Capcom has launched the highly anticipated demo for its upcoming Nintendo Switch release Monster Hunter Rise.
Now that the download issues on the eShop have been sorted, VG Tech - the same YouTube channel that investigated the performance of the demos for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and Pikmin 3 Deluxe - has taken a look at the new Monster Hunter entry. It confirms the game runs at a stable 30 fps (in docked and handheld mode), even in more intense moments.
As for the resolution, here's the breakdown courtesy of the same channel:
Docked mode renders the game at a resolution of approximately 1344x756 and renders the UI at 1920x1080.
Portable mode renders the game at a resolution of approximately 960x540 and renders the UI at 1280x720.
It's worth noting that the demo may not be entirely representative of the final release, which will arrive on 26th March this year. How have you found the frame rate and resolution in the Monster Hunter Rise demo so far? Leave a comment down below.
[source, via]
Comments 185
Yesterday I tried the demo, and this low resolution immediately put me off. No, thanks!
I haven't heard anyone complain about it myself.
I'm waiting for the full release, nice to see the framerates is stable.
Looks real sharp in handheld mode. Surprised its only 540p to be honest as looks fine.
Can't wait till release day now.
Game looks good regardless. I appreciate that MH Rise isn't a stuttery mess like MH World on consoles.
@Max_the_German low resolution? What did you expect world graphics?
Beautiful game, and that is from someone owning a high end game pc.
Welldone Capcom, amazing gameplay, perfomance and graphics
Having played a lot of World on PS4, I thought Rise played better in a lot of ways
It's a series where performance and stability has always been way more important than resolution and visuals in general so that seems pretty good if it can maintain that 30 fps in all situations. Looked just fine to me in handheld mode anyway.
Figured it was around 720p 30fps for docked (wasn't far off) but the stable 30fps was the most important part. World has a bad framerate for all systems except PC and Series X.
I only tried it docked and it were just fine. Polished 30 fps helped a lot on the gameplay.
Without the mClassic, I don't think I would still be using my Switch
Looked nice enough. The gameplay is what I'm most interested in and the demo shined in that regard.
@Grumblevolcano definitely. World is very clunky on my PS4. I'll take stable 30 every time.
While the Resolution is low atleast it is a solid 30 fps (would like a solid 60 but will take a solid 30 then a variable fps).
@JokerCK You can still have high resolution without having MHW's graphics.
After playing world, I can’t play this. 12 steps back visually. I’ll pass.
I haven't given it a second's thought lol. Too busy thinking the game was amazing. Hmm...what do I think? Erm...yep...looks and plays like a video game to me. No complaints so far.
@Mgene15 one of the most inane comments I’ve read on here. Absolute nonsensical comment. At least this is smooth, World was a stuttery mess in some places
@oldkid it really does wonders for the tiny tablet. I love mine.
Enjoying in handheld mode so far, will play docked when I get a chance.
All MH handheld games run at 30fps don’t they!
i was blow away how amazing Monster Hunter Rise is, but found very suspicious and strange, that a game build for ground up for Switch, don't feature HD Rumble at all(this is disapointing, despite this minor complain), the game is amazing and i can't wait to play it in my birthday in early april).
And yet people are expecting UHD docked from the Switch successor when even most first-party games can't manage native 1080p when docked.
Let's master 1080p first, shall we?
Looks fantastic and I don't mind the "low res" at all, specially after the confirmation that dock mode will get a slight boost.
Monster Hunter Rise is will togheter with Luigi Mansion 3 and possibly Bayonetta 3 e Metroid Prime 4, the most beautiful Switch games i ever see, i dint notice the low resolution textures/graphics many people here are noticing, wait for Digital Foundry for a final and decisive veridict on the frame rate and graphics of Monster Hunter Rise.
I was immensely impressed by the demo. Cant wait for the full game!
Don't get me wrong, if it bothered you, it bothered you. That's understandable and fine, but while it's been a while since I played world, I didn't really notice much difference between this and world.
(I played docked).
Plus, I felt that this played smoother, quite frankly.
The resolution and frame rate will not change.
But this is incredible, I could swear the game was running at at least 900p.
I thought the trailer looked really jittery. I played some of the demo, I’m not really understanding the hype here
@Kiwi_Unlimited How can you not notice a difference from a pc game running at 60/1080 and up, to a game that’s 540 and at 30? That’s a pretty drastic difference!
Ugh, Digital Foundry. Yuck.
Only played the demo in docked mode so far, the games visuals look very good indeed, they did not scream low resolution to me.
I used to be one of the those people that always had a high end pc and always wanted my games to look the best, then I got a switch. I love it. I've had it for three years and honestly I would take mh rise over world any day. When did games exactly become all about graphics and 60fps/120fps. Gameplay is everything.
Lets be honest here, outside of the core hobby gamers who are obsessed with graphics and frame rates nobody actually cares, most will boot the game up and think it looks and plays fine.
Not saying in anyway these core hobby gamers are wrong not to like it due to it's graphics, but this will always be down to their own preferences and not affect the mass majority.
