We published this survey call-out at the start of August and, with the end of the month fast approaching, we're flagging it one more time before we start tabulating the data into pie charts, bar graphs, and moral alignment tables separating the Lawful Evils from the Chaotic Neutrals. And, you know, how many Joy-Con you've gone through.
Thanks to everyone who's participated so far — and if you haven't, there's still time get involved. Carry on!
With Nintendo Switch now into its eighth year since release and its successor on the horizon, we felt it was about time we collected some statistics about you (our readers) and the system we've all loved during this generation. To do this, we've put together the following survey (that we curated with your help) in which we invite you to complete at your leisure.
Nintendo Life: Switch Summer Survey 2024
All our questions are optional and you can come back to the page at any time. The survey should take you around 10 minutes to complete. Once we've collected the data, we'll present our anonymised findings in an article next month.
You must be 16 or over to complete the survey, if you are under 16 please do not complete the survey... we'll do more in the future, don't worry!
About You (1 of 13)
Knowing just a little bit about you helps give our results important context. These questions are of course optional, but please consider completing them where you feel comfortable.
1. How old are you?
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2. How do you identify your gender?
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3. If you live in the US or UK, in which state or region do you reside?
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4. Do you have any children in your household?
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5. Which of the following ways do you play Switch games with your children?
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Gaming Hardware (2 of 13)
We want to know which Switch system(s) you've had, whether you had any issues and whether you are ready to move on.
6. Which Nintendo Switch(s) does your household own?
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7. Which other non-Nintendo platforms do you own?
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8. Which previous Nintendo systems have you owned?
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9. What size SD card do you have in your Switch?
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10. Have you experienced any of the following issues with any Switch(s) you've owned?
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11. Have you ever had to send your Switch console to Nintendo for repairs?
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12. Have you experimented with modding your Switch's firmware in any way?
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13. Are you ready to move on from the Switch?
Thanks for responding!
14. What is your opinion on the battery life of Switch?
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15. How many amiibo do you own?
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Buying Habits (3 of 13)
This helps us understand some of your buying preferences, are you all digital, all physical, or somewhere in the middle?
16. How many Switch games do you own? (digital vs. physical)
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17. Which factors determine if you buy physical or not?
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18. How frequently do you pre-order Switch games?
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19. Do pre-order bonuses or freebies influence where you buy games from?
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20. How frequently do you buy games at launch / full price?
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21. How frequently do you buy products from My Nintendo Store?
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Nintendo eShop (4 of 13)
What do you think of the eShop? Do you use all of its features?
22. How often do you buy your games from the Nintendo eShop?
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23. Do you have a 'Nintendo Account' set up?
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24. How many friends do you have on your Switch profile?
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25. How often do you use the eShop game 'Wishlist' functionality?
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26. Do you use any other method(s) to track Switch games you're interested in?
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27. How would you rate the experience of browsing the eShop?
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28. What is the worst purchase you’ve made on the eShop?
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Nintendo Switch Online (5 of 13)
What have you made of Nintendo's first subscription service?
29. Do you subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online? If so, which tier?
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30. How often do you play the Nintendo Switch Online classic games apps?
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31. How strongly do you agree that Nintendo Switch Online represents good value?
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32. Do you use 'Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers'?
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33. Do you subscribe to any of the following gaming services?
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Controllers (6 of 13)
Just how many have you had and importantly, how many have drifted?
34. How many (individual) Joy-Con controllers do you own/have owned?
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35. How many (individual) Joy-Con controllers have you had 'drifting' issues?
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36. How strongly do you agree that future Switch hardware must support existing Joy-Con controllers?
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37. How many other (NOT Joy-Con) controllers do you own? (eg. Pro Controller)
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38. What’s your preferred Switch controller?
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39. How often do you use gyro/motion aiming in supported Switch games?
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Nintendo Series (7 of 13)
What are you most looking forward to from Nintendo?
40. Which is your all-time favourite Nintendo series?
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41. What is your favourite Nintendo series you've been introduced to on Switch?
