Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress Walkthrough 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Welcome back to our full walkthrough of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.

Previously we conquered the Torvus Bog and its facility within. I think we’ve had enough water-based areas for now, so let's head for the Sanctuary Fortress to secure the final piece of energy U-Mos needs to restore Aether to its former glory.

Welcome to the Sanctuary Fortress

After taking the elevator down from the Temple Grounds, you’re going to want to follow the corridors. It’ll appear all futuristic and techy, which is a welcome change of scenery from a dank bog if you ask me.

Scan Entry - Serenity Class Drone

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Image: Nintendo Life

As you enter the first corridor, stop and scan the Serenity Class Drones that are travelling along the walls. These sure would make old George demand “Serenity Now!”.

Progress onward and use the nearby Spinner to gain access through the door. Head on through and we can officially welcome you to the Sanctuary Fortress. A cornucopia of pirates will attack you on the bridge, again as a friendly welcome. Blast them away and head on through the light energy door.

Scan Entry - Octopede

Inside the corridor will be a few Octopedes guardian the way, scan them for a logbook entry then shoot them, letting them blow themselves up in a panic.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Head on through until you enter a large area with a pair of passive robots guarding the area, using your Dark Visor aim some Seeker Missiles on the red dots on the far side of the wall.

Scan Entry - Rezbit

After opening the way a flying robot, Rezbit will enter, scan it for its logbook entry and away with it with a blast of your Dark Beam.

Use the nearby platforms to ascend into the newly opened doorway and continue into a new area. This is the central area for Sanctuary Fortress.

Scan Entry - Quad MB

Upon entering you see a strange machine walking around, scanning its body will reveal this is a Quad MB.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Scan Entry - Quad CM

Next you’ll want to scan its head to reveal a Quad CM, these machines will work in tandem so we recommend taking the head out first, then taking the body down.

The body section will spin around like an electric ballerina, dodge this by any means possible then use a ball boost on its lower half to do away with this deadly duo. We’ll call these Quad Duos going forward.

Behind a red blast door on the right hand side of the room you’ll find a save point. Head back into the main area and follow the platforms that ascend the sides of the room until you reach the top. Go through the only available door at the top and scan a panel revealing a code to access a device in the area.

The code is AMBER, COBALT, CRIMSON, and EMERALD. So orange, blue, red and green. Roll on through a nearby tunnel and use the bomb slots near the device in that colour order. You’ll be able to roll through to the other side and proceed through the room with a few Quad Duos following it.

You’ll notice a door behind an impassable window. Take note of this, we’ll be back in a moment. At the end of the room you’ll need to activate another dark portal to head to the Dark Aether of Sanctuary Fortress.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Scan Entry - Ingworm Cache

As you progress you’ll find a large meaty ball, this is an Ingworm Cache, scan it for its logbook entry before destroying it and move on.

Head towards the dark energy door in the area, the impassable door behind the window in the Light Aether, and go through it. Take the elevator up and follow the path, grappling over any gaps in the way.

Quickly turn around before heading through the light energy door and use your Dark Visor and Seeker Missiles on the wall across the way, this will open a portal for you to use. Head on back through to the Light Aether and proceed through the dark energy door.

Scan Entry - Diligence Class Drone

You’ll fight some Quad Duos and find a Diligence Class Drone on the other side of the door blocking your way, scan ‘em and shoot ‘em.

Scan Entry - Mechlops

Look through the glass on the floor as soon as you enter the next room and you’ll see a Mechlops trapped underneath. Scan it then roll under the floor to progress, a few ball bombs will take care of it.

Keep moving forward until you come across a dead end, use an access point on the right side of the wall near a room full of electricity and a large purple orb. Roll on through the area and use the bomb slot on the other side. You’ll need to complete a short puzzle, it’s quite simple, just make the colours match up then use the other bomb slot to stop the platforms from twirling around the large purple orb.

If you want to, proceed through the red blast door on your right to access a save point.

Head back halfway through the vent and use the platform you stopped as a walkway across to the other side. Roll through another vent and use the Spinner to open half of a door. Nearby will be an elevator with a control panel, take it up and leave the area. Jump down into the next room, defeating any enemies that block your way. You may notice a Missile Expansion pack under the floor, we’ll come back to this when we can actually collect it.

