EA has carried out a promotional blitz for FIFA 18, unveiling Cristiano Ronaldo as its cover star along with a glitzy trailer. Details are thin, but when you look at small print and listings you can cut through the fluff and learn a little about how the game will shape up.
First of all, it'll be FIFA 18 on Switch, ending the weird inconsistency in name that's been following that version around.
The glitzy reveal trailer puts Ronaldo and the Frostbite Engine at its core, but the end also makes clear what'll not be in the Switch version. The final screen says the following.
Frostbite Game Engine Technology and The Journey: Hunter Returns Mode are available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC platform versions only. Not all features available on all platforms.
The press release also makes clear that the 'Ronaldo Edition' that gives various benefits will only be on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, again with no mention of the Switch. The game is due out on 29th September and will be shown more during the EA Play event on 10th June in LA; we'll be live blogging the broadcast, of course.
What do you think of these details, and are you concerned about the potential limitations and missing features of the upcoming Switch version?
Comments 188
EA suck the big one
I really want to buy Fifa on Switch, but come on, why do even make a lesser version? Come ON!
There's always an asterisk when it comes to third party support on a Nintendo system.
Feels like such a missed oportunity. A full-featured FIFA 18 on the Switch has the potential to be a bit hit and get different audiences on the platform, but I guess that won't be the case here
Although to be fair, while some features may be missing. Being able to play online anywhere anytime and keep HUT building 24 hours a day wherever you are is a HUGE feature to add that no other format has
Ain't that a kick in the head? No not really actually. I already knew not to expect anything worthy of support from EA. I actually would have been shocked if it were of more equal quality.
This is fine, I would have to punch myself in the throat if I ever gave consideration to buying something called "The Ronaldo Edition"
I mean, it's not fine, but classic EA.
Did they dye Ronaldo's hair for that cover?
This is going to end badly. This game wreaks of laziness from them on Switch.
Sure it's not a powerhouse but if the Switch can't handle the Frostbite engine(I think it could with some actual effort from them) for FIFA, then it's screwed going forward regarding other big games from EA. No excuse whatsoever though for skipping modes like The Journey.
I'm just happy it's coming, and with online play. I would have been happier if they made this fully featured, but just cut back on the visuals heavily or whatever...
Honestly I just don't think EA even cares or just holds many Nintendo fans with such absokute contempt.
Actually, I would love it if Nintendo just went all in and announced they are prohibiting the publishing of FIFA18 on the Switch until EA either offers the full experience or something truly unique as they and their customers are fed up of being handed afterthought games.
Although I understand such a thing can have backlashes.
Also i don't care about football games so they could make the game about a footbal groundskeeper for all i care.
Watch it still be 59.99 USD to. All too obvious from EA. Profound sadness. They may as well let this be their last game on Switch.
Welp. I was considering purchasing to show support, but I won't support anything below equal parity amongst versions. Performance boosts are one thing. That campaign would've lent itself eell to the switch design. Oh well, next.
This is not why i shelled over £300 for a Switch. I'm fed up with being overlooked. I feel like this is history repeating again ala Wii U style. Let just hope this is not the case.
I just assumed since it was announced it would be similar to the PS3/X360 version. Didn't see either of those 2 platforms mentioned in this article but I know they are getting the game and the last gen version of the game has been missing stuff the current gen verisons have gotten, at least last year they did, dont' knwo about before that, never looked.
I'm not saying it's good Switch is getting an inferior last gen version of the game, but it's better than no version of the game I think. We'll have to wait until they tell us what is and isn't in it I guess.
If it's 59.99 count me and my money out. Best Buy Games Club discount or not, if it's missing features it should be cheaper. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you aren't going to make the full iteration available on Switch why even bother?
So basically it'll be FIFA 16, but with this year's roster.
I get the feeling it will sell, just because it's portable football, but I get the feeling it's the sort of game a casual player will buy once, instead of an obsessed fan will buy every year due to upgrades in technology of realism of footballer's spit. Same with the 2K Basketball.
Nintendo has NEVER had Ultimate Team. We were made to wait for Be a Pro. We've had no FIFA since 15 on the 3DS, no home console FIFA since 13 on the Wii U. And don't even begin on the Wii area. Beyond all doubt, EA don't want Nintendo fans' money.
That license needs to be taken from that rotten company.
Side Note: Anyone else would have gladly paid $100 more their Switch to have it be on equal footing as PS4/XBO? I know that alone wouldn't solve this kind of problem, but it would take the biggest excuse away from 3rd parties, and we would no doubt get a couple multiplats...
@MrGawain At least we are getting alternate versions of NBA 2k for Switch. I can support that wholeheartedly. This...not so much. :/
A third party game for a Nintendo console gets features stripped? Shocker.
@rjejr I can tell you right now that it isn't running on Frostbite, that's for certain.
@Frank90 Switch cannot handle the Frostbite engine. It's as simple as that, there's no conspiracy or "hating" going on here with EA.
