Last week, Gearbox Software released the third mainline game in the Borderlands series. While the company previously stated this particular entry was unlikely to come to the Switch, that doesn't rule out the series completely.
According to the creative director Paul Sage, there's still a chance of any game in the Borderlands series being released on Nintendo's hybrid system in the future - with the Gearbox employee stating "never say never" in response to a fan question during the recent Borderlands Show.
Earlier this year in April, Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford responded to another fan on Twitter, revealing how he would "love" the looter shooter to make its way across to the Switch at some stage. There have even been a few rumours about a Switch version of Borderlands, but so far, the only Gearbox FPS the Switch has received is Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition.
Would you like to see Borderlands on the Switch? Tell us below.
[source, via]
Comments 63
I don't care if it makes it or not, though it coming to switch would mean being able to dodge the Epic game store.
Actions speak louder than words.
I would take any of the Borderlands games on Switch.
It's crazy that time was spent on that busted vita port of BL2, but not on a port for a much more popular console that actually has the power to run the game.
I would triple dip to get 1 and Handsome collection on Switch. Think it would fit perfectly too! Oddly enough, I’m not a big shooter fan - wolf, doom, and Borderlands are it for me. However, I’ve preferred playing Doom and Wolf on Switch rather than PS4. Some reason it doesn’t cause motion sickness for me on Switch, whereas it does on PS4. Guessing head angle has a large factor in that.
And to comment on BL3, honestly could care less of it makes it to Switch or not. I’ve got it on PS4. It’s not bad, above 1 and Pre-sequel for sure. BUT, after spending countless hours in BL2 and it’s dlc, it really fails to live up to BL2 so far.... granted I’m only lvl 10 on BL3 so haven’t experienced the full package, but I honestly can say the 4 base chars are meh compared to BL2s initial roster. Not to mention Tiny Tina’s Assault is just so amazing, I doubt they’ll ever beat that.
I personally would like to see Borderlands 2 on the switch. Playing 3 on PC right now and I'm enjoying it, but I think 2 would be perfect for switch
I’d love a good port of this game, played them all 100% even the DLC. These are great games and I’d love go through all this again with my friend who never played a Borderlands game.
When the well dries up they will charge full price on switch.
The Handsome Collection would be quite slick on Switch, assuming they could keep the frame rate up. Borderlands 2 is not a game I think I could enjoy with any sort of slowdown.
I’d love Borderlands 1 on Switch, along with the handsome collection and Tales from the Borderlands. Though to be honest, I don’t think I’d ever really play BL2 again. I’ve burned myself out on it and I wasn’t digging the Pre-Sequel. I’d definitely play BL 1 again on Switch though.
If they could somehow get BL3 on Switch with cross save I would be ecstatic, but seeing as how the rest of the series is unlikely to show up on Switch, I doubt we’d see BL3. Maybe on the Switch 2.
This was definitely worth a news article!
I'd be down for a Switch port of Borderlands (and Fallout, but that's a different story and a different company).
I'll remain cautiously optimistic until the games are in my hands.
I was fine with this sort of comment in 2017 and 2018 but we are now more than half way through the Switch's third year. Put up or shut up.
I guess I will be holding off on buying borderlands 3 at least till next spring or something.
Oh yawn. I'm quite tired of these non-answers. Either say yes or no or stay quiet. The Switch is close to three years old and is very successful. If Overwatch can make it, so can this.
@turntSNACO Honestly, I'm thinking the Vita port may have scared them from trying it again.
It's strange that a smaller title like Bulletstorm, would come before a game from them in a much larger franchise like this. Does 2K have anything to do with this?
I don't see any reason any games originally released in the PS360 era couldn't come to Switch. More demanding games are already on the Switch.
It's just a matter of if they hire competent people to handle the port. Or they go the Ubisoft route and dump it on some intern in his second year of college.
It seems like a no-brainer to port over BL2. Considering it's already been ported to the Nvidia Shield that uses the same tegra X1, not only would it be easy, but it's sure to make more money for Gearbox than the Shield version. What's the hold up?
Bring it on. It would be a day one purchase for me. I'll buy it and play it but they have to release it first
Pretty sure I’ve seen more ask “when?”, than people say “never”.