Scan Entry - Dark Quad MB

Progress into the next large area and a bit of dark energy will possess a nearby Quad Duo. Scan the body to gain the Dark Quad MB logbook entry.

Scan Entry - Dark Quad CM

Scan the head to gain the Dark Quad CM logbook entry. Don’t worry, its dark form goes down as easy as its normal form.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Follow the platforms in the large area upwards, using the grapple to pass large gaps. At the top, head towards the normal energy door, use the bomb slot and find the local Energy Controller.

Collectible - Cobalt Energy Transfer Module

Talking with the blue hologram will grant you some tasty lore about the Sanctuary Fortress and its robots, and more importantly, the ability to read cobalt (blue) alien text doors.

Scan Entry - Agon Falls

Nearby will be a blue alien text hologram, scan it for the Agon Falls lore entry before leaving the room.

Scan Entry - Mekenobite

Back in the large room with the platforms and grapples, a creature will now be roaming around on the ground. Scan Mekenobite for its logbook entry before taking it on. Back at the top of the room jump towards the blue alien text door and proceed through it outside.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Once you’re outside head right, drop to a lower platform, and look around for a small hologram on the underside of the previous platform, scanning it will activate the morph ball cannon. Continue through the outside area, looking for these scan points to activate morph ball cannons to allow for backtracking on the way.

Scan Entry - Spider Guardian

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Image: Nintendo Life

Head on towards the door and you’ll see the Spider Guardian rolling around the walls next to the door, scan it, and proceed onward. Prepare to fight this boss in the next room.

Suit Upgrade - Spider Ball

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Image: Nintendo Life

Defeating the Spider Guardian will grant you the Spider Ball Suit Upgrade. This will allow you to travel up certain surfaces, mainly the ones you see in the Spider Guardian boss fight.

Collectibles - Missile Expansion

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Image: Nintendo Life

Head back into the puzzle area where you fought the Spider Guardian, follow the patterns on the wall upwards to an area between the third and fourth rooms. Bomb jump up to a platform and you’ll find a Missile Expansion pack.

Scan Entry - Spider Ball Track

Roll through the tunnel and head through a dark energy door. Inside the room scan the moving pattern to gain the Spider Ball Track logbook entry. Don’t take this just yet.

Scan Entry - C-Ach’s Testament

Turn back around and leave the room, going right across a walkway and roll up a track with your newly acquired spider ball ability. A dead alien will be beside the door, scan it to gain the C-Ach’s Testament lore entry for the logbook.

Scan Entry - The Final Crusade

Now head through the nearby door and take the elevator down deeper into the Sanctuary Fortress. You’ll find the lore entry, The Final Crusade on the wall as you exit the elevator room.

Next roll up the spider ball track, in the following room roll up the next track to activate a bomb slot within it. Roll through the short ball puzzle segment, avoiding fire, laser grids, and bomb jumping up and across platforms. Use your spider ball ability to latch onto upside-down platforms and the ceiling of the puzzle.

Collectibles - Missile Expansion

Completing this puzzle will reward you with another Missile Expansion pack close to the end of the puzzle, bomb jump up to collect it before leaving via the door on the right side of the spider track you took to enter the puzzle.

Roll through the area you moved the spinning puzzle to make a ball path, back to the main room you first entered the area with a tall container of energy.

Collectible - Energy Tank

Use the morph ball cannon to get shot to the sphere in the middle of the area and spider ball to stick to it. You’ll find red spots on some of the spheres, use the ball boost ability to jump spheres, carefully timing to stick to the other side. At the end of this track you’ll find a new Energy Tank to add to your health pool.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Next jump all the way down to the bottom of the area and proceed through the blue alien text door on the left-hand side of the room into a corridor to get the map for the area. Now head back into the main room and walk onto the bridge you crossed on the way to Sanctuary Fortress.

Dark Samus will appear and destroy the bridge! Don’t worry a nearby spider track will take you halfway across, boost to jump over the gap, and make your way across.