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42. Which of these Nintendo series not yet represented on the Switch would you most want to see return?
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43. A brand NEW game from which Nintendo series would make you buy Switch 2 at launch?
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Nintendo Social Channels (8 of 13)
Where do you currently engage with Nintendo?
44. Do you visit any of Nintendo’s official websites?
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45. Do you follow any of Nintendo's official social channels?
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Nintendo Life (9 of 13)
What about Nintendo Life (that's us!), why do you come to this website?
46. What are your top three purposes for reading/watching Nintendo Life?
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47. How often do Nintendo Life reviews influence your buying decision?
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48. Which of the following do you consider your primary source of Nintendo info?
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49. Do you use the comments section on the Nintendo Life website?
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50. Where do you typically watch Nintendo Direct broadcasts?
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51. Would you like Nintendo Life to recommend games to you based on your games collection/ratings?
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52. Would you be interested in Nintendo Life merch? e.g. t-shirts, etc.
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Gaming Habits (10 of 13)
What type of games do you play the most, and in what display mode?
53. How many hours do you typically play Switch games per week?
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54. Which genre of games do you play most on Switch?
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55. Do you play Switch mostly in docked, handheld, or tabletop mode?
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56. Do you play more single-player or multiplayer Switch games?
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57. In the last six months, have you played any local multiplayer Switch games?
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58. In the last six months, have you played any physical Arcade machines?
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59. How big is your 'backlog' of unplayed games currently?
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60. On average how many games do you complete per year?
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61. What Switch game do you have you logged the most hours in?
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The Future (11 of 13)
Would you, could you, should you?
62. Do you want to see Xbox Game Pass on Switch?
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63. Which system(s) would you like to see a "Classic Mini" Edition of?
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64. Which streaming apps would you use on Switch if they were available?
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Switch 2 (12 of 13)
It's coming, but what do YOU want?
65. Would you be interested in Switch 2 having a Trophy/Achievement system?
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66. Would you be interested in a VR accessory from Nintendo?
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67. What is your most desired feature for Switch 2?
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And Finally... (13 of 13)
Bonus questions that we can't quite believe we're asking you.
68. Have you ever taken your Switch to any of the following?
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69. Do you play your Switch on the toilet?
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70. Have you ever licked a Switch game cartridge?
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Thank you for taking part, it means a lot — you're amazing! The more responses we get, the better the quality of our results.
We look forward to sharing the results with you soon, in the meantime why not share your thoughts on the survey in the comments below?
We've added some new features to these polls, so if you have any problems completing the survey, please tag @antdickens in the comments and we'll try and help!
Please note that your survey responses will be recorded following our privacy policy.
Comments 181
"Why does your t-shirt say Hello There Lovely People?"
@Nintoz if you know, you know.
Nice, I can have my say on the state of Nintendo anonymously (and be negative if I feel like it without nobody knowing ). Nice.
"What is your most desired feature for Switch 2?"
Dual Screen gameplay for true Wii U ports.
leaves a comment for the first time hi … >_> and yeh sometimes I play switch on the loo - I’d be surprised who doesn’t… 😂😂😂 💚
I feel sad now that I never took my Switch to a rooftop party. That was one of the major selling points. Now I'll never be the life of the party like Nintendo Switch Karen.
happy that these are individual ones and not a big survey where you need to answer everything or it doesnt count, that way i can skip the ones i dont remember like the amount of games and also answer the hard hitting stuff like playing switch on the toilet or fine dining with switch carts.
Phew, that was a doozy of a survey, but I appreciated the clean presentation and the ease of filling it out. I look forward to the results!
Why do I love a good, lengthy poll so much? Either way, I’m looking forward to the results and seeing if they really do affect future Nintendo Life in a meaningful way.
I love a good survey, thanks for posting!
Why would anyone lick a Switch cartridge? Do they have hallucinogenic properties?!
