Well, it's been a little over a week since Tatsumi Kimishima took to the stage in Tokyo and kicked off a weekend of reveals, events and live streams to showcase the Nintendo Switch. Early pre-orders have been made, games have been confirmed, and opinions have been shared.
Some of you may recall that we ran a poll shortly after the presentation, and the vibes were relatively positive. That said, issues around launch titles, pricing and more certainly had an impact, with 27% saying they wouldn't be pre-ordering the system; many opted for the second tier of optimism in other questions too, with a general sense of being 'quite pleased' and seeing 'potential' in the system.
The week that's followed has seen plenty of varied opinions on the Switch, so it seems like a good time to see how the past 9 days of debate has shaped your thoughts on the console. Have further details, some extra game reveals and lots of opinions affected how you view the system?
Further Reading
- First Impressions on a Wide Range of Nintendo Switch Games
- Hands On: Putting the Nintendo Switch Hardware Through Its Paces
- Guide: A Breakdown of Confirmed Nintendo Switch Games and Release Dates
- Talking Point: Considering the Paid Online Service on Nintendo Switch
- Editorial: Pricing Blunders Have Distorted the Narrative on Nintendo Switch
- Soapbox: It's Nintendo's Job to Make Switch a Success, Not EA's, Ubisoft's or Capcom's
- Talking Point: Let's Explore What Could Be Done With HD Rumble on Nintendo Switch
Well, let us know in the poll and comments below, and keep an eye out later today for a feature on ten of the most intriguing third-party games coming to the system.
Comments 457
I preordered one grey and one neon,, but I STILL can't decide which Switch?? >_>
There are key games I'm waiting for before I buy. I also don't really like pre-ordering, I prefer to wait a little while and see what the system has to offer.
Its funny to see, i am member of many second hand groups and i see many people selling their XBone, Ps4 and their ps3, and many of them write that they are selling it to save money for the Switch. Did not expect that!
I need the switch at launch too lol
Splatoon 2 is my trigger for ordering.
Day 1: Zelda, Arms ,Splatoon2 (when you can buy them)
Funny how all the "Ninten-doom" talk doesn't appear in those polls.
Maybe people finally got that Nintendo is still holding back info, and that despite some flaws, the Switch is on route to have a pretty good launch.
I wanted Zelda or Splatoon 2 at launch to pre-order. I'll get the first and then the second in the summer, good enough for pre-order to me!
@kevfrei I had the same issue. I went colored and I'm so excited about it!
The machine itself fascinates me but I want resist the urge to buy it too soon. I'm busy with PS4 and after Wii U I'm kinda cautious. As much as I loved Wii U it didn't really pay off to get it early on.
I'm still cool about it. Lots of RPG's to look forward to. With Mario, Splatoon, Arms and Xenoblade 2 in the horizons added with some unannounced goodies and the ports.
Switch still me more excited then Sony or MS at this moment
@PAppleyard i'm fine with pre ordering hardware, not the software part unless it has collectors edtion/ real limited edition that i like. there always a chance this could blow up and sellout for ages, then when say mario odyssey hits you, 1 have to pay scalpers or 2, wait a longer time to get one. (this could happen nintnedo isn't the best at keeping with demands)
I've got a neon console pre-ordered. Things look very promising. Still wondering what Retro Studios have in store. May have to wait until E3 for that reveal.
They are doing everything to not make it a success. Wouldnt be surprised if ended up like the wii u. Its again more about gimmicky controls. 5 games for launch is quite unimpressive. Will buy it for christmas if the price is right together mario odyssey and botw. This will probably be a console where I will games carefully and wait patiently on the nintendo selects line. Most likely nintendos last console. After that they will go multiplatform.
I'd say I'm more positive that I was right after the presentation but I'm still not getting it before Summer. The price of the system, a game, an SD card and a carrying case is too much for my current budget and I can always enjoy the launch window games when I get the console. The only thing that I'm a bit sad about is that I won't be playing Zelda before I'll get the console since I want it for the Switch so I can play it anywhere and I don't want to buy the same game twice so I'm not getting the Wii U version. I still have plenty of games to keep me occupied until then.
@liljmoore they are saying xenoblade 2 is this year, not sure i believe it myself but it would be a killer game to have year 1. could hint at 2 xeno games being on switch if we get one in year one too.
The Switch is a console of contradictions, Nintendo claim it's a home console that you can take with you but to me it's a very powerful handheld you can plug into the TV, if the dock actually had some functionality then it'd be different.
Then you have the launch games which consists of a Wii U Zelda game purposefully delayed, a party game which should have been included and nothing else of note. Later on there are some Wii U games repackaged for the Switch and ports of existing games from other consoles before the real Switch games come out starting with Mario.
Now despite my reservations I do have one preordered to have as a second console to my PS4 and I can play when the wife wants to watch TV. That and I'll be able to play with my step son and actual son when he's a bit older. Had I still had my Wii U I wouldn't have got one until Mario launched as it wouldn't have any games that I didn't have or couldn't buy. This year there are a lot 9f great exclusives coming to PS4 so the comparative lack of games for this isn't as big an issue as it would be had it been my only console and I can't wait to play what looks like the first great Zelda since Wind Waker
It'll be a Zelda Machine until Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 are released, but I'm fine with it.
As Nintendo fans, are we really to judge? Nintendo needs the general market, they already had Nintendo fans assured with the Wii U.
I'm waiting to for Mario before I order switch gonna play zelda on wiiu. Although I'm very disappointed there is no special edition zelda for wiiu! I mean it's not my fault it failed so why punish us hardcore fans that bought it in anticipation of the new zelda they promised but never came
My ride over the past week or so: Huge hype, slightly confused by the presentation, liked Treehouse, more hype, disappointment of lack of VC announcements, seeing lots of trash on YouTube re: death of Nintendo...
But overall really hyped. Pre ordered (more than 1 to be honest) and booked March 3rd off from work.
I've preordered one because of my love for Nintendo but I have a few reservations. Firstly the price. The system isn't that expensive but add in a game, joycon charger grip, case & Pro controller and it's £400. That's a lot of money for a system that will have games that the Wii U could handle.
Secondly the battery life especially when charging the joycons on the go.
Lastly the distinct lack of 3rd party support at launch.
Saying that, I'm getting one because of the portability and first party games.
I don't like buying consoles at launch. I will buy a Switch when Mario comes out.
@Kosmo some of the information they're withholding worries me a little bit, like the price of the online service.
@carlos82 i believe it was planned to replace the 3ds but with the 3ds sales spike recently they'd be fools to stop that. but there signs that people might slowly move on, the next pokemon game is key to this, if it's on switch with a watered down 3ds game then we know they are moving forwards. also look at previous 3ds only devs making switch games, the bravely defualt team was a big indication and the SMT switch game coming in the future.
@The-Chosen-one Wow!
I'm not very excited for the Switch at this time. I feel it's too expensive and doesn't have much software at launch. Those concerns are identical to the 3DS launch yet Nintendo repeatedly told us that they learned from that mistake.
@JamesR i think they are gonna keep talking about new things for the switch leading up to the release day like ui and VC. this keeps it fresh in people's minds and builds more hype hopefully not de-hyping it.
I dont think its trash on youtube. Its people who share their opinion. Many negative comments on youtube are very similar and reasonable. Some comments I agree with, some comments I dont care about. The wii u has shown that a console will not survive solely because its nintendo. Nintendo is feeding those people with arguments. Similar to the xb1 e3 disaster, onlt fanboys defended microsoft when they clearly pushed it too far - same is going on witg nintendo.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets it's not expensive at all... look at the ps4/xbox one launch prices not today's market, to be fair factor in a second controller to them also because the switch has 2 out the box
I like the Nintendo Switch a lot and will get one.
There are however many unknowns and I can understand those who choose to play a waiting game.
For example some friends of mine are very interested in the Switch but being either in the MS or Sony camp they are very sceptical of the online services more than third party support.
Is online any good? What is the cost? Is it worth it?
Until this is cleared up I can see many people choosing to sit on the fence and that, like I said, is reasonable thinking.
@PotatoTheG i respect that decision but online is something they needed to do last gen. psn and live makes a lot of money in the paying for plus/live alone. waiting for the mario game i get, heck might be a good plan they do a bundle at xmas time with that and switch even. but if this blows up getting one might be expensive as all hell at this time too also.
@The-Chosen-one people selling PS4s to get Switch? Even I didn't see THAT coming. XD
Only one' proper' controller coming with no charging grip. Ps4 and xb1 were and are still more powerful and had greater storage out of the box. Also all the third party support which nintendo is never going to get. Truth be told, when it comes to value nintendo has always been cheaping out. I would never buy a nintendo console if it werent for the first party games.
@nhSnork depends on the content they like, they might be not that impressed by the games there. i wouldn't get why, it's a pretty diverse set of games on psn. yes i own a ps4 too still a pretty big nintendo fan because there games are (Mostly) always fun to play.
I have pre-ordered Zelda Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch, but I have not pre-ordered the console. I want to wait for more information on the online functionality and VC implementation. The price might also change until the release. I plan to buy the console after the release date if things go right.
