Panic Button has certainly been making headlines lately. Not only is it in hot demand following its impressive ports of DOOM and the upcoming handheld version of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, but it's also working on a new port ready for reveal next month.
All this focus on Nintendo Switch - and the sheer graphical and performance parity that's proven to be possible on the console - has seen the window between console and Switch releases shrink drastically, and Panic Button general manager and co-founder Adam Creighton says this gap is only going to get smaller.
In an interview with MCV, Creighton had the following to say:
For example, if you look at DOOM which was finished and shipped to people when development started for the Nintendo Switch version, and that game comes out sixteen months later for Switch. then you see Wolfenstein II, where we get involved as the game is in development and almost done, this game comes out less than eight months after releasing. I see that window shrinking all the time for those publishers and developers who are planning on Switch at the outset.
In Creighton's eyes, the big difference will be seeing more and more developers and publishers seeing Switch on equal terms with PS4 and Xbox One:
I think what's interesting is that it has to be a prioritisation for the publisher and developer. For me I want these companies to look at the Nintendo Switch as an equal platform that they release on as they release their game and the earlier they get either internal teams or external outfits like Panic Button involved, the higher the chance we're going to get day and date parity for big releases.
So what do you think of Adam's thoughts on Switch? Will we see the window for triple-A ports on Switch get even smaller? We want to hear your thoughts...
Comments 76
It's not equal and never will be.
And no, it isn't because it's ahead.
That's all well and good but then you get stories like the one about Crash, where they just never thought about it, and never even bothered to try until one person did it in a weekend.
They just assume it's too difficult without trying first. Like all the times EA said Frostbite won't run and then admitted they have yet to try.
Yay to that! Maybe most of the people bought Nintendo Switch for the first party exclusives but who wouldn't love even more third party games, especially if they are published at the same time as the other consoles' versions.
I wish someday most ports came to Switch at the same time! Of course huge games like RDR2 are nearly imposible to see in the hybrid, but most of them I bet they could bring them with a few downgrades.
Good news from Panic Button. They're really working hard with this console.
Kids these days don't know they're born. In my day we waited 2 years just to get a game from Japan to Europe on the same system!
@Knuckles-Fajita You're talking about Activision here, what did you expect.
Ultimately, it just depends when they get the greenlight, and that's always going to be the case.
@Menchi187 it's nice companies are starting to see it as an equal console.
God bless Panic Button
As they should be. With devkits being in the wild for enough time now and with how widely accessible the Switch hardware is to develop for we should see a lot more release parity.
Yeah, some developers clearly don't want to put the effort to deliver the best experience for the consumers (that being by making proper sequels to games and not the same thing over and over, innovating or porting to all platforms). However this is still good news for developers such as Bethesda, Square Enix, Capcom, Bandai Namco, etc. (Even 2k seems to be supporting the Switch) who clearly are investing on the console.
@GrailUK Except they're not.
It seems like most developers don't care about the Switch that much. I wonder why...
They will make it a priority when sales dictate it to be. If Nintendo shift enough consoles for it to not be an afterthought(which if it does what it forecast will be more than enough) but also these third party games on the switch need to have good sales numbers as well. I hope the support just gets better and better as it will only be good for us all.
They should and shouldn't be considered equals. The hardware is different, but the core engines can be used on both. By the fact the Switch is doing consistently well as it is and hasn't flatlined in a year like the failed WiiU basically spells out it will have to get the games the others do in a shorter window if not the same time. With a base so big and growing as a third party marketing alone shows you would be ruining your own profitability by ignoring such a big chunk. Going by last gen terms it would be like saying well who needs PS3 we can just make HD games for the other guy and that's good enough. Sure that may work for a game or two, but in the big picture it's setting yourself up for disaster losing the potential of hundreds of thousands if not millions in sold units. A wide gap means with pea like attention spans people buying someone else's game and not yours because you were late to the party.
I’m just reading this like... announce Fallout ports next month. Haha!
It isn't designed to be equal and never will be.
It also doesn't need to be.
I hope this is the truth but somehow I do not believe it. Maybe it is for PanicButton but one studio can't handle all ports.
@Menchi187 You say they're not, but a company that actually ports games for other developers says it is... hm... not sure who to believe here.
Also, equals does not imply identical in every facet of technology. Obviously, Nintendo is trounced in some aspects. It's stupidly obvious that compromises had to be made for Switch to fit in a portable form factor. That doesn't mean that the Switch shouldn't be treated as equally important as the other platforms. Despite how much you seemingly hate Nintendo and everything they do, there's 15 million people that voted with their wallets in the first year of the Nintendo Switch's life cycle that would strongly disagree.
