
Topic: Analogue Slider or Traditional Analogue Stick

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I'm loving the slider pad on the 3DS but is it better than a normal analogue stick.
What are your thoughts?

3DS Friend code : 2878 9572 9160 PinkSpider
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Wii U I.D : PinkSpider


Analog sticks > stupid slider pad things.

As long as they're full size (unlike the Vita's or GCN's c-stick). The DualShock line has my favorite.

...Actually I'd still prefer them over annoying slider things.

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


I like both equally. The way the analog stick moves feels great and "lets me know" how hard I'm pushing it. The Circle Pad gives pretty much the same feel for me (albeit in a 2D plane) and it saves space.

I own a PS1, GBA, GBA SP, Wii (GCN), 360, 3DS, PC (Laptop), Wii U, and PS4.
I used to own a GBC, PS2, and DS Lite

I'm on YouTube.

I promise to not derail threads. Request from theblackdragon

I pro...

3DS Friend Code: 4639-9073-1731 | Nintendo Network ID: kyuubikid213


I love the 3DSes slider pad, nice to use and feels nice on your thumb. However, I prefer the 360s analog sticks, feels the most comfortable for me.

The Classic Controller is too tall and feels rather horrible to use. The GCN controller is nice, but again, it doesn't fit right with my thumb anymore.

Overall, the 3DSes is the nicest slider I've used on a portable and the 360s stick is the nicest slider for a home console

Origin: chrisd1080
Steam: Chris720 Chris720
uPlay: Demonic720

Nintendo Network ID: Chris720 | Twitter:


At first I wasn't overly impressed with the 3DS's Circle Pad... but over time it has really grown on me.
I'm happy with either if they're done well enough.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


I generally like the slide pad more,but I find it hard to imagine playing games like the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword with a slide pad.


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