I preordered the Friday morning it went live in the UK as a fail safe. Thought their presentation was so-so, didn't feel it catered beyond Japan but they rather oddly promoted it as worldwide, so was unsure. Attended the UK hands-on on Saturday and completely blew away my reservations. It's very clear what the Switch offers, but it needs to be held and experienced to really drive home how great it is and what it sets out to do.
The UK price point is great (following the hands-on), accessories are slightly too much (I'm well aware of the tech included) but I honestly doubt from my hands-on and what I heard there that'd I need any immediately, if at all, and I imagine this applies to others (eg the Joy Con charging grip).
Launch games are good, it's unreasonable to expect Nintendo to throw out major hitters in Year 1 and have nothing for subsequent years, I think they're playing it smart and dotting their releases till Christmas to give third parties a chance to shine (regardless of whether you like the offerings, third parties are just as cautious on a Nintendo console as we are going into the Switch).
Nintendo just need to be careful with how they present information going forward, maintaining clarity and being aware of their fans who did invest in the Wii U and how they handle services we've heard very little about, if at all.
Only Nintendo fans will buy Switch at launch... but they already have the Wii U, they can play the New Zelda on it, so why buy the Switch? They already have Mario Kart and Splatoon, why buy them again?
It's not like Switch is cheap, unless you really want portability, but then again the battery last 2-3 hrs, it's not really a portable console like 3DS. Nintendo is confusing me.
@kevfrei Just get a grey one, and then you can buy the colored Joycons separately, or the other way around. That way you can change it any way you like - the Switch system itself is the same with either version anyway.
After pre-ordering the GBA, Gamecube, DS and Wii I jumped ship and waited for the 3DS and Wii U and they ended up being my favourite out of those, apart from the Gamecube, so I have faith in Nintendo to deliver down the line so I will be ready when the software comes in.
@Nintendian um i bought a ps4 for kh3/FF, alone not any ps4 games tbh. buying this for Zelda mario, if sony lost the third party in that area they might see a huge drop off just saying you know. also look at the launch line up for the Ps4 it was bad too, all system launches are bad. but they have the killer game botw to push systems sold, not many bought a wii u but may buy a switch for zelda alone.
I'm hyped more than I've been for any other console.
I would have liked to see more 3rd party games, like from Bioware and the like, but even as is just with the games Nintendo has shown for year 1 it's extremely exciting stuff. The system hasnt even released and we're already seeing games announced that never made it to Wii U (Fire Emblem finally). And there are some key 3rd party titles I'm really excited to see on a handheld screen like Skyrim and Dragon Quest XI. Not that I can't already play them elsewhere, but I'd prefer on Switch where they can be taken anywhere.
All in all, good stuff. Just rock it this e3 and make sure there's no droughts and we'll be good.
The treehouse footage is what really got me excited. The one for "accessories" where they show off how thin and sleek it is. The Joycons instantly sync when you slide them in (no more sync buttons). It's just the little details that show how well thought out it is. I like those newer, young treehouse guys... very likeable people. He even said, "I play all consoles" and you can tell he means it.
@Excalibur_120 might want to pre order just to make sure you can you know play it? don't expect news about the online service till it's close to happening, likely a direct for the online is planned. the VC i expect them to do a direct/press release before the system launches covering that and the UI. they haven't showed it for a reason, they likely plan to go in depth later.
@kenrulei Are you saying people with Wii U are reluctant to be buy Switch because they can play the Zelda, Splatoon and Mario Kart on Wii U. Only those with no Wii U will buy Switch?
You can play online for free with Wii U, why not buy Wii U when Switch launch... it will be dirt cheap.
It plays Nintendo games in a variety of ways, so I'm sold. It has a few classic Ninty friendly Japanese games, and a few key evergreen 3rd party titles on the go, which I like the idea of.
The question is will it sell to the core and casual markets?
I'm looking forward to Mario Odyssey and a bit to Rayman Legends Definitive Edition, but otherwise not that much I'd play. Good system but a little underwhelming if Zelda is not really your type of game.
You can play online on the Wii U 'for the meantime'. I'm guessing that will end when the Switch paid online comes into affect.
I'm hyped too about Switch. But, give me at least White or Metallic Silver or Blue or Aqua color for Switch, Nintendo. I know Japanese people prefer White console rather than Black console. I will be very happy if Switch come in many colors like 3DS.
Personally, as a massive RPG fan there are far too many titles coming that I can't pass on.
I was feeling really pessimistic about all of this prior to the presentation, but the announcements there plus those made thereafter amount to about 1000 hours of sheer gameplay in my book. Zelda, FE Musou, FE Switch, SMTV, Xenoblade 2, a new Tales of game, Disgaea 5 Complete... It's crazy, really. And I'm not concerned about the poor launch lineup because Zelda will keep me busy for weeks on end, on top of everything else I'm playing on my many Nintendo consoles.
@MrGawain Is this your assumption or did Nintendo told you that?
Overall I am excited, I feel the console has a lot of potential and distinguishes itself enough from other offerings.
The launch WINDOW (thats important) is seemingly quite decent with Zelda, Mario Kart, Arms (supposedly) and several other releases. Although the launch date itself is a little weak in offerimgs but it seems Nintendo is mre interested in a steady stream rather than all out the gate at once. Also as a JRPG lover plenty was shown off for my tastes.
I have preordered but I still haven't decided if I will keep as my birthday is 2 months after. Also its looking more likely that I will cancel my Breath of the Wild Limited Edition as frankly it sucks compared to the US one. All I want is the OST; would have loved the case the US are getting.
@Nintendian because they will terminate the service when they move over after so long and no new games after zelda botw are coming for the wii u AT ALL
@Andrzej777 it was reasonable to defend because technically it remained within Microsoft's right. What XBone intended initially would certainly suck from many gamers' perspective (including my equally biased one), but there was no obligation or promise not to do things like that, and sales were all they risked - an unpleasant but less critical price for the company behind Windows than for a purely console profiled player like Nintendo or Sega back in the day. In the light of it all, I was more surprised when they actually backed off.
As for opinions, some are certainly voiced civilly when people voice them. When fans inside those people start pulling the strings, we start getting "trash", namely the tone, implications and often content of opinions in question. That's the only thing fans do best when ungoverned by their human selves, alas.
The last time I was this unenthusiastic about a system launch was the Virtual Boy. Only upside to this is there are more than 2 colors. Waiting at least a year to see how 3rd party support is. Only must have game is thankfully on Wiiu and a few others are on 3ds.
I'm excited...I'm really hoping for some kind of achievement system
@Nintendian the new president of nintendo stopped all wii u games being made to focus on the switch, in an investors meeting he basicly said the wii u is dead.
Just so that I'm not misunderstood. Not everything on YouTube is trash but I have seen a fair amount of stuff reckoning the Switch is dead on arrival and how Mario will be put onto the PS4. I consider this to be 'trash'.
People having various levels on enthusiasm is perfectly fine. I'm not suggesting everyone needs to buy a Switch (and clearly not a Switch at launch). Personally, I'm happy with what I've seen but I am a loyal fan with a Wii U and 6 3DS in the house (for the kids). A lower price would obviously have been nicer, more games would obviously have been nicer; a clearer idea of VC and eShop transferability would have been nicer; more info on online gaming is a big issue for some; etc...
I just can't take people seriously when they react as if a $10 uplift in price of the Pro Controller versus the XBox is somehow the end of civilization.
I can't wait, I've proerded a gray switch and Zelda. The initial launch line up is a bit poor, but how many 'game of the year' nominations are switch games going to get this year? Zelda, Mario odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, Snipperclips I think will all win awards. Not bad for the first 9 months of a new console and Much better than Xbox one or PS4's first year.
@kenrulei PS3 and Xbox 360 are still supported, if Nintendo shut down Wii U server, they are going to lose a lot of customers.
Ya ya. For sure. Switch is already showing alot of RPGs, a distinct difference from Wii U.
That Octopath Traveller looks mint, love the art style. New SMT incoming in Unreal Engine 4? That's the stuff. New Fire Emblem. Dragon Quest XI, I Am Setsuna and Has Been Heroes, Disgaea 5... It's definitely nice to see.
And while Skyrim is only one RPG, it's a very beloved one. I personally know someone who actually pre-ordered (changed his mind from buying a PS4) simply because of Skyrim confirmed and the fact it's portable. That's not to say he won't play other games as well (he pre-ordered Zelda, be a fool not to) but games like that have devoted followers. And if their favorite game goes portable they'll follow suit. I have favorite games like that too- wherever the game goes, I go.
I hope so
@Nintendian many ps3/360 game servers have been shut down if you're trying to troll you're pretty bad at it.
Honestly I wanted it to not be super compelling, simply because I probably won't be able to afford one (not due ITS cost but due to my general lack of funds)
But I'm excited for it, could it be better? Sure but there's no limit to that. "Sure it got all new entries of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero for launch day but where's StarFox, eternal Darkness and Diddy Kong Racing 2"
All in all I am sold on it, now to make something at home "sold" to pay for it.
@kenrulei What is 'many'? Where's the source? There are still games launching for those old consoles, mainly indies, but they are still supported.