But the portability!! So much portable!!
EA: Make terrible ports
Also EA: Wonder why nobody buys their games on Nintendo platforms
@gatorboi352 That's good, so you can flush it down the portable potty.
Have to say first that I Don't care for Fifa on Switch or otherwise tbh, but Switch has just been launched and is still a new system, they might've not added Switch support yet and only started development few months ago, maybe by Fifa 19 they'll add Switch support to their engine who cares, I'd rather have PES instead of Fifa!
@rjejr I was thinking of reporting you as you sound normal and dare I say reasonable! Was expecting a rant yet we get sensible?
What have you done with the real rjejr??
That's disappointing. Not in any way surprising, but disappointing. I'm glad it won't have some weird lesser-than name to it, but do wish it wouldn't have a lesser-than feature set. If it hadn't been for the oddly specific details in the fine print I'd think Nintendo wanted to force them to mention the special edition coming to Switch at E3 to get a bigger spotlight on it, but alas.
I sure do hope it's at least technologically-competent, has all the same modes beyond the omissions noted here, or includes at least SOME Nintendo-specific content. I mean, I know it probably won't check any of those three fairly meager boxes, but when it doesn't I hope EA isn't shocked when it's a sales disappointment given it appears to be an objectively worse version of the game.
Thanks EA for clearing all doubts: no way i'm gonna buy it!
I think I might watch EA's portion of the Switch reveal, to laugh at the lack of enthusiasm during their so called "Nintendo partnership" reveal.
Well I don't play sports games so I'm not at all concerned.
So... the biggest selling point for the new FIFA games is confirmed to NOT be included in the Switch version. Not including The Journey kind of ruins the point of upgrading from my current edition (which is 15, lol). Maybe EA will stop being a crappy company for once and give us some standard features on the Switch next year.
"We regret to announce that we do not currently have any planned games in development for the Nintendo Switch, due to disappointing sales of Fifa 18 for the Switch--all Nintendo's fault, of course."
What is "Hunter Returns Mode"?
Glad I'm not into FIFA. But seriously, the Frostbite engine can be toned down by the game creators. Was it that hard to do a full featured Switch version with lower graphics?
Also, I feel obligated to say that I loathe when EA pulls these sorts of moves, as I'm confident they're going to learn the wrong lesson either way by releasing this version of the game. If only they put in the full effort, and let the market decide if they actually want this game so they're not making decisions based on a weak and/or poorly funded effort.
I suspect this hamstrung FIFA leads to one of two different scenarios:
1.) If it's a sales failure, they'll refuse to release another title on the Switch, citing poor sales of their empirically-inferior-yet-same-priced version of FIFA.
2.) If it's a sales success, they'll see that they can release a hamstrung version of FIFA on the Switch and it'll still exceed expectations, so why invest more than absolutely necessary going forward? Hello, annual Legacy Editions!
I sure would love to be proven wrong. EA has not seen a cent out of me for a good 4+ years (Madden 13 at the Wii U launch was the last money they got from me). A fully-featured version of Madden and/or FIFA could have easily gotten my money this year, but it looks like neither will happen. Oh well.
They forget to mention that the switch is the only console being able to play everywhere. (not available for PS4, Xbox etc)
Is looks like EA's marketing departement is on vacation?
I haven't really played Fifa since the Megadrive. Could someone explain to me what all these packs of players is about? Do you have to buy players for online or something?
Hope it plays good. Still day 1 for me.
List of Frostbite games that won't be seen at all or not in full glory on Switch similar to this one:
We'll be lucky if EA don't cut football from FIFA Switch at this rate...
@bluedogrulez Story mode, where you follow certain individual (footballer named Hunter) in his path to be the very best like no one ever was. Something like that.
well my cousins love FIFA and watch the European leagues all the time. I wanted to try it out since I played fifa back on the playstation 1 and didnt care for it then. I thought I would give it another go but alas, EA continues their shennanigans with Nintendo. I'll keep my 60 bucks and put it toward a more deserving company.
Will wait for the reviews. A good portable football game is a must-buy for me. I really enjoyed the PS3 versions so fingers crossed. If it disappoints I'll go back to PES on PS4 (which is superior on current gen anyway).
I don't care about soccer at all, but I was willing to buy FIFA for Switch to give it a try and support 3rd party games. But if they're going the same gimped route they took with the Wii U, then forget it.
Might as well just name the switch version Fifa 18(ish) so people can have a clear cut answer that they're not getting the full experience.
Oh so EA is putting more Trashware on a Nintendo console. It'll be $60, have less features, sell much less than the other versions and be the reason EA claims their games don't sell well on Nintendo platforms. Whiny, sniveling liars. Put a full-featured game on the Switch and let that be the determining factor. It's really not rocket science.
Thanks EA.
You made it easy for me.
Still not getting your games.
Aaaand the Unprecedented Partnership continues on here in 2017 on Switch!
Fingers crossed PES comes up with the goods via Switch.
