If the rumours are true, Nintendo likely won't be putting out a Nintendo Direct presentation in the immediate future. That's not to say announcements won't continue to drop, or game-specific Direct videos won't appear online over the summer, but a full-fat blow-out of a presentation doesn't appear to be on the cards in the near-term - certainly not of the type we'd normally see in the first half of June, anyway.
The reasons for this are various and entirely understandable. Disruption to the video game industry over the past few months has led to companies across the spectrum adapting and experimenting with new ways of delivering news and debuting games. Nintendo has been a leader in this field for some time; the first of the big three to abandon a stage presentation at E3 in favour of a broadcast that it could control and edit for maximum impact.
And we have to say, dropping big announcements out of the blue has proved an effective, exciting strategy. March's Nintendo Direct Mini was shadow-dropped without warning, and then there was Paper Mario: The Origami King, which sprung up on our Twitter timeline with such nonchalance that it took a moment to rack our brains and make sure we hadn't blanked on a previous announcement (hey, we're all suffering from a touch of lockdown fogginess, no?).
There's little doubt that random drops of previously unannounced titles can certainly spice up a quiet Thursday afternoon. Yet, there's still a palpable desire for a real, honest-to-goodness, 45-60 minute 'proper' Nintendo Direct. Not an an Indie World Showcase or an Animal Crossing Direct or a Smash fighter deep-dive Direct or Pokémon DLC Direct; a real one, if you will.
It's not like there aren't other things to think about in the world right now, but with other platform holders lifting the lid on their plans for the rest of the year, we thought it a good time to look to the future and consider the burning questions we'd most love to see answered by Nintendo over the summer, whether via a bumper Nintendo Direct or a sneaky tweet.
Question 1: How is No More Heroes 3 / Bayonetta 3 / Bravely Default 2 coming along?
First up, an update on the big games--Nintendo-published or otherwise--that we know are coming would be a good start. We're talking titles like No More Heroes 3, Bayonetta 3 and Bravely Default II.
PlatinumGames' sequel is a particular mystery in that selection - a game we've seen nothing of beyond its initial tease way back in December 2017. Director Hideki Kamiya has insisted multiple times that everything is progressing smoothly behind the scenes, to the point that questions about it are irritating him. Kamiya irritated? Fancy that.
You could easily bundle the following game in with those above, but we feel it deserves special attention...
Question 2: Got a sitrep on Metroid Prime 4?
How many years has it been now? Our perception of time is a bit skewed after the past couple of months, but it is now a whopping three years since Metroid Prime 4's initial reveal teaser at E3 2017 and nearly 18 months since Shinya Takahashi announced that all development work to that point had been scrapped and the project would be restarted by series veterans Retro Studios.
The game is still a long way off, but given its history we'd love a little development update. Two years, three years off - we don't really mind when it arrives, but acknowledgement that Samus is alive and well would perk us up immeasurably.
Question 3: What's planned for Super Mario Bros.' 35th anniversary?
Bit of a leading question, this. The rumoured remasters of several Mario games got us dreaming of a 'Super Mario All-Stars 2', and it seems highly likely that a host of 3D favourites will be coming to Switch sooner rather than later. Whatever Nintendo is cooking up, we're eager to find out more. It can't just be a collection of Uniqlo t-shirts, right?
Question 4: What's next for Nintendo Switch Online?
We've been getting a slow drip feed of NES and SNES titles added to the online subscription service over the last few months, but Nintendo has stated its intention to continue adding value to the service and we're wondering what's coming next. A new exclusive game a la Tetris 99, perhaps? If not Nintendo 64 games, then how about Game Boy or Game Boy Advance titles? Something else entirely?
There's no time like the present for a new Tetris 99-alike to take the world by storm.
Question 5: When can we stop calling it 'Breath of the Wild 2'?
We say that we're not fussed about game-specific Directs, but a Breath of the Wild 2 deep-dive would be most welcome. Or even a shallow-dive, come to think of it.