@Nintendian also if you look at history nintnedo move on rather quickly from the last thing, be it the snes to 64, the gba to ds, gamecube to wii, Ds to 3ds, and wii to wii u. why do think this will be any different?
@Nintendian i meant from the first party, like nintendo sony and MS... indies could still happen but no big titles.
@Nintendian @kenrulei
PS3 online servers are still going.
I still play ultra street fighter 4 on PS3. Street fighter 4 came out in 2008
As time has gone on I'm increasingly feeling more concern than excitement regarding Switch both in terms of both infrastructure (e.g. online, eshop) and games lineup.
But I have some hope that Nintendo will do something like a Direct in February detailing especially the infrastructure side of things. The games situation is probably due to E3 being 3 months after launch.
@kenrulei Are you saying Indie games will have no online features on Wii U?
@Nintendian even ps3 games have been dropped, or about to be dropped look at final fantasy 14 the mmo is dropping the ps3 support soon also.
Sad to say that I'll be waiting until 2018 to maybe buy one. Besides Zelda on day one, I'll wait until Mario Odyssey comes out (which I doubt by the holiday, i'm thinking 2018 at the earliest). Other than that, most of the games coming out for it (besides nintendo only titles) I'll get on the PS4 instead right now, plus, after the Wii U fiscal, I'll wait to see if nintendo is going to keep the 3rd party titles going and what they will do with the system...there's still a trust issue with nintendo anymore, and I still, for some reason, don't see the system taking off. There may be a lot of people pre-ordering and saying that they'll be buying, but how many of those systems will be used to sell for higher prices online and how many will be traded in by the holiday season. The only thing I see about myself waiting, is that more games will be available for it by then, which means, more to play and more items will be available on the E-Shop to download...which means more enjoyment out of it. 2018 for me.
Ask yourself what software will this system have by year 3 i just don't have confidence in Nintendo to deliver any more. I doubt they have much to show in e3 but I'll wait to see what they show off. Think about this of your a wii u owner like myself and you decide to pick up Zelda on wii u what reason do you have to pick up the switch there it's nothing compelling.
@Nintendian i'm telling you they will likely be on switch from now on than the wii u, see the indie devs themselves say coming to the switch no wii u listed recently.
@kenrulei PS3 has already lost most of the online activity, plus, their store hasn't been updated fully for a while...just Avatars and Themes added. Most support moved over to the PS4 after it's successful launch. 360 is the same. Wii U will be the same, and I think after the first few months of the Switch, the 3DS will become the same (if the switch is a success). Nintendo, just like Sony and Microsoft, will add more to the one that sells the most, which is why I think nintendo is keeping the 3DS going and not talking about killing it yet...if the Switch becomes a failure, they have the 3DS to back up on...if Switch becomes a hit, I see them ending the 3DS a few months later...not fully at first, but you won't see much from nintendo for it (E-Shop included).
I just want to know all about VC at launch! Whether or not that ties in with the new online infrastructure is irrelevant. The launch line up maybe lacking (although BoTw and snipperclips is perfectly adequate for me personally) but good day 1 VC support would be a great way to rectify that.
Eternal darkness on the train... yes please, Luigis mansion in the bath?? Probably not, but you get the jist!
@marko Exactly...which is why I'll be one person waiting until 2018 for the Switch.
@marko i think nintendo have made the best system to do the upgradeable model if you ask me. you will have the joycons the dock and so on already, they could push out a cheaper base unit to upgrade the graphics easily and keep it price down quite a bit.
Still hyped for the system, still bummed about accessory prices, still indifferent to VC news.
Makes me sad to see so many people saying there is nothing between Zelda and Mario for them. So many great looking titles from first and third parties including new Nintendo IPs and all people care about is Mario and Zelda whilst simaltaneousoy complaining all there is, is Mario and Zelda. I honestly wander what people are wanting? There's a good variety there with party, puzzle, arcade, racing, RPG, hack n slash etc. I guess the glaring omissions are strategy (but FE is coming!) and the big one: shooters (excluding Splatoon 2).
@JLPick They won't end 3DS, Switch has a battery life of 2-3 hrs, it's not a portable.
Day 1 for me with Zelda and Bomberman. I'll for sure pick up Mario Kart in April and maybe Lego City too. Not to mention I Am Setsuna and any other RPGs. Home console quality games off the TV? That is great! And yes I have every other system out and Switch will get all my attention.
Im waiting for after release feedback
@JLPick Switch is like a gaming laptop, you can carry it around but you will use the AC adaptor when playing.
The New 3DS will still go on.
@Ogbert i'm looking at super bomberman R and other games, also sniper clips looks crazy fun to play. i really like the look of the new ip arms. but zelda and mario will be the big ones to sell systems, mario kart will likely help there too especially to them who missed the wii u mk8 game. also if pokemon is shown off game over that's when this things will fly off shelves, and add in mh for japan even if it's not the best looking one, odds are japan will buy it on the switch to ps4 because consoles are not seling great in japan still.
I wasn't sure after the presentation, but pre-ordered 3 days later, after I saw all the games that weren't mentioned in the presentation. Wikipedia has a pretty extensive list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games
@Nintendian 2-6 hours, depending on what you're playing, was the official statement made in the presentation. Highlighting Zelda as a 3 hour battery game.
That's not dissimilar to the original 3DS.
@Nintendian so your are trying to troll i see i won't be replying to you again i'd advise everyone one else to do the same...
@Frosty_09 my expectations of multiplatform current gen "AAA" games on the Switch is "very few" of which "none" would be considered definitive versions.
My personal opinion is that regardless of how well the Switch sells, we simply won't see high sales for this kind of third party software. In my opinion it has little to do with how well the system sells or performs for a technical perspective. We simply don't buy them (we buy stuff like Shovel Knight).
I could have pre ordered on Amazon prime but didn't bother, they have now sold out, the launch titles other than Breath of Wild does not instantly make me wanna buy a Switch but titles that are coming out later in the year will, the console itself looks state of the art as you'd expect from Nintendo and sure to be a big seller..happy gaming!
@wayneyrob22 i'm very excited to see there e3 plans this year also.
@Miss_Dark splatoon 2 by any chance? your avatar and such XD
I'm probably not going to get one. Follow the same strategy i did with my Wii U. Wait and see what bundles come to the US. So most likely my purchase will be either be this holiday season or next. Sorry nintendo, you just haven't made a compelling enough case for me to buy it Day 1.
@kenrulei oh yeah they're obviously the big ones, Splatoon is definitely a big one for them now too. Xenoblade is also a big triple A Nintendo IP too, though maybe more niche and I'd be surprised if it was localised for the West in 2017.
Pokémon I think was an unrealistic expectation of people. Even ignoring Game Freaks track record of not supporting the new system until it's install base is high enough, Sun and Moon have not been out long at all! I doubt they would announce a new one until much later in the year if there is one. Why cut those sales short?
Ah well, I just hope the non-Mario & Zelda games do well too. I'm really looking forward to Bomberman R, Snipperclips, Arms, Fast RMX, PuyoPuyoTetris, Sonic Mania, Project Octopath Traveller, Fire Emblem Warriors, RedOut, Splatoon 2 and others I'm probably forgetting right now
@Grumblevolcano i feel that's their plan to keep people talking, keep giving out new info leading up the release, it's the only reason i can think of why they won't show much about the UI/E-shop too. they keep hinting the vc stuff from the wii u may carry over too.
I was highly sceptic before the presentation and I wasn't convinced at all when I read the news the morning after the presentation, but during the week I started to see the merits of the device and its software and took a seat on the hype train. Have it pre-ordered and this will be the first time that I own a console at launch.
The games that actually convinced me to jump right in were Snipperclips, Arms and Puyo Puyo Tetris. I will also be there for the more standard Nintendo fare, of course.
Another thing that really appeals is that the console is region free (as well as the online store if you make a separate account apparently) and that Japan third-party devs appear to believe in the console and are developing games for it. I can read Japanese so now I don't have to remain in doubt as to whether the games will make it across the ocean.
I don't care about the prices for accessoires since I feel none of them are really required. I always used the default controllers for both the Wii and WiiU and the only thing I will need is another Joycon set, which is not cheap, but on the other hand are also two controllers in one for most multiplayer games, which makes it four with the set you get out of the box.
And I have high hopes for 2018 as well. A Fire Emblem, probably a Pokemon (don't own a 3DS), possibly a Retro-release as they haven't released anything since 2014, some of the JRPGs that have been on display and probably more we don't yet know about (yeah, betting on the future promise of something might not be the wisest decision )
I will also use it in addition to my gaming pc. I never expected a device that would replace all my gaming needs. I just need one that offers enough enticing content to justify the initial investment.
i'm pre-ordering from a couple of real world stores here, and i won't be cancelling the other when the first arrives. it's for my annual christmas tournament among nephews and neices.
I really like where Nintendo seems to want to go with the system , I don't like they still haven't released alot of info on the system the launch lineup is weak but not horrible. I love the overall look of the system it looks modern and sleek I really and I stress I really hope it has a good browser and that Nintendo adds Video streaming Netflix and YouTube atleast.
@Ogbert the difference is how the last pokemon ran on the 3ds and gamefreak saying they will bring pokemon to the NX/switch.