Last question needs an extra option for "Multiple times...I don't know why but I just feel compelled to check it's still a thing every now and then"
Also the "what game would you buy a Switch 2 for" should allow multiple answers because honestly for me, 90% of the listed answers.
@Mattock1987 they contain a coating to make them taste horrible: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/03/weirdness_nintendo_switch_game_cards_taste_absolutely_horrible_so_dont_try_to_eat_them
@nukatha Team "the Switch 2 should have two screens!" ftw!
Also thinking that Switch 2 cartridges should come in different flavors.
Why would I want to lick a Nintendo Switch cartridge (or any cartridge for that matter)?
Ya'll weird. O_o
Not sure how I feel about owning 18 Joy-Con, two of which are still functioning properly. I love them as controllers but hope the next system's iteration have much higher quality.
"Which Series would make you buy Switch 2?"
Kinda wish this question had an option to select multiple answers. For me Zelda, Mario, Fire Emblem and Metroid are all franchises I would buy a new Nintendo system for.
@Szcz1989 Nope, 3DS picross for me
@Nintoz Shut up and take my money! I'd but that in an instant.
I wish there was an option for the Switch 2 question to focus on FPS. 4k is kinda meh. I highly doubt Nintendo will put in enough ram for textures to really push 4k well. that's not what they are. I can totally see DLSS being used but mostly to drive 60fps to be rock solid with only a modest bump in spec. Fine to upscale output to 4k, but not even try to target that for internal rendering and all the texture space that would come with that. I'd say not even framebuffer to try to build an internal 4k image. Do that purely on the output.
I'm not sure about "What is your favourite Nintendo series you've been introduced to on Switch?" as I've played all of those series before the Switch.
"Do you play your Switch at a wedding/funeral?"
Isn't that considered disrespectful?
I lick my Nintendo Switch cartridges while on the toilet at funerals.
Don't underestimate me, NintendoLife!!!! If, with a list of options, you ask me if I play in the toilet, the only option I'm ever going to select is EXCLUSIVELY!!!
Higher performance (60 fps) on Resident Evil 5 and 6 in particular (they're better than on Steam Deck because they're actual remasters - 5 even has extra content) would help persuade me into buying a Switch successor. But hot d*** it's still gonna be a hard sell for Nintendo, now that I've played all the PS4 generation games I wanted on my Steam Deck (and not even been that impressed with them generally).
What on earth is Nintendo gonna sell me on a Switch successor when I'm not into their 1st party games? I've already dived extremely deep into the Switch's library of old games. Beyond the Capcom vs SNK games and the upcoming Marvel vs Capcom collection I feel like I've already scraped the bottom of the barrel in that regard.
But it's an industry wide problem really; Sony and Microsoft have even less to offer imo (and I do prefer handhelds - actually haven't played on my PS4 for more than 2 years).
Phew, pretty long survey but I managed to get to the end of it, looking forward to the results!
I'd love to see the results of this survey! and about how many ppl have filled it out
Your survey doesn’t include all parts of the US, leaving our areas like Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and other territories. And I’m not just being pedantic about this, I live in one of these 😟
"You haven't licked one yet a game card..."
"No, not yet"
Ok, i believe that someone need a candy, seriously..
"Play in the toilet"?
Please, no please, no thanks!!
Anyway, You still don't include Smartphones in the survey?, because that answer should be included too (one of my answers was one of those that should be there!), remember that there are games in there, including Nintendo games!!
Well, interesting surway!! ^^
I really want Nintendo to keep innovating and give us something we didn’t know we wanted until we saw it. The Switch is perfect and I will have it forever. I don’t need the next console to be a Switch. Give us the Wii experience in 2025 with something bonkers.
Where was Xbox One in the other consoles question? Just went from Series S to 360.
CHAT who be bringing a switch to a FUNERAL!?💀😭
Give us Nintendo Life merch
T-shirts, mugs, caps, towels, keyrings
the lot
@nukatha Mine is the same. I just want to play Xenoblade X.