We've watched and dissected that reveal trailer from a year ago over and over, and we'd like to be able to stop calling this direct sequel 'Breath of the Wild 2' now. How about The Legend of Zelda: Dungeon Divers? The Legend of Zelda: Calamity's Return? The Legend of Link: A Zelda to the Past...
Okay, they're all rubbish. Give us a proper title, Nintendo, and let's banish 'BOTW2' to the depths where it belongs.
Question 6: What can we look forward to in the second half of 2020?
This is probably the most pressing question on many a Nintendo fan's mind (and likely a few other people besides). It would be an immense understatement to say that 2020 has been a bit of a rotter so far, and that's one of the reasons so many of us are looking to our favourite creators to provide a little respite and distraction from the challenges of the last few months.
To be fair, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been a meditative part of our daily routine for many weeks now, but we would welcome something to get excited about in the second half of the year. We understand that Nintendo has projects bubbling away, and that the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably affected release plans, but a drop of intel on games likely to arrive before Holiday 2020 would lift our spirits no-end.
It needn't be 'Super Mario Odyssey 2', or the rumoured Pikmin that's been MIA for years, or an 'F-ZERO FOR SWITCH' megaton (although we'd snap up any or all of the above). A little Rhythm Heaven or WarioWare compilation on Switch would be just the ticket. Heck, we'd gladly take a couple of Wii U ports (there are still a fair few to pick from) - just something for Switch owners to pin on their mirrors and think about over the summer months, as opposed to staring into the abyss and having only titles on other platforms to get excited about.
Go on Nintendo, throw us a bone, hmm?
We have other questions, of course, but these are the ones causing the most head-scratching for us at the moment. What would you most like Nintendo to spill the beans about this summer? Let us know your burning questions below.
Comments 123
Mole Mania sequel!
Pikmin, Rhythm Heaven, and WarioWare are all great ideas!
And I would love to see GBA games on NSO. You can cover Metroid, WarioWare, and a lot of other ground with GBA games.
1.Whats up with the prison labor manufacturing? Plz include in direct
Ouendan revival!
How about Shin Megami Tensei V?
Heres a few questions that certain commenters here want to ask nintendo:
1. Have you stopped making games completely or just for 2020?
2. When will you file for bankruptcy since you've been on the brink of it for the last few decades?
3. Ever played the video game doom? Felt a sense of impending doom? Or just felt like you were doomed? Thanks!
Nintendo could make up for the lack of game announcements by focusing their attention on NSO.
when will the Switch 2 come?
Hi! Everyone! I’d like to get this game!
When are the games coming?
I just want more legend of zelda games on the switch...
Where is Pikmin 4?
Where is Pikmin 4?
Seriously, though — PS5 news is about to drop today, we were told ARMS rep news was slated for June, every other rumor that NL has been clinging onto for dear ad revenue, and it's been radio silence from Nintendo as far as what will replace their (undoubtedly, already largely prepared) "E3" Direct. What the heck.
Bayo 3, BotW 2, MP4, and SMT V are all 2021 games (or later).
Bayonetta 3 would be nice.
Where's Izzy?
I just want to know why Nintendo is so extremely quiet these months?
Is the Prime Trilogy real? So we can stop begging.
What is this year's tentpole Christmas game?
@Incarna When they put the series in the hands of someone more competent than Game Freak and TPC. Don’t get your hopes up.
@The-Chosen-one strict lockdown policies in Japan.
I just want something from Capcom to be announced soon. Arcade 1UP is making an X-Men VS. Street Fighter cabinet, and MVC2 is my current most wanted 3rd party port to the switch, so a Capcom presentation would be very nice right now. Plus, if we could get Kingdom Hearts and/or Yakuza (my most wanted current gen ports) at some point, that would be incredible.
My burning question:
When will you stop trotting out Wii U games and make new games?
Rather vague questions, expect rather vague Answers.
