Described as 'a top-down, pinball-inspired, hack-and-slash dungeon crawler' or 'pinbrawler', Creature In The Well isn't shy about blending genres, but after getting our hands on it back at E3 2019, we came away extremely impressed. As featured in Nintendo's Indie World Showcase, it's arriving on Switch on 6th September and there's a new trailer to help you make head or tail of it.
Playing as a robot descending into an ancient weather-changing facility in a mountain, the eponymous Creature doesn't take kindly to your presence. In the new trailer above creative director Adam Volker explains the concept and mechanics of the game and gives an overview of the story in this gorgeous-looking mash-up. The game will feature a mix of action and puzzle-solving that should stretch your grey matter as well as your fighting fingers.

As you can see from the video and the screenshots, it mixes an Eyvind Earle-esque aesthetic with dusty, neon-tinged tech. While the art helps sell the game, the concept itself perhaps required a little more explanation than the announcement trailer delivered - therefore developers Flight School felt the need to furnish us with the above '101' trailer and clear up exactly what they mean with the term 'pinbrawler'
While it would be easy to miss this one in the deluge of Switch releases scheduled between now and the end of the year, our hands-on time convinced us this is one to watch and we're intrigued to face the creature ourselves when it pokes its head out of the well on 6th September.
How do you like the look of Creature in the Well? Be sure to check out our hands-on feature with the game from E3 if you missed it, and let us know what you think with a comment below.
Comments 13
This was probably one of my favorite announcements during the Indie World presentation. So, i’ll definitely pick this one up.
Looks interesting.
May as well pre order and grab the 10% discount. It is pretty cheap anyway to be fair at £13.99.
I’ve been waiting for this one. Looks real good!
Been interested in this one since they annouced it and the price is very reasonable. Not sure if I'll get it at launch or not considering how many games are coming out around that time but definitely sooner or later.
Game of the presentation for me. (If Goose Game had featured I would of had a hard time choosing!)
Looking forward to a review on this from NL. I am GREATLY interested in this one.
Man I cannot wait for this game... hands down one of my most anticipated titles of the fall. I hope it's as good as it looks / sounds!
Already got this this preloaded at a discount!
SUPER excited for this one. Thankfully the pre-order discount stretches a day or two after launch so I can check out a review or two before locking in.
If this were launching any other month of the year it'd be a day one buy. But September is so packed, I can't justify it.
This is why I love the indie gaming scene.. Innovative.
This looks brilliant, especially the mechanics of it.
Think I will pre-order my first digital game.
Would be great if it came out as physical of course.
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