Game series that hasn't yet come to Switch but needs to? Wario Land, please! In the hand drawn graphical style of Shake It, but with the mechanics of an old school Gameboy Wario Land – and the story involving Wario becoming a villain again ala Super Mario Land 2, where he has to retake Mario's castle and fight Mario as the final boss.
@TrueBlueYoshi Depends what you are playing
I voted virtual boy mini
Fun Survey! I'm curious what most people's most-played games are. My bets are between Smash, Animal Crossing, and Zelda
@TrueBlueYoshi Alex had a switch setup at his wedding for us to play, so it depends on whose wedding/funeral it is.
We played Smash & Jackbox. Sadly the wedding was not on a rooftop.
I admittedly feel a little self conscious counting my library… I suppose the system is going for 8 years and I’ve been there almost since launch, makes sense I’ve got a sizeable library
I think you guys should have worded the question regarding the quality of Switch Online better. When you say “Nintendo Switch Online”, do you mean with the Expansion Pass or JUST the base subscription? Because I am subscribed to the base subscription, as I think it’s a good deal, but I don’t think I’ll ever sub to the expansion
For those of you who use your Switch on the toilet, fecal aerosol is a thing, you know.
Nothing puts the "fun" in "funeral" like a Nintendo Switch.
Once again, the last answer option on the Switch backlog question is missing a zero.
Great survey, that was fun!
But you forgot to ask:
“On a scale of 0 - 10 how bad is your Switch physical games addiction?” or…
“How many unopened Switch games do you own?”
Personal answer: 10 / too many
I bring my switch to every rooftop party
Ticketing every box on the “what former Nintendo console” question made the biggest smile cross my face. I didn’t realize that I had
Nice survey! Looking forward to seeing the results, it's going to be interesting!
Idk what the plan is to use this data for, but a question that I was surprised to not see was about which third party series were you introduced to this generation
During the past generations many of us Nintendo owners missed third party stuff and the switch has done a fine job rectifying this.
My answer would have been the Ys series
That's a solid no on the game pass question from me. Get out of here Microsoft!!! Nobody invited you!!!
Also, the how many friends do you have on switch question made me sad. I wish I knew people who actually played stuff other than COD and Madden.
No questions on whether you play docked or handheld?
Docked all the way btw.
Also the game I put the most hours into is Dark Devotion Physical, NOT ESHOP. Not that there was an option for physical, grrr.
Great questions!
Fun survey. I'm interested in the results.
Even though it was in the joke category, I'm really interested in the third to last question; I play my Switch on planes and trains and sometimes bring it to a friends house and I am curious how many others do. In general I have always wondered how many people actually play their Switch outside of their own house.
While I want streetpass pretty badly, I want superior performance in docked mode more. Would have loved multiple options on that one.
Licking cartridges… I’ve heard of licking a 9V battery and an even funnier story of touching a 9V to braces. But cartridge lickers are a new bunch.
>"Do you play your Switch on the toilet?"
...What madman does this? What in the world- That's just- No. ^^;
I shant ask what you'll do with the knowledge of my cartridge licking in the folly of my youth.
I am in awe of the number of people in these comments who don't at least understand why licking Switch carts is a question. No judgment, but this was a huge thing when the Switch launched, it baffles me that people don't remember or know about it.
The other consoles possession should be added with PS2 and PS1 because i played these games too.
@antdickens the only problem I encountered with the survey was that the question "Are you ready to move on from the Switch?" was already answered ("Thanks for responding!"), but I never saw the options or had an opportunity to choose one.
Thanks for a fun, comprehensive quiz
@jump Yeah I couldn't answer that one either
@Not_Soos :0
there wasn't an answer that let me tell you that I exclusively lick Switch cartridges on the toilet...
"How many Switch games do you own?"
...looks at giant list of Switch games
Yeah I ain't answering that.
@Not_Soos There's a non-zero chance that someone, somewhere, has this specific kink.
Do you play your Switch while in pool?
No longer, already had one diving…
Little tip: you didn’t mention the Xbox One when asking about other platforms we own. Lovely survey!