@kenrulei I'm not concerned with the fact that they're charging for online. I want to know if it costs as much or less than something like PS Plus. As it is, the Switch's online service offers substantially less than the PS4 in terms of the free games it offers and the games that have an online mode.
If it's something like 30 or 40 dollars I will be perfectly happy to pay it though. I just wish they could announce a price already.
EDIT: Also worth noting I'm already unhappy with the fact that PS+ is almost mandatory now if you want the most out of your PS4 to begin with. "The competition does it so it's justified!" is a simplified argument, you have to look at how Nintendo is handling this.
@PAppleyard Just want to say, your avatar is pretty funny
@Romeo-75 odds are it will it's likely them being nice wording it that way, them companies might not have decided yet. but if the switch sells big, they will be there real damn fast.
While I feel like this is basically a Wii-U portable, the lineup of first party games gives us a pretty smooth cadence of releases every month. That alone is much better than the wii-u, and with Japan crazy about portables with no real options after the Vita failed, this should do well in Asia. Get a big enough Japanese install base, and Pokemon should come. Get Pokemon as an exclusive main-series game, and I think America will follow. Only then will third parties develop AAA for it, and even then it'll be the third party support that 3DS enjoyed, not that XB1 and PS4 have. You simply can't port titanfall to this. It doesn't have the power. That said - preordered.
Disappointed 1 2 Switch wasn't included. It would have been the Switch's biggest advertisement. Kids and adults playing a cool game in public and now everybody watching wants to get one. It's still gonna happen, but when people find out they have to shell out extra money, forget it. Nintendo failed to include the phenomenon inducing aspect of the Switch. Something everyone was expecting. Buying a switch for $300 means you have nothing to play except making a Mii character.
Wow! You can tell this is a Nintendo fan[boy] site by the results of the second poll. I mean, come on; the Switch's launch lineup is a total joke. I'd say it's near enough one of the worst launch lineups ever. The only truly AAA system-selling game is Breath of the Wild, and that's a frikin' port of a last-gen Wii U game. Seriously . . . if you keep sucking up to Nintendo like this then things are never going to get better. What next . . . Nintendo craps out another garbage online service, which you now have to pay for, and a totally half-baked Virtual Console and you rate it an A+? For Christ sake—you guys are the worst enemies of anyone that actually want's Nintendo to do better!
@PotatoTheG yeah i get what you mean, just adding that into the rest of the news would be more confusion though, why i think there waiting on the ui/eshop stuff and online details.
@impurekind okay then, how was ps4 launch any better?
I might buy one when Dragon Quest XI, project Octopath Traveler, the new SMT and Fire Emblem games hit this shores, not before that.
@kenrulei It's an individual's personal perception on value. For me, the Switch is currently a $300 Zelda player. I already have that in my WiiU.
@kenrulei Because, anyone that wasn't/isn't a blind fanboy at least knew that after the launch all those AAA third party games were guaranteed coming to the PS4, and they also knew that any minor issues with the console's firmware, services and whatever else would almost certainly be improved and mostly fixed to their satisfaction over time too, so the launch itself was less important and critical than it absolutely is with the Switch. That's the major difference between the PS4's launch and the Switch's launch; it's all on Nintendo to get it right here, and NOW rather than likely not later.
@flightsaber why it won't have the prettiest versions, the games could be coming to the system. look at dq heroes 1/2 a ps4 game game. and the sales point is taking the console on the go, like sony tried and failed to do 2 times before. because the psp wasn't a ps2, nor the vita a ps3. but seeing the games on switch says hey these was on the wii u and now it's portable is what sony failed to do they watered down versions.
@impurekind i bought the ps4 for square enix over sony games just so know, i'm not alone seen many say they got the ps3 thinking kh3 would be there too.
@Jimmy_G_Buckets - I've heard some people suggest that releasing Breath of the Wild on Wii U will hurt Nintendo (as it won't force people into buying a Switch) but I don't think forcing people is ever a good idea. I'm glad that Nintendo is treating the Wii U owning population is respect on this issue.
@JamesR they are honoring their words much like the twilight princess gamecube version
@kenrulei If a system doesn't get one or two games that one particular person wants but gets a hundred games that most people want then the manufacturer has done its job. We can only fantasise that's what's going to happen with Switch, but we all knew it was going to happen with PS4. Again, that's the difference between PS4's launch and Switch's: It's all on Nintendo to get this right and NOW rather than probably never—and so far there's a few things it's already messed up slightly on and a lot of things that are worryingly fuzzy.
@Kosmo and don't you wonder what they're withholding? Why would they withhold good information?
I don't play either of these, but put Pokémon and Monster Hunter games on the Switch and it will sell through the roof.
I've been thinking about the Switch this week and there is this doubt that keep coming back to my mind... What if the Switch is not a hybrid (as in play portable and console games), what if it is a console that also plays on the go ans that's it? I mean, part of the appeal is the possibility of a main Pokémon game and other portable entries coming to Switch, but considering what Nintendo keeps saying about it being a console first and I believe Reggie said something about it being a console that allows you to take your console games with you.
If that's the case, Switch might take a hit in its sales; although I like the idea of a next portable to 3DS instead of Switch. Nintendo has always taken a horizontal approach to its portables, IMO the lack of power asks for more creativity in games and no one can say Nintendo portables lack 3rd party support.
Do you guys think that "portable games" are coming to switch?
If you asked my wife if I was excited for the Switch she would say I was and gave me to Easter at the latest before I caved in, after watching and reading all the information I could get my hands on during the past week.
In fact I pre-ordered on Wednesday, something I did with the 3DS, but not the Wii U. Also pre-ordered Zelda, really interested in Bomberman as I have not played a Bomberman game since the original Gameboy and hoping for good reviews before I commit. Also debating whether to buy the pro controller and joy con set (primarily for Bombeman local multiplayer with the kids).
I also think the games listed to the end of the year is decent as well. Sure Skyrim, Disgaea, I am Satsuna and Dragon Quest Heroes I could have picked up on my PS4 but with the Switch I can buy these games and take them anywhere I go which is the concept that sold the Switch to me at the initial reveal.
There maybe some services not available at launch but as any recent console launch shows us, they will be updates and I'm sure the UI and services will evolve in time.
@JamesR and less the sony oh this games totally coming out for the ps3.... oh now it's on the ps4 not coming to the ps3 sorry (the last guardian) could be same thing for some promises they've already made for the ps4 also.
Whilst I think it's a fantastic little machine, I still have my doubts about the pricing and the lack of dedicated new software at launch (at least for Wii u owners)
Fumble of a lifetime.
This is going to make "New Coke" look like a genius move. All the good gained has turned to a joke all over the internet, in person talking with friends, and in the stores I've been to....Switch is not off to a good start from what I can tell and it is mostly due to the company and the handling. personally I think it is a decent little machine and if properly priced and supported, I would want one. It will be my first Nintendo I leave behind.
@impurekind comment 105 totally spot on.
The launch line up is weak but now some one will use another systems line up to justify it.
@RenanKJ If it wasn't a portable it would flop in japan hard. that's the big key thing.
@kenrulei I think the Gamecube version of TP was released a week later (in Europe at least). I suspect it was due to logistics rather than evilness.
Even if it doesn't come to an end then, it won't last for ever. Why would Nintendo continue years beyond giving free online when they want people on the console they're supporting where they don't lose money supporting online?
I don't like it. It's not what I was hoping for.
Can we have a poll on who has ordered zelda U or zelda switch please.
Oh. Does anybody know if the joycons rely on a switch console being docked under tv. Does console have a sensor bar at top of screen that is visible when docked or could i put the console far away as long as hdmi cable long enough. Thanks.
"Wow! You can tell this is a Nintendo fan[boy] site by the results of the second poll. I mean, come on; the Switch's launch lineup is a total joke. "
Indeed, the launch itself is rather weak, but the poll question actually dealt with the launch window, which includes games like Arms, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Snipperclips and Mario Kart.
I've been keeping my hand on the pulse of Switch news for the whole week, rewarded by the very streak of new game announcements I had bargained for since that "over 80 games in development" bit. My only disappointment is waiting until autumn for Skyrim, but there are a number of titles on my radar as it is plus a number of latest entries in the series I've yet to archive binge like Disgaea and Fire Emblem - now I know what I'll be playing them on in due time! The current announcement lineup already makes Switch a justified investment for me, a month and a half before launch.
Not sure what I'll be playing first since depending on other expenses due in March, time will tell how much I have for the games or how much more I'll have to save up. There are likely more announcements to come including VC. Periphery costs don't bother me - I don't see the need for a charger grip, a case or a Pro controller in the first place. 32 Gb should be quite enough until summer whereafter I hope to invest in a sizeable capacity card at once. Many people decrying "hidden costs" frankly sound like the console will be a defunct plastic door stopper unless they purchase the entire aforementioned set at once. ^^;
@gb_nes_gamer Donkey Kong Country Returns 3: Attack of the Metroids!
Not thrilled by the launch lineup. I hope it does well, but I don't see myself buying one until it has a stronger game selection. Still vacillating because of Zelda, though. At least Nintendo doesn't have the hardware launch issues that the other guys seem to have (still bitter about my Red Ring of Death, MS).