I see nothing wrong with wanting a sharp and smooth experience. Expecting some standards is something most should aim for rather than being content with anything.
@Bizaster @PushMyGran86 Pure poetry! Well spoken!
I've said it in previous articles but those putting all the tech stuff (FPS, resolutions, groundbreaking graphics, and now "ray tracing", etc.) BEFORE actual gameplay, mechanics and most importantly FUN is a generational thing. Us older gamers that lived through the real Console Wars that started in the early 90's see through the tech labyrinth and focus more on what's really important. Don't get us wrong we love tech advancements and the like but all the bells and whistles can be nothing more than smoke and mirrors if the game sucks. Which is we all know still happens a lot to this very day. All the time.
Rise is great but man the janky controls need a rework.
@Ralizah Calling it a stuttery mess is just outright lying, it just doesn't run at 60 FPS.
I found the demo to stutter a lot, even after restarting my Switch Lite. The frame rate doesn't feel stable on the build I played.
@Ganner Speak for yourself! I enjoy fun games that ALSO perform well, there's no excuse for poor performance in this generation!
It looks amazing but the controls feel a little sloppy (I hope you can remap the layout in the full game) and I'm still not a fan of the online lobby system - seems a massive step backwards after worlds seemless incorporation of both solo and multiplayer having to keep swapping between online and offline modes.
Glad I played the demo as I now k ow to wait on a pre owned copy rather than rushing out Day 1
Hopefully the multiplayer won't be like World, where you constantly get booted out of multiplayer parties.
Gave the demo a go and certainly had no issues with how it looked or ran but the game itself is just not for me.
Looks like its being held back by the Switch's limitations.
@JokerCK No, not MHW graphics. But 900p-ish docked like many other Switch games, e.g. BotW which has a comparable scope. Maybe the RE engine is not well optimised for systems with smaller performance.
Watching the trailer: it's such a beautiful game!
Playing the demo: it's wonderful!
Hearing the specs: gosh it's ugly! Won't buy such an ugly game!!!
Honestly, it disappoints me that such a good game will be looked down upon, not because it looks or plays bad but because it's not impressive enough on paper. I miss the old days where people were much more focused on the quality of the game because it wasn't as easy to look at the specs. Oh well, it doesn't affect the rest of us in the end
@Jayvir What do you feel are the biggest improvements? I played the 3DS games, but not World, so I'm seeing a lot of improvements that are likely present in World already.
It runs beautifully! I was expecting a little stutter in handheld, but it's great. Looks awesome too, I'm in awe that it looks and runs so nice on the Switch.
I tried the demo for about 90 min last night. 😭😖😖😖 I can't stand the controls, also the characters seem to be slow as molasses I found the run button finally but even running it's kind of slow. I really want to like monster Hunter but man I could not even get through the beginner hunt, and I did all the tutorials which did not seem to teach me a whole lot.
I just can't get over how convoluted and weird the controls are!
@Mr-Fuggles777 The actual game has a more seamless lobby system. There's still an online/offline split, but it won't be like this at all
@Kieroni I'm still in no rush and what usually happens with MH games is people rush out to buy it because of the hype and trade or sell it quickly because its not their thing - I can wait a few weeks/months more and grab a cheaper version.
Outriders has got a demo next month, if its as fun as it looks I can grab that while MHR drops in price.
@Giancarlothomaz Yeah, it doesn't feature HD Rumble. Even Ultra Street Fighter II used HD Rumble hahaha. Hopefully, it's there when it releases. I enjoyed it regardless, will be my first Monster Hunter game.
Let's hope this gets a port to a modern system, and that rumoured Switch pro turns out to be true. There is no world in which 756p is acceptable on a modern 4K TV. It just isn't good enough. And the Switch doesn't even support HDR either.
Having been playing a lot of Series X lately I see 1440p at 60fps as the baseline now. That's it. The lowest end acceptable. Ideally I'm looking for 2160p at 60fps in HDR.
Some people are more sensitive to lower frame rates. With the Series X and PS5 60fps or even 120fps is the standard now. Nintendo need to keep up.
@Razer get good
@Kalmaro They will. Graphics fanboys always do.
Such a good game.. immediately impressed jumping from MH Generations to this. Looks VERY impressive! Can't wait for this, sad I missed the Collector's Edition pre-order
@LillianC14 What is that supposed to mean? What's wrong with Digital Foundry?
@Uncensored It's been built for Switch, so I doubt it. It runs just fine.
@Mr-Fuggles777 Yeah, I get it. I first got into MH on the 3ds, when it was on sale. I tried the demo, and wasn't sure if it was thing, but I fell in love. Capcom is pretty good at sales.
@SilentHunter382 not on switch. Just the fact you said you’d like 60 shows you aren’t very aware of the switches capabilities.
The graphics looked rather muddy and lacked clarity for me but the frame rate was absolutely rock solid which I appreciate. Stable 30FPS is a lot more tolerable than a variable 40-60FPS.
I enjoyed what I played in the demo, but I still think I'll wait for that supposed PC version, since I play a lot of World on PC, and that's where my MonHun friends are.