Nintendo were able to keep quiet for the first QTR of this year because Animal Crossing was going to keep us happy for a while, (well those gamers that play AC). Then it was quiet until Paper Mario was announced. That was the best part of two months away, but we could see a small light at the end of the Nintendo games famine tunnel.
At this rate Nintendo can keep quiet again until Sept, then one more release before the Christmas game.
Of course PS5 is being announced for this year, so Nintendo is holding fire until a date is given, then it will need to open up with its big guns. The biggest of which would be a Pro.
If it does not have any big guns, a lot of gamers spare cash will find its way over to Sony.
Nintendo will let things cool off a bit after the PS5 reveal because it would get buried. Then they'll hype up the Pokémon DLC. Then the Arms fighter for Smash. Then Paper Mario. Then the fun stuff.
How about updating AC for multiple islands?
7. Is Miyamoto san available to come to my house and hang out?? Big fan. We will need a large box, lots of stamps and in the vicinity of 3 air holes to get him out of Japan. Thx
Shin Megami Tensei V?
@Muddy_4_Ever Yes please for a Mole Mania sequel.
Well they did mention us having a new exclusive NSO game like Tetris 99. Perhaps Nintendo will try Dr Mario 99, think that would bug people though
I wouldn't put it passed Nintendo to announce a direct Tuesday for Thursday as it would have done for E3. An blow all the rumours of 'No' direct clean out of the water.
How about when will Metroid Prime Trilogy for the switch coming OUT?!?! WHEN!!!!???
I'd change the NSO question to "when are we getting basic functionality from 20 years ago on the service and why is it such an afterthought?"
@Friendly Not exactly Nintendo's question to answer, but I'm actually more interested in SMT than anything on this list.
Whilst things are going quite well now, they need some big hitters for November/December with the new consoles coming out. Surprised no mention of MK9, even if it's a year out.
@JimmySpades lol, so many great games on the Wii U (so these games they are porting, you're saying they never existed on the Wii U? *****). I have one, it's amazing (better than the Switch, but what are you gonna do?). As someone who didn't abandon Nintendo when the Wii U came out and didn't wait to jump on the bandwagon that is the Switch, it's a slap in the face to sit here and watch all these games get trotted out again. You nincompoop.
Prime Trilogy or a Soulcalibur announcement
"How is No More Heroes 3 / Bayonetta 3 / Bravely Default 2 coming along?"
How come Nintendo has the answer to this?
After just watching the PS5 presentation... Nintendo needs to clap back somehow... and I’m not even a PS guy
The PS5 presentation left me floored.
It looks awesome... Nintendo should announce stuff soon.
@Al_Godoy yeah, the PS5 show was absolutely awesome. Too many great games will release for the console in 2020/2021. Horizon Zero Down 2 and Resident Evil 8 look amazing, but also Gran Turismo 7, the new Rachet and Clank, new LittleBig Planet, new Destruction Derby and many others.
Nintendo, it's just time to wake up, now!
Prime Trilogy. That is all.
After the PS5 show Nintendo need to respond back with a good slate of upcoming games.
It's fine they have been quiet, likely waiting to see Sony and Microsoft's hand, but after both their reveals and games Nintendo needs a substantial direct to at least show the games upcoming through to Christmas....
Who are you? And, What are you doing here?
@TDRsuperstar2 Sony knocked it out of the park for me. A great mix of giving the fans what they want and what they didn't know they wanted. Nintendo need big hitters to take away from my newly-launched PS5 fund. The 3D Mario remasters and BOTW2 would definitely keep me away from a PS5 during the holiday season, but I'd take the plunge eventually. Great-looking launch line-up.
@JohnnyC couldn’t agree more! Nintendo really needs to do something.... Kid Icarus, Metroid, Super Mario Anniversary stuff... maybe some new IPs, GameCube VC! They need to start listening to fans and do something quick!
Legend of Zelda: Calamity Uprising
Legend of Zelda: Awakening Within
Legend of Zelda: Final Breath
so on and so on
after watching the PS5 game reveal livestream Nintendo and Microsoft just look inferior to Sony in 2020
How about that PS5 reveal though?