Zelda is the only game I'll buy at launch now. Just have to decide which one.
I look forward to the list of third party games. I have zero interest in pre ordering a switch. What turned me off was the actual presentation followed by the prices, not just the console but the accessories. 90 dollars for a dock? The launch line up doesn't inspire me at all. I like Zelda, but I'm not buying a console for one game. Where's the sports games? No VC announcement? Online is unclear. My biggest gripe is, what have these guys been doing the past two years while I gave up on my Wii U and modded it?
@Primate_Ryan Well, the launch "window" is a totally arbitrary timescale that none of us really know—is it a month, three months, six months—but even then there's still zero AAA third party games in the mix during the launch "window", and mostly a bunch of last-gen ports of Wii U games as far as I'm recalling—where are all the genuinely new AAA first party games in the fist six months?—and nothing concrete on the likes of the online or Virtual Console either. That's just not good enough for a brand new console's launch, or at least it really shouldn't be, even as good as most of those last-gen re-releases of first party games are.
I'm going to be there at the beginning with the Switch. I made the mistake of not getting a 3DS at the launch and missed out on being an Ambassador, somthing that's killed me inside ever since, lol.
But in all fairness, Snipperclips looks awesome. Binding of Isaac was great on 3DS - but now I can finally play all the DLC. I could get Zelda for my U, but then I'd have to only play it when I'm home, or I could get it for Switch and play it at my girlfriends, my place, my family's home, etc... I played WAY more Mario Kart 7 than 8, because it was portable.
What I need now are the details about the online service. I want to keep the games I download, and I want to be able to transfer my 50-odd VC games from my 3DS.
I'm pretty excited about the furture - but you'd think Nintendo would want to get these details out, particularly if they're good, so that people will pre-order the system.
@nhSnork there could be more on the way too, i think they are slowly announcing them to get them have the moment in the spotlight. rather than release huge list and get the, no one cares look at zelda and mario!
Unifying accounts so I don't have to re-buy everything will go a long way to convincing me.
I have one preordered but I am not sure I will keep it. My son wants it but there are no games I am getting at launch since I already have the new Zelda game preordered for the Wii U. I might wait until the summer to get the Switch.
I have one since the day of the presentation, neon blue and red. I was at first a little concern about the accessories pricing but after careful thought is really not that bad. Xbox One controller has no battery and it cost $60 if you want the extra battery is $80. PS4 Move is still ridiculously overprice and if you add the camera is beyond $80 for both Joy-cons. Considering the Pro Controller has a lot of tech (NFC reader, gyro, and some are saying it also has the IR pointer plus the HD rumble) $70 is a good price. I will buy one now. For the price of the console; rumors on NeoGaf are that the Switch is basically an Xbox One basic model so the machine is current gen and is also portable which justify the $300 price tag. First year we will have: Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Fire Emblem Warriors, ARMS, Xenoblade and 1,2, Switch as first party exclusives. There are rumors in reddit that a big toy store in Europe akin to ToysRUs in terms of big retailer chain put Pikmin World, Smash Switch and the Rabbits Game in their store inventory website. Maybe an E3 confirmation? Plus add the already announce third parties and indie titles and the ability to play all that in the go I think is just a must have console.
@Andrzej777 : I agree. I think this might be it for Nintendo. They hyped this thing for a few years, and the delivery here has been terrible.
@impurekind um mario kart 8 deluxe is like the only one that's in that line at all...??
(edit i guess zelda botw too, but ps4 launched with many ports from the ps3 too tomb raider the last of us are one i recall)
@impurekind : only Mario Kart was a WiiU port in my list? I'm just going by what Nintendo called their launch window, which is also probably what the question is referring to (I have to assume here, might be wrong). Still, I think we can agree that launch window encompasses more than only the launch titles, else the 'window'-part is just windowdressing.
I also don't care about AAA western games or whatever, but I can see how other people do. I don't need this console to provide all my gaming needs. It just needs to be a complementary experience. And there might not be a deluge of games, but of those there are many appeal to me. I also don't have infinite time, so I don't need an infinite amount of games.
@kenrulei Meaning?
Not getting one until I beat my backlog of Wii U and 3DS games or until Mario Odyssey releases...whichever one comes first.
@abbyhitter see you when mario comes out if your backlog has some jrpgs in it XD
Mr or Mrs average Joe, goes in to a game store past March 3rd, looking to buy a console.
They look at PS4, it's price, bundles, game library, peripherals. Shop assistant tells them about it's online functions, media capabilities, Blu ray player, PS plus, Playstation now and VR.
They do the same with Xbox, minus VR and now, but is backwards compatible with over 300 360 games and growing.
Now to Switch, higher price, no bundle, smaller library of games, peripherals are high in price. Assistant explains its not backwards compatible, no media functions, there is virtual console and its also portable.
Being subjective, what are the better options for them?
And remember Switch isn't a time machine, it's competing now, not at prices 3 years ago.
Nintendo said they listended, to who? Uberfanboy82 on a forum, who would lap up and defend anything Nintendo do.
@Primate_Ryan Well, I don't know about the exact timescales, but what I've seen announced from Nintendo so far is a bunch of Wii U ports (Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Splatoon 2, which really does just look more like Splatoon Deluxe or Splatoon 1.5 but with a 2 added to make people feel like it's something totally new) and some smaller or more throwaway titles like 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips (looks real fun though), and Arms (I'm not convinced yet). Super Mario Odyssey is the only truly next-gen AAA title from Nintendo that I can recall—something that genuinely feels like a brand new and top-tier title for a brand new console—and it's not even due until the end of the year. And third party is pretty much all smaller indie titles and a couple of last-gen ports. Also, what the hell is going on with the eShop and Virtual Console?
There's a handful of cool first party titles and a couple of decent indie games, but that was true of Wii U too and we all know where that ended up. A handful of decent first party titles and almost zero genuinely system-selling third party stuff is just not good enough imo, particularly when all the other services and stuff around the games are worryingly looking like they might be as half-baked as they were on the Wii U once again.
Nintendo should have been far more on the ball this time around; it should have learned all its lessons by now—I'm not convinced it has.
@Dakt and i'm ready to see some wayforward love, for e shop we know it's coming ^_^.
Very much looking forward to it! ^-^
Sure, there's still a lot of questions left to be answered, the release window lineup is a bit meh although offering fairly good variety, it remains to be seen how well Nintendo handles services like the account system or paid online, and the Third Party support is iffy for the moment.
But I like the hardware and it will service my needs with its many modes of play (well, maybe the splitscreen multiplayer in Tabletop Mode might be left relatively unused) and I believe it might become a hit if Nintendo plays their cards right this Holiday season and the next year.
Japan might eat it up, despite the larger form factor to a 3DS.
Can't wait to play Breath of the Wild everywhere!
Overall I'm excited for the Swtich. Nothing besides Zelda interests me enough to get one on launch day, though. So I'll be getting Zelda for the Wii U, and waiting for Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 to come out.
I keep going in waves of being okay with it and looking at all the faults. I'm not overly enthusiastic, atm. Pretty much the only thing keeping me interested is knowing that Nintendo will have a solid lineup of games over the life of the console (like Wii U). Overall, I'm fine with the hardware - I'm okay with it not being the most powerful on the block. However, the Wii and Wii U, gimmicky-or-not, at least offered new ways to play games to compensate for its lack of power (thus third-party games). The Switch doesn't really do that. It is either a home console or a handheld. The Joy-Cons, HD Rumble are refinements but don't offer a new way to play. The software reflects this. In that, it is essentially a line up of ports and/or games that could be built for Wii U. So, in order for me to be more enthusiastic about the system the system needs compelling NEW games that are enough to overcome the cons of the system.
The Switch, with current info, lacks services that are pretty standard for any device that connects to a TV. These features increase the value proposition and could even be done better on the Switch (go from watching Netflix on TV to the bus, easily share family photos and videos on the tv, etc). I'm sure they'll come in time - just surprised they may not be there day one.
I'd like to see the Switch be: Nvidia Shield + Apps/Services + mobile games (make use of touchscreen, attract casuals) +strong VC + new compelling software. I think that'd be a pretty strong value proposition and have enough to appeal to a wide variety of people.
Of course, it has only been a week (feels longer!) so, we'll see how Nintendo addresses the concerns and hope they do well!
Okay, we can agree on that. I practically feel the same way about those three games (Zelda, Splatoon and Mario Kart). I will buy Zelda for the Switch as I'm already buying the console, but it doesn't add much value for those that own the U.
But I'm actually mostly enticed by the games you feel are throwaway/smaller and the Japanese games I can import/download through the eShop now.
I'm interested by the Switch, but won't get it at launch. I will wait a few months, maybe Splatoon will get me to buy the console, or Mario Odyssey. I'm looking forward plenty of games though, so I'll definitely buy the console during the 2017 year Hope it'll sell well so we can see the new Monster Hunter games on it !
@geordie that's also dependant on the average joe thinking oh i can take this one with me too?
Do you need one?
I have an extra locked in but was going to cancel if no one needed one. I usually lock in at separate retailers in case one cancels on me. I've just been holding off in case anyone I talked to was in need
@Arkabed oh man i can't wait to see monster hunter on it, everyone was like why didn't they show it on switch reveal. well a new mh is slated to come out for the 3ds that would be dumb cause people in japan might just wait if that happened.
