
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@Tyranexx No rush with Animal Crossing, but you should really get it. It's such a relaxing game, so it's the perfect solution to unwind after a stressful day or situation.

Anyway, as for NSO: once you have a game that needs it, such as Animal Crossing, you can take a free 7 day trial, which will be renewed into a one month subscription automatically, if you don't cancel it, or if you find out you like it, you can of course also extend the trial into a full 12 month subscription. Either way, you can at least try it out for free first.

@Anti-Matter Local multiplayer in Animal Crossing does not require Nintendo Online, but playing over the internet with players in other locations does.

@Link-Hero No rush, I'll see you appear whenever you'll get to it.

@Heavyarms55 Ah, dust...
Man, don't get me started, because I simply HATE dust. It's exactly like you said: you clear the dust off of any surface, and within no time at all, it's back again.

I wish I had the money to afford a housekeeper...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@Tyranexx Oh, and concerning the wildlife movies, those are mostly from the BBC Earth series. Got a couple of other documentaries from various labels, but most of them are BBC Earth.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX I've imagined having a housekeeper, but my borderline crazy distrust of people I don't know well would make me... uncomfortable... having someone going through my space cleaning, even if I were that wealthy.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


Today I saw something funny that I wanted to share with you guys.
In my local market I saw those chocolate treats. The exact translation is "Little (N-word) kids".



@NintendoByNature It is exactly that. It is in Bulgarian. Here we are allowed to say that actually as it is NOT used as an insult but to describe the person.

Black man = N-word and it is common in our country NOT as an insult. This is Murica and some other big countries problems.

"Негърче" = Little N*****.

In Bulgarian we can transform the word "Little" directly into the word. That is why it is one word.

It is just funny. Well dark humor funny but still

[Edited by Zuljaras]


@Zuljaras wow. It's the same thing with what England refers to a cigarette. In America, the term would be vulgar



Woo Hoo !!
I have finished two games on this Saturday. 😄
One was Ratchet & Clank PS4.
Two was Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond Wii just now and i have rescued Darkrai after getting first Credit Roll. 😁
Now i can relax and play them again optionally just to finish the optional challenges.



@Heavyarms55 Oh, I'd have the same issues but if I had the money to hire a housekeeper, then I'd also have the money to make sure nothing weird happens with my personal belongings, or to make sure that it is clear that she should not try anything. But of course, that's all just daydreaming, and before long, I'll have to get to these boring tasks again. Oh, well... a man can dream...

@Zuljaras We've got something similar, although our product got "socially sanitized"...

These things here are what I'm talking about:
The name of the cookie/pastry (which is a chocolate-coated marshmallow on a tea biscuit) translates to "negro kisses", and they've been called that for AGES. Ever since I've been alive, and well before that, because even my grandmother knew them when she was little.

But of course, in today's highly sensitive, always insulted PC age, literally EVERYTHING has to be put under a microscope and dissected and weighed for its virtues and/or vices, and if the scales tip towards the latter, then the product must either be completely removed altogether, or renamed/relabeled.

And as such, this rather tasty treat is now just called "zoenen", which translates to "kisses":
Because this particular brand (Buys) has the monopoly on both the old and the new name, they are also available as "choco kisses" or "sweet pillows" from other brands, to name but a few examples.
They're all still the same color, though, so for me, they're still what they used to be called...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX Hahhaha nice! I also saw chocolate biscuits called "Negrita" but I did not take a photo as I thought it is because they are named after the color black in Spanish.

You are right, we live in a "woke" world where everything is deemed offensive


ThanosReXXX wrote:

@NintendoByNature @Tyranexx @HobbitGamer @WoomyNNYes The gates are open. Feel free to visit my crappy excuse for an island...

@thanosrexxx sorry I don't play stupid games. ;p I don't have Aminal Crosting Bored out of my mind. Hot af too. I still don't have power..lost it Wednesday evening. I'll post a pic of a big tree snapped over when i get power. Trees snapped all over the place. We set wind speed records. Highest wind speed ever recorded in the area, 84pmh? It's almost like there's more energy in the atmosphere these days (thinking emoji).

I may get animal crossing someday...

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Wow, where do you live? That storm sounds pretty bad.

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


@BabyYoshi65 western philly burbs. Some of the gnarliest wind and tree thrashing I've ever seen. Granted, I've never seen a tornado. I was standing by the basement door, ready to take cover. I think I heard the "freight train" roar of the wind that people talk about, that have encountered tornadoes or deadly storms. I was like, "holy s___, i think that's the sound".

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@Link-Hero Well, I don't know when I'll be on, but we're on a 6 to 8 hour time difference, but the gates are open, so you can visit whenever, if you want. And if you have anything else than oranges, which is the only fruit I have on my island, then you're more than welcome to leave some behind... .

@WoomyNNYes Infidel!
I didn't remember everyone that I added to my friends list anymore, also because most don't use the same name as on here, so I tagged you just in case. Never mind, then.

You really should try it some day, though. Like I said to Tyranexx before, it's the ultimate stress unwinder, and from what you've now told me, it sounds like you actually could use some stress relief.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@Link-Hero Yeah, I still have weeds on some parts of my island, but I don't mind having to remove those myself, so unless you get something out of it that's beneficial to you, you don't need to do my work for me, but thanks anyway, and thanks in advance for the fruit. I'm hoping to return the favor with whatever, but I still have to get a lot of stuff up and running, such as the museum, so for now, I don't really have all that much to offer, but I'll make a mental note to remind myself.

[Edited by ThanosReXXX]

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@Link-Hero Dodo code is 31VY7.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX and anyone else reading. Yeah, I plan on trying Animal Crossing at some point. I'm "SpaceDandy" in your friends w/ green splatoon icon. Boy, that was a long three full days without power. My bedroom temp is 85 at the moment, just turned the air conditioning back on. I ended up sleeping on the inflatable mattress, since those are much cooler to sleep on than a bed with thick insulation.

There was a giant tree across a main road by me, with downed power lines, and the top half of a telephone pole hanging in the air from some power lines that hadn't fallen somehow. It was shocking that more than two days had passed, and no crew had come to clean it up. Someone cut just enough branches for a narrow spot where cars from both directions could take turns getting around the tree. It was an impressive sight, but such a dangerous place on the road, I couldn't stop the car to take photos. The only place to park the car had the hanging power lines, which, I didn't want to screw with that.

I still can't believe my power is on.

Here's a few photos. The snapped tree is impressive. The other massive tree that snapped in the photos is tough to see with all the leaves. The other pick is the view down the trail toward where the local cows<33 are - broken limbs laying around in the grass. And that's a pic of my niece in the silly meme I made.

@BabyYoshi65 Here's some pics

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Wow, that’s massive damage. I had a rainstorm this morning, but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as this.

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho. It’s off to work (from home) I go.


Quite a storm you must have had, @WoomyNNYes.... Hope things are better now

Steam: Bruce_CM

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