@OctoCallie20 Me. I am the madman. I get bored very quickly lol. Even won a few matches of Smash in there
@ScalenePowers Great point! Mine would’ve been Crash Bandicoot, DOOM, and Shantae
In the last six months, have you played any physical Arcade machines?
I just so happened to be in Japan recently so yes but if you'd asked me in the last 15+ years before that, my answer would've been no. Not many arcades around where I live.
@jump At least there was the option for other so I could answer Famicom Detective Club.
@Freek You must have skipped the question by accident, there's definitely a question called "Do you play Switch mostly in docked, handheld, or tabletop mode?".
Removed - offensive remarks
@antdickens Some of my answers were incorrect because the page lagged and I clicked "ANSWER" instead of the option that I wanted. :/
@Mattock1987 why would anyone lick them?
So you guys really consider we have an F-Zero game on Switch? Come on...
I chose Northern Ireland because that's' the region closest and most culturally similar to mine.
In the other consoles i own list why isn't Xbox One a option, but PS Portal (an accessory to a console) is?
This survey was definitely not aimed at someone like me - person who literally owns Switch to give my money to Monolith Soft (least fav. will always remain Chronicles 2, because I hate horny character designs, too old for this ***** to have any appeal to me).
Switch 2 launches with new Xenoblade or any game from Monolith - day 1 purchase, thank you, period.
I took it to a boat party once, rocket league split screen was taking it to its limits, not to mention my eyes 😅
I'm impressed with how thorough the game list is in this; especially with that question about the most regretted purchase. You're going to get thousands of different responses to that one; all of them the most forgettable dregs of the eShop which nobody wants to acknowledge the existence of...
What's the deal with question 70??
@wwwwataboy henry ford once said “If you ask the people what they want, they’ll tell you faster horses”.
i am NOT bringing my switch to a funeral (albeit if people arent playing smash or something at mine im going back to tell em' )
Hahahah why did i read you comment, exactly in his voice. "Hello there, lovely people" a shirt like that would be cool actually.
@JJtheTexan I too had the same problem with the question already being answered for me.
Heha, fun little survey. ^^
That thumbnail image though… every time I pop by the site I see that and think a Direct’s coming. You guys are filling my day with micro-disappointments here…
Why can't I pick F-Zero for game series I want to see on Switch which is not on there yet ? Don't tell me it's because of Switch Online apps, Star Fox is on there and I can pick it anyway...
Also which franchise did you first play on Switch? Well... I picked Splatoon because the second game was the first I bought but then I remembered I had actually tried the Wii U demo of the first game before that so i guess the Switch didn't really make me try any new Nintendo game series... actually no that's a lie, I tried the demo of ARMS on Switch, that's the only NEW Nintendo franchise i can think of on Switch that I did try but... I don't think that was in the list of what you could pick ???
@Szcz1989 The more I hear about people doing this the more I wonder if I'm missing out on something.
@riderkicker Give it a go! It’s not like I sit there for hours btw… Not that dedicated - just a casual loo gamer 😂😅
I have licked a Switch cartridge.
Most desired feature: return of glasses-free stereoscopic 3D
I loved this survey. I hope I passed.
Handheld mode was created for something other than playing on the toilet?
I think I have more pro controller drift than I ever had joycon drift just saying.
I have no drift on any of my Joy-Con or Pro controller. I did have it on my PS4 controller, and I have multiple XBOX ONE controllers that won't charge the battery pack.
@Proud_Nerd You're a far braver and more trusting soul than I, my friend. xD
Too late to change them now, but I needed two definitions.
1) Is an individual joy con just the left (or right) part? I have 3/6, and put 6 on that one.
2) Define backlog. I’ve booted up every game I own at least once, but I wouldn’t consider a fair number of them to be really “played.” I’m guessing that one is an eye of the beholder type answer.
@shgamer I don’t mind if you’re negative about Nintendo.