Never played a MH before, and I enjoyed the visuals and the gameplay loop seems just about perfect (kill monsters, get loot, craft, kill bigger monsters, repeat). But the combat just felt clunky to me. Does it click as something a little different?
@Giancarlothomaz It does feature HD Rumble, but you have to turn it on in the menu... for some reason.
@SimoneBelmont that might depend because of the people who are playing the demo.
I found no stuttering when I played the game. The graphics looked great and the framerate is smooth and stable at 30 fps.
@TaterSlap69 combat is always clunk in MH games. I think even MH World has the problem as well.
After playing it several times, you will eventually get used to it.
@anoyonmus I was a little confused you were having issues, then immediately saw this video in my feed:
Is that the issue?
PC version is unlikely to happen. PC already has MH World.
There is no evidence that a PC version will happen and it is just a leak that is most likely not true at all.
A lot of stuff from the Capcom hacks were outdated. MH Rise was developed for a while so I am guessing for 3DS and then changed to Nintendo Switch
The issue might be due to the amount of people playing it. I am guessing internet can be a factor but I am not too sure.
Yeah I saw the video. The issue is probably due to the people playing online. The demo was too popular apparently
I had no issues playing the demo. Everything was smooth and the graphics were great.
Only issue with the demo I have is that I keep forgetting the controls!!!!
@danemord This is the craziest thing about the modern gamer. If groups like digital foundry didn't exist most gamers wouldn't notice most resolution numbers or fps dips unless their egregious. But as soon as you tell people the numbers suddenly its an unplayable mess.
@ramu-chan it sucks that people are a little sensitive to framerate. But even the xbox one and ps4 had several games that run at 30 fps. The xbox one and ps4 aren't dead yet. More games are coming to them soon
Series S also has several games that run at 30 fps. So the nintendo switch isn't completely behind
@Chowdaire Some people are just a lot more sensitive to it. The frame drops in Control gave me a horrible migraine, as do some other games especially if they’re in HDR.
@Chowdaire The difference between 30fps and 60fps is night and day. If you're on a VRR display then drops down into the low 50s can still look smooth, but if not, any drop below 60 hits hard.
Once you're into PC gaming even 60fps starts to look a little slow, hence the move to 144fps, 240fps, and even 300fps and above. That's certainly overkill territory, but 120fps is still a pretty nice upgrade over 60fps. It just feels so responsive and snappy, and of course buttery smooth.
@anoyonmus The combat in Monster Hunter is comically bad. Amazing that a game which is basically so broken can be so popular. The world building is nice of course, but they really need to fix how it plays.
@nessisonett @ramu-chan I have a gaming PC and gaming laptop and yes, I can tell the difference between 60 and 30 fps as well, but unless I'm playing a shooter or fighting game it genuinely doesn't effect gameplay for me personally. My comment was mostly at the people who claim a 60fps game that sometimes dips to 55 frames or a 30fps game that occasionally goes to 28 is somehow unplayable when I know the vast majority would only see these numbers when directly told. As for resolution. Thats more of an asthetic thing, I struggle to think of a time when bad resolution has actually negatively impacted my ability to enjoy a game; poor resolution may initially deflate some of my enthusiasm but its quickly swept under the rug. Artistic vision trumps graphical might for me, but thats probably just because I studied art in college. I'm not saying people aren't capable of distinguishing these things but I highly doubt most can.
After experiencing the demo it makes me hopeful that the new dragons dogma game that's hopefully in the works will play well on switch (if it's released on it 🤞)
@ramu-chan No, MH doesn't need to change its combat. If people don't like it, thats fine, don't play it. Most people who play monster hunter games enjoy the slow deliberate movement of the game. It shouldn't disappoint the core audience to chase after others.
@Snakesglowcaps I do know the switches capabilities. I know realistically that this game wouldn't be able to achieve 60 fps without some serious cuts to the graphics. The low resolution shows that they can't achieve a solid 30 fps at 1080p in docked mode. Still would have liked it to be 60 if they could have achieved it.
@SilentHunter382 I would like 60 fps but a stable 30 fps works for me as well
And as we know. Monster Hunter in general (not just Rise) has pretty clunky combat. It takes a lot of practice to get used to it
@Grot That dude's just an edgelord...I know exactly who you mean. He only comes in here to slag off the Switch. What a fantastic life he must lead.
@link3710 which menu screen has the rumble on off option?
@anoyonmus Yep solid 30 fps is the lowest I can tolerate. The only exception is if it is a turn based game that doesn't require timing of commands.
@Danrenfroe2016 are you playing with a Great Sword or other heavy weapons? Try dual blades.
@Danrenfroe2016 all monster hunter games in general have pretty clunky combat
@SilentHunter382 30 fps in a game is fun as long as it is stable and if it isn't like a battle royale game
I'm beginning to realize that some of the people who are complaining about low resolution output looking crappy on their televisions should not be quarreling about the consoles themselves but the fact that their televisions or audio systems have very terrible upscaling.
