
Topic: a glimpse inside the wii remote plus

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because i'm the type of idiot who'll disassemble an expensive controller without hesitation, you guys can see how the wii remote plus works!

the first thing i noticed about the remote plus is that it's harder to open up than a normal remote, which is already tricky to do without damaging it... i don't advise any of you to try it. here it is opened up:

the term gyroscope makes you imagine some mechanical little set of wheels being enclosed, but no, there's nothing obviously different from the normal remote. in fact, here's a comparison: (the normal remote is on the left)

here's another comparison, this time of the underside: (the normal remote is again on the left)

as you can see the differences between the two are surprisingly slight, but if you look closely just below the rumble motor you can see a cluster of chips in the remote plus (on the right) not found in the normal remote, which must be the gyroscope:

when people were wondering how the motion plus could be fit into the remote, they instead should have been asking how the stand alone motion plus itself had to be so friggin big to house just a couple of microchips. there's one other difference to be seen in the size of this chip just above the home, + and - buttons:

this is the remote's memory unit, which from what i've read stores the remote's firmware and save data... it's probably much bigger to accommodate the extra motion sensing business that needs to be processed.

there you have it, that's the remote plus. it seemed much cooler before seeing how little extra is actually going on inside of it, but it's still much better than using the dongle.

Edited on by romulux

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


romulux wrote:

because i'm the type of idiot who'll disassemble an expensive controller without hesitation

Have you disassembled PS3 controllers? Mine seem to be magnets for apple juice and need regular cleaning out to sort out sticky buttons. Those things are absolute pains to put back together. Took me 2 hours the first time and I'm pretty sure things aren't quite how they should be.

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That is freaking amazing! But if its just a couple of microchips why is the Wii Motion+ so big? Very strange, especially since a Wii Remote Plus is the exact same size as a normal Wii Remote... o.0

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If you feel up to it, you should disassem,ble a motion plus plug in thingie and post the results here just to compare. Anyway, that's pretty interesting, and you are really daring to try to do this, lol.

~ I wouldn't D:~


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i'm updating this to say two things-
1- the wii remote plus has significantly better battery life than a normal remote. i noticed it a while ago and after paying attention i'm surprised by how much of a difference there is, to the point where batteries that are down to 2 or 3 bars in a normal remote will give me 4 full bars in the remote plus.

2- the remote looks awesome with the covers swapped-

still haven't found my motion + dongles yet to compare.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


ok I gotta say that swapping the covers like that is pretty impressive, is it possible to just swap the covers like that without completely disassembling the thing? if so, I'd be interested in some sort of a guide on how to do it (if you're feeling up to it anyway)



you don't have to completely disassemble it but there's nothing holding the parts together and they could very well all fall out. it's not hard to put them back in correctly, the real challenge is getting the top off.

unscrew the four screws in the battery compartment with a tri wing driver (estarland has them). the lid will still be held on by two locks on either side of the IR camera/D pad end of the remote and they are hard to open. some people recommend gently pressing a small flathead screwdriver between the top and bottom to release the locks, other people say to just pull up the top lid until it releases. i wish i knew what method nintendo used to open these gracefully... either way, you run the risk of damaging or breaking something and you can kiss your warranty goodbye.

if you get the lids off safely then pay attention to how everything is arranged inside. take the color lid you want, flip it upside down, and load all the buttons you want to use in. there's no way to get it wrong since each button has different wedges and will only fit into its proper hole. you then have to put the pads in (the spongy things on the left in the first photo), there are only three of them and they only fit one way so it's again pretty straightforward.

once the lid is loaded with all its buttons and pads you hold it steady and lower the rest of the remote onto it, it'll clamp right together and you can put the screws back in and test it out. it's very easy aside from getting the locks open, so it's up to you whether you want to try it.

Edited on by romulux

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


romulux wrote:

either way, you run the risk of damaging or breaking something and you can kiss your warranty goodbye.

That ship has LOOOOONG sailed... considering I got my Wii in 2007, lol, and I do have some experience with this, seeing as I've taken my console apart before (when the disk drive went bad and I attempted a diagnosis before shipping it off to get fixed, though, both my wii remotes are white, I should get a black one now to try this with I think, lol, thanks for the walkthrough

and yes obagiseler, it was a wii remote plus, but also there's a comparison picture with a normal wii remote

Edited on by NX01Trekkie1992


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