@FishyS I’m interested in how they’re calculated. I made a misclick and accidentally said I have zero digital games xD
But my physical count was accurate (26) since that’s what I often keep track of
What a fun survey! I am somewhat interested in NintendoLife merch, but only if you make awesome T-shirts with running gags, or fun video game artwork on them. Not interested in just the logo or anything like that.
My backlog is huge and I won't finish it this lifetime, but that's not the point of a backlog, right?
Most desired Switch 2 feature of backward compatibility with both psychical and digital purposes. it's 99% of a deal breaker for me.
I'll probably buy S2 regardless but without this function I'll be very unhappy about it.
I'd love to add some positive feedback for your YouTube/socials team, and just the team in general.
It's people like Kate Gray, Alex, Zion, Felix, Olly... They keep me coming back because they have great, cool insights and are generally a bunch of lovely people.
@garfreek many thanks for sharing, I've passed that on to the video team
@Nintoz I'd buy that t-shirt!
Missing answer for what I most want to see from Switch 2 - more comfortable to hold - both the whole system and the individual joycons (if they still exist)
@ScalenePowers the only console I didn’t tick was the NES because ‘technically’ it was my older brothers.
Every other console I either owned myself, shared with my two brothers, or we had multiples of them.
@MegaMari0 @JJtheTexan - it's because you already answered the question here: https://www.nintendolife.com/features/poll-are-you-ready-to-move-on-from-the-switch
Yo you're wild if you brought a switch to a funeral
@KingdomTears ah. That makes sense.
There are parts of the US that aren't States - including the nation's capital, the District of Columbia - that aren't in your drop down. I had to skip the question because of that
@Szcz1989 do you play docked or handheld on the loo
I brought my Switch to my own wedding. We had it set up at the reception so people could play party games.
I never use the joy-cons which is why mine does not drift "yet".
But the pro controllers I use all the time and they also drift over time. I find it odd that no one else talks about this. Maybe you all just love playing with those tiny little joy-cons.
I would have voted “licked a cartridge more than once, but still never liked it.”
"Have you ever licked a Switch game cartridge?"
Why on earth would I do that? If they say it's incredibly bad, then I'll take it. no need to test it myself LOL
@CadErik I wanted to respond ‘however you want’ 😋 -BUT- maybe not the time or place… 😅 - Handheld… >_> x
Dammit, I answered one of the questions wrong. Could’ve used an option to correct!
Also been made a liar by that last one. I’ve licked a cartridge twice. I didn’t like it. I’m just stupid enough to try it again. 😂
I like that the negative answer to the final question is "no, not yet" - because you're confident enough that everyone is going to try it eventually.
@XiaoShao also the the US state of Canada, where I live 😥
@Aneira I've logged around 1000 hours on Pro controller and never had an issue. Im not saying that disproves your experience, but maybe it's not a widespread issue (all controller joysticks have issues tho).
@FantasiaWHT good point! I'd rather not see a dozen cottage industries for "neccessories".
@sanderev yup ive never had nintendo drift, but i had ps5 drift (fixed it myself but it was pretty nerve wracking).
Already done
Did not lick the cartridge, but did have one between my lips while swapping…..once…..learned not to do that again….
At this point who HASN'T brought their switch to a rooftop party and made your friends watch you play a single player game?
Heh, I've a new one to add to places played: the doctors. What? They take forever getting me in for appointments, so may as well make the best of it.
when i first answered questions did not think it would take that long to finally finish my fingers are numb....
Great survey, looking forward to the results.
this will never happen, but...
I want a dock for Switch (or Switch 2) that will allow me to plug in my 3DS carts and run them on my TV, via an emulator on Switch.
That library is so much fun, but I'm too lazy to emulate it all on my Steamdeck
I have played Zelda on the loo. I was genuinely so engrossed in it I wasn't going to let my bodily functions interrupt my adventure 😆
I would like to stare for the record that the correct name is Super Nintendo Switch, and all other names garbage poopy dumb dumb baby name.
