We've seen lots of life-sized Pokémon plushies over the years — Larvesta, Lucario, Arcanine, multiple starter 'mons, and Spheal. So really, it was only a matter of time before Gardevoir joined the ranks, right?
Brought to our attention by Joe Merrick (of Serebii) on Bluesky, The Pokémon Center Japan has revealed a life-sized plush for the Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon. It releases on 6th February 2025 and costs 49,500 yen. That's around a staggering 320.00 USD / 260.00 GBP.
The plush is 160cm tall, which is 5'3" — that's only an inch shorter than this writer. That's a little terrifying. Not to mention that Gardevoir is a pretty popular humanoid-looking Pokémon. We're sure people will be very normal about this. Hmm. Yes.
We're being a little cheeky here — it's honestly a very cool-looking plush for a beloved Pokémon.

Gardevoir was introduced in Gen III as the final stage of the Ralts evolution line in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire. It's been a mainstay ever since, with Gen IV introducing a second evolution branch in the form of Gallade.
Other Psychic-themed merchandise is also coming to The Pokémon Center Japan as part of the Psycho Cyber series, including light-up figures for the Ralts and Solosis lines, chains and keychains, notepads, apparel, bags, and more.
Currently, these are only available at the Japanese store, but we might see Gardevoir make its way over here eventually. let's hope!
What do you think of the giant Gardevoir plush? Let us know in the comments.
[source pokemoncenter-online.com, via bsky.app]
Comments 73
...yeah! This is gonna end well.
The Japanese dude that married his LovePlus girlfriend is going to have to step up his social inadequacy game lest he gets out-losered.
...This can't go well.
Calling it now, news article in the next month involving a man marrying Gardevoir doll. lol
(Nolan's Notes)
Someday you will have to answer for your actions
and God may not be so merciful
I, uh...assume it would be a pretty terrible idea to buy one of these secondhand...
I still want a life size Wailord. You can buy a 1/10 pluche, but that's too small.
Jokes aside, I'm happy to see that Gardevoir also got a life-sized plush - looking forward to seeing which Pokémon will be the next one!
Even if I had the money to burn on this and didn't care what my family would think, I do not have the space for it
Gardevoir is one of those Pokémon that I try to avoid using because of its weird, too human design, but that 125 special attack fairy coverage is too powerful. It's just so useful in a playthrough team.
Someone at Pokemon definitely had a devious look when pitching this plush to get produced
Who needs those girlfriend AI robots with this on the market?
@TheBigK If I can't have an Espeon on my team then Gardevoir is always my backup.
I often wonder whether we are growing as a people... or in fact, regressing.
Oh. No. . .
That said . . . it does look pretty cool haha
[Comment removed]
People are going to like what they are going to like BUTTTTT...I can't help but wonder if we lived a sedentary lifestyle for too long. Back in the day it was "don't watch TV too long it will ROT your brain." now its on a much bigger scale.

Does that material look washable? asking for a friend.
(jk!!! I can't even leave it without clarifying it's a joke. lol)
Why oh no? What bad things could people possibly do with this?
Nope... don't like that... don't like that for those who are excited for this...
Unrelated question but how do I create a profile picture for myself on here? Would really help if someone responded thanks.
Edit: I got help thanks guys
Good thing it's $320... (Makes it less accessible)
@Fighting_Game_Loser they are busy pitching a Lopunny doll right now
Do a Snorlax next please.
This reminds me of when they were trying to sell life-sized statues of Ryza from Atelier Ryza for $25,000 a pop a few years ago. Makes me wonder if anyone did buy those. I’ll be honest: if I had the money at the time, I would have considered it. And if this Gardevoir plushie comes to the West, I’d consider getting this one, too!
@Red_211 Go to your icon in the upper right corner and click (or tap) on it, then click on your name, once your their you should see a pen in a box around the upper right corner, click on that and you should it asking in separate boxes to upload a image. Upload said image then your done.
@Red_211 Use the side bar button (three stacked lines)
Your Account -> Profile settings
I believe you can get me through theNiiii-iIIIIIIIGHT!!!
