It's safe to say that the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster goes through quite a lot; after all, the very aim of the game is to beat on your opponent until you can fling them off the arena and into the sweet nothingness of oblivion. So it's only natural, then, that the fighters will want to use their downtime to relax a bit, put their feet up, or perhaps even play a bit of basketball.
That's exactly what Sephiroth and Kirby get up to in a charming and hilarious stop-motion animation posted to social media by @shinohara_kenta (thanks, Automaton). It's a rather short piece, but it's one of the most effortlessly funny pieces of animation we've seen in quite some time. It's a perfect showcase for simplicity: Sephiroth misses his shot, so Kirby gives him a helping hand in the only way he knows. Sublime. Check it out...
Honestly, it's the little round of applause that Kirby delivers at the end that seals the deal; so adorable!
There's a bunch more videos to check out over on X, including some featuring Solid Snake, Yoshi, Link, and even Kaneda from Akira. It's great stuff, and we're looking forward to seeing more in the future.