I think people are generally voicing concerns about the switch and the 10$ price difference is just one point.
Its the overall package that people are not happy with. The pricing overall is ridiculous. No games included because they wanted to hold the 299 pricepoint - give me a break, at least they could have thrown in some nes vc titles like super mario bros. 32gb like the wii u? Hopefully they dont come up with a basic switch version that has 8gb. It all sounds rather greedy and stingy. Certainly not making a positive impact and thats sad. If the price was right I would buy it day one regardless of the launch line up. I will buy it later when its cheaper regardless if its successful or not. Until then I will play mk8 and splatoon on wii u. Zelda will have to wait unfortunately.
Of course nintendo can charge whatever they want and consumers are not forced to buy it. Despite innovations like another gimmicky controller scheme they are again behind the times. Funny thing for me personally is that voice chat app. My room is pretty far away from my router, works fine with my wii u as I put it close to my room door, when I sit on my sofa my phone doesnt get any wifi, though.
@Primate_Ryan I'm not saying the smaller indie games are bad or unworthy games in their own right, but in the bigger picture that's not what's going to make Switch the console it needs to be in order to not end up like another Wii U. And surely only the most loyal fanboys genuinely believe the Wii U wasn't utterly disappointing for the most part: A handful of great first games and very little else, and then being dropped like a brick after four years on the market, does not even come close to a satisfying console as far as I'm concerned. I just want and expect more from the Switch—and I think everyone else who genuinely gives a real d*mn about Nintendo, its consoles, and its games should too. If we don't challenge Nintendo to do better by us then I really don't think it will; so it's kinda on us too when/if we get greatly unfulfilled potential and mostly disappointment once again. I'm going to at least ask and challenge Nintendo to give me more than that this time around.
My biggest question is more a personal one, and that is, do I really want to spend $300 on a new platform when I already have access to the widest selection of games and the best gaming experience on my PC?
I have a Switch pre-ordered, but I just wonder whether I can justify following through.
@Yorumi it's more covering their bases, i seen the live pre order on a reaction live stream. some preordered with seconds later told there's had be canceled at x place and the scrambling to find a new one to pre order at.
@Frosty_09 I agree with a lot of your points. I should also add that it isn't as simple as saying 3rd party won't sell. Monster Hunter sells huge on the 3DS in Japan.
CoD on the Wii didn't sell well relative to its install base, on the other hand Just Dance did. Third parties need to be aware of who is buying the platform and what games they are interested in. Of course, this is a chicken and the egg situation. And something that can't just be flipped with a half-arsed port.
@Nintendian my N3DSXL offers 3 hours of active play. Four when it's feeling generous and isn't online. Same goes for Vita. I really don't know where folks get their expectations for a handheld console battery in the 2010s. DS may have set a sweet plank, but I needn't point out what else is different in such a comparison.
@Dr_Corndog can it play the new switch exclusive games too?
I laugh when people say Nintendo is done. 2016 hardware sales were down in general from last year meaning the hardcore fanbase is not as profitable as it was before. If Nintendo caters to the same market then not only they will be doom but the entire gaming industry could be heading to a crash since most games we get are the same experiences with lots of dlc and updates after launch basically incompletes games. Nintendo is not what is wrong they are the possible solution. The mainstream market is not the hardcore group is the people that prefers to play Pokemon Go over Sun/Moon or Clash of Clans. There is a lot of money in that market and lets be honest the industry needs another shake up because things are getting stale. I have a PS4 and I only bought in 2016 3 games total (Battlefield 1, FF15 and Borderlands Collection). This is dude to the incomplete games releases and because almost everything we got were shooters and open world sand box games that are basically all the same thing with a different skin.
LASTLY, Nintendo combine sales for 3DS and WiiU were 73m while Xbox One and PS4 combine sales are 74m. So yeah Nintendoom. /s
I've had mixed reactions.
I find the tech impressive for what it is, it will have enough games for me through the first 9 months and there have been signs of a maturing Nintendo mindset.
However, there are still signs of the old Nintendo mindset that are a little concerning, like the online voice chat.
To Nintendo - (Verb) To consistently choose the nonsensical option (no-one knows why) when other more obvious, more intuitive, more rational options exist, whilst simultaneously demonstrating moments of genius.
I mean, I love Nintendo, but there are times when I just have no idea what their reasoning can be.
There needs to be a price drop and at least one must have game (in addition to BOTW) before I Switch.
@BiasedSonyFan I'm not saying it's a port; I'm saying it looks more like Splatoon 1.5 or Splatoon Deluxe than a truly brand new next-gen sequel on Switch, from everything I've seen thus far. And that's not particularly a bad thing if it's a great game but I'm just geing clear about how I see it. Super Mario Odyssey, however, looks like a proper new game in the franchise for Switch—and I'd like to see more new first party games like that going forward. To be clear though, I'm happy to see more of the kind of stuff we're getting from Nintendo right now on Switch too, as long as we get that as well as all the brand new AAA first games in each of the franchises that we all really want to see.
I'll get one once I get through my WiiU backlog. I still need to finish Bayonetta 2 and Star Fox, and I might go through Twilight Princess one more time just to get me into that BOTW mood...time is always my enemy.
The cost doesn't bother me and the lack of western "AAA" definitely doesn't bother me.
The thing that interests me is the Switch could revitalise mid-tier gaming, software companies have somewhere to put those original ideas that would die a horrible death in a sea of scowling white men on the other consoles. There needs to be a middle ground between the big budget crap and indie.
@Yorumi i'd say keep checking you might get lucky nintnedo are claiming they will have enough to go around of cause if this blows up they will not have enough.
Andrzej777 - I've said it before but the fact is 1-2-Switch is a standalone retail games is crazy. Placing it in as a pack-in would cost Nintendo in terms of lost sales but be a huge positive in free advertising/YouTube Let's Plays, etc... Personally, can't see this game selling on a standalone basis.
Hell, throw some VC into the mix (I think Wii U had 6 nearly free VC games around launch - 30p each)
@impurekind this just in the last of us 2 looks like 1.5 of the last of us 1?
@geordie is not defending everything is about being honest. 3DS/WiiU combine sales are 73m while XboxOne and PS4 combine sales are 74m. So despite your rant Nintendo will be fine because hardcore market is no longer as profitable at it was, the real money is in the mainstream market.
Edit: Actually is 75m Nintendo and like maybe 80m for Sony/M$. I say maybe because Microsoft has not come clear with the sales of Xbox One in a long time and while it could be 30m it could also be 25m total.
I'm not sure at the moment..I have my Wii U, I'd like to try before I buy and find out about digital purchases..
if everything I just bought gets transferred to the Switch I'd be down for Switch Day 1.
Once we get more info I'll preorder.
@kenrulei I couldn't really say as I haven't seen anything on The Last of Us 2. I'll tell you what though, something like Uncharted 4 absolutely doesn't look like Uncharted 3.5; that's for dang sure. Uncharted 4 looks like a brand new, sequel-worthy game in the franchise. And, when I see any supposedly brand new true sequels on the Switch I expect to feel similarly, just like I do when I look at Super Mario Odyssey—but not when I look at Splatoon 2 (as fun as it looks).
Ok. Ya there's another member here who lives in Costa Rica that I order for and ship to a forwarding service. Usually I just pay on credit and he PayPal me the $ once I ship it. I'm just so used to doing this for Sinalefa on a regular basis (bought him a PS4, NES Mini and now a Switch) that I forget it can be awkward for people who haven't used Jax R Us services before 😊
Hopefully it won't be too long. I heard they may be getting another million stock for March based on demand, so here's to hoping
@nhSnork No one has actually used Switch on a daily basis yet, it could even be less than what Nintendo specified in practical use. Only Apple is accurate in their battery specs, most companies aren't.
@impurekind basicly meaning duh, it's same ip it's gonna have similarities. and they stil haven't shown off the game only a demo of it
i could say the oh um gravity rush 2 is 1.5 remastered game for the ps4 too... but that would be lying, there's new mechanics and changes to the game.
@Yorumi GOOD LUCK!
@_ijin if they have the games transfer over then yeah i'm super happy. i doubt the wii u games will because the gamepad/ switch tablet are very different things though.
I'm on a strictly"wait and see approach"
@Sakura actually, some have already theorised about online chat moved to a phone app that Nintendo is aiming to unload Switch OS and leave more resources for the games themselves. Some also speculate external chat and lobbies would be an easier solution when implementing the announced multiplayer in Virtual Console titles, especially if Ninty is considering originally pure couch co-op games like, say, Contra or Chip & Dale - those never had any online connectivity in their code as it is, let alone appropriate UI for chat and lobbies!
@BinaryFragger Tell me about it. Some of the most annoying comments on this site are the ones that urge people to be more positive and accepting while at the same time belittling and downright insulting those who dare disagree with them.