Taking a detour to the Torvus Bog

After crossing the destroyed bridge it's time to take a long trek all the way back to the Torvus Bog. Now that’s probably not what you want to hear after just spending a long time in that swamp but crack on with it.

Starting from the save point in Torvus Bog head towards the Alpha Blogg boss room. On one of the walls will be a spider track, roll up it to the portal and head into the Dark Aether.

Scan Entry - Power Bomb Guardian

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Image: Nintendo Life

Inside the area will be the Power Bomb Guardian on top of the pedestal in the middle of the room. Scan it for its logbook entry then proceed with the bossfight.

Suit Upgrade - Power Bomb

Defeating the Power Bomb Guardian will reward you with, you guessed it, the Power Bomb Suit Upgrade. Using the missile firing button in morph ball form will place more powerful ball bombs. Also, it will allow you to open yellow blast doors.

Head back through the facility in the Dark Torvus Bog until you come through the portal which leads you back to the Light Aether, underwater on the other side.

Use a power bomb on the cracked glass in front of the portal and fall through to the bottom. Use another power bomb on the small device inside a half pipe to drain the water from the area.

Next, using your boost ability to jump up to a spider track on the right-hand side of the half-pipe. Follow the track until you can use a bomb slot.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Return to the half-pipe and go up the other side and activate that bomb slot. Grapple across some nearby platforms and you’ll be rewarded with another Missile Expansion pack. Now use the morph ball cannon inside the room, head through the light energy door, and head towards the first save point in the Torvus Bog.

From there take the elevator back to Temple Grounds, halfway along the route take a hidden door left that takes you to a cliff edge and use the morph ball cannon to cross. Use a power bomb to open the yellow door and enter the new area. A portal will be in the back right of the room, take it to enter the Dark Aether.

As you enter, use the Spinners around the area to align the targets on the structure in the middle. Once aligned, shoot the targets at the same time with the Seeker missiles to activate the bridges. Do this on both sides of the area to activate all four bridges. Head on through the portal back to the Light Aether.

Suit Upgrade - Sunburst

In the Light Aether, grapple over to the platform in the middle and grapple up to the bridges and you’ll find the Sunburst Suit Upgrade. This is a powerful attack, charging your Light Beam and firing a missile will unleash a Sunburst blast. Although it will use five missiles from your reserve.

After a pirate ambush, in which we recommend you test out your new weapon, jump down from the highest point towards the cliff. You’ll find a dark energy door, proceed through it, roll through a tunnel, and use a power bomb to access a yellow blast door. You’ll come out near the Federation ship, time to finally go back to the Sanctuary Fortress!

Back to the Sanctuary Fortress!

Roll across the former bridge and head to the left of the main door. Use another power bomb to destroy the glass and proceed up the elevator. Scan the nearby control panel to turn on the morph ball cannon outside, head back out, and use it to be shot into a tower in the middle of the bridge. Roll up the tower and use the turret at the top to destroy all of the cracked surfaces in the area, on the other side of the bridge and near the entrance to the Sanctuary Fortress.

Scan Entry - Twilight

Jump up the right-hand side of the entrance, you’ll find a cracked wall, destroying it with the turret will grant you the Twilight lore entry for the logbook. Next to it will be a spider track you can follow along the building to the large opening you made with the turret.

Scan Entry - S-Jrs’s Testament

Inside the opening you’ll find a dead alien, we cannot confirm nor deny you shooting at it with a turret killed it. Either way, scanning them will grant you the S-Jrs’s Testament lore entry.

Collectible - Power Bomb Expansion

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Image: Nintendo Life

Using the nearby morph ball cannon will launch you over to the other side of the bridge in the opening you made with the turret. As you land collect the Power Bomb Expansion pack to gain a single additional power bomb to your power bomb capacity.

Scan Entry - Ingsmasher

Now it’s time to head back inside the Sanctuary Fortress, as you enter you’ll be targeted by a pair of Ingsmasher robots, scan one for its logbook entry then take it down by matching its dark and light energy attacks with your own opposing beam blasts.

