Today is the grand finale of the No Gravity Games 'Switchmas Giveaway', with Creepy Tale 2 rounding out the freebies. You'll find all the information about the event and every free game included in the original post below.
Christmas is upon us once again, which means that No Gravity Games is back with another generous offer of free Switch games; eleven of them, to be precise.
Yes, the company's 'Switchmas Giveaway' is back, opening on 9th December 2024 at 12am PT and giving away one free game on each of the following eleven days (until 19th December). New releases are included in the line-up alongside one game that will be provided for free from day one of its launch.

Of course, there are a few rules to follow, as per the previous giveaway events. In short, you'll need to already own one game from No Gravity Games' back catalogue on Switch. In addition, the giveaway will work as a 'chain' of sorts, so in order to redeem 'game 2', you'll need to have redeemed 'game 1', and so on. If you miss out on any of the titles on offer, you can purchase them for a discounted price and rejoin the chain.
We will be updating the following list daily, so you can keep track of this year's free games:
- 9th December - No More Snow
- 10th December - Fueled Up
- 11th December - Alder's Blood
- 12th December - Master Spy
- 13th December - Bob Help Them!
- 14th December - Ring Sculptors
- 15th December - Classic Logic Bundle (4 in 1)
- 16th December - Drag Racing Rivals
- 17th December - Cyjin: The Cyborg Ninja
- 18th December - Ego Protocol: Remastered
- 19th December - Creepy Tale 2
If you don't already own one of the titles from No Gravity Games' back catalogue, you can grab Pirates: All Aboard! for free by signing up to the company's newsletter. This will then qualify you for the additional 11 games over the aforementioned period. It's basically a repeat of last year's event, then, but hopefully the line-up of games will be given a nice refresh.
If you want more information on how to sign up for the newsletter, then simply visit the official No Gravity Games website.
What do you make of this offer from No Gravity Games? Will you be grabbing yourself a few free games, or do you plan on skipping this one? Let us know with a comment down below.
Comments 73
No Gravity Games?
What is that?
Defying Gravity (WICKED) ? 🤭
Hope those in North America going for this will enjoy at least some of the games no matter if they're "good" or not - as much as higher quality is obviously appreciated, what matters the most at the end of the day is the enjoyment games (and also other things such as books, movies etc.) can bring to people!
Done these in the past. They're generally not worth the time to download.
I heard that Will You Snail? was actually a fun game, but when I looked for it on the eShop, it’s nowhere to be found. The Nintendo website also says it’s unavailable. That was about the only game that would have made me try out this promotion.
How strange, it does seem to be unavailable right now, I wonder why?
You can still grab physical copies from Super Rare Games, though, they have at least 600 left.
@RupeeClock Maybe I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but that's just about the only game from this publisher that people bought. If that doesn't count for you to get the rest of the games, then people will just have to sell their data to the devil (by signing up for the news letter) or spend money on one of their games.
In other words, there's no such thing as a free game. Or at least no such thing as a good free game.
@Solomon_Rambling Indeed... the game has not been listed since the beginning of November this year.
(According to : Deku Deals)
First game mentioned is a whopping 3/10 from NL. Yea, no thanks. Very little time as it is to game, can't be bogged down with typical giveaway shovelware. Unless of course someone can convince me they have some banger titles in their catalog?
I'd rather have the lump of coal.
My backlog is saying, "Don't you dare!" And also, "Stop it with Balatro already!"
Thanks, I hate it.
It's the same 11 games every year with 8/11 being shovelware.
I've gotten a few legitimately cool games from their past giveaways. Destropolis is definitely my favorite, but there are maybe five others I liked enough to finish and a couple more I'd still like to get back to. Though my microSD is weeping at the thought of cramming in more games after I already hit the cap with last week's sales and had to trim some fat off my library.
@RupeeClock nothing about it on Delisted Games, so perhaps a temporary timeout. On a side note, though, looking it up on the aforesaid website just led me to belatedly find that Espgaluda and Dodonpachi Resurrection just followed Mushihimesama into Switch bullethell afterlife last week, with the publisher breaking the news a literal month prior (as seems to be an industry-wide diagnosis lately🙄). And to dare another tangential pinch of salt, how many "Switch 2 rumours/leaks" have we seen here on NL over the past month instead of a word or two about those? Oh well, they did report Nascar stuff the other day.