I’d take a port of Borderlands 2 if Bulletstorm quality is anything to judge by.
Truth is, Borderlands is ok, but it’s not the greatest. It’s just at excessive hype levels because of the mega marketing machine for the new entry. At the end of the day it’s more of the same with just better graphics, which is not a bad thing by any means. I love more of the same when it’s a good game. And Borderlands is definitely a good game. I was there day one for that God awful Vita port.
But what I’m getting at is, it doesn’t really matter if this series makes it to Switch or not. It’s by no means a GOAT franchise. We already have so many great games on Switch that frankly, at this point I say bring it or don’t. If you want to sell more copies bring it over. If you don’t then don’t. But I’m drowning in so many games over here on switch I don’t think I need anyone to bring anything beyond what’s already coming.
@graysoncharles Bulletstorm is on Switch, coincidence?
I’ve been hoping for Borderlands 2 and the DLC, but at this point I’m not sure how I feel about giving Randy Pitchford my money.
I wouldn't mind BL2 but 3 unless they add verticle splitscreen and fix the bugs I will pass.
Super Bulletspoonge RPG, played these games for a bit when they added the collection to PS Plus and I was shocked how bored I was.
@Racthet916 there’s always buying pre-owned games.
@turntSNACO The vita port was pushed (and probably funded) by Sony. Vita obviously struggled, and Sony made deals to announce games like Borderlands and Bioshock to drum up system support.
If you have seen Randy's actual early comments on BL on Switch, he was very heavily hinting at him wanting Nintendo to fund and develop the port.
Clearly BL on Switch would turn a profit, so that can't be his actual concern here. He's obviously trying to bleed platform holders out of every penny he can, as he has done with Sony/vita, and Epic Games Store/PC.
@locky-mavo That’s true, but I’ve already put a couple hundred hours into BL2 on PC, so it’s not a necessity for me. I was interested in revisiting it again on Switch, until Randy started going full a**hole a couple years ago. Having said that, the game is so damned good I might end up putting my disdain aside and biting again if it happens.
NL "I would love to..." (or something in that variation) article number...
I've lost count.
Well that whould be awesome,
BUT so long i dont have the game in my hands, I expect nothing!
Is Bulletstorm out physically?
Bulletstorm might be a good game, but after all the bs gearbox and especially its ceo has pulled, I would not support it anyway. That being said, i think the games would be a good fit for the switch and its audience.
Warframe plays fine on Switch, so surely a cell-shaded looter shooter could work well too.
I’ve got Borderlands 2 on the much less powerful Vita and it runs ok-ish. Heck, it even runs on an intel i5 with no graphics card. 3 isn’t that much more of a resource hog, either. The much more powerful switch could handle all the series fine.
The first trilogy will probably be ported to Switch, or they just port B 2.
Borderlands 3 struggles on all consoles, except for Xbox One X so Switch version..Forget it.
Borderlands 2 already runs on Tegra X1 on NVIDIA Shield TV. NVIDIA ported it themselves.
@pblive Did you miss the B3 news? B3 only runs okay on Xbox One X, and terrible on all other consoles.
@Ventilator it seems to be a rushed job as it can still run on a fairly low end PC. The Switch port would have to be made specially anyway, so hopefully would be ported with the hardware in mind.
Fingers crossed for the first one since 2 is on Vita and "pre-sequel" sounds like something interlude-ish enough to manage on PS4 as long as the controls cooperate (granted, Bulletstorm's didn't). I almost got it on HB yesterday, but their payment services - or Belinvestbank, or both - suddenly acted up and I couldn't transact anything above the midtier, even via Paypal. Maybe that's a sign from above?😆
A bundle of B1, B2 and BBFE would be absolutely mind blowing.
A lot of third party games have found success on the platform, so it’s silly not to look into it.
I’ll take a trilogy of the original three games. When newer Switch hardware can handle it, then bring out the latest games.
Borderlands 2 is still one of my favorite games.
@Kalmaro The Epic Games Store literallly isn't factored in at all in regards to console versions of Borderlands 3. Yes, the epic store isn't exactly well polished and lacks basic features that most PC game platforms take for granted in present day, but a much larger amount of profits made from the game go back to the developer instead of straight to Valve in Steam's case. They do present a viable competitor, and I only think its valid to get pissed at them when a Steam version is promised ahead of time before becoming an Epic timed exclusive, case in point Outer Worlds and Metro Exodus, as well as Shenmue III and that new Oddworld game.