Crappy upscaling can definitely make a game look blurry and muddy. In addition if the TV has some sort of image processing features turned on It could also cause strange artifacts or stuttering with some games as the television tries to add frames to the content.
Content can look vastly different across different models and makes of 4K TVs especially cheaper LCD models
@wanghosom does my comment hurt your feelings? Lol
There's one thing that bothers me, though. Sometimes, specially in multiplayer sessions, the screen gets a bit messy, with too many visual effects. I really expect they adjust those details.
@anoyonmus This article suggests differently:
Monster Hunter World has proved to be incredibly lucrative on PC these past couple of years, especially in Asian countries. I don't think Capcom is going to let money lie on the table like that just to appease Nintendo.
@Razer I think the "jank" is by design, looking at past Monster Hunter games. I used to be bothered by it myself, until I learned than the lumbering, full-commitment movement is just part of the experience.
You'll either love it, respect it, or hate it, and that's OK.
@Kalmaro Look at the very bottom of the MHR demo comments and you will find sombody saying there going to site it out bc of preformenc and is going to wait for the pc ver.
Something that I find interesting is that the resolution is higher in the menus than the game itself. It makes sense, as menus are generally less taxing than games in general.
I haven't seen many games do this, and I don't think there are many games that do this begin with, as far as I know.
Personally I felt like the areas in World were too claustrophobic. I appreciate how everything here is more wide open. I'm amazed that so many people are noticing the difference in resolution though. I suspect that people here are claiming they see the difference in resolution when in fact they mean the reduced polygons, lighting effects, and environmental pieces (i.e.: decorative grass and rocks). Depending on how close you sit to the TV, most people can't tell the difference between different HD resolutions as long as the resolution remains stable... There's a curve for distance from TV and noticeable benefits, and most people sit somewhere between the distance for 720p and 1080p to be most beneficial. In other words, unless you are sitting right on top of your TV, manufacturers are selling you snake oil.
Nintendo Switch Pro is on the way with 60 frames per second confirmed and 4K docked!
Is there actually no gyro aiming 😱????
I can't believe being able to hit a stable 30 FPS in all we're asking out of Nintendo Switch games in this day and age...
Consistent frame rates are more important than high frame rates. I will take a consistent 30 over an inconsistent 60 any day.
MH Rise is consistent, more consistent than World was (which was consistent compared to a lot of games itself).
Regarding the game itself, MH is the deepest combat you'll find in gaming. There is a long learning curve. The best quote I've heard is "Everyone likes Monster Hunter, many just quit before they find the weapon that suits them".
@LillianC14 What’s your issue with them? No DF here in this article either way...
Considering how strong the asset quality and art style are, I’m surprising we’re managing to get 720p+ and maintaining 30fps - this game’s visuals are great, a real showcase
Totally agree with you but when I loaded up the game in docked mode is seemed fine, both smooth and sharp, and if pushed to make a judgement I would have said it was running in full HD.
To your main point wanting a great graphical experience is not wrong, but you will always have to consider Nintendo have made a console that offers a handheld and T.V experience in a small portable form factor, so there was always going to be compromises, I think it's amazing we are getting these types of games considering the hardware.
If the technical limitation of Switch games bother you and others there are other more powerful options out there, it's like buying a standard model Ford car, then complaining it does not perform like a Ferrari, as it was never going to in the first place.
@yuwarite then again. Also from a leak.
The only good thing about a PC version of Rise is the possibility of cross saves. As of this moment, Capcom has not announced any platforms other than switch for Rise.
The game is built for switch in mind so the supposed PC version will probably not run very well.
@MaxiPareja I am more surprised that the framerate remained stable even if with a lot of chaos in the game
@sandman89 There is gyro aiming. But you have to select it in options.
@Urso I couldn’t find it 🤔
Weird. Both run at the same (low) resolution, but Rise looks really sharp while Age of Calamity is a blurry mess.
A lot of that had to do with the uncapped frame rate on console. They honestly should have locked it to 30. The frame pacing was the main issue, not the frame rate itself.
With that said... it plays at 60 FPS on my PS5 because it was never locked. So that’s a plus.
I thought that, this game from the demo anyway looked razor sharp to me.
I try to only play 30fps games on my TV so it can dejudder and smoothen the graphics. My TV successfully makes the Monster Hunter Rise demo look like 60fps, so that leads me to believe it must be a very steady, evenly frame paced, 30fps, which is great!
@sandman89 Options -> gyroscope -> gyro functionality -> on
I will never be able to understand how Monster Hunter combat can be considered "clunky".
Yes, you absolutely have to get used to it, but that is simply because it is different from most other games.
It is practically impossible to be good at it from the first second on because of that.
But, if a combat system that gives me so much control and just works so incredibly well with many different playstyles then I vastly prefer "clunky" combat over everything else.
Easily my favourite combat system of any game I have ever played, and I have played a LOT over the years.
@johnvboy I haven't played this demo yet so I was speaking in general terms. As for the Switch itself I never use it as a handheld, I much prefer console devices and if I want to get the best/smoothest Zelda/Metroid/Mario experience the only other thing I can do is play on PC (which isn't always easy given unique control schemes).