@Zaruboggan @Snatcher Thanks for your help. I kept pressing upload picture and not save so the changes would go through lmfao
We all know what the internet is thinking ... And I'll leave it at that lol
I'm sure people just want it as a collector's item and won't do anything freaky with it at all!
That is certainly cool. It just wouldn’t be practical at all, like someone always standing in your room. I predict someone who buys this would also have other giant Pokémon plushies standing or lying around, too…
For that price?! Way to pricey imo. I'd rather spend 320 dollars on a life-size statue of Gardevoir (though we all know that would be priced on the quadruple digits...)
Also, that plushie looks really bizarre...
But, despite what I just said, I do still think is really cool they did that. I wouldn't mind having one in my room, I like fairy pokémons.
I love Gardevoir, one of my favourite Pokémon, designwise, lorewise, gameplaywise.
People who are weird about Gardevoir online are funny, but I'm not about to let them get in the way of my fandom for Pokémon.
...That being said, this plushie is too pricey and takes up too much space for me to consider getting.
This is gonna go well for the erm….nevermind
@Joeynator3000 news article… a man installs and restitches a Gardevoir… not saying what he installed
@Bobb Lopunny???!…take my money…
Not a single one of these will be bought with good intentions
I'm sure everyone will be very normal about this plush being released and it absolutely will not be misused in anyway at all.
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Well, somebodies dream just came true
I kinda want one to put near the window like Home Alone. Lol.
PSA: Wash out your Gardevoir plush after each use.
What's next, Bowsette and Incineroar?!
@Ultimapunch next step is putting the ai into these
@Joeynator3000 If only they’d just marry the thing 🥲
There's no law against plushie Batman !!
Removed - inappropriate
Yeah, we know this isn't for ladies to drink coffee with.
We all know the Pokémon Company knows their target demographic with this release...
@BigBluePanda Have you ever seen the Snorlax bed? It's s thing!
I love Gardevoir, one of my favorite Pokemon.. but we all know exactly what certain individuals are going to do to the poor thing. ..As long as they don't bring Lopunny, because that ***** is illegal. 😂
@OstianOwl I mean I'll be normal. Gardevoir is one of my favorite Pokemon 😂 I also have no sexual attraction to paper dolls.. Unlike some folk, who quite frankly ruin it (Pokemon) for the rest of us. Like who the hell sexualizes a rabbit?! That ***** is illegal!! (Lopunny) What's funny though is Gardevoir and Lopunny can be male with no gender differences, so I'm going to pretend these sickos are buying males to hide their homosexuality.
Removed - inappropriate
And if you DID have the space?
Just curious, what's the biggest, in game/universe pokemon?
Would it be feasible to make a life-size Snorlax or anything else that is like 10'+?
Aside from the obvious ahem Gardevoir context, I would enjoy visiting a gallery with life-sized Pokemon recreations like these, giving me a firsthand impression of what it would be like to stand next to actual Pokemon, like Charizard, Pikachu, Dragonite, Kingdra, Lapras, with Groudon for scale of course.
I'd really rather the parts of the internet that try to maintain a shred of decency completely avoid acknowledging the parts that don't. Their influence is like a contagious mental disease.
@Spider-Kev Wailord's the biggest, at 88+ft long
Life-sized Pancham or get out!
Just a reminder, both male and female Gardevoir look like that. Double check before you cuddle up.
What's everyone getting so upset about? Plushies are MADE FOR CUDDLING.
@drypaphmrbro That could be a house. I'd buy it and live inside ;d
What about others?
@Trikeboy Some people don't care
@Splash_Woman This is one of the best internet comments I’ve read in a while. Good job on making me genuinely crack up.
Even stuffed toys are taller then I am...
@TheBigK I'm a little tired of her. I ended up with so many of her and raltz in wonder trade.
I’d rather put the $320 into the Switch 2, thanks. Although I will say, this reminds me of the time I won a ridiculously large stuffed tiger at a carnival, when I was a kid. Thing was massive!
@BreathingMiit I’ve explained it above. It was inappropriate.
@BreathingMiit people aren't getting upset. and they're definitely not talking about just cuddling....
There's lots of "removed: inappropriate" going on here.
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