@RubyCarbuncle Last Zeldas I played on the loo were the “Oracle of” twins on GBC
Despite living in Europe, my country (Montenegro) is not represented in available regions, so I can't answer Nintendo Account question correctly. I have to use Croatia, and it is a little bit disappointing. And I can't preorder physical games like other Europeans do. We do not have any official Nintendo games store, so I'm not able to play games on release and have preorder bonuses
I brought my Switch to my workplace to have a nice colleague complete Climb to the beat for me. He did it on first try!
with question 11. While I didn't have to send in my Switch in for repaired I did have to send in my Dock in for repairs as it was failing to display anything. Lucky I had my friend bring his switch and dock with him one day to be able to troubleshot it to make the request easier.
Have I ever played the Nintendo Switch while on the toilet?
Nope, I prefer to concentrate on one thing at a time. I don't need to drop my Switch if my stomach happens to hurt that time.
Have I ever licked a Switch Cartridge?
No & I don't plan to...
Tune in next time for when I accidentally lick my fingers & taste Switch Cartridge flavor.
I had to individually count how many friends I have on Switch, it's 81, one of them is a YouTuber while a few are school friends, most are strangers from Miitomo, Mario Kart Tour, then Pocket Camp & three are my mom's friends (two who I know personally while the other I'm not familiar with) who play Animal Crossing.
I wish the Switch Successor could have a music player, I'd be binging GaMetal... I think the sheer size of the whole thing would cause the successor to explode, lol.
Question 44 (Do you visit any of Nintendo’s official websites?) should have had an other option as from someone outside of the countries listed I do use the official website but of course my local country website
@TrueBlueYoshi The question wasn’t playing your switch at a funeral but taking it to a funeral. I take my switch everywhere 😅
@JJtheTexan same here
I haven’t licked a game card but licked my fingers shortly after. Worst taste ever 😖😅
I'm subscribed Nintendo's JP youtube channel so I can sit there and cry about the things that don't get localized in silence.
God I did not realize when answering that goodies question. I said I was slightly interested but obviously I would buy a Hello there lovely people tee in a heartbeat.
Slightly confused about the controller questions, maybe it should have separated official form third parties? I own 4 joycons and 1 pro controller, but also 2 third party joycons and 3 other controllers including 1 NSO and 2 third parties. I wasn't sure what to answer. I guess the gist of it is that I prefer all the other controllers to the official ones which is the first time this has happened to me for a nintendo console.
Also some of the questions could have used multiple answers such as the favorite series and the games that would make you buy switch 2 and stuff like that.
The last question... LOL. Never.
I got as far as the question about the worst game you’ve bought from the Eshop (or whatever it was) and it wouldn’t accept ‘none’ as an answer so I gave up
Of course I licked a Switch cart! I had to know!
I think my cat still got more bitterant that time she went to take a huge nom out of something I had coated in bitter spray to prevent evil (she spent the next 15 minutes trying to lick her own tongue off, and being an idiot, kept trying to nom it for several more days before deciding to be cat and just knock it over)
Looking forward to the results.
The 'how many' numbers I just filled in a rough estimate because I can't be bothered to count, in part due to the house being a mess at the moment due to rebuilding and junk. But I filled in all the questions.
Now when do we get paid?
@Yosher How about a crisp high-five?
@Elbow I'll take it!
I have licked.
The game I want for Switch 2's launch is Metaphor Re:Fantazio. I'd buy it day one if it was a launch title
@TrueBlueYoshi I'd say it's pretty damn fitting.
What are your top three purposes for reading/watching Nintendo Life?
My answer: "Yes"
No F Zero in Nintendo Franchise you would like to see return on Switch 2 ?
Why do you ask about the worst eshop purchase, but not about the best eshop purchase? ToT
Anyways, what's everyone's worst eshop purchase?
Mine is the Made in Abyss game, but that's 100% on me. I thought I'd be able to tolerate anything Made in Abyss, I was wrong. Still glad I had the experience, just would have preferred getting it with a huge discount.