I play mainly docked, although the ability to use as a handheld when the rest of the family are using the T.V is cool too.
Must admit to loving the experience of connecting the spare dock on my daughters Switch to my projector, the games look great on a big screen.
this is a good switch exclusive game i never played monster hunter but i like this one can wait for full release
@ramu-chan it's on Switch, what were you expecting? 60fPs iS tHe baRE miNiMuM
@The-Chosen-one yeah I honestly think I'll be happy buying this on Switch and double dipping on PC later.
Never got in to a monster Hunter game. Downloaded the demo so I'll give it a go.
@link3710 where? i dint found the option to turn the HD Rumble on, can you tell me where i can turn the HD Rumble on please?
@oldkid what are your settings on your mclassic? I have one but I never know whether to keep my switch set to 720p or 1080p when I’m on my 4K tv
@sandman89 there is.. check the options. Theres whole section for gyro options there. Enjoy
the background where you fight bosses is quite empty...
I've never been sold on Monster Hunter, but I really enjoyed this demo. I loved the music at the start - I sat and enjoyed the loop fully before I started playing. I've only played hand-held so far, but I thought it looked lovely and the performance was great. I'm looking forward to playing the full game now - a good demo for me.
@NicheAbou It depends on the game. For instance, my optimal settings for The Witcher 3 are 720p , no anti-aliasing and low sharpness whereas Crysis Remastered looks amazing in 1080p.
Only played in portable mode until now and the game runs beautifully, no complaints from my part. Can't wait for the full game.
@Kirgo some weapons can be a bit clunky.
anyway, I have beaten the Great Izuchi in the demo. I used dual blades for it.
@anoyonmus If Nintendo paid $6 million for timed exclusivity, I don't think Capcom would announce any other platforms just yet, as right now we're in the marketing period for the Switch version of the game.
It's like the situation with Final Fantasy VII Remake; not many people realise this, but FFVII Remake is a timed PS4 exclusive until 10th April 2021. And likewise, Square Enix has not announced other platforms it's coming to, but it's likely coming to PC, and possibly Xbox, this year.
MH Rise game is built for Switch, but uses RE engine, which runs beautifully on PC. I guarantee it will run perfectly fine on older spec PC's, even on laptops. I know because RE2/3 Remake run at 1080p 60fps on my old GTX970 PC from 2015.
Damn, I really want a Switch Pro this year.
Im in no need of 4K, but I do think that around 900p is the sweet spot when playing on the TV and not looking annoyingly low-res. Witcher 3 is looking kinda great on Switch too, but Id really want that extra clearity with going from ~720p to 900p or a full 1080p.
@yuwarite just because the RE Engine runs great on PC doesn't necessarily mean it will run good or it will be ported to the platform.
Revelations 1 is a good example of a handheld game translated to PC and home consoles.
Also Square Enix said the FF7 remake will be a timed exclusive when it was announced and released. Capcom didn't say anything. So either the exclusivity period will be like a year or capcom is sticking with the switch on this one
General idea. Just because a game engine runs on one platform doesn't mean that a game will come to that particular platform.
Will there be a nintendo direct soon? I would like to know the update on MH Stories 2
@ramu-chan What? Can you elaborate on what makes the combat bad?
I think it’s funny and sad that 540p is basically the standard resolution for the switch in portable mode. Twice that of the 3ds, but still not great.
It’s also funny and sad that a game running at a stable 30fps is news.
540p in handheld? 😯 it looks amazing! what a miracle
for a slower paced game , i guess 30 fps should be fine
also imho , it doesnt make sense to bring rise to pc/other consoles since theres already world which could receive expansions whenever they want .
@Ralizah I know right, optimization has been done right
@Ralizah It doesn't stutter on my XBox One X.
Personally I’m hugely impressed by Rise’s looks and performance. Demos a bit bare bones, but have hogh hopes for the full game!
sad its held back by hardware limitations. hopefully the switch pro or something will come out soon and it will have at least 1080p. i know it will never have a higher than 30fps setting but hopefully a pc port comes out soon.. it hurts my eyes to look at this game for too long :/ (other than that the game itself is pretty fun)
Nice to see the numbers. I expected the fps was 30 fps in handheld during my time with the demo (in handheld only so far) and never noticed any dips and game looks great too.
I was already excited for this game and now even more so. March can't come soon enough!
Why does it hurt your eyes exactly?, the visuals seemed fine to me, very clean and defined.
@johnvboy there are looots of jagged edges everywhere which make it look blurry especially at long distances, and you can tell it's definitely not 1080p and theres not even any AA to compensate for it. on top of that the 30fps isn't stable, the fps in some places have crazy drops for a split second, and in fights there are 2-3fps drops consistently that are very noticeable. tbh i wouldn't even mind the fps if the resolution was crisp 1080p but the combination of the two make my eyes hurt after a while. still better fps than world tho ill give it that lol
@SimoneBelmont pretty funny u have digital senses greater than a computer and everyone one else says it performs perfectly but it stutters for u. Why u so special?
