It's become almost a monthly ritual now for PlatinumGames to reassure its fanbase that the upcoming Switch exclusive Bayonetta 3 is still on the way, and earlier this week (to mark the month of May), we got another update.
In the same interview with VGC, Bayonetta series creator Hideki Kamiya took the opportunity to address questions he had been receiving from fans on Twitter recently - asking if the game had been cancelled. Once again, he made it clear that Platinum was "hard at work" on Bayonetta's third outing:
I’m on Twitter so I see a lot of comments every day. I’m happy that there’s still anticipation for the title, but one thing I would like to address is the trend I’m seeing which is people who are starting to ask if the game has been cancelled. I want you guys to take any concerns you have like that and throw them out the window immediately because we’re still hard at work on it and it hasn’t been cancelled by any means. Please look forward to it!
These same minor updates have been going on for months now. In December last year, Kamiya said it was "going really well", then in January mentioned how development was going "very smoothly" and made a a similar comment towards the end of February.
There's also been no trailers, screenshots, or anything like that since its initial announcement at the Game Awards in 2017, and last year the game skipped E3. It's understandable at this point why some fans would be just a little worried.
What do you make of the latest update? Are you relieved to hear the team is still working hard on it? Share your thoughts below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 114
@TCF we’re another 12 years away from even approaching that developmental saga
Lol, statement kind of..."Rule number one of Karate, Karate only for self defense; Rule number two: see rule number one."
Honestly I'm kinda happy with it taking a long time because I still need to try play through the first two (only played some of the first game) before it comes out.
The game is prob 95% complete and they just waiting until whatever date Nintendo/p+ have agreed to shot for release. And given today’s trends, it be announced 2 months before release, or maybe even less.
@BenAV story wise they both great, the 2nd is a near perfect game for its genre.
I don't understand why people are under the impression that it's been cancelled.
It's a hotly anticipated and high-budget game. They aren't going to waste money on promoting something that isn't quite close to release yet.
@gaga64 : Exactly. Plus, Nintendo themselves took longer releasing Star Fox 2 (more than 22 years after it was originally scheduled to be released).
Shouldn't have revealed it years ago then.
It’ll come out eventually and it’ll be a blast from start to finish just like the first two.
They just revealed it too early, but I'm sure it's going well
Just release a damn trailer! Give us something, whatever. We´ve been waiting for many years already since they announced it. Why did they do it so soon, if they didn´t plan to show anything? It´s not that it´s been restarted like Metroid Prime 4 or it´s a system seller like Zelda...
@Donutman I know the second game is meant to be the better of the two which is why I want to give them another shot at some point. Played a decent amount of the first game but just wasn't really getting into it so ended up taking a break to play something else and just haven't ever gotten back to it since.
It's been in development pretty much the Same length of time as the first 2. If it had been 5 years, yeah I'd be asking were it is or how much longer will it take. By my reckoning it'll be this year's October game. Nintendo will just drop it October 30th literally in time for Halloween weekend.
This is really on platinum by announcing the game so early. When they show an announcement trailer I always expect it a year from now too have been released and if it is too take longer show gameplay atleast. But 2 and a half years since they announced it with nothing else too show for it you can't blame people thinking it was canceled.
Tends to happen when you reveal a game and then show literally nothing of it for multiple years. I don't blame them, lol
Hope he didn't block them???
They should never have revealed it so early..Like with Metroid 4 I believe this was done to tip the unsure Switch buyers into getting the system early in the lifecycle...
Well, i think it maybe interesting if they use astral chain direction (cell shading) for Bayonetta 3. will feel very aesthetic. IMO though.
How they will top Bayonetta 2 I have no idea. So I’m happy they take their time.
@BenAV Same here. The first one never really grabbed me and I put it down after a few hours. Will have to go back and try 2 sometime
2 is absolutely superb. U can make it as easy as u like for a rubbish button masher like me, or hardcore. What a fun game. Yeah hard to see how they will beat it. I can wait for this game to be baked just right XX x
jUst release an update so the fans won't bother you anymore. 🙄
Pretty sure there are media celebrities out there that get millions of questions/attention on social media and not get stroppy about it - unless it's a media stunt. Some of these developers have very peculiar ways of engaging with social media, you can normally count them on the fingers of one hand or less.
They will probably make sure it's by far better than Bayonetta 2, and is why it takes extra time.