So it seems like it’s more of a mental problem than anything else.
@roadrunner343 Who to believe, an established game developer studio with some pretty good works under their belt and actual experience or a vocal, malodorous runt wasting everyone’s time?
@Menchi187 Mate, you are going to have to develop your argument. I'm reading that companies are starting to give Switch equal priority with Xbox PS4 and PC to develop for. I think that's a reasonable view. I fear you are talking about raw power?
I'm not interested in Wolfenstein, but Dishonored would be cool!
There are third party AAA games coming out on PlayStation and Xbox today that'll never fit on Switch or would be too much of a pain to go bring over. Having said that, there are some games from a few years ago that would be perfect. I'm pretty happy we're getting some third party support but of course would always want more.
@Menchi187 Jeebus you're a bad troll. And not because you're naughty.
Well done fella,thanks for pointing out that a handheld console is not as powerful as home one.
What is your next revelation? water is wet...
Would be awesome if Bethesda would use Panic Button on a port for Fallout 76!!
@DarthFoxMcCloud I was thinking the same thing 😂 "release window getting shorter" and my first thought was Fallout 76 confirmed for switch at a later date?
Nah, but it would be cool...I can just imagine a portable multiplayer fallout.
I have yet to see a game on other major platforms that would be impossible to run on the Switch with some compromises. I think people put too much value in the number of polygons and pixels on screen. I'm fairly confident that if you took the same level of graphical quality from last gen and just upped the resolution a little, most people would be fine with it. Is GTA V a completely different game on the PS4/XB1 then it is on the PS3/360? There may be an extra thing here or there, but I doubt anyone seriously plays in first person mode regularly.
Point is most people who say a game can't run on the Switch is either a publisher who just doesn't want to put in some effort or trolls on the internet.
Article : "Things are getting better..."
No Big Triple AAA publisher will look at the switch as a equal platform. Nor will they make sure that the quality control is on the same level if they release on the date...The person is basically trying to promote his company saying that they can do the port. Good for them because they are a good company. But I still think Triple AAA companies laugh at the switch and their audience.
Basically because most developers/publishers underestimated the Switch at launch and have been playing catch-up.
Moving forward they will be considered from the outset instead as an afterthought.
Great. Switch will achieve parity time with PS4/X1 games just as publishers start moving development to PS5/X2.
Argue all you want about Switch being on par with PS4/X1, it's simply not going to be on par with PS5/X2. I'm sure it will still be able to run most of those games as most of those games will be retro indies, but the AAA stuff is going to be tough if not impossible. Even for Panic Button.
You ever stop to think that the reason Switch isn't getting Madden in 2018 is b/c EA doesn't see the point in putting Madden on Switch for 1 or 2 years if it just won't be able to run the 4k version in 2020 and beyond? Why give Switch owners false hope going forward? PS3 is still getting FIFA 19 so Switch will continue to get it as long as PS3 does. Might be until Switch 2 launches which will probably again be "close enough" for next gen ports.
Things could be OK in 2019, but 2020 could be a real problem. Maybe "New Switch" by then. Switch 2 will be 2022 or later, that's the real problem.
Bethesda have been able to get ports like Skyrim (which is actually a pretty old game today as originally it got released on 360/PS3, but was later given the remastered treatment and sold again on current gen Xbox1 and PS4 I believe like a lot of games they sell people several times over, and say it's worth full price yet again because it looks a little bit nicer or runs at a smooth frame rate, and we have put the little dlc mission in it! I think Skyrim has had been sold 5 times now but I maybe wrong. Skyrim sold on last gen. Then sold on current Xbox1 and PS4 with the old Xbox 360 and PS3 dlc, then sold on the Switch with the same dlc added and also released on PSVR, oh okay sorry 4 times then, but spread on to 6 different systems, or 7 if you count the PC and console platform. The unreal 4 engine seems to work well with the Switch so games like Doom might not look quite as sharp but play just fine on it, when killing space demon's or slaying dragon's on the loo. Just waiting for Dark souls remastered and Wolfenstien 2, but glad the Switch got a decent free to play game now, Fortnite whilst I now wait as Dark souls remastered got a sudden delay on the Switch.
Devs getting more and more familiar with the Switch's hardware over time must help a lot too.
What comes to parity, I actually prefer Switch versions if they are ported well enough to get into ball park, because I value motion controls more, than even better graphics.