It won't.
EA being EA as usual. I was actually gonna buy the game for the first time in years, heck, even buying it every two years. But no. We're getting a half baked game with missing features and still asking for full retail price. Now I'm not gonna pay them at all. I'll just buy it used from someone else for a much reasonable price when available.
EA really makes me mad, always coming up with excuses and are extremely lazy buttholes. Epic Games with their Unreal Engine 4 worked hard to get the it ruining on the Switch flawless and I respect them a lot. EA is the complete opposite. They're not trying at all, they don't work hard, and always recycles their games. If they actually put work into it, they can get the Frostbite Engine with on the Switch, but no. They just want money without caring the customer. I'm over EA for good, even on other consoles.
@electrolite77 lol I know people have said it looks like Niall Quinn but to me I thought it was David Coulthard.
I think FUT team will be missing also. This game is DOA
@electrolite77 I'm mad at myself for not coming up with this. 10/10.
@Fazermint maybe Nintendo shouldn't make terrible hardware?
EA- Flops, "Ow my knee!!!" This game ends zero zero.
If it is bargain priced I might consider it even with fewer features. But knowing EA it will probably be 60+
I rather not have it then
Well nobody in USA even wants to watch soccer so no money there. Maybe not enough Europeans own switches yet to justify it for them.
@gatorboi352 you mean they should make the market's third PS4 in a row and expect it to sell any more than the second PS4 we had from Microsoft? Or pull off a hybrid console that has PS4 specs yet keeps the battery for longer than 10 minutes and doesn't fry itself faster than Galaxy Note 7 AND still costs $300 or even the oft-desired $250? Yeah, both options sound much more profitable. :V
I don't follow the engine hype much, but last time I checked, even PS3 and XB360 "could handle" Frostbite 3. Whether EA is adding Switch support in time for the release may be a different question for all I know. If anything, it seems more puzzling to leave out a story mode at launch, even if it is indeed a direct sequel to FIFA 17's. ¿:^/
EA, as per usual putting as little effort in as possible, as if the engine its running in is an excuse for leaving out a mode...
Of course the game will still be great to have on Switch, in spite of EA.
They don't. They make amazing hardware that provides an experience you can't get anywhere else, and disparaging hardware based on its net power output alone is lazy and thoughtless.
There are 2 consoles that do the exact same thing. Don't need a 3rd. Wii U, ultimately, failed to prove much value or worth but clearly, people love the Switch, specifically because of the hardware (don't try to say it was just Zelda, cause Wii U got Zelda yet the system is dead). There is far more value to a console that can be played anywhere than there is to a 3rd knockoff of the other 2 consoles. And, it's just flat out awesome, slickest hardware I've ever played games on.
Someone ought to release a generic football/soccer game that rivals FIFA, but not worry about getting the rights to team/player names. Instead, allow for maximum customization, such as: team names, player names, player stats, player bodies, jerseys, etc. Then allow that to be shared online.
I'm dreaming, but hey, it's a nice dream
Even I would consider buying a Mutant Soccer league game. I wont watch real soccer until it has violent mutants though.
Are we excited to pay more for less?! Absolutely not.
EA cannot be trusted.
this is one of those times where I'm buying in hopes of future support...but I'm salty EA oh girl am I salty.
Although this makes 2k look more appealing to me even though I loathe basketball. I think I'll go make a preorder...
Edit: Sold out on Amazon bwahahaha ok I'll try for day one then.
@JaxonH and all of that, is solely your opinion.
"There are 2 consoles that do the exact same thing. Don't need a 3rd." How is what is currently at play any better? Oh, here's half baked versions of some of the most popular gaming franchises in the world, because, you know... your hardware isn't up to snuff.
@OfNullAndVoid I guess there's some nefarious legal barriers set up by Fifa lawyers that prohibit anyone making a game where it would be possible to make teams and players resembling real ones, and certainly prohibit people from sharing those online!
Of course it'll be €60/$60. It's the only show in town so like Capcom with SF2, they think they can charge what they like. People need to send EA a loud and clear message that they won't tolerate this ****.
Actually, I've always wanted to see a rugby vs soccer players match. Rugby players would probably be like: "You call that a tackle? This is a tackle!" (imagine soccer player flying across the field).
@OfNullAndVoid ninja lawyers would assassinate that before it saw the light of day. besides the draw to these games is playing real teams. Personally I prefer arcade sports games but the mainstream wants to be able to watch their team win games.
Anybody know if Fifa 18 features women's teams? (I love soccer but find the men's teams to be boring...yeah I said it)
It is indeed my opinion. But at least it's an opinion that doesn't base the entire worth of system hardware on one parameter of net power. There are multiple facets to consider, with a give and take relationship. PS4 has power, but cedes any form of portability. Switch sacrifices power, which doesn't affect it much since most power hungry games won't come to the system anyways due to lack of demand, yet doubles functionality with handheld mode and eliminates crossbuy and cross save on a system level.
