When Mario Golf: Super Rush launched it was enjoyable but a bit 'b-tier', as we argued in our review. While it's still not matching the quality set by some other first-party titles on Switch, three major updates have greatly enhanced the content on offer. Online play is much improved, and there have been multiple new courses and modes to flesh out the experience.
Version 4.0 is the latest and last of these major updates, and makes yet more strong additions that are both fun and add variety. We've been trying out the new content and, once again, it adds more positives to the evolution of this Switch entry in the series.

Let's focus first on the new characters that wrap up the roster.
New 4.0 characters - Wiggler and Shy Guy
First up we have Wiggler, which looks excellent taking shots and rumbling along, knocking opponents out of the way. It also becomes enraged for a few shots, which is a fun look and gives the character extra oomph — all told it's another in the large character category, with the benefit of pretty good stamina in modes with a lot of running.

Shy Guy is a medium / small all-rounder, though as the character is so darn charming it's worth trying them out. Pretty accurate and consistent across its stats, its Special Dash is also quite interesting as it glides above the ground when zooming along. This could be useful in courses like Spiky Palms to glide across rivers as shortcuts.
As final additions to the roster, they're welcome, and all told there's now a good variety of the Super Mario cast available. While Mii Characters that have been through the 'Adventure' and have been levelled up will remain the best options, in modes that exclude them there are now plenty of standard characters to choose from.

New 4.0 courses - Shelltop Sanctuary and All-Star Summit
Next up there are two fresh courses, and pleasingly they stack up as among the best in the game.
Starting off with Shelltop Sanctuary. It is another par-3-only course, rather like previous update addition New Donk City. Though it doesn't recreate the floating islands of an equivalent in Mario Golf: World Tour, it has a similar vibe and challenges players to be precise and accurate. The 'amateur' version is a challenge but doable, while the 'Pro' version will test strong players.
It's a good addition and plays well in the One-On, One-Putt mode that we'll cover further on.

Finally we have All-Star Summit, very much a 'finale' course and immediately one of our favourites in the game. We've been critical in the past that a number of courses and settings in this game lack creativity, and this goes some way to resolve that. Each hole and area is made to resemble iconic Super Mario characters, with clever usage of pretty much every terrain type to create the likenesses, along with breakable blocks and more.
This is a course where strategy is needed, as there are a lot of hazards due to character features being made with bunkers and deep rough; this is especially true in some of the longer par 5 holes. Even some greens have little bunkers for eyes, as an example, so depending on your approach you may need to even play chips instead of putts. It feels fun rather than gimmicky, and as the course looks fantastic, any quirks feel like strengths rather than weaknesses. The music is also excellent.
Both courses are good 'uns in our view, and round out what has become a varied and entertaining batch in the game.

New 4.0 modes - One-On, One Putt and Target Golf
In addition two new modes flesh out the game further.
First up let's talk about One-On, One-Putt. This is only found in the Solo Challenge area, with amateur (and unlockable pro) versions of New Donk City and Shelltop Sanctuary. As the name explains rather well, you have to get on the green in one hit (the fringe doesn't count) and then sink a putt in one; if you get a hole-in-one the game clears you but gets confused and says 'nice putt!', amusingly.
You have to get through all 18 holes but get 10 continues, which sounds like a lot but they can disappear quickly if you come unstuck on one particular hole. We've said previously that New Donk City is enjoyable but has a couple of 'aggravating' holes, so getting through this mode will test patience. Shelltop Sanctuary, on the other hand, feels like it was designed with this mode in mind and works nicely.
All told it's a good addition, and unlocking the pro and 'special' difficulty will give skilful players a nice challenge.

