
Topic: Your gaming orientation

Posts 21 to 40 of 40


I didn't limited myself.
Read my whole first post.
I play three of them, Nintendo, PlayStation and XBOX games.
I have GBA, NDS, Wii, Wii Wii U, Switch games from Nintendo.
I have PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP games from PlayStation.
I have XBOX and XBOX 360 games from Microsoft.
But if I measure which side I'm leaning toward currently, I think I have more PlayStation side currently than Nintendo and XBOX sides.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@Zuljaras All threads are made for attention, so let's keep this friendly, huh?

You may be overlooking the nuance in this thread. Most of the posts so far explicitly reference the fact that we own multiple platforms from different manufacturers, no-one seems to be trying to justify purchases in a defensive manner.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

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Anti-Matter wrote:

I didn't bash anything.
I only measure how big my interest in gaming between Nintendo, PlayStation and XBOX.
I have three of them and if I measure my orientation currently, I still have more hype from PlayStation games.

I didn't say you bashed anything. You can hype and orient yourself however you like.



@Anti-Matter Oh no I wasn’t talking about you lol. I was kinda just speaking in to anyone who might pick a vary specific platform to play on (not counting anyone that just can’t get another platform, just those that choose not to because they might dislike Sony or Microsoft or something because your a big Nintendo fanboy), i know it sounds like i speaking towards you, but trust me, there’s no way you are limiting when it comes to consoles lol.

[Edited by Snatcher]

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

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No need to insult of flame others, let’s keep it constructive and on topic please.




Nintendo has the most unique exclusives, they never land on any other platform and they tend to be of a super high quality. So I'll always buy Nintendo's hardware

Outside of that? It's the software stupid. Who cares where it is played? The end result is generally the same. So I go with PC given the hardware can do more than just games and can be repurposed after the fact. Last decade's gaming PC is today's server. I need a PC anyways so why would I buy something else? Seems like a waste of money

The only exceptions are mobile and VR. Some experiences can only exist on very specific hardware. So you need specific hardware for them

I don't buy into the idea that this is somehow part of my "identity". I don't have brand loyalty. I think such notions are childish

[Edited by skywake]

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


I don’t pick sides. It’s beyond ridiculous how some grown adults get so mad if a game goes to a different console/machine (Sony to PC for example). Like why does it matter.

Not directing this to you Anti-Matter, more of my frustration lol.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2910-0073-1053


Ultimately the hardware is just a computer. Maybe the accessories, form factor and services are slightly different but really it's just a computer. A computer that runs software

That software? Ultimately it's just some dude somewhere writing it. Spread out amongst multiple dudes across multiple years. Some of it reused and some rewritten. But really, just dudes clacking away at keyboards

Then on-top of all of that there's boxes called teams, companies, licencing, products and so on. Which is all just meaningless fluff once you're at the point of actually running the software. The CPU doesn't care about licencing or brand, it just runs the calculation

This fluff is apparently what we should be animated about? Meh. And an even louder meh when it's literally the same game ported. I don't care about that fluff, is the software good or not?

[Edited by skywake]

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


I'm mainly a Nintendo gamer, but I've owned a couple of other consoles throughout my life.
The first non-Nintendo console I owned was a Sega Dreamcast. After that, I also bought a PS2 and Xbox. Most of my time went to N64 and GC though. The PS3, Vita and Xbox 360 were the last non-Nintendo consoles I owned. Since then, I sometimes play non-Nintendo games on my gaming laptop.

Nintendo Gamer & Movie Enthusiast


I'll play any game that looks fun or cool regardless of platform. I was facinated by videogames from very early on. I'm not picky about who's got the better graphics or power or which system is more popular. I just wanna game and gaming is what i'll do. I was always a Nintendo kid at heart though. They made me fall in love with the hobby in the first place. I don't care how uncool or kiddy they may appear to kids today but i'll always wanna try new things from the ones that made gaming cool to begin with.

[Edited by Truegamer79]



I think people are missing something here. Owning a vidya game system doesn’t make you cool so these arguments of what system you own are pointless. If you really want to be cool start smoking, get some tattoos and wear a leather jacket!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Removed - disrespecting others



Gaming orientation is not that bad as you think.
I have an idea to getting know which side peoples have hype from video gaming currently.
I believe some peoples have PlayStation side currently due to having more hype with PlayStation games, some peoples have Nintendo side, other peoples have XBOX side or PC gaming side.
My hype currently on PlayStation side since I get motivated to play more PS4 games, but it doesn't mean I suddenly forget about my Nintendo games. I still play Nintendo games sometimes, but I admit I have more hype on PlayStation since last year.
And if I measure my gaming orientation with some quantity numbers, it obvious my hype on PS4 is more than 90% while my hype on Switch is around 40%.



Ah I'm glad we're open to a wide variety of gaming orientations. About time we break that glass ceiling.


But seriously, I'm mostly into Nintendo, but will dabble enough with other things. I'm very curious about Yeah, games.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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Pretty simple for me, based on how much I use their hardware: Nintendo --> Playstation --> Xbox

The consoles I use the most are Switch, 3DS, and PS Vita, in that order (I also have a PSP, but after playing a Vita, the PSP feels like a cheap toy to me). I'm a handheld gamer and that is where Nintendo really shines, IMHO.



So, how is your gaming orientation currently?
Are you still on Nintendo train or you have moved to PlayStation / XBOX / PC train for more interesting games than Nintendo?
I still on PlayStation side as my hype with PS5 machine is currently built and I became less interested with my Switch games recently.
I still on PlayStation side due to my 3rd party gaming orientation as I still like to play a lot of 3rd party games on PlayStation machines.
Currently my hype meter of PlayStation vs Nintendo = 80 % vs 20%

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@Anti-Matter I've played more on Xbox this year than I have on Switch, but not really because I prefer one over the other. Just happens that when I've picked the next game I wanted to play from the backlog it happened to be on another platform. My 'main' game at the moment is actually 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim on Switch, which is the game I've enjoyed most this year.

In terms of buying games, I've bought the roughly same amount on Switch & Xbox this year, but I've actually bought more on Game Gear than any other platform this year - I guess the hype for my Analogue Pocket arriving was too much!

I did also consider getting a PS5 around Black Friday as there were some ridiculously good deals in the UK with retailers trying to clear stock for the 'slim' but my Pocket had just recently arrived and didn't want to risk the wrath of my wife with "another console I don't need". 😅 I'll wait until next year when the deals start appearing for the slim or rumoured pro.



I'm currently on the "games I missed because I spent most of the year playing Zelda" train. It's a long train. One of those "better turn off your engine; you'll be sitting at this crossing for a while" type trains.



I normally stick with Nintendo as my primary. Growing up, I was on both team Nintendo and team Sega. Honestly, I'd be ecstatic if Sega got back into the console market (or even the portable gaming market).

I'm kind of off and on with Playstation, it just depends on the games that the system has.



My childhood kind of went back and forth between Nintendo and PC and my adult life mostly has too. I inherited a PS2 at one point but never played it much and never played any other PS or Xbox console. During the Wii era I was combination Nintendo/PC and during the Wii U era I was near 100% PC. At the moment (and for the last few years) I have been near 100% Nintendo.


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