Nintendo Switch Summer Survey 2024

We published this survey call-out at the start of August and, with the end of the month fast approaching, we're flagging it one more time before we start tabulating the data into pie charts, bar graphs, and moral alignment tables separating the Lawful Evils from the Chaotic Neutrals. And, you know, how many Joy-Con you've gone through.

Thanks to everyone who's participated so far — and if you haven't, there's still time get involved. Carry on!

With Nintendo Switch now into its eighth year since release and its successor on the horizon, we felt it was about time we collected some statistics about you (our readers) and the system we've all loved during this generation. To do this, we've put together the following survey (that we curated with your help) in which we invite you to complete at your leisure.

Nintendo Life: Switch Summer Survey 2024

All our questions are optional and you can come back to the page at any time. The survey should take you around 10 minutes to complete. Once we've collected the data, we'll present our anonymised findings in an article next month.

You must be 16 or over to complete the survey, if you are under 16 please do not complete the survey... we'll do more in the future, don't worry!

About You (1 of 13)

Knowing just a little bit about you helps give our results important context. These questions are of course optional, but please consider completing them where you feel comfortable.

1. How old are you?

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2. How do you identify your gender?

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3. If you live in the US or UK, in which state or region do you reside?

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4. Do you have any children in your household?

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5. Which of the following ways do you play Switch games with your children?

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Gaming Hardware (2 of 13)

We want to know which Switch system(s) you've had, whether you had any issues and whether you are ready to move on.

6. Which Nintendo Switch(s) does your household own?

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7. Which other non-Nintendo platforms do you own?

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8. Which previous Nintendo systems have you owned?

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9. What size SD card do you have in your Switch?

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10. Have you experienced any of the following issues with any Switch(s) you've owned?

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11. Have you ever had to send your Switch console to Nintendo for repairs?

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12. Have you experimented with modding your Switch's firmware in any way?

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13. Are you ready to move on from the Switch?

Thanks for responding!

14. What is your opinion on the battery life of Switch?

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15. How many amiibo do you own?

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Buying Habits (3 of 13)

This helps us understand some of your buying preferences, are you all digital, all physical, or somewhere in the middle?

16. How many Switch games do you own? (digital vs. physical)

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17. Which factors determine if you buy physical or not?

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18. How frequently do you pre-order Switch games?

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19. Do pre-order bonuses or freebies influence where you buy games from?

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20. How frequently do you buy games at launch / full price?

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21. How frequently do you buy products from My Nintendo Store?

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Nintendo eShop (4 of 13)

What do you think of the eShop? Do you use all of its features?

22. How often do you buy your games from the Nintendo eShop?

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23. Do you have a 'Nintendo Account' set up?

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24. How many friends do you have on your Switch profile?

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25. How often do you use the eShop game 'Wishlist' functionality?

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26. Do you use any other method(s) to track Switch games you're interested in?

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27. How would you rate the experience of browsing the eShop?

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28. What is the worst purchase you’ve made on the eShop?

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Nintendo Switch Online (5 of 13)

What have you made of Nintendo's first subscription service?

29. Do you subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online? If so, which tier?

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30. How often do you play the Nintendo Switch Online classic games apps?

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31. How strongly do you agree that Nintendo Switch Online represents good value?

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32. Do you use 'Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers'?

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33. Do you subscribe to any of the following gaming services?

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Controllers (6 of 13)

Just how many have you had and importantly, how many have drifted?

34. How many (individual) Joy-Con controllers do you own/have owned?

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35. How many (individual) Joy-Con controllers have you had 'drifting' issues?

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36. How strongly do you agree that future Switch hardware must support existing Joy-Con controllers?

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37. How many other (NOT Joy-Con) controllers do you own? (eg. Pro Controller)

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38. What’s your preferred Switch controller?

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39. How often do you use gyro/motion aiming in supported Switch games?

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Nintendo Series (7 of 13)

What are you most looking forward to from Nintendo?

40. Which is your all-time favourite Nintendo series?

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41. What is your favourite Nintendo series you've been introduced to on Switch?

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42. Which of these Nintendo series not yet represented on the Switch would you most want to see return?

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43. A brand NEW game from which Nintendo series would make you buy Switch 2 at launch?

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Nintendo Social Channels (8 of 13)

Where do you currently engage with Nintendo?

44. Do you visit any of Nintendo’s official websites?

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45. Do you follow any of Nintendo's official social channels?

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Nintendo Life (9 of 13)

What about Nintendo Life (that's us!), why do you come to this website?

46. What are your top three purposes for reading/watching Nintendo Life?

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47. How often do Nintendo Life reviews influence your buying decision?

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48. Which of the following do you consider your primary source of Nintendo info?

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49. Do you use the comments section on the Nintendo Life website?

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50. Where do you typically watch Nintendo Direct broadcasts?

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51. Would you like Nintendo Life to recommend games to you based on your games collection/ratings?

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52. Would you be interested in Nintendo Life merch? e.g. t-shirts, etc.

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Gaming Habits (10 of 13)

What type of games do you play the most, and in what display mode?

53. How many hours do you typically play Switch games per week?

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54. Which genre of games do you play most on Switch?

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55. Do you play Switch mostly in docked, handheld, or tabletop mode?

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56. Do you play more single-player or multiplayer Switch games?

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57. In the last six months, have you played any local multiplayer Switch games?

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58. In the last six months, have you played any physical Arcade machines?

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59. How big is your 'backlog' of unplayed games currently?

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60. On average how many games do you complete per year?

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61. What Switch game do you have you logged the most hours in?

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The Future (11 of 13)

Would you, could you, should you?

62. Do you want to see Xbox Game Pass on Switch?

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63. Which system(s) would you like to see a "Classic Mini" Edition of?

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64. Which streaming apps would you use on Switch if they were available?

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Switch 2 (12 of 13)

It's coming, but what do YOU want?

65. Would you be interested in Switch 2 having a Trophy/Achievement system?

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66. Would you be interested in a VR accessory from Nintendo?

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67. What is your most desired feature for Switch 2?

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And Finally... (13 of 13)

Bonus questions that we can't quite believe we're asking you.

68. Have you ever taken your Switch to any of the following?

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69. Do you play your Switch on the toilet?

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70. Have you ever licked a Switch game cartridge?

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Thank you for taking part, it means a lot — you're amazing! The more responses we get, the better the quality of our results.

We look forward to sharing the results with you soon, in the meantime why not share your thoughts on the survey in the comments below?

We've added some new features to these polls, so if you have any problems completing the survey, please tag @antdickens in the comments and we'll try and help!

Please note that your survey responses will be recorded following our privacy policy.