EDIT: I've wishlisted Dodonpachi on Steam instead, but Espgaluda 2 appears to have been a Switch exclusive this gen (not counting mobile platforms, at least). And its first English release at that? Guess I'll have some use for Yuzu on Deck, after all...😏😆
@Zealv2 you hear that, Nintendo? People value coal over games around the winter holidays, so the Switch successor launch can wait until 2026.
There was a Nintendo Life article about the delisting of those games under their previous publisher.
However, they since had had a new publisher Clear River Games and they have retail European physicals you can pick up on places like Amazon.
Curiously, there's a lot of overlap here with LRG's "distribution" releases. I wonder if there's a connection.
@RupeeClock I remember NL's report on Clear River's physical releases of the whole bunch, but even that one only reiterates the emphasis on Mushihimesama's already covered delisting countdown at the time. In fact, as I double-checked here before writing the previous comment, that summer article was the last time Dodonpachi and Espgaluda were mentioned in the newsposts at all. As for the physicals, Amazon never shipped those to Belarus even long before 2022, and the odds of finding physical bullethells around local retailers are in the same ballpark with porcine aeriality.
I took advantage of this offer last year. If you want some free games go for it but I found the games to be… lacking in quality. This is a “you get what you pay for” kind of situation
Another year hoping Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! makes the list.
I own quite a bunch from last year's Halloween and Christmas giveaways.
They have all been archived, do I need to unarchive at least one of them?
There's one game that was good, but the sequel sucked...
I can't remember the name of it...
I usually do these to put them in the library just in case, but usually these games are terrible.
Looks like I'm going to shovel the EShop's driveway clean...
It's okay, you really don't have to keep mentioning this
It's always the studios that no one cares about or even heard about that does these...and their games are usually just, crap...
Another publisher using these giveaways to push their content to the top of the 'most popular' lists artificially.
@cmlobue off topic but what is your gamer pic of? It reminds me of an old monster in my pocket creature. I rather like it.
Today's game is actually pretty good. As free games go, you can't beat this.
GrOGRE from the very first Final Fantasy on NES.
I kind of like Christmas themed games. Remember Elf Bowling? 😊🧑🎄
Removed - inappropriate language
I saw this first game had a 9.3 in user ratings on Metacritic. Turns out that four of the five reviews were the only reviews left by their respective accounts and all five were left within two days of each other. That probably tells you all you need to know about this publisher.
After redeeming free games from publishers, possibly three times previously, I've always ended up regretting it.
I've never liked the free games enough to want their icons to remain on my switch homescreen, play history, and the games will forever clutter your eshop redownload page.
Last year the list failed to be kept up to date...
I don't remember this one last year ...
This seems to be a new game... and actually the video looks half decent?
@NintendoByNature @KoopaTheGamer @Spider-Kev
Creepy Tale was decent
@Ogbert Ah! Here is the explanation, thanks for that! I was wondering what was the point of the publisher doing this... bad publicity? Hoping collection enthusiasts would buy a game they've missed? .. Yours makes much more sense 😅
A bad game is still bad even at a $0 price tag.
Two of my nieces are getting Switches this holiday season, and this promotion gives me an easy way to fill their brand new switches with non freemium games. Sure, many of them will be disposable garbage, and surely both them and I will not spend more than a minute with some of them, but at the very least the first two seems worth the time of download. A crazy Santa shooter and mockbuster Overcooked, it could be way worse.
If I could go back in time and not do this kind of thing one of the previous years, I would.
My “Redownload” tab in the eshop has a few ….”stains”… that won’t come out. I’m never going to play those games I got for free in there and I wish I could just hide them or get rid of them. This is like that recent article NL just put out about all the stunted games on the shop.
If you like these kinds of games, more power to you! But if you care about having these in your history seemingly ^forever, I’d avoid it.
^ I say forever because with rumors of this eshop rolling over into the next Nintendo gen, I would assume my history will follow right along. I want those games out of my history!!
Even the worst of these games are/is still miles better than cell phone "games!"
@KoopaTheGamer Here's a solid time to drop the fact that Cave Story was free when it first released on PC, and I just played Celeste's Pico-8 demake for free online. Though you're right in that finding a great free game is like a diamond in the rough.
No gravity has a few decent games like Destropolis and Nova 111. Many of them aren’t very good though.
@Chlocean Actually, Celeste originally released on PICO-8, so it's not a demake. But yes, I was exaggerating.