@kenrulei Look at something like Uncharted 4 . . . I certainly don't mistake that for Uncharted 3.5 or DLC for Uncharted 3. And apply that same thinking to the likes of Resident Evil 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, Crackdown 3, the new God or War, Super Mario Odyseey or whatever too (games that are clearly proper brand new sequels to even the most picky gamer's eyes and minds). . . . Well, I could easily think and accepts that Splatoon 2 was just a DLC pack for the original Wii U game if Nintendo hadn't put the 2 on the end of the title; it doesn't really look like a genuine "2"-worthy game based on what I've seen imo (as fun as it looks)—that's all I'm saying.
@Jessica286 thats why the 3ds is still being supported sun/moon gave them huge boost in sales, through same could happen if pokemon is put on the switch too cause pokemon is friggin gigantic of a ip.
@BinaryFragger Yes there's a lot of Nintendogs here in this forum.
I'm going to wait and see. I'm very much enjoying my new New 3DS and I have a huge backlog of games on Steam to play. I'm hoping Nintendo makes me need this console though...
I'm waiting for a pack with a game. Like, Zelda, or Super Mario Odyssey. That would do it. And anyways as of now I have no money for it.
@impurekind i own uncharted 4 and i don't think much to it, starts way to slow and removes things from past games that they realised oh wait people like that... put it in multiplayer aka the super natural element from uc 1 2 3, yes as said i own a ps4 as well i owned a ps3 also.
@Kizashi if as game was packed in it would be more expensive than it is now though
@impurekind , hahaha.Spot on. I think Nintendo could have announced one game and the console at 800 dollars, and the hardcore would still be selling it as the next coming.
@Kanbei 3ds has a good amount of games to play, but they will comprised games like hyrule warriors legends in the future most likely.
@kenrulei exactly, that is why Nintendoom is so laughable. Also if you take Sony sales versus Nintendo sales; Sony has sold 50m PS4 and like 15m PS Vita (I am one of these suckers) and Nintendo is 75m with WiiU on 13m and the rest is 3DS.
Does the HD-rumble work, when you are playing in TV mode with the Joy-Con Grip? I have understood, that the Pro Controller has the HD rumble feature, but what about the Grip?
@kenrulei Well, again, I'm not sitting here and arguing whether you or I think Uncharted is an awesome game in its own right; that's not the point I'm making. You do understand the actual point I'm making here, right? People outside of hardcore Nintendo fanboys need to look at this console and its games and immediately think it's basically the next big thing worthy of their attention, and as fun as Splatoon 2 looks, I don't think it comes even close to achieving that for those people—and Nintendo needs to win over those people too this time around if Switch is to be all it deserves to be, and all we deserve it to be, imo.
@Cyberbotv2 Um no they wouldn't not even the hardcore sony fans liked the 600 ps3 remember how hard that tanked at launch?
I'm gonna wait for E3 and see what games are on the horizon. I still might buy a PS4, so I need to see some other games Nintendo's coming out with before I decide on that.
@kenrulei the top selling Games on wii u barely used any of the gimmicks no touch screen in the gamepad and barely used motion control. Nintendo should have learned that their core audience doesn't want the gimmicks just quality software. An underpowered console won't have3rd party support. I rather they had spent the money on more competitive cpu gpu than the joycons which cost99 dollars in Canada that's the same price for the kinect
@Late Why do you need an SD card and a case at launch though? Especially if you are excited about Zelda? Just get the console and Zelda and get any additional stuff later.
But, yeah, if you can't afford it right now, just wait. The value will only increase over time... or maybe you'll decide it's not worth it. Either way you win by waiting.
Me, I'm not waiting.
@kenrulei Oh, it definitely does have JRPGs in it. I'm in the process of playing Fates Birthright right now then Revelation after that. Then I have Dragon Quest 7 and 8, Bravely Default and Second, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
@Estrallion the grip only purpose is to attach the two Joy-Cons together to make it a regular controller.
Waiting for holiday 2017 when this might take off. Either way, I'm sure by them this will be cheaper and will come in a bundle.
Waiting is the best game
@Jessica286 " Also if you take Sony sales versus Nintendo sales; Sony has sold 50m PS4 and like 15m PS Vita (I am one of these suckers) and Nintendo is 75m with WiiU on 13m and the rest is 3DS."
Ahhh but the 3DS doesn't count...
I haven't pre-ordered, but I will probably get one. What draws me, in addition to the obvious Zelda, is Setsuna, Sonic, Street Fighter Ultra, and Octopath Traveler.
Im really looking forward to this.
@Jessica286 yeah i know the 3ds market is huge and they will likely be swayed over to the new hybrid in time, especially if nintendo get smart and sell a sku without the dock as a portable version only. they sell the dock alone so you could get it if you wanted it in the future anyway. to me this them looking at the future with possible upgrades, if you only have to buy the middle hardware they could upgrade it in time and charge us less because we would have the dock/joycons already.
@BiasedSonyFan Hence why I put that opinion in context. Now, go find me all the people that aren't basically hardcore fanboys who would argue the Wii U was genuinely awesome. . . . That's all I'm saying in making that point. You might now like what that implies but that's just the truth of it when all is said and done, and the truth often hurts—be if your personal truth or not.
Like I mentioned before I'm excited for the system itself, but everyone publishing games on it are making me sick. The games are ludicrously overpriced, to a point where it's BEGGING to have the system fail. I understand charging a fair price for your product, but it's not fair to charge 4x as much for a game that already has been out for years just because you ported it to a new system. That's a load of bullsnobbery. You're shooting the Switch in the foot before it even leaves the gate.
@UK-Nintendo By then, the New Switch with longer battery life and faster processors will be announced.
I'm so sick of people saying this has "gimmicky" controls. If you don't like the joy-cons then buy a pro controller and enjoy your "normal" controls. Personally I think the joy-cons have a very nice control scheme and the addition of extra features (beyond what's considered "normal") means that there are even more fun and immersive possibilities for games to take advantage of.
@Li_Bae no Xenoblade chronicles 2 love?
@marko their core gaming only gives them about 10-20m sales in the life time of the console look at Game Cube and WiiU. They are going a different route and I am glad because if we want them to stay around they need to sell more than 13m Switch. Besides they are giving casuals motion controllers but hardcore is also there. Splatoon 2 plays exactly like the first one. Zelda is an open world game so is Mario. We are getting a Fire Emblem Warriors so I don't get your complain. It so happens we are also getting 1,2-Switch and ARMS.
@WiltonRoots thats what the haters say lol!! They act like 3DS is sold by another company and Nintendo only see a penny of every sale.
@impurekind wii u had awesome games, it will be remembered like the dreamcast if you ask me.
@Jessica286 you see the same when pokemon sells well it's, oh it's the pokemon company... something bad happens it's Nintendo!
@kenrulei yep and I hope they do because I want two, one for my partner and one for me. So they should sell the Switch with the tablet only and the Joy-Cons.
@aaronsullivan I'll be carrying my Switch to school and play with friends. I'm a game engine programming student and our university is filled with gamers so there are always people to play with. I also prefer handhelds in general. I played on my 3DS for over 1000 hours last year.
As for the SD card. I'll be buying most games digitally and I need an SD card for that. It's not necessary for launch but I'm sure I'll be needing it soon after. I'll buy a 128GB card right out of the gate since I already have 64GB on my 3DS (about 45GB used). No need to upgrade for a while then and the card prices will come down before I need even bigger card.
@Findonovan95 also the Joy-Cons becomes a normal controller while in the grip. So it makes even less sense that complain.
@Nintendian True. Daily use is something that wears out any battery in the long run regardless of its capacity, so that's hard to test. And later in the system's life there are more demanding games as developers get used to the hardware and start pushing the envelope. But the test results - specs like battery life don't come from wild mass guessing - are usually expected to apply for a good while.
@kenrulei and they still dare to call us bias, lol!
I'm preordered up (even thought about getting two and if the opportunity arises...) but I will say this:
If we had to sell our Wii U and games to get it, I'd have waited. I'm excited about most of the games for the Switch and especially the proposition of local multiplayer erupting without notice anywhere. I think that will be fun. But you kind of have to value that at the beginning if you own a Wii U because Mario Kart is Mario Kart, Zelda is on Wii U, Bomberman is really about that local multiplayer, as is 1-2-Switch! and snipperClips and even Arms (which comes a bit later) and you can wait until Summer if you want Splatoon 2.
So, waiting makes a lot of sense. I see tremendous potential in the platform and I want to be right there at the start, but I wouldn't fault anyone for waiting. I'll be making unique use of it right off the bat, 1-2-Switch! appeals to me as do all those local multiplay games so I'm not getting it just on promise. I'll be having a blast right away, but there is also the transition of the 3DS market into the Switch market that I think will be happening in a year to 2 years. So, I'm not worried about the library. Plus, you know, backlog is real.
@Late What? A game engine student? You can't wait! Shame on you! It's in your profession and you need one immediately at launch.
I'll be bringing mine into the game design class I'm teaching this semester, should be a fun activity designing paper prototypes for the unique Switch features.
