu.
It has a good kind of stink
i am not sure if this is the most awesome news i have ever heard or most weird news i have heard its a truly wtf time but in a good way
but man after looking their web site the makers have a quite a unhealthy obsession with Mountain Dew everything is scented like it
lol ima get pick up a tetris one i hope i just dont forget to separate them O-O
@Egg miester: Mountain Dew (and other yellow-green citrus-flavored sodas, like Jolt) is a traditional drink of choice for gamers everywhere. :3
@theblackdragon drinking it is one thing but bathing in it that never once crossed my mind XD
who would actually use these? i wouldnt o.o
This is flipping amazing, I'd love to own one.
Nice....I wonder if they will do a Superman 64 one so I can wash my sack and crack with it
I started reading and thought the soap was liquid and inside or something, then suddenly realized "omg they are bars of soap!"
The resemblance is uncanny.
Loving the little Tetris one. I'd like to think Nintendo would put those in their hotels, should they re-enter the love hotel business.
Cool idea but if i bought one i propally wouldnt use it.
Now if I actually had those real cartriges...
Makes me laugh how "art" can go to extreme lengths (if it hasn't already).
The problem is, once you use them once or twice, they'll get all messed up and just be gray lumps.
I like how the Tetris Hyperlink leading to Super Mario Kart xD.
Tetris block soap would be nice.......
Not to be picky but both Street Figher II Turbo and Zombies ate my Neighbours should be using the newer style North American cartridge rather than the older slotted type shown.
still awesome though
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