
Topic: Monster Hunter: World

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It's everything I wanted it to be...

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D


I'm sticking to solo for now. Probably going to play most of the game solo, actually, just because of how they have it set up with no separate MP quests. When I get into higher rank and get a good endgame armor set I might start playing online.

I'm starting to really like the scout flies. As I play more, it's becoming evident how useful they are in highlighting plants and items, and I'm really warming up to the whole tracking mechanic. I've also realized it's more in depth than they led on. I like how you level them up and you gain new abilities over time. It works pretty well, actually.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@Tsurii I think those are the same thing. There are cutscenes, but nothing long at the start.

I played up to Anjanath and system transferred to Rath Pro, so I'm waiting to get back to it. Digging the updates to the story so far, even if it's still kinda corny.

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


I really like the SOS thing. I had a quest that was a bit much and just shot up a flare and had people jump in within a minute. Pretty cool. It's nice to not have to quit and restart for people to join.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D


I've been playing this on the OneX all day, but haven't been able to find a single online match. No one has joined my hunts either, nor respond to my SOS. Is the online community really that dead on the OneX?



@SuperWeird well seeing as about only 400 people bought that console, there's probably only about 10 people who bought this game including yourself.



Okay but there's like 25 million people that bought a XOne; none of those people bought MH and none of them are playing online on a Friday eve? If that's the case this game must have flopped hard on the X.



So I caved in. I bought the Monster Hunter pro bundle. A friend of mine decided to get the game, so that was the final straw. I never bought 2 consoles(minus 3ds) up until now so that feels weird. I might pick up some odd titles here and there for cheap, but this is pretty much going to be my Monster Hunter machine. I hope it doesn’t disappoint.

Edited on by JoyBoy


3DS Friend Code: 3754-7789-7523 | Nintendo Network ID: Longforgotten


Alrighty then created the most pink-haired, bearded guy that I‘ll end within a few hours of playtime I could. And the most adorable little Pelico I could. Was on an expedition to set up a second campsite in the Ancient Forest. After half an hour of exploring, I finally found the campsite and had to hunt that big bird thing. Birdie was already limping on his last leg but somehow managed to flee from me for another 30 mins. I always was hot on its tail but I always got distracted by Jagras, a Great Jagras and that Arjun-something dino. Was shooting stones at it, finally cornered it and took it down with two swings of my Dual Blades. Jeez, thing‘s tougher than it looks.

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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-8427-0621-0325, Username: Montillo
PSN: Montillo88

Nintendo Network ID: Montillo


@SuperWeird You'd be surprised how little these 'Japanese' games sell on Xbox. If I remember correctly Tekken 7 did 85% of its sales on PS4 the rest were on XB1 & PC. Tekken is much easier to just pick up and play than MH and has brand recognition on those platforms.

I'm looking forward to the numbers. I do feel like this will be the most commercially successful Monster Hunter game to date.
They had over 10 million Beta testers on only PS4 & then there are people like me that don't even bother with Betas. Assuming only a third of them pick it up and adding the other platforms to that, this could be the best selling MH game to date.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@SuperWeird Yeah XBONE isn't gonna have as big of a player base as PS4 is.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I don't expect it to be as populated as the PS4, but you'd think at least a few people are on the X. The fact that I spent 11 hours playing MH today and couldn't find a single other person online seems statistically impossible. Maybe it's launch day server issues. I can't be the only person on earth who bought the X version.



That can't be right. I got it on X1 (although I just progressed to where I can play online and then switched back to the PS4) and my friend got it on X1 and he was playing with his friends on X1, and my old MH3U hunting buddy... he has an X1 and I know he's playing.

But keep in mind, X1 players, by and large, will be new players. Might need to give some time for everybody to learn the ropes before they jump online.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@SuperWeird @JaxonH

I’d like to second this. I also believe there’s server issues going on with the Xbox One version. I also couldn’t find any online matches in ten hours of game time. I looked for some of the SOS flares to jump in and help out but came across nothing. Also not a single online game to matchmake into. Most definitely has to be server related.

I’m yet to try today though, but will do tonight.

Edited on by Imerzion

Switch Friend Code: SW-5926-6203-0027


Ah, good to know. Hopefully it gets resolved soon. Thought maybe I was doing something wrong. Loving the game otherwise, but waiting to test the online multiplayer before I recommend it to a family member. @JaxonH



I used that PS4 pre-order code you posted earlier, if that's ok. I can buy a game digitally for you or send a PSN card or something if you want compensation for it. I pre-ordered my copy of MHW at Best Buy, said there would be a code but I didn't get one.



Ok, gotta say it. I don't like the revised skill system... I don't like it at all! I want to gem in decorations, I want to equip talismans with slots, I want to strategically gem out negative skills and activate positive skills, I want to have a skill that's fully powered once activated (not "Level 1 out of 7").

I did see the game tell me my weapon had "no slots" when upgrading, but I don't know what it means because there is no Decorations option in the forging menu. And even if there was, how would they work without point values assigned?

They fixed something that wasn't broken here. Same with the Multiplayer. The older games actually had a better multiplayer experience. It's funny- The things I thought would bother me before the game released... it turns out I like most of them (tracking and scoutflies is really fun, actually). And the things I thought would be just a minor nuisance or didn't foresee at all (skill system and MP)... have turned out to be major bummers. I can only hope there are some form of decorations and talismans and melding pot later in the game, although... I'm not sure how it would work. I know there's charms, like the fair wind charm, which grants skills... I don't know. Maybe decorations could add levels of skill... not 100% like traditional system but, it would be better than nothing at all.

I was giving it away. By all means, take it and use it!

I didn't know you were into Monster Hunter, btw. Did you play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate before selling the Wii U?

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I actually haven't been a huge Monster Hunter fan. Played some Tri on the Wii near the time it launched, never finished it, however, did enjoy what I played. Over the years considered getting back to the series but never did. Now though with a slightly fresher approach and being on PS4 (still my primary platform though Switch has given it a run for its money) I figured I'd give it another try. The rave reviews all over the place certainly helped.

Edited on by Gamer83



Ya, MH has usually scored well (think World is only 5 points higher than MH4U was) but it is easier to get into, less tedious, and has fantastic graphics (which I know you are not a graphics and neither am I, but gosh dang if it isn't nice finally playing the game with modern graphics- heck, just moving to HD from the 3DS with MHXX was enough to get me piping hot with excitement).

It's a great series though. One of my all time favorites. Fire Emblem, Xenoblade and Monster Hunter. What else does one need?!! And by the end of this year, we'll have had a brand new entry in all 3 of those series, all within a 12 month time span.

Edited on by gcunit

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

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