Radio silent for the whole year? You been sleeping under a rock? They’ve had 3 directs so far this year, not to mention a couple of indie showcases.
Asking about Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4, but not Shin Megami Tensei V? Tsk, tsk, tsk...
@locky-mavo In terms of major titles being announced, they've said nothing since last September. Animal Crossing was announced in 2018, and while Xenoblade and Clubhouse are undoubtedly good games, they don't have triple-A quality coupled with mass appeal like a lot of Sony's Christmas plans, or like Animal Crossing did earlier this year. Nintendo need some major announcements for the second half of this year. Even by their own admission, they haven't done a "proper" Nintendo Direct if you look at the titles of the mini/indie/game-specific ones we've had this year.
Are we getting Kingdom Hearts on Switch and third-party reps in Smash Ultimate's Fighters Pass 2?
It's literally all I need.
@Ninjatiptoes I see your irony detector is broken.
Gamers in 2015: The Wii U has no games.
Gamers in 2020: The Switch only has Wii U ports.
If you'd like I can spell out how the obvious absurdity of the statements put together is meant to suggest that they are each absurd independently.
How is No More Heroes 3 / Bayonetta 3 / Bravely Default 2/ ZBOTW2 / Metroid 4 coming along?
That is about it. And all at once - 1 Direct, tons of big new games.
After the PS5 reveal. No idea how more WiiU and PS3 ports cuts it anymore. Year 4! talk about big new games. I literally have more PS5 games on my list than Switch games. And that is not even out.
Kid Icarus Uprising Port.
7. When's the next Turrican?
Okay, right off the bat I am annoyed. Why call it "6 burning questions..." when the first two questions are the same? They are.
How is X-game coming?
And honestly most of this article comes off like that. "Nintendo, what's coming, can you give us updates please?"
Not that I don't agree, I want to know these things too. But this article kinda click baited me into thinking it would be... I don't know, more? More interesting or creative questions. And it's just kind of the obvious ones.
My shou-tout goes to wanting GB, GBA, and N64 games on NSO.
calm before the storm ..!
Wow, didn't take long for the "NiNtEnDo Iz in TroUbLe" comments huh? 🙄
Anyways, BD2 and NH3 are still coming this year, barring any delays. I totally expect the rumors about the Mario remasters to be true. I doubt BotW2 releases this year, but totally expect a full reveal later this year. Really hope Atlus finally does a full reveal of SMT V.
@Magician So what's coming this year, then?
peeks over at PS5 announcement articles
Oh hey, here's hoping that Horizon: Forbidden West properly polishes up what Horizon: Zero Dawn attempted, because the concept is nice.
Okay here is questions.
When will we get switch menu themes?
Will we ever get Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess on future consoles?
Will you make better joycon controllers for the switch without problems?
Will you ever make Okami as a fighter in SSBU?
Would we ever get a Flipnote Studio related game for the switch?
I'd also add buddying up more with Microsoft to the list. I want Will of the Wisps, Rare Replay and the upcoming Battletoads reboot.
People didn't think graphics mattered and then they saw the PS5 line up. July comes the Xbox line up. All of a sudden everyone is going to be wondering where is the Switch Pro or better yet switch 2.
@JokerCK thank god someone else is wondering
@sixrings real talk Xenoblade chronicles isn’t pretty and I’m having a blast with it. Just an example, Graphics are cool but honestly my PS4 has been untouched for nearly a year while my switch is played almost daily.
Throw in shin megami tensei 5 there as well.. can't tell what's wrong with Nintendo and co. Ps5 was revealed with some good games already set for it's launching fall 2020. However, Nintendo have been sleeping without announcing any hit games coming to the switch(zelda, metroid P 4, SMT V, Bayonetta 3 etc etc) nothing. Can't believe it. Will be getting a p5 for sure can't miss out on spiderman miles morales entry.
@SpiritGun7 maybe but Mario would look like a Pixar movie on a ps5 or series X. I'd much rather my Mario games look that way sooner than later.
