The Leisure Suit Larry games are one of those things no one really admits to liking. There’s clearly an audience for them - you don’t release roughly 10 games over the last 30 years without gaining a decent following (yes, they’ve been around that long). However, the mixture of school playground humour and Carry On levels of sexual innuendo makes them a real oddity, especially in today’s increasingly sensitive, PC-minded culture. And the fact the series has produced some truly terrible titles over the years, crude jokes and all.
Thankfully, Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry isn’t a bad game. In fact, it’s a competent little point and click adventure that dials back into the conceit that made some of the earlier games so popular. That Larry Laffer - the greasy protagonist and self-confessed ‘ladies man’ who’s always looking for love - is consistently the butt of the joke, rather than the often cartoonish women he’s pursuing, helps water-down the often tasteless dialogue. That doesn’t mean new developer CrazyBunch is holding off on the smut, but it’s at least doing so with a sense of self-awareness.
Wet Dreams Don't Dry does this by transporting Larry from the slapstick hedonism of the ’80s to the ‘woke’ era of today. With his flared white suit and greased back hair, Larry emerges from a dark basement to find himself in a city he barely recognises. So, naturally, the first thing he does is start looking for women. As a man-child out of time, Larry finds himself with social media obsessed people obsessed with platforms such as Instacrap, Farcebook and Timber. It’s a game that’s constantly lampooning itself and modern dating sensibilities, with its entire premise based around the quest to improve Larry’s Timber rating.
While most of the women Larry ends up taking out on a date are often a caricature of sorts - such as a social media-obsessed hipster you meet during the game’s opening hours - they’re not two-dimensional airheads solely defined by their sexual attraction. Which, we suppose, is progress for the series at least. Then again, you’ll be spending your time exploring New Lost Wages, a city with an alarmingly large number of phallic-shaped buildings. So maybe not.
As you might imagine, its humour is very spotty and while there’s plenty of self-reverential moments - with characters often pointing out specific tropes tied to the point-and-click genre itself - it’s still a game about a sleazeball trying to get his end away with a series of Timber dates. Puzzles are pretty standard fare, falling back on the tried and tested method of walking around a scene, interacting with characters and environmental elements. You’ll head into your inventory (accessed by pressing ‘+’) and combine items to solve puzzles, and glean clues from chatting to various NPCs along the way.
While CrazyBunch has managed to produce a setting and story that at least pastiches its ridiculous central character as much as it shoots for dull sex jokes, the same can’t be said for its approach to puzzle design. This is a long way from the quality of Double Fine’s conundrums. The biggest issue is the sheer lack of logic that often goes into their structure - such as items that seemingly wouldn’t even need to be combined or hidden switches that couldn’t be any more concealed if they tried.
As a port, Wet Dreams Don't Dry is a more tactile experience thanks to the inclusion of both Joy-Con and touchscreen support. The ability to move Larry around with the left analog stick makes navigation much smoother, but the contextual nature of the face buttons never stops being awkward to control. We found mixing the analog stick with the touchscreen (for interacting with characters and using items in your inventory) an agreeable combo, although you’re never going to be as smooth as using a mouse. Utilising items in your inventory is a tad frustrating, especially in the first hour or so, as you can’t drag items to a location on-screen (you have to activate them then leave the inventory and use them where you need them). It’s clearly a design choice made with a lack of mouse in mind, but it never feels natural compared to other point-and-clickers on Switch.
While playing a Leisure Suit Larry game is the gaming equivalent of being seen reading a copy of the Daily Sport, this mostly unwanted revival of the series is actually far better than anyone was expecting. Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry's 2D art style has a ’90s comic book feel to it, while the simple point-and-click gameplay is a far better fit than the awful open-world approach the Larry Lovage games took in recent years. While some of the jokes do land, many don’t (even with its tongue impaled through its cheek), and with some often utterly obtuse puzzle designs you’re probably better off enjoying the superior offerings this genre has to offer on Switch.
Comments 41
It costs £30, it deserves nothing
I played the first one, on a 1 colour laptop, man that game was hard to get started (yeah I'm talking about those damn questions)
Haven't played one since Magna C Laude, and this isn't bringing me back
....I'll play it only if I get to see some bewbs.
I’m loving this game! I’ve been a long time fan of the series, and have been hoping for a proper revival for years. The garbage that was on 360 were horrible and tarnished the rep of a once great series.