Also. They already released a big Switch exclusive. Astral Chain.
man, what isn't hideki kamiya sick of
Well, to be fair, it was announced a long time ago, and we haven't got any updates since then. No new information, trailer, gameplay, render graphics, or concept arts. So, I can understand why fans would think that this game might got cancelled.
He never stated it was canceled yet. Maybe people shouldn't assume things like that because they aren't getting spoon fed information on a scheduled basis. Same goes for the people that say Retro Studios is dead and Prime 4 is canceled.
It could well be on a much larger scale than the other two, and as its Nintendo's money funding this, they'll be the ones deciding when anything regarding announcements can be made. I look forward to seeing what they show when it's ready, it can't be that far off. The second game had some ridiculously over the top sequences, they'd have to top those.
I'm also predicting a meltdown or two in this thread shortly.
Maybe if they'd show us something of the game, Anything then people wouldn't be assuming the worst. We need an update not rumors or kamiya telling us development is going well. As Johnny 5 would say...."Need input"!
Kudos to anyone who knows what I'm talking about!
Yeah, at this point they should show something.
People are just unrestrained online. They can’t help themselves from nagging at people. Of course their nagging questions about a game aren’t going to elicit an official response, but that’s probably not their want anyway
Give us Wonderful 102 in the next 10 years, please.
@Ardisan Why would people think Metroid Prime 4 is cancelled, when last year said it was restarted?? I doesn't make any sense, and in fact I've never seen anyone thinking like that. This is a completely different situation, man. It wouldn't be the first time we don't hear about a game for several years, and then all of a sudden we find out it was cancelled –Pikmin 4, for example, seems to be the case.
When Bayonetta 3 is 99% completed, Platinum will put it on Kickstarter to get it started. In a month or so, they will be motivated to finish that 1% of work.
@Donutman ‘Story wise they both great’
If there’s one thing you should not play Bayonetta for, it’s story...
Action gameplay, yeah. But the story is downright laughable.
You know what might help?
A trailer.
The trend of people saying a game is cancelled when devs have said development is going well, just because it isn't in their precious little hands right now, is really starting to grind my gears. It's the same with SMT V. I was never promised that either of those games were close to release, they were always TBD. So I'm not gonna complain, and I'm glad that they're taking their time to make a kick-ass game.
This is why they (or any developer) shouldn't reveal they are working on something years before it's going to be ready.
@Zeldafan79 number 5 is alive!!!
People saying it was announced too early are full of themselves. P* and Nintendo did nothing wrong by announcing the game when they did. Because if they didn't these same people would instead just be pestering him about if the game was happening instead. That and a 3-4 year dev cycle is completely normal for a AAA game.
Just because you're not getting a trailer every few months does not mean the game is cancelled. Just leave the devs alone and let them do their jobs. Kamiya is a stand-up guy who loves his fans, but this rampant speculation is probably very frustrating.
Announce a game 3 years ago, skip last year's E3 (The main "Look what we're working on"-convention), no news except a monthly "Still working"-tweet, and then act surprised that people are wondering if the game's still coming, okay...
Look on the bright side: At least people still care enough about it to ask! ^_^
I completely understand both sides. However we live in the time now of everything instant gratification. So if you're a content creator of any kind it's what comes with it.
The film industry is a good example of this as I've mentioned in a previous post. They used to announce a movie and after a long period of time you'd get a single trailer and then the world went bananas. Nowadays the ENTIRE process is milked to death with announcements, "first" cast group photos, pictures of the script covers, endless "set" photos, LOL trailers of trailers (?), blah blah blah etc etc all to keep people satisfied to some degree. Just make the dang movie and show me a simple trailer when done. I'm good with that.
@Incoherent1 @BenAV the first Bayonetta in my opinion has the better story but Bayonetta 2 is much more forgiving gameplay wise.
I've played both on the Switch. For me I cleared out my gaming schedule and each game took me around ten days to complete. I found they were the kind of games to main line as your reflexes improve as you go on.
I did find the first game harder to get into but because I cleared the way to play it, I was able to finish the game. Bayonetta 2, for me, was pure joy from start to finish.
They brought this on themselves being this tight lipped, even just showing a few screenshots would’ve calmed things down.
Why I'm worried? Maybe because out of the three games (metroid 4, smt 5, bayo 3) I bought a Switch for one has been cancelled and the other two hasn't had an update since the "it's coming" reveal.
Mind you, we didn't hear or see anything about "Paper Mario - The Origami King" until very recently and this game is coming out very soon.
