Previously we conquered the Torvus Bog and its facility within. I think we’ve had enough water-based areas for now, so let's head for the Sanctuary Fortress to secure the final piece of energy U-Mos needs to restore Aether to its former glory.
After taking the elevator down from the Temple Grounds, you’re going to want to follow the corridors. It’ll appear all futuristic and techy, which is a welcome change of scenery from a dank bog if you ask me.
Scan Entry - Serenity Class Drone
As you enter the first corridor, stop and scan the Serenity Class Drones that are travelling along the walls. These sure would make old George demand “Serenity Now!”.
Progress onward and use the nearby Spinner to gain access through the door. Head on through and we can officially welcome you to the Sanctuary Fortress. A cornucopia of pirates will attack you on the bridge, again as a friendly welcome. Blast them away and head on through the light energy door.
Scan Entry - Octopede
Inside the corridor will be a few Octopedes guardian the way, scan them for a logbook entry then shoot them, letting them blow themselves up in a panic.
Head on through until you enter a large area with a pair of passive robots guarding the area, using your Dark Visor aim some Seeker Missiles on the red dots on the far side of the wall.
Scan Entry - Rezbit
After opening the way a flying robot, Rezbit will enter, scan it for its logbook entry and away with it with a blast of your Dark Beam.
Use the nearby platforms to ascend into the newly opened doorway and continue into a new area. This is the central area for Sanctuary Fortress.
Scan Entry - Quad MB
Upon entering you see a strange machine walking around, scanning its body will reveal this is a Quad MB.
Scan Entry - Quad CM
Next you’ll want to scan its head to reveal a Quad CM, these machines will work in tandem so we recommend taking the head out first, then taking the body down.
The body section will spin around like an electric ballerina, dodge this by any means possible then use a ball boost on its lower half to do away with this deadly duo. We’ll call these Quad Duos going forward.
Behind a red blast door on the right hand side of the room you’ll find a save point. Head back into the main area and follow the platforms that ascend the sides of the room until you reach the top. Go through the only available door at the top and scan a panel revealing a code to access a device in the area.
The code is AMBER, COBALT, CRIMSON, and EMERALD. So orange, blue, red and green. Roll on through a nearby tunnel and use the bomb slots near the device in that colour order. You’ll be able to roll through to the other side and proceed through the room with a few Quad Duos following it.
You’ll notice a door behind an impassable window. Take note of this, we’ll be back in a moment. At the end of the room you’ll need to activate another dark portal to head to the Dark Aether of Sanctuary Fortress.
Scan Entry - Ingworm Cache
As you progress you’ll find a large meaty ball, this is an Ingworm Cache, scan it for its logbook entry before destroying it and move on.
Head towards the dark energy door in the area, the impassable door behind the window in the Light Aether, and go through it. Take the elevator up and follow the path, grappling over any gaps in the way.
Quickly turn around before heading through the light energy door and use your Dark Visor and Seeker Missiles on the wall across the way, this will open a portal for you to use. Head on back through to the Light Aether and proceed through the dark energy door.
Scan Entry - Diligence Class Drone
You’ll fight some Quad Duos and find a Diligence Class Drone on the other side of the door blocking your way, scan ‘em and shoot ‘em.
Scan Entry - Mechlops
Look through the glass on the floor as soon as you enter the next room and you’ll see a Mechlops trapped underneath. Scan it then roll under the floor to progress, a few ball bombs will take care of it.
Keep moving forward until you come across a dead end, use an access point on the right side of the wall near a room full of electricity and a large purple orb. Roll on through the area and use the bomb slot on the other side. You’ll need to complete a short puzzle, it’s quite simple, just make the colours match up then use the other bomb slot to stop the platforms from twirling around the large purple orb.
If you want to, proceed through the red blast door on your right to access a save point.
Head back halfway through the vent and use the platform you stopped as a walkway across to the other side. Roll through another vent and use the Spinner to open half of a door. Nearby will be an elevator with a control panel, take it up and leave the area. Jump down into the next room, defeating any enemies that block your way. You may notice a Missile Expansion pack under the floor, we’ll come back to this when we can actually collect it.
Scan Entry - Dark Quad MB
Progress into the next large area and a bit of dark energy will possess a nearby Quad Duo. Scan the body to gain the Dark Quad MB logbook entry.
Scan Entry - Dark Quad CM
Scan the head to gain the Dark Quad CM logbook entry. Don’t worry, its dark form goes down as easy as its normal form.
Follow the platforms in the large area upwards, using the grapple to pass large gaps. At the top, head towards the normal energy door, use the bomb slot and find the local Energy Controller.
Collectible - Cobalt Energy Transfer Module
Talking with the blue hologram will grant you some tasty lore about the Sanctuary Fortress and its robots, and more importantly, the ability to read cobalt (blue) alien text doors.
Scan Entry - Agon Falls
Nearby will be a blue alien text hologram, scan it for the Agon Falls lore entry before leaving the room.
Scan Entry - Mekenobite
Back in the large room with the platforms and grapples, a creature will now be roaming around on the ground. Scan Mekenobite for its logbook entry before taking it on. Back at the top of the room jump towards the blue alien text door and proceed through it outside.
Once you’re outside head right, drop to a lower platform, and look around for a small hologram on the underside of the previous platform, scanning it will activate the morph ball cannon. Continue through the outside area, looking for these scan points to activate morph ball cannons to allow for backtracking on the way.
Scan Entry - Spider Guardian
Head on towards the door and you’ll see the Spider Guardian rolling around the walls next to the door, scan it, and proceed onward. Prepare to fight this boss in the next room.