I’ve played through every Larry game made, and this a great revival for series fans.
Granted the comedy writing isn’t quite as strong as LSL6-7, the new look takes a bit of getting use to, and the language is stronger than in previous games. But these are really the only negatives. This game is much better than the 360 garbage, and deserves a much higher score than 6/10. Just check the Steam reviews / metacritic.
For fans of the series, specifically those that have played LSL1, there’s plenty of fanservice and inside jokes. The gameplay is classic Larry, as are the puzzles and outcomes. Sound/music feels like a mix of LSL1&6, but sadly without the classic Lounge Lizard theme (at least that I’ve seen so far, halfway through the game currently)
The idea behind it is actually a fresh take on how Larry could exist in modern times, and embraces all manner of sexual preference, instead of just making jokes on say a flamboyant gay/transsexual.
I for one am very happy with this Larry revival. Ken Sent Me his score - 8.5/10
@Joeynator3000 a man of culture and vast knowledge
I will not hesitate to admit that I love the Leisure Suit Larry series. Al Lowe is nothing short or a pure genius in his writing. That's kind of why I can't get behind these new games since Al Lowe no longer writes for them. They lack the smart social commentary that the original games had. Obviously, this new game attempted some social commentary, but it doesn't feel as natural or as smart as the original games.
@patbacknitro18 Tell me you know that Al has a daily joke email sub that’s free and he will respond back to fans that email him through it? He’s a great guy! for anyone interested
If you want a taste of Al Lowes pure genius, then try playing Leisure Suit Larry 4....oh wait you can't, because he skipped it. After he finished the 3rd game, he felt that he ended the story on a solid note and he didn't know where to go from there. He had writer's block, so he had the most brilliant idea in the world. He just wouldn't make the 4th game, he skipped it and went on to make the 5th game. With whatever happened in the 4th game giving Larry a clean slate to work with for the 5th game. To this day we have never got the 4th game, though it's become an ongoing joke throughout the series.
@Dm9982 I've heard about that and have been meaning to try it. He is a great guy, and i'm kindof sad that he doesn't make Leisure Suit Larry games anymore. He pretty much made the old games almost by himself, and they were amazing. I really wish he could come back and give us a new game by him.
LSL4: The Case of the Missing Floppys was their literal title for a game that didn’t exist. I’ve still got my old collectors guide and behind the scenes of the development of LSL1-6.
@patbacknitro18 Yeah his writing was awesome. Sadly the last thing he worked on was LSL1: Reloaded for the PC/Android/iPhone with Replay Games. And the founder of Replay had some sort of legal trouble so the studio shut down. Al said he didn’t even get fully paid for his contribution, and the poor Kickstarter backers got screwed over.
" ...a city with an alarmingly large number of phallic-shaped buildings."
And from the looks of the included pictures, suspiciously lady part-like doors on the inside of said buildings...
I always wondered what your cat was following @Joeynator3000. Now it all makes since.
@ThanosReXXX I mean the Prune company symbol.... that’s not a prune... that’s a “peach”. 😆
Just search the internet.
Yeah it's not really my thing, but it's funny see it's name show up while I'm on the eShop 😂
Larry Loner?! More like Larry Bo.. okay, I'll see myself out.
Hah. Brings back memories. My mom bought me #3 for Christmas when I was in 5th grade because I had asked for police quest 2 and she thought the box looked too violent and had no idea what lsl was. That was an entertaining morning
Al Lowe is no genius. The best game was the first one that was based on the text adventure "Softporn".
All remakes kinda suck though. Now i give Al Kudos for the music. LSL3 was kinda fun too but after they skipped the old typing interface wasn't so fun anymore.
LSL2 was a good follow up on 1, but much harder. Lotta deaths. Ken was the good comedy writer, or so I’ve heard. Al def knows his music though. On LSL Reloaded he brought a Jazz band in to do the remastered soundtrack. Sounds really nice, but I still prefer the original chiptunes
This seems interesting, nice to see the series staying closer to it's roots after the terrible 360 era games, but at the same time it also feels overpriced at $40. That is the same price as Crash Team Racing Nitro-fueled and there is no way I would buy something like this over something like that. If it was a $20 title I would have downloaded it already, but at $40 it is competing with some more sophisticated games that it just can't compete with.