I wouldn't be terrible surprised, if the same happened to "Bayonetta 3". Surprise-gameplay-trailer in Juli, release in September/October.
It’s understandable people keep asking when they’ve shown nothing since the announcement.
Though to be fair they did release a quality Switch exclusive only last year.
I’m expecting Bayo 3 this year. And I’m not a huge fan so that’s not just wishful thinking. If the rest of Nintendo’s year is very Mario heavy, it would be a great release as a counterbalance.
I think you're supposed to anticipate this title. Ntdo announcing it when it did was essential. Us install fans, need to be told what's coming from beginning to end, like a little wanna be board room. I wld not have been please having no info about Bayo or Metroid until they launched. And a mainstay title, I expect work and diligence. 2 yrs is good. Metroid a the disappointed puppy here.
It seems like ACNH doesn't quite scratch everyone's itch as a Ntdo exclusive, so you're saying fan clamor for that more adult, action packed Ntdo title. That part of the core base, wants their Ntdo exclusive to play too. But it's patience. I want Bayo to be Bayo, not reskinned AC or Bayo 2. It deserves to be as flashy and awe inspiring as it's predecessors.
Listen to your brothers and sisters, ntdy fans, Bayo will be here in October this year!!
I mean I feel like I can't complaint really, cause of Astral Chain, it gave me what I want from Bayonetta really,
But the end of the article says it best, it's been announced 3 years ago, zero screenshots, zero trailers, no release date... You're not really on a position to be "annoyed" at "is it canceled" questions...
@Collette to be honest this is my biggest worry.
Astral Chain was the start, the game isn't bad but it's not that good either, then they released W101 and it didn't even work.
They announced Bayonetta 3 years ago and haven't shown a thing since. Anytime any developers drops news on a game years before it's due to be released. It goes badly.
Everything this clown has done for the past 3 years has actually been bad. I don't trust Bayonetta 3 to be anywhere near as good as 2 or 1 anymore.
With Platinum gaining more funds to self publish and make their own IPs, it's easy to be a little nervous. Project GG is apparently Kamiyas dream project in which he has full control and ownership of the IP (Platinum). I'm willing to bet that he isn't pouring everything into Bayonetta 3 and is instead focusing on that.
Agreed, but welcome to the first world. And I get it, they haven't updated us w screenshots or a single Direct. But this sort of insecurity is being chimed in by those that didn't play Bayo 2. Fans that have, seem to be wryly more confident.
Screenshots and addresses, that's really for a product that needs fans to push it along. It needs hype just to survive production. And when it does come out, too often it is the coat tails of that hype, it rides rather than the craftsmanship. So many games are like this. Did reveal and sneaks, make Anthem a better game? Did it actually instill an out the gate install base, or did stifle it's own creation, by producing wait and seers. And that's the point, the more you release, the more wait-and-seers you have, bc they are being fed things to see. They get those nibbles, and it actually assauges their FOMA, and they put off obtaining the product. Did a Crackdown trailer they showed you 6 months and 2 n half years after announcement look exactly what you saw 4 yrs later, after launch? And if it did, which it does, they've marginalized the game by just trying to say hey here it does exist. That inlet they give us to peer in, doesn't help production, and in all, severely undercuts sales (by creating customers that think they know something, they just do not).
Bayo franchise is high quality h20. Fans in the know, are going to sit back and wait, feet up and arms folded behind head; the true leeeeaaaannnñnn BACK. We know how good and we know we need stay out the kitchen because something so delicious and pleasing, the chef needs all the space, time, and silence, we can give. If Ntdo released screenshots of this game yrs ago, and they couldn't give us a date, I wld be anxious. Platinum goes harder and longer than anyone, and their products are always tidied up and on time (within the quarter usually of they are delayed). If Kamiya says 95 he means 98 percent. So grab your popcorn and astroglide, cause Cereza, she is coming.
I believe him that the development is going well. A trailer and some screenshots would be nice though.
Wait, then why do you play the franchise? And things are not more uncertain than Bayo 2 even w some reveals. We've been spoon-fed too much, and now it s hard to pick up and hold the fork, ourselves.
AC is not a great Platinum experience. It's of great quality, but it s execution is none like Bayo. There is merit but AC also pines for a slightly seperate fanbase than you and I (and believe me, I can tell, we are one).