Heading into the main room, go all the way to the top and use a power bomb to open a yellow blast door, don’t go through it though. Turn around and go through the door on the other side of the area and head all the way to the area with the large purple orb. Use the spider track attached to the ring around the purple orb and launch yourself with a ball boost through the crack in the window.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Head on through the yellow blast door to see Dark Samus make short work of some pirates, we’ll be seeing her soon. Follow the path leading towards Dark Samus and prepare for a fight.

Scan Entry - Dark Samus 2

Dark Samus here will activate a lift bringing us up who knows where, scan her quickly for the Dark Samus 2 logbook entry. Proceed in kicking some Dark Samus tush.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Suit Upgrade - Echo Visor

After besting Dark Samus a second time, head on through a nearby portal to the Dark Aether and follow the path. Roll up the spider tracks and use a nearby Spinner to change the spider tracks in the centre of the area and head on through the portal back to the Light Aether and you’ll find the Echo Visor Suit Upgrade on the other side.

The Echo Visor will turn on a negative filter, putting focus on sound waves, destroying the source of which (often an Echo Key Beam system) can activate certain objects. In this case, the elevator which will take us back down into the Sanctuary Fortress.

Entering back into you’ll get a message saying “All doors locked”. When this happens, turn on your Echo Visor, locate the source, and destroy it to unlock the doors.

Scan Entry - Shattered Hope

Head back into the area with the purple orb, underneath it will be a trail of locks you can follow with your Echo Visor. Inside a small room, you’ll find the Shattered Hope lore entry for the logbook. Scan the nearby control panel to activate the elevator, wait for it to come down, take it back up, and head through the dark energy door.

In the next room use the spider track over the wall and proceed on the path, passing the portal and taking the following elevator down. Follow the room, going left past the spider track, and activate the main portal, into the Dark Aether we go.

Collectible - Dark Temple Key

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Proceed into the room and head up the spider track in the middle and you’ll eventually reach the first of three Dark Temple Keys you’ll find in Sanctuary Fortress.

Scan Entry - Dark Tallon Metroid

Head back towards the portal, taking the left door instead of jumping into the room with the portal and head through the door. In an area with a large hole in the wall, a Dark Tallon Metroid will be floating around, scan it for the logbook entry.

Scan Entry - Dark Diligence Drone

Passing (more likely killing) the Dark Tallon Metroid and you’ll see the Dark Diligence Drone blocking the tunnel. Scan it for its logbook entry and blow it away.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

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Behind the Dark Diligence Drone will be a new Missile Expansion pack. Now head back through the main portal to the Light Aether.

Walk through the room and go through the door on the right of the spider track puzzle, heading back towards the main room. Feel free to stop here and save the game. Then head up the tower in the centre of the room using the platforms, at the top head through the door just to the right as you jump up.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Continue through the corridor until you find a crack in the window on your left, break the window with a power bomb and take the portal to the Dark Aether. Prepare for a bit of portal jumping.

Scan Entry - Dark Insmasher

A Dark Ingsmasher will welcome you by smashing through the adjacent window. Scan it before taking it down. That’s all for now, head back through the portal to the Light Aether, you'll be stuck in a room. Roll through the small nearby tunnel, and take the portal back into the Dark Aether.

Collectible - Power Bomb Expansion

Take the spider track up the wall and go back through a portal to the Light Aether. Once you’ve returned to the Light Aether use the spider track across the ceiling. There will be a Power Bomb Expansion on the other side, collect it and head back out, dropping into the room.

Facing the portal in the middle, through the route on the right with the turret, and go through the door into a large area.

Scan Entry - Caretaker Class Drone

After taking care of the robots in the next room, scan the large orb inside a big tube revealing it to be a Caretaker Class Drone. Another logbook entry down, follow the spider track along the right-hand wall.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Following the track will give you a Missile Expansion pack. We’re now pretty much done with this area.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Scan Entry - Torvus Falls

Just right of the yellow blast door will be the Torvus Falls lore entry for the logbook. Destroy the yellow blast shield door but don't go through it just yet.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Using your Echo Visor, open the hidden red door and go through the portal to the Dark Aether. After defeating the enemies, do the same thing again with your Echo Visor to unlock a door with a control panel behind it. Activate it to raise the ring platform around the centre of the room, now drop down to the room below and go through the portal to enter the Light Aether.