I was having a lot of fun with the game, but I did run into some audio issues. I was doing the intermediate challenge and the music would cut in and out. I'm not sure if it started before or after going to the home menu to force a pause.
@JokerCK every time someone confuses graphics for resolution, i cringe. graphics and resolution are two separate entities in a game. Graphics are the quality of the textures and the level of details and resolution, well, says it all.
A game can have super detailed graphics but if the resolution is 540p for exemple, it's a wasted opportunity since the low resolution makes it harder to notice the level of details that went into making or porting a game. Many third party games on switch are hinderred by low resolution
@andjahiam I’m not going to address such silliness.
@anoyonmus Well, at the end of the day, it's all about money. And it doesn't really make business sense for Capcom to leave money from PC players lying on the table in light of how lucrative and popular the PC version of World is. Nintendo's supposed $6 million deal wouldn't be enough to keep it away from coming to PC eventually.
I must admit I have not noticed the issues, will have another look next time I load up the demo.
Only played offline and it runs pretty nice. Unfortunately though it is fairly blurry and I'm not surprised it's only 540p. If there is a Switch Pro I sure as hell hope all games will run at least 720p. But hey at least it's playable for me unlike freaking Age of Calamity which I just cannot tolerate.
Looks and runs fine. There appears to be a little bit of controller delay, but you can get used to that minor quirk in time. It doesn't run as nicely as MHU 4 on new 3DS, but that is a special case with lesser visuals.
I've seen some comments slating MH Worlds performance? I have an X1S it runs smoothly with annoying pop in, that's it. My X1X runs it at 60, no dips, same silly Pop in. My X series S runs it flawlessly with negligible pop in. There is nothing wrong with MH Worlds performance, at least on xbox.
@Primarina well the lag to me may have something to do with the quality of the animation, it felt more "sluggish" to play than other versions of MH. Yeah i'll admit even i skipped the original X1, you could tell they'd both fumbled out of the gate trying to release something in a competitive time frame.
@Casual_Gamer95 so get cringe i dont care. You also explained as if you had no work. Be sure that I know these issues better than you. Don't jump to my comment.
I've never played a Monster Hunter game and tried this with high hopes and just couldn't get it to click....maybe I made it more complicated than its supposed to be but it just was not fun. I'll have to give it another shot. Maybe I'm just getting old.
It's strange that I generally hate boss battles in video games, but then there's Monster Hunter which is pretty much nothing but boss battles, and I love it.
I've long lost interest in the technical side of games. If it's fun and looks good I'm happy. And I am very happy with MH Rise so far.
@oats-81 It took a while for me to click also. Don't judge it by the demo. In the full game when you fully customize your character and hunt for parts for the next armor, you will get into the loop and learn along the way. Also, some weapons are REALLY complicated to make best use of. Also the controls are always a bit "cluttered" but there is so much the control scheme needs to do, it is what it is I guess.
If you want to give the demo another try, do the tutorials again and try the LONG SWORD it's a very beginner friendly weapon in my book.
I've been using long sword, bow gun and great sword in the past. Now I switched to the bow, because of my real life affinity to archery, it took me a while but I am already comboing- and making good use of the new slik-thing abilities. Give it time.
Once you can appreciate it for what it is, it's one of the most exciting AND relaxing games all wrapped into a sweet monster sandwich.
How long is the demo? Also what is the best 3ds monster hunter game for a newcomer?
@kobashi100 Honestly playing as many games as I have now and seeing, especially on Switch, the games which end up being described as good looking... I'm starting to think resolution isn't anymore as much important than it once used to be.
Most amazing game of all time. This is IT. I’ve lost patience trying to convince people how amazing Monster Hunter is though, because a lot of these people just play it for 15 minutes and say “uh, feels slow, I don’t like it”. I can’t do anything with that. This is a game where you have to invest time in learning the mechanics properly and trying out the different weapons in seeing what gels with you, and then learning some basic combos so that you know what you’re doing when you press a button and how long the animation will play out. There are a lot of new players that are genuinely trying to get into it and I really look forward to helping mentor them and guide them into learning the game. And they will be rewarded for that as they find their new favorite video game of all time. But there’s always going to be those people who just pick it up for one quest and say I don’t get it. Well, ya, of course you don’t. This is a game for those who want extremely rewarding gameplay, incredible depth and excellent combat, and are willing to learn how to play. You take the time to learn, you’ll discover a game far greater than any Zelda you’ve ever played. If you’re not gonna commit, don’t waste your time. This is for serious gamers only who want to experience the game of a lifetime. If that’s not you, that’s fine. Play a Zelda or something. Anyways.
Best looking game on Switch to date. Best looking handheld game ever made. Wirebugs are insanely fun. Palamutes are crazy fun, doggo drifting with speed burst like Mario Kart, riding monsters...
This is the video game of all video games. AND it’s on Switch with gorgeous docked play, amazingly beautiful handheld and portable console tabletop play? I can’t get over how good it looks. Playing on the Lite just takes my breath away. I never dreamed we’d be playing a Monster Hunter that looked THIS good on a handheld. And it’s so smooth! So fluid. It’s a perfect mix of World, Gen and pushing the series forward.