Wonderful 101 wasn't going to be ported. And Kamiya deferred no real resource for it. It was kickstarted and ported. Platinum didn't get to optimize that title. That's on Ntdo, as that is another plat/Ntdo only license, and Ntdo knew fans wanted it, and they knew plat was filled on Bayo 3, and they still didn't use their EAD to bring a strong port, or even a notable Porter.
What's a sneak going to do? Especially now? The game is finished. And I believe, Bayo 3 could have been out last October, but AC was prioritized by Ntdo to target a kiddier base.
Ah yeah... It is. And honestly, that level of confidence directed at fans, you should be smitten. This man is not a liar or exaggerator. He is the exceed all wildest dreams kind of guy. He's a slugger. Scrutinize Suda51, for nonexistent or late dates, irreverent sneak peaks (which are great, he gets that you need know nothing before, to actually enjoy a game for what actually is), development hiakus, and whatever you get production quality. But Kamiya, has only stepped into slobber knockers, and stepped right back out again. Arm to the sky, sparkling silver glints cascading from his glowing raised fist, heavyweight belt slung on shoulder. It is a moment that looks in every way like triumph, not reprieve (that's right Kamiya out sudas Suda).
Pffft Kamiya is getting soft, he didn't even call them worthless insects.
Until I see some gameplay footage, I'm gonna remain skeptical. Same goes for Metroid Prime 4.
........but has it though?
I forgot about those movies!
@neppan Yeah it's tragic that none of the games you bought a Switch for have been released yet. You're stuck playing mediocre games like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart and Smash and Three Houses and Splatoon until then.
Also, none of those games have been canceled.
Metroid seeps fear deep deep bactophagy fear into the bonds of my mucosal membrane... Wait am I talking about ulcers..ha you got me doc Daisy..ha
Like what WTF happened? Perhaps, deep within the vaults of Ntdo RnD1 building, obscured by pallets of Ntdo "love sticks," someone found a mummified employee clutching an inscribed washi scroll, detailing the greatest Metroid ever imagined. Did someone explode in a secret underground, EAD bunkerlab in Kyoto, fighting for their very life, against innumerable odds to stop a menace, that could destroy the Galaxy? Was Bandai Namco really making the game initially? Could it have been that bad?
And the mind swoggler is, Retro wasn't working in Metroid Prime 4, from the beginning!!!? What? Wha.. whar.. wa.. is everyone alright? Who died this time? Did Tanabe super smash someone to death on the dev team? He'll go empire strikes back like that, you gotta watch em.
I'm sure the answer, is: Ntdo did find The Love Stick Yokoi-mummy w secret suace love stick formula, Tanabe sacrificed a Capcom staffer, and Retro finally got back home to Texas from Burning Man, and was able to return a phone call to Ntdo: blurp...blurp.. "ah yeah, we made it..hiccup.. yeah we can do the game now; mmhm, yeah, me and my staff, few days to come down, we'll get right to work.. oh no, yeah I still have the Turok suit, oh no, no it's still green but it smells horri..oh ok yeah, soon, that's possible, thank you {laughter..indescriminate..breathing... indescriminate..}, ok, yeah, {chuckles} ok then, buhbye." I wasn't there though. Who can say?
@neppan I don't understand this mindset. If you bought the console JUST for those games why not wait until at least some of them are actually available before you buy?
This game was announced in 2017, one would think they already had done some work on it before they announced it. It is 2020, and it still nowhere in sight. With all the time they are taking with this game, this better be the best looking Switch game that is going to blow people's minds.
Platinum games needs to bring these to Switch:
Nier Automata (collaborated with Square Enix)
Metal Gear Solid Revengance (wiht Konami)
Vanquish (with Sega)
but has it been canned
@countzero Well didn't they market those games to hype people up for the console? Or was it just me? If I didn't want 1-2 Switch or a bunch of Wii U ports what else should I be looking forward to?
@JimmySpades Some of the best games, if not THE best games, on Switch are Wii U ports and I already have a Wii U so.
Hehehehehe.. hehehehe.. yeah? What he said? Everyone else ever!?
Actually my ex got me my Switchafunbox 50000.. I should say my beloved ex with that fact standing for her, but she was also jealous of the Switch with respite, although we played.
