Life-Sized Gardevoir Plush
Image: The Pokémon Company

We've seen lots of life-sized Pokémon plushies over the years — Larvesta, Lucario, Arcanine, multiple starter 'mons, and Spheal. So really, it was only a matter of time before Gardevoir joined the ranks, right?

Brought to our attention by Joe Merrick (of Serebii) on Bluesky, The Pokémon Center Japan has revealed a life-sized plush for the Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon. It releases on 6th February 2025 and costs 49,500 yen. That's around a staggering 320.00 USD / 260.00 GBP.

The plush is 160cm tall, which is 5'3" — that's only an inch shorter than this writer. That's a little terrifying. Not to mention that Gardevoir is a pretty popular humanoid-looking Pokémon. We're sure people will be very normal about this. Hmm. Yes.

We're being a little cheeky here — it's honestly a very cool-looking plush for a beloved Pokémon.

Life-Sized Gardevoir Plush 2
Image: The Pokémon Company

Gardevoir was introduced in Gen III as the final stage of the Ralts evolution line in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire. It's been a mainstay ever since, with Gen IV introducing a second evolution branch in the form of Gallade.

Other Psychic-themed merchandise is also coming to The Pokémon Center Japan as part of the Psycho Cyber series, including light-up figures for the Ralts and Solosis lines, chains and keychains, notepads, apparel, bags, and more.

Currently, these are only available at the Japanese store, but we might see Gardevoir make its way over here eventually. let's hope!

What do you think of the giant Gardevoir plush? Let us know in the comments.

[source, via]