@rjejr I don't think anyone (that isn't delusional) is arguing that the Switch is on par technically with the other platforms. I think the article is simply stating that the system should be treated equally in terms of priorities, and I agree. Of course compromises will need to be made, but with the Switch's user base growing so rapidly, I think it will continue to get harder and harder for companies to ignore. Whether we see straight ports of PS5/Xbox1-II games, or dedicated versions for Switch, who knows - but I would imagine Switch will still be a major part of their release strategy.
EDIT: Also, if Nintendo doesn't knock off this "new" crap and they name the next iteration the "New" Nintendo Switch, I'm blaming you personally =D
@roadrunner343 that isn't delusional
That's like half the people on here.
I think Switch will continue to get games, but how much AAA 3rd party support is it really going to get? RDR2? Destiny 3? CoD? Wii U was getting 3rd party support as well - all of the toys-to-life games, Lego games, Just Dance - but everybody kept saying it wasn't getting any.
Switch will get more games than Wii U did. It's getting all of the games that probably would have been on 3DS, or the new 4DS, like Octopath Traveler and Fire Emblem and Rooty Tooty Fresh & Fruity Racing, and Sonic Racing, and 12 indie games a week, 75% of which I've never heard of and will never hear of again after reading the weekly list. But how many games that people complain about will it get? BG&E2? Cyberpunk? TES6?
Switch will sell, it's a portable and has zero competition in that area, and it's a portable with TV out as an added bonus. And there's Labo kits for the kids. But honestly I'm feeling less enthusiastic after this E3 where they didn't show Yoshi or MP4 than I was after last E3 when they did. SSBU is a nice holiday headliner, but I'm never in a store that doesn't have Switch in stock. It's no Wii, which wasn't on a store shelf for about 2 1/2 years in New York. Next year should bring the enthusiasm back w/ next gen Pokemon, but if Sony and/or MS announce new hardware at E3 2019 for launch early 2020, they'll be getting much of the enthusiasm that Nitneod had all to itself this year and squandered.
@Menchi187 I doubt he was talking mere pixels and teraflops there.
Switch can't run everything PS4 can (no it can't. Doom doesn't prove anything)
Even if it could do it wouldn't get everything PS4 does for business reasons. Until publishers are convinced it's worth making the effort to make a Switch version that will generate extra sales rather than cannibalising existing ones, forget it. If you want the PS4 library, buy a PS4.
Switch is designed from the ground up to do something different and target different markets.
Switch needs first party games (like Mario Party, Smash and Pokemon for example) most of all. After that selective third-party support (the type a portable would generally get) and massive indie support will help. It doesn't need everything PS4 gets.
It's never going to equal because it isn't intended to be and doesn't need to be.
I agree with most of the sentiment here: To a certain degree, games being on Nintendo hardware(not just Switch), is all down to business decisions of the 3rd-party co.s. Simultaneously, there are games that are programmed exorbitantly, that could be on Nintendo hardware, but are too poorly programmed. (As a side note: I do believe most game co.s purposely program their games to need expensive hardware, and that they get kickbacks from it.) I also believe there are games, that legitimately do require expensive hardware, that just would not work as well, if scaled down, in their spec requirement.
yeah 8 months differnece but bloody 8 times worse. Dont get me wrong fair play to them for doom port etc. But while its technically amazing be running on switch it aint bloody amazing thats for sure
This kind of news just doesn't do it for me anymore. I used to get so worked up about [3rd party game X] coming soon, potentially, at some point in time maybe after other consoles, but in all honestly if it's not a day 1 release what is the point? I will gladly just get it on a competing console these days instead.
@chardir It still happens. Yo-kai Watch anyone?
@chardir yep and thats why so many of us bought xbox's from evil MS. soley due this FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF rubbish treated like 2nd class citizens from the idiots in japan.
@N8tiveT3ch no nintendo dosent give 2 monkeys about 3rd party developers and in return they dont give a toss about nintendo systems. all major publishers have worked this out already if people cant see it for themselves then thers no hope. As long as big N sells console at profit and 90% buy their games and wii u ports they dont give two ffffffffffffffff about anything else. A real shame I know but true. nintendos arogance is going blow the early success of the switch. i can find more 3ds games here in gmaestores than switch games and even more -s3 and xbox 360 games lol
@frogopus Animal Crossing
I just bought the last 3 pack of AC amiibo at Toys R Us, K.K. and the bookend sheep girls. I'm keeping it sealed in case a new AC game next year supports amiibo and somebody really wants them. If not, they'll go on the shelf w/ the collection. I don't really collect amiibo but I have 30 of them. Well 33 now. Well my wife, 2 kids and I together, we each have a few.