I feel like I’ve gone to gamer heaven. I don’t need another video game for the rest of the generation!
This game looks so amazing, get ready for a LOT of ignorant, insecure fanboys trying to trash it. They’ll take numbers off of page and then twist it to make it sound like it’s “not good enough”, despite the fact everyone playing this game is blown away by how good it looks. Just get your ignore buttons ready. Games like this are good for weeding out the trolls.
That’s... unfortunately not the case. There is no rumble options in the menu. Hopefully it’s something that will be included in the full game. If not, that sucks, but it can’t hold this game back from being the masterpiece it is.
@JokerCK "Be sure that I know these issues better than you. Don't jump to my comment"
so you're one of those dudes that think they're superior to everyone else uh? whatever floats your boat
@Giancarlothomaz they did it with 3d, they'll do it with Any nintendo gimmick, it seems. At least this one isn't the namesake if the system. Once Nintendo stopped forcing devs to use their motion controls & 3d, they opened the floodgates. Now no one wants to make the extra effort, cuz they know the games will sell regardless.
@anoyonmus why it's it so revered? I tried for more than an hour to like the game. And I ended up disliking it more than when I tried MH on the Wii U.
@JaxonH I really tried to get into it, but it just didn't do it for me. I want to like it, is there A good beginners guide out there or something? But the controls, the controls feel so so so bad.
@Danrenfroe2016 all MH games are like that. You need to keep practicing the controls. You will eventually get used to it.
As for why MH Rise is hyped is this
1. MH Rise is brand new entry to the nintendo switch.
2. The game runs on the RE Engine which is used to make RE 7, RE Village, RE 2 and 3 remakes, and DMC 5
Controls are the best part of the game, and if you stick with it, you'll understand why.
Monster Hunter uses realistic animation commitments. Every single action has an animation "cost" to perform. And knowing exactly what your character is going to do when you press a button is CRUCIAL. If you just mash buttons of course its going to feel bad. Cause you dont know what you're doing, you're pressing a bunch of buttons and seeing animations play out, not doing correct combos so you get penalized in animation locks... ya, its going to feel bad.
But that's due to lack of user knowledge. Once you know what you're doing, it feels amaaaaazing. No other game can compare.
It literally just boils down to learning the controls, learning the combos, and practicing to commit it to muscle memory.
Menu Settings
1 While in a quest, hit + to open menu, then tab all the way over to the right with R and select Options
2 In Game Settings, set Player Silhouette to Type 1
3 Set Hit Effects to Less if the blood splatters make it hard to see
4 Set Character Names to Don't Display
5 In Controls, set Sheath Settings to Manual
6 Set Dash Settings to L3 or R
7 Set Minus (-) Controls to Type 2
8 Set Start Menu Navigation to Type 2
9 In Camera tab, see Camera Speed to Slow
10 Set Camera Distance to 40
11 In Gyroscope tab, set Gyro Functionality to On
12 Set Right Analog Up/Down Controls to On
13 Turn Normal Gyro Controls to Off
14 Ensure all other gyro controls are turned on
1 Try Long Sword and Dual Blades and Hunting Horn first. See which one gels with you best. These are faster weapons with less animation commitments for new players
2 Spend an entire quest practicing combos by base camp, and then practicing those combos on monsters.
3 Useful Combos can be found in the menu under Hunter's Notes > Weapon Controls
4 Practice wirebug moves. Commit to muscle memory. Biggest one to know is when you get hit, Hold use ZL + B to immediately use wirefall recovery back onto your feet with weapon sheathed.
5 NEVER leave your weapon drawn in between attacks. It DESTROYS your mobility, and that is by design. You wait for an opening with weapon sheathed, then run in quick, do a few attacks, then dodge roll away, then sheathe, then run around to reposition.
6 DON'T GET GREEDY. The name of the game is not getting hit. Taking one extra hit than your opening allows for can get you wiped out. Learn patience and pacing the fight.
7 Practice practice practice.
8 Use R3 to lock onto monsters or toggle lock on between different monsters, then tap L to swing camera toward them.
9 Hold L to access radial menu shortcut (while holding L, use Right analog to point to item you want to use and let go).
10 Holding L also lets you pan your full item pouch with Y/A for left and right. Whichever item is selected is the one you'll use when you press Y when sheathed.
11 Hold A near palamute to ride. Otherwise use radial menu shortcut
12 Weapon sharpness meter is in top left, the knife icon that changes from red, orange, yellow, green. Keep your weapon sharp in the green with a whetstone (radial menu, very top). Damage is severely reduced when you have yellow sharpness.
13 Keep your stamina maxed out as much as possible. It lowers over time (all the red in the yellow stamina bar is lost max stamina). Eat rations or well done steaks to replenish max stamina. Well done steaks replenish more and last longer.