Finally we have Target Golf, which can be played as a solo challenge variation but more commonly against AI, local or online opponents. This is an excellent addition as it feels like it could be entertaining for everyone — players take turns, there are no hugely disruptive specials or running between holes and it gives a colourful alternative to standard courses. It takes place across three variations of a stadium arena, of increasing difficulty, each one charming in their way.
It's all about accuracy and a little strategy, as you can pick from one of three 'rings' to target, with your score determined by how close you are to the centre. The ring segment you hit disappears, so across a 5-shot round strategies will change as less scoring areas are available. Double points in the final round and a 'special' area late on can keep everyone in with a chance, though when playing AI the special zone consistently appeared after our turn in round four, a minor annoyance and a little unfair!
So, where does Mario Golf: Super Rush stand after its update?
It's worth giving Nintendo and Camelot credit for sticking to an update roadmap, delivering three significant boosts to content in terms of characters, courses and modes. Some of it should have been there are launch, we'd argue, but putting that aside the game is now fully featured and has excellent variety.
The fundamentals of the game — especially in terms of presentation — remain similar to launch, as aside from some of the more recent course soundtracks the visuals and audio still feel a little 'b-tier'. However there's a lot of content now, so anyone coming in fresh or for the first time since launch will find a lot more to do. Whether playing alone or with friends its options now mean that all kinds of players should enjoy their time with the game.
Considering the fact the updates have been free and have added so much, kudos is due to all involved. Mario Golf: Super Rush still doesn't belong in the top tier of Switch games, but it is now a very good option for enthusiasts of the series or those looking for a different multiplayer experience on the system.