Made a mistake while answering, thought I was still on the question above it. My favorite Nintendo franchise is Famicom tantei. But I was not introduced to it on Switch, I played on VC on my Japanese 3DS first.
@juxjox My worst eshop purchase is Shephy.
Because the person who used to say now, thankfully, almost never writes any articles.
I can't stand that guy.
There's a few questions that need more elaboration!
One being WHY was it your worst purchase?
OceanHorn was my answer, the reason being: As soon as I purchased it, a physical was announced the next day!
I demand mini virtual boy! With Dragon Hopper and Bound High!
You really should have had one less question. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
One survey options I'd liked to have seen. Can't we at least get the Wii remote/nunchuk back? The Switch and Wii use Bluetooth, so all we would need are the infrared emitters to go near the TV. I bought the Zelda: Skyward Sword and find it impossible to play using the Pro Controller. And the Joy-Cons are too tiny and give me hand cramps (they are a poor substitute).
When is Nintendo going to drop Mario galaxy 2 and Zelda twilight and wind waker and Metroid prime 2 and 3
How dare you make me sit and choose my favorite Nintendo series. On top of that, I mis clicked on Smash instead of Zelda🥲
I really hope we get a better E-shop on Switch 2. im so tired of spending 2 hours sifting through shovelware to find the good games.
Where are the fun little loading screen games? The iconic music?
Nintendo sucked all of the fun out of buying games.
If anyone has actually taken their Switch to a funeral, that is insane.
Hi again, i never comment. I usely comment like 10 years ago.
That was fun, I actually decided to answer all the questions. I guess folks just love sharing their opinions in some way which is what makes polls so attractive.
I would like the Switch 2 to be powerful enough to shut up all the people saying the Switch isn't powerful enough. Plenty of great, well-performing games have been made for the console but it's never enough for some folks... if it can be akin to a portable PS4 or better--like the Steam Deck--and maintain physical media, I see little reason why Nintendo's next hardware won't print money the way the Switch does now.
And they really need to fix the E-shop. It performs horribly and doesn't do a very good job of highlighting actual good games. It needs some sort of rating system so the cream can rise to the top instead of seeing the bombardment of cheap shovelware that gets added every week.
I was wanting to vote for Mother in franchises not on Switch but it wasn't an option. I know that it's story is complete, but I would not mind a collection of the trilogy. Also a collection of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker for Switch would also be nice. I say this even owning both on Wii U.
@Nintoz that is Alex's thing it is his catch phrases
I'd like to think the Virtual Boy Mini would hook up to 3D TVs.
Great survey! Interesting questions and I'm looking forward to seeing the results. And seeing so many comments thinking about the Switch 2 having dual screens is intriguing!
I took the survey and for this old man the Zelda breath of the wild was open world amazing still waiting to pick up tears of the kingdom. However Metroid is my favorite gaming series waiting to play an open world Metroid game please
consider making one.
Gotta lick that cartridge
I love this survey.
Dear god get a new survey tool. I could not make it through that dumpster fire.
This was a very well done survey. Other surveys need to take note.
I can remember from a while back that there was a case of a dog swallowing a DS cartridge, which had to be surgically removed.
With Switch cartridges being even smaller, adding the bitter coating seems like a very sensible precaution.
@antdickens I initially started this poll on my phone but was having trouble and accidentelly pressed submit on an answer I hadn't finished for the "Where do you typically watch Nintendo Direct broadcasts?" Question. I was hoping I could finish it on PC but it seems like its still submitted, is it possible if I could re-submit with a more complete answer?
@TheIrishJackomon I have deleted your response, and you can answer that question again
DOES licking a Switch cart taste good??
@retrokid104 NO, IT DOES NOT!!!!!!
Found this out by accident while switching a game out for one of my kids. Thought it would be ok to hold the cart in my lips while I pulled the other game out of the system, I WAS WRONG! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Probably the most disgusting thong I have ever tasted.
I answered this survey while on the toilet.
That comment along with your profile pick made me laugh so thanks for that my good sir!
@mlt Pleased to hear it!
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