@Sengoku You forgot "Is Pokemon still bad because I don't like it?" Otherwise, that covers everything.
My question is, where is SMT V ?
If I had to guess, I'd say Nintendo's either going to line up a Direct to match the Pokemon/Smash DLC releases, or they'll ride the hype out from those into the next month. We know they have content saved up for E3, and I assume development is on track after the lockdown screwed things up (at least for the heavy hitters). My main question is what Nintendo has in store for the holidays. They've been good with having at least one big blockbuster at the end of the year, but I'm having trouble thinking of anything that'll have the polish and name recognition to grab everyone's attention. Maybe BotW 2, but then there's whatever other announcements they had planned.
1. Why are you too cheap to draw eyes on Link in Link's Awakening HD?
2. Do you seriously think Animal Crossing is going to keep you alive?
3. This one is just a comment: thanks for making the Wii so easy to homebrew. Now I have 5000 games from your back catalog and it's all because you wanted to close romsites and it made me want to download all your games, even the ones I hate just to spite you
@sixrings I suppose, idk Mario looks pretty good as is, not that it wouldn’t benefit. If anything Zelda, Xenoblade and Metroid would better capitalize with more power. And by god would I love to see that. 🤤
@Rpg-lover Nintendo is sitting pretty with animal crossing selling like hot cakes. I’m sure they’ve got something planned. They seem like the kind of company to lay in wait see what the competition has to offer and contend accordingly. Loving the PS5 lineup but that’s fresh news. Let’s see if that hype train stays especially with Microsoft having their own reveals pending and our beloved Nintendo sitting on a nest egg of amazing titles.
@Andrew5678 my bet is Mario Kart 9 or whatever they choose to call it will be their home run holiday game. MK is always a hit and the series is long overdue for a truly new title
@SpiritGun7 I'm forever iffy on MK9, since I know how vital it is for console releases, and they'll want a mainline Mario Kart for whatever comes after Switch. At the very least, some DLC would be great for MK8DX-toss in characters like E. Gadd, Petey Piranha, Dixie Kong, and maybe some guests, with stages to correspond.
On PS5, I think they did a wonderful job with their announcements-heck, it seems like the State of Play was the best yet (the beginning felt a bit awkward-I think they should have led with Spider-Man instead of an updated GTAV, but things picked up fast). I appreciate the variety in game announcements, but it still feels like Nintendo and Sony are targeting two different types of gamers for the most part, so as long as Nintendo doesn't forget to make announcements down the line, coexstance shouldn't be a problem (outside of Japan, lol).
As for hype, right now the only thing that can really dull it outside of a high price for the PS5 would be time. I was thinking of how new hardware takes time for devs to understand, and was happy to see that Sony had a bunch of first and third party titles prepped for 2021 right after the holidays. So long as there aren't any big gaps after release, then the PS5 should be good.
A New Nes Remix, or SNES remix, with some kind of online competition, would be a great game for the online service
@Andrew5678 I can see where your coming from. As far as Mario kart’s successor is concerned I doubt they would reserve it for the newest console. The sweet spot seems to be now, prior to the new consoles releasing. Maybe pull a BOTW and have it on switch as well as (switch pro?)
Coexistence between the companies is always great, competition is as well given we the gamers win.
Hmmm. The argument for and against MK seem to both have valid points.
DLC for MK8 I feel should’ve happened long ago. Although if they elect to make some I won’t complain I just dislike the reality that MK8 is over 6 years old.
I’ve been wanting E-Gadd for ages man. In smash as well, he could be like Data from the Goonies. Slick shoes, grappling hooks, polturgust and whatnot
I just want NES REMIX “deluxe”
I'm sorry, but it's absurd, that Shin Megami Tensei V, doesn't feature in any of the questions, am I supposed to just act like they didn't announced it and showed a trailer?, That game needs to be addressed
@Agramonte I still don't understand why you demand so much new content for a system that is only one of about 37 you currently play. It's beyond disingenuous. Seriously, I've never encountered such entitlement. And I've been gaming for years.