Anyone's opinion is welcome, as long as it's looking at the entire picture and not just focusing on one sole aspect of the hardware.
@Fazermint lol. and people call me the troll. Thanks for making this personal!
@GrailUK Not sure, but 3-4 of my colleagues spend a lot of money on players for FIFA 17. It's microtransactions up to the eyeballs. Celebrations, footwear, players, etc etc...
@JaxonH yes i agree, if portability is what you're after, along with a handful of Nintendo exclusives every so often, then Switch is the console for you.
@gatorboi352 Not trolling if it's true.
See thats what Im talking about. It is a video game and you can do anything. If it isnt a simulation it's always a cartoony Mario game. Where is the fantastical middle ground?
@WiltonRoots Funnily enough this won't be one of the features missing I guess.
Nobody should be worried. The PS4 games are basically identical to the last gen games either way.
I'd rather have Nintendo Pocket Football anyway. I might have tried it if it had included the Journey mode, but not bothered now.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm not sure what other "big games" you had in mind, but the likes of Battlefront and Mass Effect are not going to happen for various reasons. I don't think it'll matter if the Switch turns out like another WiiU or like another Wii in that regard.
What you can and should realistically expect, is what Nintendo always got from EA, and that is exactly this: inferior version of their major sports franchises, certainly Fifa and possibly NBA and Madden - with a decent change for Need for Speed in some version or another.
As for the price, seeing that Switch customers (judging by the comments around here) seem mostly okay with absolut bonkers prices for games like Cave Story+ and Isaac, $60 even for a 'least best version' of Fifa seems absolutely doable for EA.
Honestly, Nintendo's approach to gaming comes with upsides AND downsides, and there is not much to do here other than accept it. It's not all EA's fault either. Nintendo wants to march to it's own drum, but there is no obligation on the part of EA or anybody really, to follow suit. I mean, in the end, they will follow suit, but as we can see in this instance, that is true only up to a point.
Ultimately the Switch version will be good enough to play and for people to buy and that'll be the end of it, as it always has been.
I confess, I stole it from elsewhere
Definitely Coulthard
But seriously, if it had identical third-party support to the PS4 all running at the same resolution with the same online features, hardly anybody would care. It's Nintendo's fault that they're backed into this corner where a lot of Western third-party games are things that are played on other machines. But that's where they are.
It's a market that is oversaturated with three strong competitors and has a very high cost barrier to entry. They're right to accept that that market has gone elsewhere and try to carve out their own niche, which they did with 3DS (though 60 million+ hardware sales is a very big 'niche') (ask Microsoft).
(cough) Wii U 2 (cough)
The commercial should add that...
"Anywhere anytime gameplay not available on all platforms: just Switch"
I don't doubt that it's the world's game...but it's not my game.
"The PS4 games are basically identical to the last gen games either way".
This is basically true. EA could get the newer Frostbite engine working on Switch if they wanted to-it runs on less powerful hardware after all. But the benefits are dubious from what I've seen. If the Switch version doesn't allow you to run pacey wingers* in between the CPU full-back and centre-back with startling ease and regularity it will be a better game of football.
*and Ashley Young. It even works with him.
Sports game on switch would be such a great match up, why are they doing this :/
Probably lack of competition, people would buy Fifa anyway, there's no PES so far for Switch
Nah. Switch is good.
History is repeating again...
@electrolite77 Haha brilliant!
If theres no ultimate team then no sale EA. !!
@MarcelRguez "and is missing modes along with the PS3 and X360 version"
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, but I feel like this article may have been less inflammatory if somewhere it mentioned the Switch version was similar to the other 2, not just behind the current versions. As I said, it's what I expected all along. And one of the modes is a continuation of last years mode, which wasn't on last gen, so it didn't really need to be on Switch anyway. Being doom and gloom all the time occasionally means I'm right.
@Spoony_Tech Sorry, I burned myself out over here the past few days. 40 comments, 75% of them are too me or from me, none are reasonable.
Here's a funny read for everyone. All of the complaining Switch fans are doing about the Switch version now, PS3 and Xbox360 fans already did last year.
@legendwaker I really like the NBA 2K games, but I haven't played one since the days of the Dreamcast. Do the new ones play anything like the old ones?
Anyways I'm more of an NFL 2K fan and would love to see that series make a comeback, but last I heard EA has the NFL all to itself. Does 2K still make NCAA football (American) games?
Well from the point Ronaldo is on the cover any possible chance of me being this has vanished completely ! Thank you for securing my money EA
Will FIFA 18 on Switch have FIFA Ultimate Team?? That's what actually matters, not the Journey mode or whatever engine the game is using.
The blurb at the end of the trailer doesn't tell us that FUT will be skipping the Switch, so who knows. The boxart shows us that FIFA 18 on the Switch doesn't have the "Legacy Edition" moniker like the PS3/Xbox 360 versions, which makes things even more interesting.