@spurryitboi You’re very welcome! And I understand completely, I’ve got a 400gb card full plus my physical games backlogged. Here’s how I would say it..,.
For fans of the series, and those that have played LSL1 - easily worth $30-40.
For those that are just fans of PnC games or lewd comedy - wait for around $20ish
Hey its better than the last remnant!
I never know how to interpret things that are nearly-porn-but-clearly-not-porn.
Stop being confusing. Pick a lane!
@Dezzy 😆 Pornady, or Comorn. Pornady sounds better.
Will say that so far, like the originals, it’s censored on anything coming close to the actual act. South Park: Stick of Truth had more vulgarity.
Also, to anyone still viewing / following this post and haven’t played the originals, I implore you, check em out. They’re great! has 1-6 for like $10, and LSL7 for like $5
The woke era is depressing. When men's razor companies are joining the fray, you know it's bad.
@Godlike_Virus It's hard to call them a men's company when half of their sales go to women, they do shave their legs after all. It's just ironic how they charge women more for the same razors.
@JayJ The Best A Ma'am Can Get. And hey, I won't lie, I shave my legs on occasion, too. I fully know the trouble that it is to maintain.
This and Sanran Kagura peach beach splash are gonna have the biggest battle for GOTY.
@Dm9982 Yeah, noticed that one as well. Every page refresh results in different pictures in this article, so there's lots more to see...
I assume from the comments that anyone who might be (against their better judgement) morbidly curious about this series, would be better off playing one of the earlier titles?
@ProfMarshmallow Definitely. The classics are what made the series anything and they had pretty good writing. These latest point-n-click adventures are for the fans of those older games for the most part.
@ProfMarshmallow Yeah, @Jayj is correct, the originals are definitely better. Not to say this isn’t a good release, it is. But to get the most outta this game, play the originals. They really are excellent, just under Monkey Island. I will say you’re best to use a guide with 1&2 as there’s a lotta chances for death - games were much harder and unforgiving in the 80s, 😆. But, at least with LSL, even the deaths are funny. Just flush the toilet in Lefty’s on LSL1.... 😆😆
LSL is one of, if not the first, series in gaming to use adult humor as its main catch. It and Monkey Island are pioneers & legends in the comedy genre of gaming.
I’ve enjoyed LSL1,6 & 7 so much over the years that I’ve replayed em nearly as much as Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, no lie.
I’ve been gaming since 1985, was born in 82, and was privileged enough to be able to play a bootleg copy of LSL1 before it hit shelves. Dad had a home office with an IBM PC Jr that he let me play and learn on. His friend Steve would always get him the latest games that came out to play, and LSL was one of em. So I’m def a little biased I’m sure.
But for anyone who enjoyed Monkey Island, and can get down with adult humor, LSL is just a notch under MI in terms of gameplay.
Leisure Suit Larry - now there's a name I haven't heard for a while 😂
I like how the author says the game mocks current easily outraged PC culture and yet can't help himself from deriding the game for the crass humour.
@Dm9982 I couldn’t finish the one on the 360. My roommates and I played the one on the PS2 and had a blast with it. I never played the older ones on the pc though. How’s this game’s humor in comparison to magna c laude?
@BlueMage Better, especially if you get some of the references. Watch a Let’s Play of LSL1 if you can’t play it.
Update - Finished the game, totally worth it for series fans. Has a couple excellent throwbacks towards the end.
i simply respect women far too much to ever consider supporting a title like this. any proud feminist would feel the same way.
@HaNks Then you totally miss the entire joke of the series.... Larry fails at EVERY attempt, in comical fashion. All of the women portrayed in the series are vastly smarter, and stronger than Larry in various ways. It’s a cartoon story of the idiot at the bar that uses cheesy stupid pick up lines trying to get with women, and they all use him in some fashion to advance themselves, and then leave him high and dry.
I remember seeing this in the NA eshop, it's gone now, has it been pulled?
I finally got this on sale at £7.19 . I’m really enjoying it , it looks really cartoony and the controls are a little weird but you do get used to them . I do agree that some of the puzzles are incredibly random. I’ve got stuck a couple of times and when I’ve looked up the solution the answer it’s been incredibly random solution . However I really like Larry as a character and whilst not all of the jokes are very funny there have been some great moments so far . Well worth £7! Looking forward to the sequel. Maybe we can get some of the older games next ?
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