Take the spider track up and bomb jump inside the device. Now you’ll have to take down multiple levels of a machine using the boost ability whenever a weak point lowers. Keep moving up the machine using the spider track. When you defeat the machine, roll through a track and through a door to escape.

In the new room use your Echo Visor to activate the morph ball cannon and head up.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Before heading through the nearby door, drop down into the and roll through the left-hand side of the vent, then drop right and right again to get another Missile Expansion pack. Go back up using the morph ball cannon and head into the nearby room.

Scan Entry - Sanctuary Falls

Inside the new area, use the spinning platform to jump across the chasm and you’ll find the Sanctuary Falls lore entry for the logbook on the wall nearby.

Collectible - Energy Tank

Aim for the light energy door nearby to proceed through, inside turn left, and jump into the opening to find an Energy Tank. Jump down, scan the nearby control panel to activate the grapples, but don't use them to swing across the chasm just yet.

Collectible - Beam Ammo Expansion

Go back through the door, turn left, and use the spider track to go over the chasm and up towards the ceiling. Use the morph ball cannon to fire yourself over the bottomless pit and follow the spider track, bomb jumping between them. Roll through a vent at the end of the track and you’ll be rewarded with a Beam Ammo Expansion pack.

Repeat the track again, this time aiming to activate the bomb slot in the middle to turn on the portal below. Head on through to the Dark Aether and take the door on your right to progress. Grapple through the next room, turn left, jump down a couple of platforms, and use the portal to go back to the Light Aether and proceed through a door to the next room outside.

Scan Entry - Dark War Wasp

You’ll find an ability locked behind a gate, head downwards in the area to find a portal that leads to the Dark Aether, use it, and grapple over the area inside. Scan the Dark War Wasps floating over the chasm for their logbook entry. Now activate the portal and head back to the Light Aether.

Suit Upgrade - Screw Attack

You’ll appear outside on some platforms circling the suit upgrade. Use the Spinners on these platforms to unlock the cage by pointing the lasers on top towards the centre. Head downwards, using a nearby control panel to lower the bridge into a portal, grapple through the Dark Aether, back to the Light Aether, and activate the bomb slot below the cage. Your perseverance will reward you with the Screw Attack Suit Upgrade. This will grant you a spinning jump attack that also keeps you in the air.

This suit upgrade is very useful, but we can't help but be reminded of a 2000s internet group who were into fights if you ask us. Anyway, head back through the door and use the Screw Attack to jump the chasm.

You’ll now want to take a bit of a detour back to where you found a portal behind a hidden door with your Echo Visor. Head into the Dark Aether and jump back up the platforms leading into another room.

Scan Entry - Wall Jump Surface

Inside this room you’ll find some oddly patterned Wall Jump Surfaces, scan them for the logbook and get to wall jumping with your Screw Attack.

Collectible - Dark Temple Key

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Head through the door at the top of the wall jumping section and you’ll find another Dark Temple Key. This is the second key you’ll find in the Sanctuary Fortress. Activate the nearby control panel to lower the ray shield and screw attack across the chasm.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Head for the portal in the area and use the Wall Jump Surface to head up, you'll find a Missile Expansion pack after jumping up. Now head back through the portal to the Light Aether.

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Go through the door where we found an Energy Tank earlier and grapple across the gap, heading through a light and dark energy door consecutively. Use the spider track on your right to jump over the wall and use the portal to the Dark Aether to the side nearby.

Collectible - Dark Temple Key

Go through the door in front of you inside the Dark Aether, using the Echo Visor to open the locked doors within. Proceed right, taking the platforms around the orb to ascend.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Use the Spider Track at the top of the orb and you’ll find another Dark Temple Key for your troubles. That’s all of the Dark Temple Keys in Sanctuary Fortress down! You can now access the Ing Hive Temple.

If you want to replenish your ammo, head through the door without the red lights next to it and make your way through the area where you fought Dark Samus a second time. An ammo station will be inside to allow you to load up. On the way back through the room with the large orb feel free to stop and save your game in the area behind the red blast door, below the orb.

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From the save point head through the door with some large red lights on the ground nearby, you’ll be able to access the temple here with the keys. Head through the area and take the elevator down into an area with a large robot. Get ready for a fight, that's all we’re saying.