That's pretty obvious marginalization of Nintendo platforms as always. Killing the campaign mode because reasons? EA's not even trying to hide their intentional categorezation of Nintendo as "other" anymore.
Then again "The Journey".....isn't that that mode where at E3 last year the guy got on the stage out of nowhere with the whole "I love de ball. I am de ball. I like holding de ball. I play wit' de ball." guy? Maybe we should be grateful....that was one of the biggest memes out of E3 '16.
Still Switch is emphasizing the local multiplayer aspects often, and this is a game that seems like it could have been ideal on Switch above all else.
EA: Using their muscle to rearrange the industry to suit their interests since 1982.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah, FIFA 18 (*Reasons We Troll Nintendo Fans) Ronaldo Edition.
Here is the correct version.
LOL at people thinking that "hardware specs" is actually an issue with FIFA 18 on the Switch. Frostbite can run on mobile devices, so to think the Switch can't run Frostbite is being purposefully ignorant or stupid.
EA simply doesn't think FIFA will sell much on Switch, and thus won't put much effort into it.
@rjejr That is quite the...um...entertaining comments section! Good for you to stick up for someone as well! Maybe, just maybe, you will become a superhero after all!
Better off? Switch is selling out world wide with lotteries for sales. I can't imagine it being better off but I can imagine it being worse off. I think having a third power console in the market would be nothing imaginative and would offer consumers no real reason to buy it aside from Nintendo's own games. I think it would get practically the exact same third-party support switch is getting now, because the power was never the real issue, it was just PC smoke and mirrors for lack of faith in demand.
Ultimately we'd have a system that offered no portability, no switching back and forth... that would be the price paid. What we would get in return is Nintendo's own games looking a little better, and that's pretty much it. I don't think EA would have done more than they have here, regardless. But even if they did, which I'm willing to concede... I don't see that being worth forfeiting the high-demand functionality of hybrid play. Neither for them, or us.
edit And for the record, I think the Switch has set the bar for its class of console. It's the most powerful portable gaming device on the market, and the first to run HD games as a handheld device. I have a few complaints with Switch... graphics and power is definitely not one of them
I might actually get madden if it comes to the switch. Definitely getting 2k.
I can see that point.
Can't we have Sensible Soccer instead?
Honestly, I'd rather play an unofficially licensed product that's good for what it is, rather than an afterthought offering that's little more than a thinly veiled cash grab.
EA sucks.
you lot over react so much if its done and the only thing missing is journey we have got a great game on our hands. Probably just dont have the time to create journey mode in another engine thats all. It will still have a league and manager mode surely so it will probably be great !
No ultimate team. No buy. Didn't frostbite run on ps3 and 360?
Nintendo fans only buy Nintendo games right EA?
"EA Sports. If it's in the game, it's...ah, we don't care, they'll buy it anyway."
Fifa's never been that good on handhelds anyway so not too much of a loss as the DS, PSP and Vita versions weren't that great.
Something told me the story mode wouldn't make the cut.
@electrolite77 that's comedy gold
@olrodlegacy yeah FIFA would be way better if 2k owned it
I'd rather have Rocket League tbh.
Battlefield Hardline released in 2015 running Frostbite on PS3 and 360. It is clearly possible to port the engine. The issue would be effort, cost, and how much they would be willing to sacrifice in terms of graphical features and branching from the main engine.
Ronaldo looking gorgeous as always.
could it be to keep the size of the game down?
also why dont I see that cover art on the EASports website? I dont even see switch mentioned anywhere
There was a time when an announcement like this would have made me angry or sad. Luckily that time has passed. I realized a few years ago that a Nintendo console can't be your only one. Save up for a mainstream console, too. I bought a Switch for Nintendo games. I'll play Fifa on my XB1.
@speedracer216 it honestly should. That is the single biggest selling point for a sports game for me. I'd buy madde and NHL on day 1 if they come to Switch
@Nintendofan83 agreed, having a Nintendo as your only gaming console is like having a tablet as your only computer
I wish Konami would take advantage of this and make a good version of PES 18. But they won't, so it's either that or nothing
They should have also mentioned that "Portable Play feature" is only available on the Switch. XD
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I've boycotted EA ever since C&C4. It doesn't work, the more EA does bad practices the more successful they've become.
They pull rubbish like this off because the platform holders have kotowed and allowed EA to grow to the point that EA's support is vital for them. It doesn't matter what they do FIFA 18 will be one of if not the best selling game this year and Ultimate Team will make them record profits.
Perhaps EA are aware that only 3 Switch owners would buy a football game regardless of the quality?
EA is the Wicked Stepmother / Lady Tremaine here. EA still treats Nintendo like Cinderella while treats Sony like Anastasia & Microsoft like Drisella. Such an Unfair situation.
@Captain_Gonru "Maybe Switch just can't run it."
