
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Rumor and Speculation Thread

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@gcunit Ironically, there are a lot of internet threads about whether a 3DS can fit in a pocket and/or whether it can without damage. There was even one a few years ago on NintendoLife:

But yes, you definitely inadvertently created a tangent 😝

I am skeptical there is really much of a market for 'pocket' consoles (as opposed to handhelds) ; to the extent that category exists, phones seem to own it. I doubt Nintendo would bother competing in that space.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


There’s at least enough of a market that multiple Chinese firms can regularly pump out revisions to pocket handhelds that can only play old games with bad graphics,

Nintendo also did their own test of the pocket system market with the Mario Game & Watch system. It must have done well enough because they issued a Zelda version a year later.

I also think the Asian market takes very well to small systems (when Sega did their game gear mini for Japan they were practically microscopic), so I think that market alone could be enough for a renewed effort to put out a pocket system from Nintendo.

But then I don’t think it’s the marketplace that’s stopping Nintendo on this front, I think it’s simply their own R&D finding the right technology that also fits within their communication. The Switch Lite showed that, and definitely they could come back with an update on that



@NinChocolate surely no one actually carries a game and watch around in their pockets?? I feel like people bought them because they are a neat display item. 😅 Also, they are a bit thick for pockets and could easily be scratched; for a limited item, I would be scared to harm it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Yeah, as much as I'd like a truly pocketable console that can run more modern even just indie-like games and 2D stuffs..... I'm happy with my Anbernic 35XX+ with GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, some N64 and occasional single screen non-touch friendly DS

Oh, and Cave Story, DOS shareware nostalgia, Sega Master System, Mega Drive....

You get the idea

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@FishyS well hey, as long as Nintendo sees fit to make them I don’t care what people do with their handhelds, stick them on their shelf or beside their throne, lol



Time Extension just put up a post that Ayaneo will be showing two new handhelds based on the game boy and game boy micro. The market is there for sure. But as said, I don’t think Nintendo is waiting on that aspect of it



If it was up to me personally, I’d have the engineers in Kyoto fit the switch into the dimensions of the vita 2000, not any more, but with an extra contour for the triggers. Boom. And if an oled screen can be stuck in there too, bing bang perfection



I'd be interested to see what price point the Switch 2 will come in at, and what people feel like they'd be prepared to pay. I think it's one of the big potential banana skins for a console launch. I'm certain it'll be priced more than the current OLED (£310 €350 $350 approx) but I'm not sure how much higher Nintendo will go.



Well, a brand new original Switch price is at around 400 dollars CAD base price, and a brand new Oled switch is roughly 450 CAD (both according to Nintendo’s website) I imagine since the demand is so damn high for this new console, at base starting price, Nintendo could get away with something like 550 CAD so it isn’t too expensive, but makes sense considering the amount of extra strength the new console most likely holds over the original switch

[Edited by TheBigBlue]

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


Everyone (almost) here forgets that...
3DS, Wii U, PS3, Saturn botched its launch despite being a huge jump from its predecessor. because they were all expensive at the launch.

Well 3DS and PS3 recovered a bit after some heavy price-cut, but were nowhere close to their predecessor NDS and PS2.
Switch was a huge success because of its price.

$350 is max, but I think that they won't launches a base "Switch 2" for anything higher than $300, while a "premium" version will cost $350. Don't forget that Nintendo isn't like Microsoft/Sony/Valve etc. Nintendo has always (almost) been about being affordable.
Heck, even Gamecube which were so much more powerful than PS2 were really cheap. N64 was also pretty affordable despite insane specs for that time, 93.6Mhz vs 30Mhz, 4MB RAM/8MB with expansion pak vs 1MB RAM and numerous otherpizzazz which PSX could only dream about. Well that N64 were cartridge based actually made it cheap, but still those specs were absolutely insane at its time.

It will be interesting to watch everyones reaction when they realizes that every so called leaks were faked so fast when Nintendo fully unveils their next console.

It happened before especially with NX and Project Reality.
Project Reality which latter became Ultra 64 and then changing its name again to N64 were so insanely hyped up from the gaming press. It was like 2-3 console generations ahead from what N64 actually became in the end.