Anyhoo (wooow), I do see your point and I have been apart of both camps. I've actually been fortunate enough to be gifted my early adopted platforms and have purchased may latter adopted, and have waited no matter what for games I want to come along. When Bayo 3 comes out, you think what's a dude threading up there is done buying games? No! He a for other games he'll be slinging shade to come out after Bayo 3. He probably couldn't wait for Luigi 3 announcement or was terrified about not seeing ACNH gamplay trailers before it launched and stole souls in mass, like a pandemic itself.
But ya know, if you'd had bought this thing on the wing and a prayer, that Suda 51 wld release NMH3, you'd actually have a release year, and pretty much could guess the quarter it's coming in. Which is a delightful brain freeze moment really. It's like that second in your mind, when your thinking and talking, and a creeper sneeze comes up. It's hard to wrap your mind around to a degree, and explain that thought, and even after the sneeze you have to remember where you were. It's rather hilarious.
If your that confident to buy the console for a couple games, then you should be confident enough to wait for those games to finish production. Take that from I, a WiiU-sage. We got our games even devil's third and finally BOTW. 5 yrs is the most any one has to wait any way (bwahahahaha oh god oh god, too fun, bwahahahaha) you can do it!
Game Development takes time. Shut up and wait.
Then there's all the 3rd parties and the quite a few more first party games.
Not to mention only the latest Wolfensteins and Dooms, xbc2, now xbc, Luigi's Mansion, that virtual animal thing, and you can even grab 101 and AC, made by Platinum.
I'm still waiting in XBCX port...think how I feel. But that want stop me from enjoying the console. They're not going to cancel the games. You'll just be old and put-upon by the time they come out (oh god it's so freaking fracking funny).
Ok ok I'm joking. Have some optimism. Bayo 3 def looking like this oct based on all we know. Bc if not, you re waiting til next Sept or October. You hear that... That was an organ, oh yeah, Yep, key of dminor, mmhmm, down the scale..oh. hear that..it was a faint wawawawaaaaaaaaaaah.
But where’s Vanquish 2? 😭😭
I blame Ntdo life for asking!
Pick one. Any one.
Well MS got it and who knows how long it has been in dev. So cash out your investment's portfolio or sale your car and buy an Xbox(1/360)(X)^2 or whatever they call it now, and saddle up for Vanquish 2! Whoo!
So funny. And true. He needs to just start cursing us on Twitter and make threats in fits of disturbed anger! #ntdounchainkamiya
I'd like an update on Bayo3 as much as the next person, but why assume it's cancelled?? Numerous games have been announced too early then at some point went completely dark.. FFVII Remake, RE2 remake, BotW, Dreams etc. And it doesn't mean the game is having a troubling development either.
I’m more worried about shin megami tensei v, haven’t heard anything since like 2017
@Razer LOL your constant use of calling the guy a clown reminds me of old school WWF (or E) when The Rock called everyone a "jabroni".
then show something about the game, it have been 3 years we don't have any information beside the development is progressing well for the game, show at least a teaser or a gameplay trailer, i want so much to play this game in my Switch.
This article reminds me to pop over to twitter and ask if bayonetta 3 has been cancelled.
@Pirlo_ze_sniper They're making it into a mobile game now instead.
@Rpg-lover Kamiya already blocked me on Twitter for saying how amazing is Bayonetta 2 is and i can't wait to play Bayonetta 3 on my Switch
@YANDMAN if you do this prepare to be blocked by Kideki Kamiya.
@KryptoniteKrunch I don’t think their respective companies were so tight lipped, all we’ve gotten is that one trailer.
@KryptoniteKrunch FFVIIR may be a poor example as that was in development hell for years till Square took it internal... Reminds me of Prime 4. The end product is spectacular and I'm not even a fan of the OG FFVII.
But, games go dark and come out and blow people away! RE2make is perfect example! It went silent for years till it came out as the surprise hit of 2019! And remember the turmoil over DMC5 where we all thought it was never happening then it was and blew out socks off! Maybe P* saw things they liked in DMC5 and wanted to improve Bayo3 after seeing it?
People are just impatient and just need to relax! If it gets cancelled then we can be annoyed. Until then just sit back and relax and enjoy the fantastic titles already out! I'm sure there is something in everyone's backlog we've been neglecting.
Never played any of the Bayonetta games and dun realli give it a F abt it. So Mr Hideki, I am not one of your problems who make you sick. Take care~
@Giancarlothomaz pretty sure that will have less than zero effect on my life.