Where's Mother 3?
I would like to see some Game Boy games on Switch, like Pokemon and Zelda.
My big question would be rather different, namely whether the full Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition soundtrack is being released (like XC2 and Torna were in 2018) and if so whether it'll be both the classic and remastered versions.
@Muddy_4_Ever Nintendo should have done that on DS with the 2 screens it would have been awesome !
@zool Coukdnt agree more. Nintendo won’t take my money, I’ll have to find somewhere to spend it. PS5 looked pretty sweet today!
My Question...
For the love of god, it’s been an entire year since it’s initial reveal. Just show us more Breath of the Wild 2 already! Like why? Why? Covid Shmovid, show me the goods damn it!
Sony just announced a Demon's Souls remaster, so, all these questions are nice but it's hard to think of anything to do with Nintendo right now! LOL
Mario Kart 8 is one of those games that I can’t imagine how they could make it any better.
Looking for a NEW game to play? What if I told you there is a "new" 3ds game that was released in 2020 that is an over the shoulder survival horror in the vein of resident evil but is all about ufos, aliens and a mountain town frozen in time. This game was been criminally underated and overlooked due to a mistakenly broken version being released then trashed by reviews. This game is now officially fixed and ready to be discovered.
It's called "Silver Falls: 3 down stars", it's "new" 3ds model only and is made by an incredibly talented low resource one man indie studio. The information and reviews some of you may have seen online are old and incorrect. This is now one of the best 3ds games, period. There's no way I'd be pushing it this hard if it wasn't. It's overflowing with content with easily 50+ hours of gameplay and dozens of playable chars and 100s of weapons. This game is far too good to go unplayed, check it out if you have a "new" 3ds. If you liked resident evil revelations I can gurantee you will love this game. Thanks if you actually read this.
Question 7:
What are the plans to not fall too far behind the upcoming next gen consoles?
It's jolly rude of Sony to have a digital event like that and then lift the embargo on Last of Us 2 which seems to be getting top scores across the board. What are they trying to do, be successful? How dare they!
Here's my burning questions:
1) why was the online service on the original Wii so much better than what you offer now... without the 20 dollars a year fee?
2) ever thought of making the switch powerful enough to run links awakening without frame-rate dips?
3) can we please have an official joycon with a d-pad... and of reasonable build quality?
I still love Nintendo and buy their janky consoles and last-gen games.
Rofl. You wldnt be the first to ask that. Believe it or not, there are ppl who care about things, esp injustices whether they be in real world or gaming world. And what "Silver Falls: 3 down stars" has suffered was a grave gaming injustice. 3ds has almost no representation of survival horror except for resident evil revelations. When this game came out and I was excited, then appalled by the situation and then completely blown away by the approachability and honesty of the games developer. I've played the trashed broken version and all versions up to the newest from 3 days ago and I refuse to let such a great game be trashed by throwaway culture
And also I was aiming for an "ad" type feel, as nobody else is gonna tell you about this game.
The addition of more Karts, Characters, Tracks, Battle Maps, Cups, Items.
Or god have mercy a story mode like Diddy Kong racing.
Nintendo has proven time and time again they can take something that’s great and make it even greater.
no matter how many good titles ps5 brings out xbox series x has better backwards compatibility and they will have good titles too. As for Nintendo Switch, i am confident in their game strategies, and remember no newer system has a system like they do.
@dartmonkey playing Animal Crossing and finding it hard to digest the lack of LGBTQ diversity in the game. As a Non-Binary person, having to select male or female for my island person, was not a good start. Not to mention other things, but that's the strongest.
You, peeps, do have a good media, which is surely followed by staff at Nintendo, I wonder if you can voice this lack of diversity in Nintendo games.
Lockdown? What lockdown. I'm from Japan and it's against the national constitution to have a lockdown.