Let us know what you think of the Mario Golf: Super Rush, after its major updates, in the comments!
If you're looking for more tips and tricks for Mario Golf: Super Rush, check out the full lineup of characters in our Mario Golf: Super Rush Full Character Roster And Special Shot List, investigate our Mario Golf: Super Rush Guide - Tips And Hints For Mastering Mario Golf if you're a bit green on the green, as well as our guide on How To Create The Best Mii In Mario Golf Super Rush.
Comments 56
cool but idk if I will come back, not worth the asking price if you ask me. I stopped after the first update, fun game just not worth the cost.
I still will only grab it used once I can at a very reduced price.
Mario Golf an all-time classic for me too :/
I love Super Rush myself.
I really wanted to like this one, but it just never grabbed me. It always felt just a bit too generic and somewhat low-budget for a Nintendo IP.
I wanted to like it but they destroyed the controls. No amount of characters of courses could fix this for me. A shame, because there is a lot of good in the game.
It's not bad but NO where near as 3DS Mario Golf World Tour. Or Mario Tennis Aces for that matter. It feels a bit 'cheap' and amateurish. Good fun though to pass a bit of time. Worth the price now but these updates took way too long
@ThomasWhitehead, would you give this a 7 still or an 8, if it launched like this….?
It’s a good game. A good Mario golf game.
" a very good option for enthusiasts of the series" <- How can you say that if most of the enthusiast of the series think its one of the worst entries? It's not even a question about the amount of content. The core gameplay is very very poor.
I haven't played the game since like launch week because the game utterly lacked charm, aside from modes. In particular, the animations have become so bland and the courses felt lifeless. I don't think updates really fixed that at least for the courses that were already there. Maybe I'll jump back in and check out all the stuff that came post launch.
Then again, not being able to get the costumes outside of online tournaments is another kick in the nuts that drains my enjoyment out of these. I miss when stuff could be unlocked at one's own leisure and not having to be forced to play at specific dates.
Not digging the free update model they're doing lately. It soured my experience with this and Animal Crossing as, like stated in the article, a lot of it feels like it should have been in the main game so early adopters have to be patient to get what they paid for while the full experience is artificially dragged out, souring the first impression. The game should feel complete at launch and any DLC should truly feel like cherries on the cake. I worry they're doing long term damage on these brands by losing trust from customers who expect more. I'll certainly be hesitant to dip right in to the next game.
I do not like the idea of releasing incomplete games only to finish then later. Imagine then releasing Mario Odyssey but added some of the later levels months after release. At least their ***** ton of the hide and seek Luigi seemed completely out of the blue, but like it was part of what the original game should have had At least it wasn't Cyberpunk.
I got it at launch, and felt ripped off to be honest. Simply put, it seemed to be lacking in both the content and quality I would expect from a Nintendo title.
However, these updates just about make the price of admission worthwhile. The content still is very 'b tier' as said. But, it's still fun and there is now alot of it. It's well worth a playthrough, especially if you can get a copy pre-owned or on sale..
@rockodoodle ‘Mario Golf: Super Rush still doesn't belong in the top tier of Switch games, but it is now a very good option…’ they consider a 7 Good, and an 8, Great, maybe this is closer to an 8 now?
Good to know, but I still feel the game was "super rushed" lol, they should've waited to have all this content ready for launch. It's not a new IP like Splatoon...
The music in the game is horrendous. I wish they would put out dlc of the N64 ost. This music is too ‘in your face’ for me. Golf isn’t exciting, it’s chill. The music should match the venue.
yosher wrote:
I’d agree with this. They all feel the very same to me, with the exception of a couple of different obstacles. I have enjoyed playing the game with my wife and on adventure mode still.
If the initial and overall game had the character of the offerings in this here DLC, I’d have maintained my excitement and bought the game. This looks more akin to the content in the 3DS version which I love. Ah well, maybe next time, Camelot.
Gives me a good reason to revisit the game. Say what you will about the game, but I feel like it’s a fun game to play for a little bit here and there. It’s my second favorite golf game on the Switch (Golf Story is untouchable!) and it’s still hanging on to my top 20 list for the year, which, pending the completion of about four games for me, is about locked in now.
Nintendo are actually going to do paid dlc for Mario Golf LMFAO
It's the added game modes that I wanted, so I'm happy.
@Musharna I'm confused. It's not worth the asking price but you have already purchased it and think it's fun but are not sure if you'll be back despite it being fun?
I’ll say this.
I think with the above said, I’m fairly confident I will pick up the title. However, I’ll wait for it to be on sale or pick it up used rather than skipping.
Thanks NintendoLife
Would you guys say this is the definitive best in the series?
Loved Mario Golf 64 and was amped for this. Never got it though as judging by reviews they’ve dumbed down the mechanics too much for my liking.
You say : "Mario Golf: Super Rush still doesn't belong in the top tier of Switch games". That's ok, but which is the top tier of Switch games in your opinion?
Well, I had fun with it, but it didn't last much because the initial number of courses was really disappointing to me, a real turn off. Now with 9 courses (single player), it's much better. At least there's more variety. I'm gonna go back to it
I feel it's in a good spot now after this update. But I think between Aces and now Super Rush, I wouldnt mind if they ditched Story Mode going forward.
I'd much rather some more content with way more replayability, than a mode that kinda functions as an elaborate tutorial with hit-or-miss dialogue.
Way to go Nintendo, make a great golf game even better, great quality games is all that Nintendo makes. Sony could learn alot from Nintendo, the ps5 would not suck so much, with nothing but mediocre games , that is why the ps5 have ZERO AAA TITLES, for the holidays , Nintendo has METROID DREAD, MARIO PARTY SUPER STARS AND POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL REMAKES, just like MARIO GOLF, TRIPLE A TITLES. A FACT , not a fanboy opinion. The Sony media hate that Nintendo makes such great games and give them false scores, Nintendo has DESTROYED SONY IN THE 9TH GEN WAR. the Switch won by a mile and the Sony media cannot stand it. So thank you Nintendo for giving US REAL GAMERS , REAL AAA Quality games, sucks to be the Nintendo haters , but facts are facts. Thank you nintendo.