Scan Entry - Quadraxis

As the fight begins, quickly scan Quadraxis for its logbook entry.

Scan Entry - Damaged Quadraxis

In the second phase, scan the Damaged Quadraxis body on the ground before taking on its flying head.

Scan Entry - Shielded Head Module

Above the broken body will be the Shielded Head Module flying around. Scan it for its logbook entry and bring it down!

Scan Entry - Stunned Head Module

When you destroy the antenna on the body of Quadraxis, the head will briefly become a Stunned Head Module. It’s difficult to scan this with the fight going on but we know you’ll try your best!

Scan Entry - Final Head Module

As the fight enters its final phase, quickly scan the Final Head Module for its logbook entry before it attacks you!

Suit Upgrade - Annihilator Beam

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Your reward for taking down Quadraxis is the Annihilator Beam Suit Upgrade, a powerful beam that can still be charged to use when out of ammo. More importantly, it can open doors using both light and dark energy, we’ll call these striped doors for convenience.

After the bossfight, head up the nearby spider track, use the screw attack to jump across the arena, and use the newly acquired Annihilator Beam to go through a striped energy door. Head on through using the bomb slot to change the room around and take the energy back from the Dark Aether’s Energy Controller. Head back into the arena and go left, screw attack over the gaps heading for the striped door.

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This is a striped energy door, use the Annihilator beam to go through these — Image: Nintendo Life

Scan Entry - Ingstorm

Go through the striped door and an Ingstorm will be on the other side, scan the swarm of bugs, and proceed through the corridor into a large room.

Scan Entry - Super Crystal

In the new area, shoot the crystal with your Annihilator Beam to turn it into a Super Crystal, scan it for its logbook entry.

Scan Entry - Super Beacon

Screw attack over the gap and use the Annihilator Beam on the Light Beacon to turn it into a Super Beacon. Scan it for its logbook entry and head through the nearby portal back to the Light Aether.

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Collectible - Missile Expansion

Either screw attack over, or follow the spider track, into the door over the chasm. In the following corridor use your Echo Visor to open the red door to find a Missile Expansion.

Follow the corridor past a striped door, and in the large room, use the grapples or screw attack to go through the door on the right, and use the bomb slot to change the room around. You’ll enter into the Energy Controller room and return the energy to the planet.

Head back into the main room and go straight ahead through a door with a spider track on the wall under it. Inside use the Dark Visor and Seeker Missiles to destroy the red targets and activate the morph ball cannon.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

After being shot up the first time, use the Echo Visor to activate the panel and quickly use the morph ball cannon again.

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You’ll roll into a vent leading under the floor and find a Missile Expansion inside. Use the nearby Spinner to open the floor and escape. Use the morph ball cannon to shoot yourself back up and head through the door.

Collectible - Power Bomb Expansion

In the next room keep taking the elevators down until you reach another red door. Use the Echo Visor to open it and take the morph ball cannon inside. You’ll destroy the large purple orb and obtain the Power Bomb Expansion inside.

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Use the morph ball cannon again and you’ll be shot through the upstairs window. We recommend taking a detour to the save point in the area as we’ll be kicking off the next section from here. Jump all the way down into the bottom of the room with the lit floor, take the nearby elevator up, head through the dark energy door on the right, and proceed through the route until you get to the elevator that takes you further down.

Detour to Agon Wastes and the Pirate HQ

Take the spider track over the wall and head forward on the left side of the following spider towards the room with the portal. Head through the door just left of the room with the portal and proceed through the corridor. Scan the control panel in the following room and you’ll be able to take an elevator leading up to Agon Wastes.

We’re going to take it slow for a while to pick up some collectibles, logbook entries, and suit upgrades on the way.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

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After taking the elevator head through the yellow blast door and proceed through the tunnel until you roll into a second tunnel. In this second tunnel head right, stopping under the tunnels aiming down from above. Perform a few ball bomb double jumps up the tunnel and you'll find a Missile Expansion pack.