@SpiritGun7 Yeah, Mario Kart's been stuck in a weird place with the Switch release. Mario Kart's usually a once-per-console kind of game, but it seems like Switch is going to be sticking around for a while longer, and MK9 would definitely sustain it.
I'm not against MK9 happening, there's just no argument that can make me feel if it happening is likely or not. The only reason I wouldn't want it to happen was so that ARMS could get a sequel (since it has people from that team working on it), but I'm not naive. Even if ARMS became the next Splatoon, MK is such a massive franchise that my favorite fighting game would need to take a backseat when it came to attention anyway. I can except that, especially since MK fans have waited a good while for significant new content. As of now, the only thing I'd probably be annoyed at with ARMS is if Spring man wasn't the Smash DLC fighter because of the timing of ARMS' release with Smash' DLC development, but that's another talk altogether.
Also, I'm surprised E. Gadd hasn't shown up more outside of Luigi's Mansion. I know it's a spin-off, but it's the game that gave Luigi the bulk of his personality he has today. It had a ton of influence on the main series, and he's a cool character. Honestly, just him being in more spin-offs would be enough.
@MxMorganM I think many developers can do a lot better when it comes to diversity and representation, although I struggle to think of a game more welcoming to all than New Horizons. That initial choice is labelled a 'style', you can switch whenever you choose, and you can wear whatever you like, whoever you are.
The fact there's even a choice at the beginning is a little odd, granted, but I'd personally say it's pretty good at letting you play how (and be who) you wish.
@Andrew5678 I feel you man. I won’t lie I wasn’t the biggest fan of Arms. I love the concept, and the accessibility. Shoot! even the visuals are excellent. I just felt the gameplay loop grew old a little too fast. A sequel could remedy that for sure, the game has personality and as a fan I wouldn’t object to giving it another shot.
As far as Smash goes I’d prefer them to handle it like the Koopalings and have Arms represented by all the mid/lightweight fighters
Spring Man/Ribbon Girl/ Nijara / Kid Cobra etcetera. It could also work to generate buzz for the game. Arms definitely has some cool characters to work with.
E.Gadd should totally have his own spin off game. How sick would that be? Like a tower defense title where he protects the Lab from ghosts as Luigi is exploring the various Mansions?
@SpiritGun7 I respect that. I love the game dearly, and even though I know it wasn't perfect, it still got a lot more right than a lot of games do when trying out weird concepts the first time. I still think the game is worth playing on it's own, and the foundation is just too good to let it sit. As it stands, I'm happy with ARMS just getting some representation-especially with the music, not having that in Smash in the first place was criminal, lol
I'd be perfectly happy with a Koopalings situation. Ideally, I'd want it to be more of an Echo Fighters situation, with different characters having tweaked hit boxes, elemental effects, and maybe some move differences, like giving Ribbon Girl extra jumps ala Kirby, similar to her moveset in ARMS. I just singled out Spring Man because, beyond being my favorite, Sakurai straight up stated he was considered for Smash, but the initial DLC was decided on, so he was made into an assist trophy. It'll just be a bummer if he's left out because of bad timing. They could convert his assist trophy into Springtron, but that's kind of a pipe dream until it becomes reality.
I'd be down for that-E. Gadd's a veteran ghost hunter past his prime, and an old scientist, him fighting ghosts indirectly makes sense. They've made stranger ideas work-no one expected a game staring the Toad's, but they made Captain Toad work, and even referenced it in Odyssey. I just want old characters like that to pop up more, even if it's just random cameos-it feels like Nintendo's either super focused on making something wholly new, or keeping laser focus on legacy characters-not much in between.
@MxMorganM Are you serious?
@Patrick-Sukiyaki .....Not everyone lives in Japan bro....lol
Nintendo can you please spearhead Konami's Second Castlevania Collection?
@JimmySpades So now we at "my PC got big new games to play so I do not need any on my Switch". You just need support for 1 and the rest can be collecting dust in the corner. 🤦♂️
Honestly - it takes less energy to just admit publishers are being lazy on Switch than making all these mental acrobatics.