I don't personally care much about the Borderlands series, but if enough people want it, I think porting it to Nintendo Switch would be a great idea.
Lol. You know whats sad? I would actually care since I hate the Epic Store and didn't buy it on PC. Not until its on Steam anyway.
I even bought Untitled Goose Game on Switch because its only on the Epic Store on PC.
That should make the developers think...
Assuming the Switch gets it eventually, it'll be yet another late game, just like most popular titles. It's nice to have it regardless, but this "late" trend really needs to stop.
That being said, this game had already been in development before they knew about the Switch (maybe) — but from the sound of it, Borderlands sounds like it's merely a dream at this point (as opposed to actually being well in development by now).
@BlueBlur101 I could care less about the Epic launcher. I just don't like epic as a whole. They've done stuff I don't approve one, the first being canceling Paragons and giving no cares to the people who supported them.
Probably 2020.
Straight up dude! Funny thing is I have the means to play it, but I am too busy playing other games and doing other things. However, they might have actually gotten my money had they put it on the Switch, because it would something that I'd play at work wow on break, when I take my switch with me to commute, out of town or whatever. Not to mention how condescending it seems that they're dangling slim hopes in front of Switch owners when they had no problem trying to put the franchise on another handheld that it's ownmakers didn't even support or seem to have faith in. FOH...
@gameboy1975 It's the existence of a Vita version that absolutely kills me. A system that didn't have the power or the install base, heck it didn't even have enough BUTTONS, managed to get a port of BL2.
We'll take a 1 and 2 port or even a remaster if they're up to it.
Gonna mention Rockstar on every one of these topics now.
Someone actually need to call them out on this and ask them what the deal is.
Lets be real now - GTA 5 would have at least an 8% market share of Switch owners... but even 4% would make it worth the dev cost to port it over.
At this stage it's really nothing short of stupid to not have GTA 5 on the Switch.
Borderlands handsome collection would be nice. Don't port 3 until they work out the embarrassing bugs they let slip including the terrible performance on even the higher end consoles.
@pblive The 3 first Borderlands games were made for Xbox 360 and PS3, so they will easily run at higher resolution on switch. Like 720p for example.
The Remasters for current gen have exactly same content, so nothing is missed out when porting last gen versions.
@Ventilator This isn't 100% true. The remasters include 4 player split screen, up from 2. BL1 includes auto pick up of money and ammo, a mini map, increased legendary drops, and menu updates. Bl2 has the new Commander Lilith expansion.
Nothing the Switch couldn't handle, but still, the remasters are much better versions. 720p, solid 30fps versions would be great experiences.
@Razer As we're discussing. There are already full remasters available. We just need them ported.
@Richnj I forgot the Lilith DLC. Anyways, so there is some more improvements then, but these are not relying on hardware power and can be added to Switch version too.
Good Post
Keep it up. Thank you for this post it really helped me.
@Razer Rockstar and 2K are balls deep in the cash cow that is GTA online now, and the Switch doesn't have the online infrastructure at the moment to implement it properly, so I doubt they would be interested in porting it. I suppose they could do a single-player only version, which I'd be all for, but this is Take 2 we're talking about.
@EvaEeveeFan i totally get what you mean but in a really different way - i was discussing with my friends that i think Nintendo should finally step away from childish games and do more adult related games (violence falls into this category).
Games like Animal Crossing can honestly disappear and me and my friends will be so happy for it.
@NintenDan_ Yeah so I've heard. It does kinda make sense really. Nintendo can't do online properly.
@Razer They have actually got of there childish ways, They brought Xenoblade 2 rated T, and Astral Chain Rated T, and then bringing bayonetta 3 switch exclusive which is probably going to be Rated M so i do think they have gotten out of the child zone.
I think borderlands 1 and 2 and the presequel could be a port over to switch but I think 3 could really be done they just got to get in gear (no pun Intended) and give us some of the other games in the series. Plus Nintendo isn't just a Kids console they have games for older people to.
@EvaEeveeFan Doom is extremely violent, and we should all be glad that all the Doom games are going to be on the system.
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