14 There is a whole side of MH you dont experience in the demo. Gathering and crafting your own flash bombs, traps, potions, etc is something you learn in the full game. The demo and the early game provides you with free items though while you're learning the ropes. Armor and weapon crafting is a central part of the experience, again something you dont see in the demo
NOTE: You never want to press a button without knowing exactly what it's going to do, and exactly how long the animation will take to play out. This is why learning your weapon is so important. Watch Gaijin Hunter Youtube videos for weapon tutorials, or Arreks YouTube videos who also does weapon tutorials to really master the weapon. Once you know what you're doing, the combat feels insanely good.
Trust me when I say I was exactly like you. Literally every hunter ever felt like you do when first starting out. But if you stick with it, practice, and put my advice to use, you're about to discover the most amazing game with the most incredible combat ever.
@JaxonH wait so how do combos work exactly. I've enjoyed using lance in the demo to time well spaced attacks and block enemy attacks, but I feel like I'm missing something as the attacks I put out feel very basic and not at all how monster hunter fans describe the combat
@twztid13 Agreed. The switch has managed to reach the perfect wii-gamecube balance. Doesn't abandon core gamers while also allowing the silly gimmicky fun that the wii had
@twztid13 HD Rumble is not a gimmick like 3D or motion control, it actualy enchance the game(it make the game more imersive, but this will not stop me for enjoying another masterpiece that is Monster Hunter Rise.
Trust me, things are much deeper than you realize. Although by combo, I mean a sequence of attacks that flow into each other without resulting in an animation Freeze, which can happen if you use the wrong sequence. For lance, poke poke poke HOP, poke poke poke HOP is your go to endless basic combo, using low and high pokes as the situation dictates.
Watch a tutorial and learn more depth to the weapon. Gaijin Hunter hasn't put out full weapon tutorials for Rise yet, only World and MHGU, but this preview covers alot of Lance in Rise
Rurikhan also has some good weapon impressions vids, as does Arekkz Gaming.
Check out the long sword impressions
@JaxonH thanks. I will give it a try again this coming Friday.
@JaxonH thanks a bunch!
@JaxonH I watched Gaijin Hunter's lance tutorial for generations ultimate. theres a few differences between it and Rise but it definitely was a good base explanation. Thanks for the recommendation
Gaijin Hunter is like, the Monster Hunter community's favorite Youtuber. He's been making MH tutorials and guides for so many years, since wayyyy back before MH was ever popular in the west.
Its really fun learning a new weapon. I've only ever mained the Long Sword, Dual Blades and Hunting Horn in MH3U, then Insect Glaive in MH4U, then Charge Blade and Heavy Bow Gun in MHGen, then Charge Blade and Lance in MHW, then Charge Blade and Switch Axe in MHGU.
And now in MHR, I love them all and cant decide what to use! Long Sword and Hunting horn are crazy good and fun, but I want to main something new, like Gunlance or Light Bowgun or Great Sword or Hammer. Technically Hunting Horn feels like a brand new weapon too, since they completely overhauled its moveset and fundamental mechanics.
Its almost a tradition to learn and master at least one new weapon for every new MH game. Sounds like lance is the one you've taken a liking to. Gunlance is similar but has shelling and wyvern fire. Charge blade is really complex but probably the most fun weapon to use imo. So much depth its insane.
@Danrenfroe2016 I've tried all the 3ds ones & felt the same way each time, sadly.
@Giancarlothomaz 3D was far more immersive IMHO.
@Giancarlothomaz This bugs me too, like a lot. Its 2021. Features like this should always be enabled, then made optional for those who want to disable them. No rumble feedback sucks for me, for weapons that have certain timings. Going from World to Rise will suck in this regard.
@anoyonmus "PC version is unlikely to happen. PC already has MH World. There is no evidence that a PC version will happen and it is just a leak that is most likely not true at all."
@yuwarite well its a leak, genius. It can be true or it cannot be true.
Just look Mass Effect for example. Was leaked for switch but not happening.
If all those Capcom leaks are true, then unfortunately there WILL be a RE 4 remake
@anoyonmus Still, your logical deduction and reasons for it not coming to PC were way off. Leak or not, it still made logical sense to bring it to PC, because it's all about money at the end of the day and PC is not really competing in the console space, so it doesn't harm Nintendo to bring it to PC.
@yuwarite so u are saying that I am wrong.
Did u REALLY think that I DID NOT know I am wrong!!!!!!
Why are u attacking me all of sudden.
@anoyonmus Yikes, calm down! I apologise, as it was not my intention to upset you... Anyway, I think it's a good thing it's coming to PC; hopefully Capcom make it so Switch and PC players can play together.
@yuwarite sry for bursting out like that.
But yeah. Capcom should have NS and PC have krossplay.
But Capcom needs to make sure that the PC version also runs at 30 fps and also make sure PC players don't cheat.
Other than that, I am happy that PC players will join.
I will build a PC and probably get MH Rise on both PC and Switch
@Kiwi_Unlimited Meh, I just got monster hunter world on steam and it runs at 3840x1600 and 150-160 fps. It's a huge downgrade in rise but I still preordered it anyway hoping that when the switch pro comes out we can see 60 fps.
@Ralizah ps5 is 60fps solid
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