Is the third game for free working for other people? It's not for me. I had to buy the second game unfortunately because I forgot about it yesterday, so did their system screwed up or did they forgot to activate the third game for free?
@KoopaTheGamer Oh wow, I actually did not know about that-I learned about the Pico-8 quite a bit after Celeste released so thanks for the information!
I had no issues, I got Alders Blood in two separate switches. I couldn't "technically" get it on my very own Switch because I got it a year or two ago in another giveaway.
@Yomerodes Then I screwed up it seems... I used 2 different Nintendo accounts on the same Switch to get the games, and the system for the promotion probably detects the account and not the Switch for eligibility. Even though both accounts say "purchased" for both games...
Which sucks since I was actually interested in the Alder's Blood game.
Alders Blood is a great game made wiht a lot of care. people should dismiss that title as junk or shovel ware or anything
I downloaded Alder's Blood and started it up.
It seems similar to Mario vs. Rabbids or Invisible Inc.
I really enjoyed Mario vs. Rabbids so I'll probably give Alder's Blood a go in the new year.
If you can't get it free, see if it is on sale in the eShop?
They never sent me the free game code, so I guess I'm not participating this year.
They don't love Europe?
@LEGEND_MARIOID I believe that the regulation of the Nintendo eshop in the European zone is different, in fact, or to be more explicit: there have already been free games in the past via Europe too, but this is no longer the case therefore something happened, in the possibility of doing it or not.
Edit :
Free games in the past in Europe from :
and :
(I took advantage of some of it)
"Last year the list failed to be kept up to date..."
posted Monday @ 4:29pm
Article last updated:
Thursday @ 7:30am
I am almost certain that on the last day (the 19th December) of this 'Switchmas Giveaway' they will put this game :
« Bullets & Brains »
Because this game is listed for 2024, and they are the original publishers of the project on Switch and on Steam…
Source : on their website :
Release date: 2024 (PC & Nintendo Switch)
Developer: Ajvar Studio
Genre: Top down action shooter
Bullets and Brains is an adrenaline-pumping arcade top-down 3D shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by brain-hungry hordes of zombies. Prepare yourself for an intense battle against the never-ending onslaught of the undead. »
Maybe 😌
Wait… and see !
more like "holy crap."
EDIT - how many times have we seen this article refreshed in the feed? Is this a paid spot? serious question.
Integrity is promoting games that you think are actually good.
@-wc- These guys actually do put out some decent games. Nothing that's going to break into my top 10, but the only one from this list I'd call a complete waste of time so far is Drag Racing Rivals. I also forgot about the giveaway on the second day, so I appreciate the reminder.
To be fair, they forgot to do it for FIVE days...
"These guys actually do put out some decent games. Nothing that's going to break into my top 10, but the only one from this list I'd call a complete waste of time so far is Drag Racing Rivals. I also forgot about the giveaway on the second day, so I appreciate the reminder."
I appreciate you sharing your perspective, and this all sounds completely reasonable. Quick question for ya, what's the best game theyve put out in your estimation? 👍✌️
"To be fair, they forgot to do it for FIVE days..."
😂 Touché! 😂
Think I'll go back to Flash games
@-wc- Destropolis is my favorite from them. I even played enough to get on the leaderboard for a bit. It's just a simple arcadey shooter, but the variety of weapons and upgrades gives it plenty of replay value. The only real marks against it are that defensive builds get very grindy late game and there are some rare crashes.
Dunno about the other games, but I played Master Spy when it released on Steam nine years, and I genuinely enjoyed it.
Bunch of garbage that’s not even worth having for free.
Great... Because I own one of the titles on my EU eShop I see it as "purchased" in the US shop but it's not actually owned by that account so I can't buy it and it breaks my chain. But having played a few of these games.... I'll live.
This is the first year I've missed this and it kind of sucks. Every year is 10 games and at least 2 of them are usually fun for short bursts.
And the winner 🙄 is Creepy Tale 2
@lovecraftINkafka Nope. No. Nada. Non. 🤬
Man, are there any good devs in Eastern Europe? A lot of the games published by No Gravity run terribly and are clearly cash grabs.
Two already owned titles out of eleven - hardly a haul to complain about. The third Creepy Tale would have certainly been more welcome to complete the collection, but it's under a different publisher.
Please stop. xD
Don't even know if this is supporting the dev. I'll just go play Balatro or Brotato and or maybe something that sounds like those games
Crikey, these remind me of the Ricky Gervais Show xfm giveaways.
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