How many of the comments have you read? Jax and gatorboi have been going at it a bit, so I've been thinking about it and decided I don't think it matters how powerful Switch is EA wasn't giving it the new Frostbite 3 game. Case in point, Wii U IS more powerful than PS3/X360, how many FIFA games did it get? So even if Switch were as powerful as X1, it would probably be a different architecture and EA wouldn't bother.
So I agree with you, maybe Switch can't easily run it, but even if it could EA probably wouldn't bother. Minecraft is 720p docked. Not every company wants to jump thru hoops.
@Spoony_Tech I know it looks like I was defending Slig, but it was really just me being a cranky old man telling everyone to stay off my lawn while they are storming the castle. Which reminds me, I really need to watch Gran Turino.
@rjejr Lol, best analogy I've heard in a long time! Well, I guess I see the good in the bad then.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE ea said the same thing about the wii u couldnt run frostbite engine but week later they retracted their statement and said wii u can run frostbite so ea is full of it on this one.
Wow what a surprise to learn that the switch won't be same as the other versions
E A SPORTS its in the game... except for nintendo because reasons.
EA sure knows how to disappoint. I was going to buy FIFA on Switch but not a mediocre port. Nintendo console owners don't buy mediocre ports.
Even if Nintendo had parity with the other systems this sort of thing would likely continue to happen. EA has always loved flexing its muscles, even back in the N64 days.
I'm a big FIFA fan and I couldn't wait to play on the go. I am ok with lesser graphics, but if career and ultimate mode are gimped I can't purchase for the Switch. Not a good look at all.
It seems NS is not yet that cool for the AAA guys and that's what Nintendo said: first get the userbase, then AAA will jump
Why be upset? Vote with your wallets, I refuse to buy poopy ports (if I can avoid them, that is)
So they're not including the main single-player mode on the only portable console, even though single-player is the mode most likely to be played on a portable console... Ok.
EA half-assing a port for Nintendo hardware? Shocking. Say it isn't so. eyeroll
I was on the fence about this game and now i know, i will NOT get this game.
EA should retire.
No company has failed Nintendo fans more.
No company is consistently as bad.
It is time they hang it up.
EA is not going to care if we skip this game because of them refusing to optimize Frostbyte 3.0. They will just go "oh Nintendo gamers only like Nintendo games". If only they didn't have a practical monopoly on sports games...
The Nintendo version of a major third party publisher is lacking features? Why this has never* happened before.
Screw you EA.
Looks like EA is lazying this one up. It's almost like if they are sabotaging themselves to pull out Switch support when people don't buy an overpriced PS3/360 port.
This is part of why people hate EA. Their lack of respect to the consumer and their horrible track record with Nintendo. There is no excuse. I won't buy this out of a want for better ports.
This is disgraceful. Activision is better than them by virtue of actually releasing games consistently on Nintendo systems. Absolutely embarrassing I should even say that at all.
I may still get it on the switch. It's not often a first-party publisher goes multi platform.
@legendwaker amen
Sooooo... who's excited for NBA 2K18?
the journey not being on it doesn't really bother me. I'm still planning on getting it on the switch over my Xbox. If ultimate team and some version of the weekend tournaments are still there I'll be happy enough
If they sell it for 49.99 USD that would be a bit fairer.
@Captain_Gonru the WiiU had a port of the Wii Legacy edition of FIFA 13, was just a roster update of an older game.
For two consoles in a row now they've put out a needlessly unappealing version of a game. The 10 million+ people of who buy FIFA yearly are never going to be coaxed to buy the Switch version. Its more like a "headless chicken or smashed egg" argument, you can't even expect anything but a flop to come from this act of self-sabotage.
All that needed to happen is for the Switch to match the other games in features. It's not like a story mode is technically unfeasible on the Switch, and it's the "big feature" they've been pushing since the last version .
@gatorboi352 All it tells me is just how lazy EA are (surprise surprise). We all knew there would be some part of this release that would make it seem less appealing than the other versions. The Switch is capable enough to get the exact same game as the others with some work arounds maybe. If you really do not think the Switch is for you and clearly dilike it so much,then why spend your time coming into articles about the console? Fascinates me that people that clearly have a dislike of something feel the need to let the world know that they don't like it
Not that i car about this garbage but i feel bad for those that like Football games. A sub par port is not what is required at this point.
No frostbite, no party. I'll keep playing Fifa 15 on PS Vita.
|Gatorboi352 wrote Switch cannot handle the Frostbite |engine. It's as simple as that, there's no conspiracy or |"hating" going on here with EA.
You post is full with crap. Frostbite engine can run on Haswell intergrated graphics. Pretty sure the Switch GPU is much stronger than that. Heck, FIFA 17 can run on the Geoforce 820m, which the Switch GPU clocks can beat performance wise while in handheld mode.
Take your trolling some well else please.
Thanks from the NintendoLife community.
Any graphical downgrade is to be expected. Theres just no way the Nintendo Switch can reproduced the graphics shown in the trailer, like real time sweat and clothing physics. However that is where the limitations should end. If there are any FEATURES that are missing, any game mode in every version but the switch, that is whats unforgivable here.