99.9% of leaks are not real. Seriously every "Switch 2" leaks has beens so vastly different from every "leakers", it was either at like Switch Pro level, PS4 level, PS4 Pro level or PS5 level.
Don't trust on anyone until Nintendo opens their mouth. "Pyora" had 100% wrong everything about "Switch 2" this so far.

It will 100% be different from all "leaks" just like with NX and Project Reality.



@Keman Pyoro hasn't said anything regarding Switch 2. Their leaks are only about impending video announcements/Directs, of which they have a 100% track record due to said nature of the leaks.

I'd be willing to bet that the leaks we've heard about Switch 2 are pretty much all correct.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


It'll be slightly more expensive than the OLED but I don't expect them to put much "clear air" between the two.

Presumably they'll retire the vanilla Switch and very slightly lower the OLED price. I can't see the Switch Lite disappearing. If they kept the 2DS around for years as an access point into the Nintendo ecosystem they'd be stupid not to keep Switch Lite alive.

I've always thought that they should bundle something in digitally with the Switch Lite (Mario Kart or Mario Wonder would be logical choices) whilst keeping it at the same price to make it a more attractive prospect and to really push it into the "I want a toy for my kids but I probably don't want to ever pay extra for them to have more games" market. The software sales from capturing that market might not be worth it but I'd always argue that you get the console in hands and played and you're halfway there to a future software sale - even if it doesn't seem immediately likely.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6338-4534-2507


I'm expecting $400 honestly. Seems like a good sweet spot.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


I'd be shocked if this puppy is under $350.



$400USD, $600AUD

And they'll likely shuffle around the Switch lineup to make it more appealing to lower budget consumers. I don't expect Switch, especially the Lite, to disappear from shelves anytime soon

edit: Also I didn't really think inflation needed to be pointed out given how the global market is. But here in this thread some people are setting their price expectations for Switch 2 based on Switch and even older consoles. So I guess it does need to be pointed out afterall

[Edited by skywake]

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Amazon's US site, in case anyone didn't know, made pre-orders unavailable for upcoming games such as Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. It has been closed ever since that happened about 2 months ago, saying that it's currently unavailable.

Several weeks later, many people reported that their pre-orders cancelled on Amazon US. Both the cancellation and the unavailability have affected not only Paper Mario TTYD, but seemingly Luigi's Mansion 2 HD and Endless Ocean: Luminous as well.

Recently, it has seems Amazon US also shut down being able to get eShop cards. This was likely a huge money-maker for Nintendo as US is a key market, and that's how many people got eShop currency. (Another website has reported this)

This is getting increasingly worse. We currently don't know what Nintendo/Amazon is doing. However, this does effect the Switch and could imply some partnership issue.

[Edited by PikminMarioKirby]

A NintendoLife user that could talk about Kirby, Pikmin, Mario RPGs, or upcoming Nintendo stuff for hours without getting bored


As much as people like to complain about them, I've used Gamestop for all of my big preorders, both software and hardware, and I've never had an issue. I've preordered stuff to be delivered through mail and to pick up at my local Gamestop, and it's always gone smoothly.

Amazon is nice for a lot of stuff, but I tend to stick to specialty stores when I care about the product, even if it's a few bucks more.

Yea I'm seeing 400 bucks for this. On the down low, I wouldn't be surprised at 450, really, though I do think that would be a massive mistake. Maybe they'll do a premium SKU at 450.



I really don't know where to place the Switch 2 price wise. The OG Switch launched mid generation compared to 'rival' consoles and was less powerful and cheaper than them from what I remember. If they pull the same trick this time then PS5's are currently available at $400-500. So to be cheaper they'd have to undercut that.

Maybe they don't feel they need to now as the Switch is the more desirable and profitable device, or maybe a potential Ps5 Pro later this year will put the Switch in a better looking position for price. Or all this is just wistful thinking hoping that the new device will be in reach for lower budgets!

[Edited by Coversnail]



I think 350 - 400 USD will be the price of Switch 2, the best case scenario would be for OLED Switch to be discounted at 300 USD, Switch 2 basic at 350 USD, and Switch 2 OLED at 400 USD, but this sounds too good to be true (i really don't want to go back to LCD screens, please Nintendo).



Yea, I can see something like:

Lite - 100
Switch 1 (while it lasts) - 150
Switch 1 OLED - 250
Super Switch regular - 350
Super Switch extra crispy - 450


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