I just want conformation that Pikmin 4 exists, even if it's a while off, just sick of waiting for info on it.
@Aldiyar @Realness And they'll never say but what I'd also like to know is if Metroid Prime Trilogy is real, how long has it been sitting at the ready in your back pocket???
@Andrew5678 I agree, there’s plenty to enjoy about Arms, I didn’t say it was a bad game. Just one that lost its potency too fast for me. I also bought it day one and it’s changed quite a bit since then.
Nintendo loves to leave beloved franchise dead unfortunately.
Earthbound, Battalion/Advanced Wars, Golden Sun, Rhythm Heaven, F-Zero, Custom Robo, super princess peach, super Mario strikers, Mario Golf, Pokémon snap<- I know not them but still close enough.
I’d like to see them give lesser known characters the spotlight as well.
Waluigi, E-Gadd for starters.
In terms of “radio silence for the whole year”, that statement is incorrect.
@SpiritGun7 If you haven't played ARMS after any the major updates, I recommend hopping back into it, at least to see some of the changes. There were a good number of updates, both in content and QoL (most notable controller mapping).
Nintendo never gets enough credit for the franchises that aren't the big names-do you see any company get harped on for their dormant IP's more than them XD In some cases. the games are niche, and I can understand it, but I wish they'd just try dipping their toes back into old titles to see what happens. F-Zero style racing could catch people's attention, Golden Sun could fit well on Switch-they're risks, but Nintendo's the last company who would go over budget with any game that wouldn't earn twice what they paid at minimum.
I feel like the easiest step for E. Gadd or Waluigi would be to follow in Captain Toad's footsteps and get a spin-off from a mini game. For what it's worth, the Mario franchise has proven flexible enough to have a ton of spin-off and willing to make them, so the chances are higher than a lot of Nintendo's franchises, and would make the most sense.
Where is Wii Sports U?
Nintendo don’t need to do anything. It’s selling loads as it is.
They just can take their time, handle the COVID situation, get their next big games right... and we’ll just have to contend with Paper Mario, a few ports and some third-party stuff for a bit.
They’ve released tonnes of games on the console as it is
@Andrew5678 I’ll have to redownload it and give it another go.
side note Splatoon really impressed me with the octo expansion. The games boss battles were particularly creative and fun.
@sanderev I thought japan is opening back up. Also they are still working at home
@wazlon Or at least a Game Boy Online app so I can play it again.
Reflecting back on this, It's really evident Nintendo wanted to do a Direct presentation for this month, but it's becaause of that sudden change that we still want. There will be another Pokémon presentation this month, but I wonder if Nintendo plans to announce something tomorrow Thursday. Here are the things that could've arrived on this month's unaired Direct.
Paper Mario: The Origami King overview trailer
New Pokémon Snap would've debuted there instead
Super Smash Bros Ultimate ARMS fighter announcement
New details on these 3 exclusives you mentioned, including the first gameplay footage of Bayonetta 3. (that snapshost Suda51 posted would've been part of a full gameplay reveal)
New Metroid Prime Trilogy announced, coming... in a few days!
Details on upcoming Super Mario games for this year and early 2021, including a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey.
A small glimpse of footage of "Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild".
Pikmin 3 will come to Switch.
A new Metroid game, a sequel to Metroid Fusion, will arrive this year to Switch.
The second half of 2020 will be more exciting, and the next-gen challenge will approach.
And who knows what else they could've revealed. I wish Nintendo released out of nowhere a huge avalanche of announcements tomorrow, but we'll see about that when it happens.
@ReaperExTenebris The trailer implies - as I interpret it - a heavier focus on dungeons, rather than wild landscapes. More culture than nature as a focus... and that could be intriguing.
@kalosn I was somehow expecting a remake of the original Metroid Fusion for this year. What else has Mercury Steam been working on?
@COVIDberry I also suspected they are working on a Metroid game for Switch. They seem to be interested in working with Nintendo again.
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