Not concerned in the slightest happy the switch is getting the game. Day 1 for me.
I have a hard time believing that frostbite couldnt be shoehorned onto the switch all be it with some rollbacks on more advanced aliasing and lighting.
Sun tzu said 'When in doubt , turn shadow quality down'.
Just seen that Game want £60 for it in the U.k - no thanks.
At least they picked the right cover, Ronaldo really seems hesitant to be there and a bit ashamed too XD
Well, it comes down to it either being a lazy effort or that the Switch can't handle the engine.
Considering they actively chose to leave out an entire mode, the latter is the obvious contender.
I have no doubt the Frostbite engine is scalable. Considering the Switch can run UE4, it should most definitely be able to handle a down-scaled version of Frostbite.
Either way, it's sad news for Nintendo since the people who will end up feeling "cheated" by purchasing this inferior version (which I am sure will be priced just as high as the other versions) will most likely blame Nintendo for it rather than EA.
On the other hand, it's Nintendo's job to make sure they get good 3rd party support on their systems ,so they only have themselves to blame. It mainly sucks for their customers.
I guess I'll be picking up the PS4 version
Right, let's clear a few things up.
This is not about power. FIFA 17 can run on a Geforce 820M. See here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o4PFUEDPGw
The good news is the main difference Frostbite has made to FIFA is graphical improvements. The actual game hasn't moved on much at all.
The bad news is if there's features missing, this will flop.
The other bad news is this would be the perfect excuse to sink the cost of porting the engine if EA had any intention of doing so. That they aren't means they don't have any intention of bringing much else to the Switch.
OK i'm NOT a FIFA fan (or a fan of Football in general) but COME ON EA if you want the games to sell stop screwing over the user base because it just shows you don't give a c**p
but just watch, this watered down version wont sell and then they will use it as an excuse to not release other games by saying their games "don't sell" on the system, shifting the blame on Nintendo and their users
If you want to see Ronaldo at his best you might want to get the Ps4/xone version of the game.
(ps. like your name there, its' a cracker!!)
Man it feels great to read a post with a degree of intelligence.
However here are my two cents.
Frostbite can run on many things but HOW IT RUNS on these devices is the question. I have read from developers themselves that just because a system can run a certain engine doesn't mean it runs it PROPERLY or effectively. It will look better in some cases to run games on an older engine, regardless of the newer engine's scalability.
What you highlight is the Nintendo dilemma that many pretend isn't there.
Third party devs want more power on consoles and Nintendo don't think power is a priority.
Fans think great sales of a console is enough to bring big third party games although the Wii confirmed this as false.
1) It's Nintendo's fault.
Why developers continue to gimp Nintendo games is SOMETIMES understandable BUT NOT ALWAYS. They blame Nintendo for NOT giving them enough power.
2) It's the BIG Third Parties fault.
The fanboys argument. I do not like agreeing with fanboys of ANY type but I think they have the stronger argument as weaker consoles like PS3 and X360 get full versions.
3) The reality.
Why put so much effort into a game that won't sell that well on a Nintendo system?
Nintendo fans keep crying for a game from the big third party devs that isn't gimped.
The truth is if we do get a big budget AAA third party game equal to the other systems and it flops on the Switch, then it's all over.
The big third party developers would have proved their point.
Will any third party take that chance to prove this theory?
Personally I've never played a FIFA game in my life, but I'd like to see it do well on Switch because it's a crowd pleaser.
As a graphic designer, I must say that boxart is hideously terrible, what with the text and logos of the title and cover photo blending together like that. Absolutely nasty, like it was made by a 12-year old in some free phone app.
@Captain_Gonru I didnt' mean to imply that EA was doing this for anything other than monetary reasons. Despite all the fanbois on here going on about how great Switch is and how poorly Wii U sold the Wii U currently has an install base 3x greater than Switch and it never got a good FIFA game. So to think that EA was going to spend a lot of time and money producing a game on Switch which might have flopped due to any number of reasons - cost, Wii U port machine, launching in March - and even if it didn't flop, it was still going to have a smaller install base than Wii U when this game releases, well that simply defies logic.
If Switch does well, when FIFA 19 releases in Sept 2018 Switch will just be past the Wii U install base, so maybe then Switch can get the Frostbite 3 version if EA drops PS3 and Xbox360 support. Has to happen eventually. Then Switch will get the newer version by default b/c there won't be another version.
But really, Switch will have maybe 6 million when this releases, compared to 80mil each for PS3 and Xbox360, 60m PS4, maybe what 25mil X1. And a billion PC in the world. And 13.4mil Wii U. How much effort where they making for a Switch version of FIFA 17?
@nathanjones007 i agree
EA are the biggest joke in gaming tbh.
@Spoony_Tech Off topic. Since NL implemented this Reply email set-up when I hit reply in the emails it always brought me to the comment, now it just brings me to the page and I have to look for the comment to reply to, which before would only happen if the comment were deleted. You notice anything like that?