" Sony could learn alot from Nintendo," <- No to be rude or anything but... the Everybody's Golf (2017) for PS4 is way WAY better than this Mario Golf. Which is a bit ironic, Camelot Software did the first entry for the ps1.
Remember unlocking cool new characters by completing difficult challenges?
It would be 10/10 if it had 4-player split screen. The speed golf is great with 2 players (plus 2 CPU) so would be interstellar with 4 players. I feel, even on launch, it's been too harshly judged against its predecessors, and now in its final form is easily the second best of the series after the 3DS one.
@mariopartyfan68 do you have any objectivity on any subject in here or are you going to play Nintendo cheerleader on every thread. I would think most people who are on a Nintendo site and bought a Nintendo game are more likely supporters of Nintendo versus haters. That doesn’t mean that they can’t objectively be disappointed in this game.
i feel like nintendo has been doing this thing lately where they have one big, fleshed out gimmick/idea, and then make subpar/mediocre side modes to go along side it. usually in an incomplete state and with lukewarm dlc along the year
its been a lame tactic where we have to gamble if the game will be worth its price by time "free updates" are done. a for a lot of people who bought super rush, its still not worth coming back to
Just got done playing the new courses and modes and all I can really say is.... Toadstool Tour is still tops. Super Rush just seems to lack the soul of the prior titles. Since this is the last free update, I can get rid of this game now.
Mario Golf is supposed to be unquestionably packed full of fun. I don't know if this entry is that. On the next entry, I hope they mix up the environments, terrain & weather whilst wacky-ing it up with Mushroom Kingdom motifs, hazards, optional power-ups etc. and yet still remaining very skill-based. Mario Sports games are best when they check most realistic simulation at the 1-1 flagpole and infuse their arcadey-ness more for a unique take on athletics, while also having some good deal of depth too to master.
Also please have a variety of modes, courses, longer courses, minigames, unlocks, characters, cosmetics, options, controls and customization. Single player content or rewards should also be a big focus. Mario Tennis Aces while great in it's core gameplay foundation was severely lacking once you got through Story Mode. That game is pretty much reduced to the same (sometimes barren) online matches now with little else to do if online isn't popping.
... Wun can only hope.
Overall Mario sports games are really underrated. Mario Golf, Tennis, Strikers, 3-On-3 Hoops, + Sonic at the Olympics, but especially Mario BASEBALL/SLUGGERS. I'd also love a robust, online redone Mario Sports Mix collection featuring other sports for Switch!
But fingers 🤞🏾 Mario Super Sluggers ⚾ & Mario Strikers ⚽ are next!
... or a Golden Sun Remastered Collection and/or new entry from Camelot.
... Wun can only hope.
I appreciate the dedication to keeping the game alive with updates and some of it is good stuff like some fun characters (Ninji and Wiggler) and some nice courses to boot. But sadly, this game was ruined from the start for me. The oversimplified controls, weird camera system, lack of core modes and unlockables, and mediocre online really just made this such a disappointment. Mario Golf has always been one of my favorite game franchises and I’m hoping whenever we get another Mario Golf they focus on the classic gameplay and content while improving the online.
Glad my boy Wiggler finally got some love though.
This was the rare first party game that I bought at launch. Bit me in the ass, not having content complete game on cart. At this point, should have gone digital. Still glad for updates though.
Only Mario sports game I would buy is Mario Strikers. Unless they add King K Rool to any of the previous games, then I would buy in a heartbeat
Was Daisy's loosing voice clip fixed or is her sass lost forever?
bought it yesterday - black friday deal for roughly 29 EUR. B-tier discount I guess...
I am forgiving of their release schedule. The fall is too loaded with releases for this to have waited for all the updates. It just feels right as a Summer release.
I was really hoping that this game would get the same amount of love from Nintendo as Aces did. What a shame.
Wonder if Nintendo is updating the version shipped on the cart yet?
Maybe someday the whole game will be on a cart....
Personally I love this game. Best Mario Golf since the N64. The original content was fine but the additions have been excellent. I'm still working on maxing all the characters, got about 4 to go including the two new one. Can't wait to get back into this.
@rockodoodle Tricky to say, because my gripes about the production values are unchanged. But now there is a lot of content with plenty of courses and modes. If I was allowed I'd say 7.5, but it's definitely in the ballpark for 8 whereas, at launch, it was a low 7.
Just my opinion, of course!
@Laserbeak1982 I have no unlocked the new corses, but I think the 3ds golf is really sharp.I like it better…
Real gamer will not talk very bias like that.
I'm not comfortable calling them 'free' updates, and they were planned anyway. Nintendo should have waited to release the full game in the first place. It's almost as bad as code in a box. If they release the full game on cartridge, I'll probably buy it.
Glad they've added a bunch of content. It's a fun multiplayer game for golf gaming fans. Looking forward to trying out these two new courses. Still they treated motion controls as a tacked on feature which leaves this game a little bit of a disappointment as motion controls are by far the best way to play a golf game. And the original courses in the game could have been designed in more interesting ways. Like it'd be cool since you have to run the course in speed golf if there was actual platforming elements. Still a fun multiplayer game that now has a reasonable amount of content.
But with more interesting courses, better motion controls, and a fully fleshed out golf rpg-like single player mode this game could have been something special.
@Anti-Matter Real gamers have their own opinions. No one makes you reply to me.
@sixrings Why does it matter to you? If you don't like my comment, just scroll past. You won't get me to stop replying.
I disagree about this update, Wiggler's noises are awful and ruin the character, the par 3 course looks great but the holes are boring, and All Star Summit is a terribly-designed course that feels like a kid designed it using Mario Golf Maker.
I like this game. Updates have been welcome.
I hope they announce a season pass with half a dozen new courses like World Tour got. That would be fantastic.
@SpacedDuck 60 bucks for golf yeah? 40 is a better deal.
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