Last Friday, Swedish-based developer Bertil Hörberg announced his new platform action title Mechsternmination Force would be arriving on the Switch eShop this Spring. The game is described as a cross between the Contra series and Shadow of the Colossus on the PlayStation 2, and will apparently be "a lot bigger" than his previous Gunman Clive releases.

In a surprising update over on Twitter, Hörberg has revealed if you own the Gunman Clive HD Collection on the Switch, you'll be able to play as your favourite monochrome cowboy in his latest release. Take a look at Clive battling a gigantic mech in the tweet below:

Hörberg apparently considered giving Clive a more natural colour palette but decided against it in the end. He also clarified how there'll actually be five playable characters in the game, rather than four, as stated on the fact sheet. However, all characters will play exactly the same. Lastly, was the reveal Gunman Clive and Mechsternmination Force are set in the same universe.

For more information about the game, check out the original announcement.

Are you keeping an eye on this release? Do you own the Gunman Clive HD Collection? Tell us down below.