@rjejr Yeah, it's doing it to me as well. Kinda sucks too. Wonder if it can be fixed.
If a full-featured FIFA ever comes to the Switch, I'll buy it instantly. But if they keep showing up as lazy ports, I'll continue to pass them up.
lol... EA again. so typical. I got nothing else to say.
If EA releases a gimped game, I'll simply vote with my wallet and not buy it. This is why their games sell as a turd on Nintendo systems!
@Spoony_Tech Thanks for letting me know, I thought NL might just be trying to cut me off. Antdickens probably updated the servers or something, I'll let him know.
@rjejr Please do, on a comment section as big as this it can be annoying.
@Spoony_Tech I may have sent him a message, or something like that, on Twitter, I figure he's more likely to reply to bobmrik than rjejr. I'll let ya know when he lets me know.
I've been trying to cut back on the commenting - yes this is me cutting back - but next week during E3 this could really be annoying. Both my kids are home from school on Tuesday - final week - so we'll be in the live chat stream on our phones while watching on TV on the Wii U. Can Switch do any of that?
@rjejr I get lucky, my kids don't get out till Thursday!
@Captain_Gonru If Switch can't run Frostbite 3 then it's a piece of garbage as far as I'm concerned, every graphics engine should have scalability in 2017. Maybe it's only 600p in handheld mode, 720p docked, 30fps, but it should run. PCs have had scaling for years, and game consoles are pretty much just PCs these days, Switch has an Nvidia graphics chip, you dont' get much more PC than Nvidia graphics. I know power is a factor for the pretty, but if they can scale it from the lower end X1 thru PS4, PS4 Pro and probably Scorpio at 4k or native 1440 they should be able to get it to run on Switch. But it would take a lot of effort, look ugly, and I'm not sure it's worth it.
My 486 PC w/ 4MB RAM and 200MB HDD ran Win 95. Took 26 3.5" floppy discs to install it, but it ran. Redneck Rampage ran at about 1 frame every 3 seconds but that ran too.
@Spoony_Tech I have 1 in middle school and 1 in high school, so I've sort of lost track of their final schedules, but starting tomorrow its' a lot of half days and days off mixed in w/ the tests. Just so happened they both have off on Tuesday. On the bright side, the high today is 66', it's 52' right now, next Tuesday it's a low of 68', hi of 84, so we'll have an excuse to huddle in the always cool basement. I haven't seen sun in like 4 days, and it's killing me.
@Captain_Gonru I suppose that business trip isn't letting you catch up on any tv shows. I started watching Breaking Bad to cheer myself up. Not sure what I was thinking there. Shield season 2, 3 episodes in is deja vu to the bad first 4 episodes of season 1. I think I knew season 2 was bad though, but 1 was so good I'll deal. Should start Jessica Jones tonight w/ the missus so we can get that show on the road.
Next week is E3, maybe I'll start talking games again. Games Switch is getting, not missing, or broken. Seems to be a lot of those this week.
I couldn't care less if a few unimportant features are missing. Just give me FIFA 18 on Switch, a head set, a hub, my phone, a wire connecting the headset to the hub, a wire connecting the hub to the switch, and another wire connecting the hub to my phone, and I'm in gaming heaven.
@Captain_Gonru I wasted an hour yesterday, a very boring hour, watching the EA thing b/c somebody called me out in the chat, and my wife took my son shoe shopping so it seemed like a better alternative than going w/ them. I'll probably watch MS today b/c I want to see how they play up Scorpio and if I have anything else to get for free this week - yesterday EA gave us a few games on PS4 - though I coudlnt 'find them, was looking for Titanfall 2 - and 8 free days of EA Access on Xbox, which on Xbox was 45 games but the only 1 I wanted was Unravel, some indie Little Big Planet, which shows I really don't need an Xbox. Or EA.
If Switch had Netflix you could watch the shows on the road. Just saying. Though if your wife is anything like mine you wouldn't be able to go home afterwards. Season 2 of Shield is as bad as advertised, still ok for network TV, but not good. Jessica Jones is still good thru the first 3 episodes. I think I've already seen the first 4 so looking to move on.
And you know you'll want to watch Nintendo Spotlight to see if there are any new amiibo.
@Captain_Gonru "but completely forgot they already added the CW stuff."
Sorry, I meant to tell you that last week, my brain aint' what it used to be.
I watched all of MS show, better than I expected. But even if I had a 4k tv I woudlnt spend double for XXX.
Oh, i changed my avatar again, sorry, summer came and I wanted to get in the mood. May was the 20th anniversary of that album. It's kinda Brit pop so you probably don't know it but it's fun and it works here.
@Captain_Gonru More off topic again - So did you see Skyrim got amiibo support?
Enjoy your time off. And no, never watched Futurama, looked stupid.
@Fazermint oh it's true, eh? Then how come it got deleted?
Good job 'Liking' your own comment, btw.
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