@Rpg-lover They all backed W101, so he blocked all of them
Just show the fans a glimps at least one foto/picture of the game with you giving thumbs up with a tekst (still on track)
@neppan Not one of those 3 have been cancelled
some of those people need to leave him alone bayonetta 3 development is doing well according to last update we got and we dont want him to be rushed on it rather them take their time with this game.
@Anri02 well technically Metroid got cancelled but that's besides the point. I didn't say I believed or was worried they got cancelled, I only voiced my concern regarding the lack of updates on the projects.
And I'm sick of these articles on how Bayonetta is still happening. How many does one site need?
@neppan No, "technically' Metroid got restarted. There was never a point where they cancelled Metroid
Well release some gameplay footage then.
@neppan honest question: why didn't you wait until any of these ganes had a release date before buying the switch? Or are you just trolling because you are upset?
And there are lots of good games which are not Wii U ports on the switch. But if you don't want to see them, then sure, they are not there...
@mazzel Those are the games I bought the console to hopefully play one day and sure I've bought other games to tide me over and they have been good but the wait is starting to get really tiresome.
I don't know why this man is still on social media. Everything I have ever heard about him suggests he hates it even more than I do, yet he tortures himself with it regardless.
@Razer People were saying ever since Bayo 2 that Playinum was in a state of decline. Suddenly everyone did a 180 when Nier Automata came out. If you look at what we've had since Nier, it's much better than the TMNT/Korra games, hell, even the Transformers G1 game
He ought to pull a Dutch van der Linde and tell them to HAVE SOME FAITH!
I can see why he's frustrated, but at the same time I don't know what else he expects. This game was announced two and a half years ago and we have heard or seen absolutely nothing beyond that initial trailer. Usually developers will at least share key art or vague ideas or something, but complete opacity is generally a worrying indicator of a game's status.
They'll announce something when they're ready. Something Nintendo fanboys, like myself, would say. Just look at Metroid Prime 4, they announced it at E3 2017 with no trailer, just a "in development for Nintendo Switch". And then a restart in January 2019. Then nothing since. These people are taking these long overdue assumptions too seriously. Relax and chill. They'll announce a date when they or anybody is ready. What more do you want? Patience is a virtue.
Scenario 1: The game is far in development, but Nintendo keeps it under wraps.
Scenario 2: There are troubles. From what I heard there's a new person at the helm, that may be a issue.
Scenario 3: They are doing something big, like making it open world. Remember that they wanted to "change" the development structure? Making it open world takes time and may be a big enough reveal to keep it under wraps for now.
Scenario 4: It has gone multiplatform.
To me it all sounds plausible, but I still believe we will see something this year.
Last time Platinum was too quiet scalebound was cancelled. 3 years no info, there’s every cause for concern
Just be patient. In the meantime there's plenty to play on Switch and PS4, so then one on and go through your backlog or look forward to the next 3 months of releases.
@BenAV Same... who knows when I’ll get around to finishing those games. Got stuck partway through the first one... guess I need to grind and buy more potions/upgrades or whatever.
I love bayonetta both games great! I think its to keep people on edge! bayonetta fans will want it or screenshot to ease their mind!. Not even a model of how she looks is about.who knows what they doing 🤔
Showing a few teasers from time to time would alleviate the cancellation questions.
@SSJW i know this but at least this will show the game is progressing well, i will only believe in Platinum Games until i see a gameplay trailer of the game, i tired of hearing Platinum Games telling the develoment of the game is progressing well, and without no photo, no gameplay trailer to claim this, it have been 3 years since the announcent of the game, it suficient time for Platinum Games to show someting of Bayonetta 3.
@YANDMAN dont you want to know how the graphics and the gameplay of Bayonetta 3 will be? this lack of information for the game, with no information 3 years after it announcement concerm me.
@Giancarlothomaz Nope. When it's done, it's done. And when it is we will see it. None of those things can happen any quicker by following someone on twitter.
Yeah, I mean, not every dev has to pump a game out even within two years. If they wanna take their time on it then that is completely fine.
@the_beaver the devs don't really owe us anything. They will release a trailer when they feel comfortable with the quality
@Kaleid-Stone what are you on dude? And what's with the first world *****?
Your post makes no sense, it doesn't take over 3 years to make a Bayonetta hame, they clearly mis-managed something with that one,
I played Bayonetta 2 like 6 years ago, on the Wii U, how long am I suppose to sit back and wait for this, either don't announce it, or update people, the same way you chose to do when you announced the game publicly, this is just bad buiseness...
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