Scan Entry - B-Stl’s Testament

Roll right and head through a light energy door, inside you’ll find a dead alien. Scan it to obtain the B-Stl’s Testament lore entry for the logbook. Take the nearby spider track and you’ll end up in the room where you fought Dark Samus the first time in the Pirate Headquarters.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Take the spider track in one of the corners of the room upwards and jump across using the spider tracks on the pistons to find another Missile Expansion pack. Drop back into the area and take the elevator close to where you entered to exit the area via a dark energy door.

Head into the room with two holograms of Aether and proceed through the nearby portal to the Dark Aether. Proceed through the light energy door and follow the path, jumping up towards a normal door in the corner of the room behind a window. Eventually, you’ll enter into a large room with twin lifting platforms. Use them to traverse the room and head through a striped door.

Suit Upgrade - Sonic Boom

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Behind the door you’ll find the Sonic Boom Suit Upgrade. Using a missile while holding a charged Annihilator Beam will result in a harsh attack that will cost five missiles to use. Head through the door on your right after collecting the Sonic Boom, using a nearby elevator if necessary, and go through the tunnel.

You’ll pass by a save point, rest here if you want but after head through the other door in the room. Jump down and follow the path in the room to the portal, take it, and head back the way you came through the Light Aether. You’ll need to use the half-pipe at the back of the following sandy room to access a bomb slot.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

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Activating it will drain the sand and you can collect a Missile Expansion pack for your efforts. Follow the path back past the save point, directly through the tunnel into a large room where you can make stairs out of platforms.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

You’ll see a green blast door at the top of the room, using the same method as earlier, make stairs out of platforms and proceed through the door. Inside you’ll find another Missile Expansion pack.

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Image: Nintendo Life

Back to U-mos

The aim here is to return to U-Mos in the Great Temple with the Main Energy Controller. Head back into the area with the half-pipe and go through the room with the portal, proceed through the area where you fought Dark Samus, and roll through the tunnel.

You’ll need to take a morph ball cannon over a chasm and make your way back to the area with the platforms in the Agon Wastes where we were first ambushed by pirates.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Use a power bomb on a crack in the wall and use the morph ball cannon to be shot up to a spider track. Follow it left and you’ll find a Missile Expansion pack. Drop down and head back towards the main area in Agon Wastes.

Collectible - Energy Tank

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress Walkthrough 84
Image: Nintendo Life

Once you’ve entered, use your Echo Visor to align the lenses on the large structure in the middle. Completing this will reveal an Energy Tank, screw attack over to reach it. We’re done here! Take the elevator back up to the Temple Grounds and head to the Great Temple to talk to U-mos.

Suit Upgrade - Light Suit

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress Walkthrough 85
Image: Nintendo Life

Old U-Mos here will reveal that there is one final Energy Controller hidden in the Sky Temple and we’ll need NINE KEYS(!?) to access it. U-Mos also gives us the Light Suit Upgrade for our efforts so far. Though it might look like Samus fell in a giant vat of chrome, the Light Suit negates all damage the Dark Aether’s atmosphere tries to inflict so we’ll have free range to look for the keys.

Behind U-mos will be a hologram which can teleport us to virtually anywhere on the map, but we’re not going to take it just yet. Take the elevator back into the junction area and go through the door in front of you to take another elevator into the Temple Grounds.

Collectible - Energy Tank

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress Walkthrough 86
Image: Nintendo Life

Proceed on the path until you reach the area with the Federation Ship. Head through the door (previously hidden behind a green alien text door) near the front of the ship and jump into the beam of light at the end of the corridor. You’ll be teleported into an area with an Energy Tank, be sure to collect it before going back through the light beam. Blast past the turret and take the elevator behind it down into the Sanctuary Fortress.

Collectible - Missile Expansion

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: Sanctuary Fortress Walkthrough 87
Image: Nintendo Life

Proceed through Sanctuary Fortress until you hit the large main room, head left from the entrance and you’ll enter a room with a beam of light in it. Enter into a small area and find a Missile Expansion pack inside. Head back through the light and head for the save point in the area. You’ve made a lot of progress, best to save as we’re heading to the Sky Fortress. Well, to the gate to get in it at least.

That was certainly a lot to take in at once, if you need more help, refer to our Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Full Walkthrough hub.