Good on you, Adam.
@frogopus Well compared to our over 100 Skylanders, 60 Disney Infinity characters and a few dozen Lego Dimension sets we don't "collect" amiibo, we just buy them on an irregular basis.
@rjejr well it is still awhile before these other systems come out, and you know since they will be more powerful, they will have a high price tag to begin with, while the switch would be the cheapest to buy. And even though the other systems are powerful. The switch still has the option of taking it on the go, which is important to a lot of people especially in Japan.
@Anguspsell if Nintendo didn't care, they would not try to work with third parties to get games on the system. They also gave third party dev kits which are easier for them to port earlier games onto the Switch.
Equal?? They are saying that publishers will hopefully prioritise the Switch more and more and release dates will get closer.
@Anguspuss As they are a business, of course they care about 3rd party because that attracts more people to their console, which then allows them to make more of a profit.
However, Nintendo 1st party games are obviously very strong and make the most profit though, so of course they care about those the most.
A business cares about whatever is going to make the most profit and if they think that means 3rd party, then that’s their focus... and if profit means first party, then That’s their focus.. it’s simple.
@ekwcll "especially in Japan"
People in Japan are still buying almost as many Vita as any other console, so I've no doubt Switch will keep selling in Japan. All they have to do it put out Splatoon 3 in a year or 2. Plus a Pokemon game every year. I was thinking more about the rest of the world.
@Anguspuss I guess we “idiots in Japan” could say the same about those in Europe and America, since there are plenty of games that we don’t get here and for those we do get is usually months and months later. And I’m not talking only about indies, since big publishers are the same: just look at Ubisoft and compare its Western release schedule with its Japanese one.
Everything goes both ways I guess, but I don’t use to call people names when it bothers me.
>Switch breaks record to sell more than any other in its first year in USA
EA, yeah the switch isn't worth it. Fools.
Glad that at least one company is starting to get their workflow in order properly to get things released all at the same time.
All this talk about being treated equal is not about being treated equally from a technical point of view. It’s all about the business point of view.
As long as a game is made for PC will all its wildly different configurations, then a Switch port is very well between the realm of possibility. It can be done but publishers need to find the reason to do it. And that reason is sales, both hardware sales and third party software sales.
Probably not a AAA title, but RBI Baseball 2018 was still super late this year.
All that seems to be advancing in gaming is incremental improvements in graphics or boosts in resolution. Most current gen games would have been possible in some form on the last gen, so I think any game is possible on the Switch if they want to put the effort in.
I keep saying this, but a lot more games could be ported to the Switch than people seem to think. It's just a matter of actually trying.
@rjejr there are also places like ny, Chicago, and London. Places that have trains that are good for having switch's on the go as well.
I'd love for more third-party AAA games to hit the switch, but I likely won't buy them on Switch unless Nintendo actually puts out good discounts on their games. I've picked up several 50+ hr games on PS4 for $20 within the same year as its release and Nintendo barely discounts anything.
@Menchi187 agree, is different. But that shouldn’t be treated as a bad thing. If you cans here expecting lots of graphic power you were wrong. Is like picking up a PS4 or a 5 in the future and saying is worse because you can’t play on the go. A statement like this should be taking as a marketing punch from a new Nintendo’s best friend.
@ekwcll "good for having switch's on the go"
Still needs games though to sell well. And it needs to sell well to get more games. And 3rd party games need to sell well for more 3rd party games to come.
There really shouldn't be any reason for Ntineod not to get it to sell though. 3DS sold about 70 or 80 million, Wii U sold 13 million. Add all the 2D Mario and Zelda games from 3DS w/ the 3D Mario and Zelda from Wii U you would think they could have a constant flow of good games and everybody would want one. I've been waiting several years for a Kid Icarus Uprising 2 game. Switch is in year 2 with nary a mention of a 2D Mario. Though a really good Super Mario Maker 2 or even a deluxe port could make that seem redundant. Personally I always thought SMM was a level editor in search of a game. I'd take a SSBU level editor that let us make a complete platforming level.
So many potential games. And we get Super Mario Party as THE BIG E3 reveal. That's only selling so many Switch.
@rjejr as a proud x1x enthusiast, what the heck is the point of a 4k version running on a 6" screen? The whole industry is mad on 4k like they were mad on 3d. Does it sharper? Sure. Does rendering at 4k make 1080 better? Sure. Are most people with 4k tvs actually running it at 4k? No.
4k is a trim wreck. If you're plugging your console right into your tv it's fine. Have a receiver, sound bar, switch, repeater matrix, amplifier, or in wall wiring more than a few years old? No 4k it hdr. Bought it brand new? Probably still no 4k. Got it new and made sure it's 4k? Read closer, it may be 4k@30hz: no 60fps games for you! You made reaaaly sure it supports 4k@60? Shame you didn't notice it's only 4:2:0 not 4:4:4... Your color depth just got screwed, 1080 will still look better on it. You made sure it was 4:4:4 to? You're awesome, shame you double parked your Lamborghini.
So then the tv uses the cruddy upscale on board. 4k is such a mess. People think they're getting 4k and most aren't using it in 4k mode. And when they are their games are 30fps Max. Now we have cable versions. That 100$ top of the line in wall cable you fed 3 years ago? Obsolete!
@Varkster the devs said they'd like to do nier but it would take at least 2 years. Not sure with that timeline of it's worth it.
"It's never going to equal because it isn't intended to be and doesn't need to be."
Seeing people failing to recognize this and then complaining about the Switch not being a "PS4 but portable" is irritating.
@Varkster Another more wild guess, considering a recent rumor, would either be Darksiders 3 or Biomutant from THQ Nordic. Use the proper amount of salt tho, I did say 'wild guess' afterall.
@Knuckles-Fajita its not always a case of simply trying. Not all studios are created equal and while there are many talented engineers at these studios who do try, it is not defining factor of others that have staff who don't need to come in on a weekend, evaluate the cost, time, and compromise. Then they have to make the call of whether or not the loss in fidelity is worth it. For these situations the cost is to high for any gamer.
I compliment Bethesda and their efforts, but let's be honest they haven't released anything that visually compared to the best we've seen these last 4 years. We haven't seen them do anything so taxing on a simulation that couldn't be dialed back. Doom is a great game, but it doesn't set the stage for a game like assassin's Creed origins or Odyssey. It doesn't open doors for games like final fantasy xv. No amount of if they build it they will come will turn the tables on these trends. They will only get worse as next generation techniques are explored, which happens at the end of every console generation. Which both Microsoft and Sony are already talking about and release windows speculated on in the near future. Granted we will see enhanced for ps5 titles come out of the woodwork. Leaving some wiggle room. If the choice to go ryzen becomes a thing and devs start doubling down on that tech, well you can say good bye to ports on switch. That's when the Sim, not the graphics, exceeds it's ability.
Crash is the exception, not the rule. It's a PS1 game, remade in unity, with some visual touch ups working in a space that even a PS3 could manage at 1080p30.
I do not believe we'll see a reduced window. Maybe 6 months at best, but most games are going to be pushing that end of a console generation stride. Where new techniques are being tried on prep for next gen. We will see some games that can do the day one push like Madden coming to last gen sort of way, but over all we are hoping for a bit much to see anything beyond Bethesda titles getting day to date releases. For all of ubisofts posturing a good number of their games will be PS4 first, then scale it back second after all the new tech has been bolted on and some poor sap will have to back port it.
One thing is publishers seeing the value of a Switch port and another is platform familiarity.
The latter will be less and less of an issue over time, but the former might take some more pushing.
@maruse i was reffering to nintendo and sony themselves the companies not people from japan lol
@Anguspuss It’s cool. No offense taken
@NEStalgia "4k is a trim wreck."
What happens on Spring Break stays on Spring Break.
But of course you did all that just to miss the point. It's not about the TV, it's about the game being made to run in 4k on a PS5 or X2 console and the Switch not being able to run that. 2k can't be bothered to optimize WWE on Switch now, are they going to bother to try and get their next gen version running on Switch? Wait until 2019 when you'll hear a dozen devs say "Switch can't run our 4k game". you know I'm right, regardless of how right you are about the tv difficulties.
@rjejr EA would be the one to say "because it can't run at 4k (on a 720 display)" Although they seem ok with FIFA.
But yeah looking at this E3 every game is a huge open world always connected online: regardless of hardware, that's just not a game for a portable device.
@GrailUK Looking at Menchi's previous posts, it's highly likely that he doesn't want the Switch to be considered equal because of some preconceived notion of the console, and he wants to try and reinforce that notion with everyone else so that he doesn't have to be wrong about it.
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