@kenrulei Almost every past console is remembered fondly by at least a decent bunch of older gamers; think about it for a second. . . . This doesn't say much about how truly great a console the system actually is or was in the grand scheme of things. The Wii U had all the potential in the world to be the next SNES or Game Boy or PS2 or DS Lite, or whichever console whomever considers the most awesome console of all time, rather than something we have to look back on with rose-tinted glasses and only recall the handful of highs it had but ignore everything else that was utterly wrong with and/or disappointing about it—and that was/is a lot. With the Wii U I see a console that absolutely could and should have been so much more, and I just don't want the same fate to befall the Switch—so I'm asking Nintendo for more right now, before it's too late, and before we have to get out those rose-tinted glasses again. I personally think that's the right/smart/wise/honest thing to do here.
@Nintendian that would be great.
The New switch
Still feel weird about the extra 3 dollars the new zelda amiibos are going to cost. ...And for what? I dont want to hear-"cause we can" eithier. Now all new amiibos will cost $15.99?
It's amazing how many little things Nintendo has dropped, like Miiverse, free internet and a web browser, and yet the core aspects of Switch seem very good. Breath of the Wild looks like what I want from a Zelda game, and likewise for Super Mario Odyssey. As soon as I know a Metroid is on the way, it'll be pretty much perfect.
It looks decent, but i'm holding off until the holiday season at least, i got burned by the WiiU and will need to see some more games for it before shelling out on a Switch...
@Findonovan95 You are right about having both control schemes so that you can ignore the motion controls is you want to so far. I was frankly a bit stunned when it was announced that "of course" you can just use traditional controls for ARMS during the Treehouse event. This is a real distinction from how Nintendo treated motion controls in the past. It also means there's about an 80% chance we'll be getting a Skyward Sword remaster for the Switch after Breath of the Wild sales cool down.
My opinion hasn't changed much:
The good things: Mario, Arms, Xenoblade 2, Snipperclips, region-free, joycons with all kinds of functionality, supposedly easy to develop for.
The bad things: High price, not powerful enough, weak launch line-up, very little games shown, paid online, almost no memory-space.
Overall I think it will fail gigantically, even more so then the Wii u.
Personally I play Zelda on Wii u and wait till the Switch price goes down and there are more interesting games. From the looks of it I won't buy it before the new Mario.
By the way: I haven't heard anything anymore about multi-touch? I suppose the touchscreen doesn't support multitouch?
@Henmii It already has a lot more going for it than the Wii U, it will probably sell more.
(I'm so excited , I can't type properly lol)
I'm excited for ARMs, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Super Bomberman R, and the eventual Fire Emblem support. I wish Bomberman were cheaper so I could more easily support Konami's return to Nintendo, but oh well.
I want to know what specific AAA Third Party titles the Switch would have to get before it counts as having third party support. I'm guessing Uncharted, Mass Effect, Persona, and Final Fantasy, right? You know, the ones Sony would pay out the nose to keep away from Nintendo. Am I missing any?
Bit pricey for me right now I like Street Fighter 2, Mario and Zelda but will see what else comes out before I buy
Eh, people will see it as a Wii u 2. But even more expensive (with probably downloads that are even more expensive). They will stick to their smartphones and tablets, thus the Switch flops!
@LArachelDisciple Uncharted isn't 3rd party. ME and FF are on Xbox One which I think Sony is more worried about when trying to compete, so I don't know what point you're trying to make.
My opinion is the same as after the presentation, the technology looks great & from everyone that's played it the games look amazing on the screen. But Nintendo have made a lot of mistakes, it seems to have been released too early with not enough games ready, the games/console price balance is wrong and there is key information Nintendo seem to be holding onto that is REALLY worrying people.
I don't mind paying for online, using an app for voice chat, carrying a battery pack and sticking it in a messenger bag... but where are the games? Where are the signs Nintendo are listening and reassuring people?
I am excited for Nintendo's future as the Switch really may be a revolution in gaming. I can understand people's concerns. I'm going to wait a while before picking one up (maybe wait for Mario).
@aaronsullivan I have friends who have already preordered it so I think I'm good for now. I'll play Snipperclips, Mario Kart, etc. with them before I even buy mine. I've joked to them that if they give me a Joy-Con, they won't be seeing their system afterwards.
It's going to flop so hard, it won't be funny.
I predicted the same with Wii U 4-5 years back. Switch is going to do even worse.
They have definitely pushed it too far this time. Sometimes you need to make a loss first in order to make a profit.
They should sell the switch at 250$ even without a game, and throw in that chargin grip. Accessoires should be cheaper by 20% and it will sell like bread. That would bring in lots of third parties. Nintendo would profit the most from a huge install base as its primary their games that sell best. AND consoles with a huge install base lasted longer (not necessarily the wii) and have still been getting games after their successors were launched. Imho its a huge installbase where they should have invested in (and specs). Right now it seems they want to make the largest profit possible with every console.
Darkest scenario imho: their plan is to drop the price pretty soon, because they cannot be so stupid as to know what I have written above. But first they take a gamble. Set the price very high for everything and see how much you can sell, and they will sell because they know there are nintendo fans out there who will pay almost any price. And thats what makes me sad, they are milking their most dedicated and loyal fans. Whatsmore, its not even a stupid move, because if they came out with a much fairer and better price, the switch would have been probably sold out until the end of the year.
So they have foxconn produce a moderate amount which are sure they will be able to sell and see where it will go. If it keeps selling well and becomes a success they will stick to their pricing strategy for longer and it will confirm them. If the monthly production of the switch exceeds demand they will become much more agressive.
It will actually be very interesting to observe.
@nhSnork I think part of the problem is that Nintendo doesn't explain their decisions very well. I always feel as if they are saying, "because... reasons".
It doesn't really bother me all that much and I love 'em anyway, but Nintendo's reasoning on many things often leaves me scratching my head.
I want to pre order,but it's out of stock everywhere...
@PotatoTheG Sorry. I geniunely don't know anything about Third Party titles, as you can see. That's why I'm asking what titles the Switch is missing.
I dont think it will do worse, maybe not much better but definitely not worse. Wii u might have just sold
13 million.
But theres so many 3ds gamers, especially in Japan. Many of these will definitely but it. Think about pokemon on the switch. That will be a huge jump from 240p on 3ds to at least 720p.
I think they will sell
at least 30 million in the long run, when they drop the price and deliver killer games.
Thanks to all those who didn't pre-order! I appreciate your generosity
@Mogster To keep the hype train moving of course. If they revealed everything in one go, there wouldn't be anything to talk about later on. We already have the Fire Emblem projects and all Nicalis games, several new launch day games... I'm personally expecting another Direct before the end of February.
I'm not buying it on launch day so I didn't preorder it but it has some positives.
Still waiting for a MonHun and Animal Crossing to be announced before I'm super hyped but Zelda and Splatoon got me smashing that pre-order button
@Kosmo i agree they plan to keep the hype going leading up to the release giving out more info, it's likely why the ui and e shop has yet to be shown off imo.
@Andrzej777 , Exactly! Nintendo will milk this base and are strictly looking for profits. I understand, but the fan base can't possibly think what they have presented is affordable or presents true value. You want value right now? Buy an xbox one s. The amount of games, new and backwards compatibilty, and media options is ridiculous.
Zelda and Splatoon are what I want! And maybe mario kart just for the battle mode and racing as squid kids from splatoon
@Peterjr1 well monster hunter getting a new 3ds game in japan real soon or is out, so that would have killed it. i think they'll wait till they show the mobile AC and make it a direct like the Fire Emblem direct was.
Incredibly hyped and already have one preordered. Full portability. GOTY on day one. Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, and 3D Mario later in the year.
I waited for at least two years before getting the Wii U, but in this case, I absolutely LOVE the concept.
Third party is imho overrated. Third party will not sell the system as long as its available on other systems. If your friends play cod on xbox you will buy an xbox in order to play with them. As harsh as this may sound. Wii u had more third party games at launch and it didnt help.
Exclusives is the key word ☺ but why should a company produce an exclusive game? Xb1 and ps4 combined have an install base that the switch might never reach. So whats the profit of making an exclusive blockbuster?
Nintendo should have released the switch with zelda botw instead of the 3ds. Now they would be kings and people would be looking forward to the switch u.☺
I think there are things Nintendo could have done better. 3DS had a poor launch and look at it now. I'm hoping it goes in that direction.
I do expect 3rd parties to pull a Wii U however: put out old games, express concern they don't sell, and drop support within a year. It's become an unfortunate chicken/egg scenario.
I do want this system to succeed, however. Hell I want Sony and MS to succeed too. I've never understood the mindset that wants a company to fail just because they don't provide a product that one personally dislikes.
@Cyberbotv2 same could be said for sony with all the remasters and ps3 games brought to the ps4. then the ps4 pro on top of that, add in reselling the ps move for vr at a stupidly high price btw, 6 year old tech and yeah you was saying?
It's a want but wait for me, which should honestly be what everyone does unless you have 0 game machines right now, then by all means.
Answer: cautiously optimistic but also worried.
While to a lesser extent due to the addition of an entire market - the handheld one - and to the potential of a Pokémon game (which would double as a home console Pokémon game, something fans have asked for a long time, and a mainline Pokémon game, which is always a killer app), the Switch has the same problems as the Wii U: not enough clarity on the specs, a power-gap-to-price-difference ratio between it and its competitors, and so on.
Also, few games in its first year of life. Which means Nintendo will have to go the extra mile with the Virtual Console this time around. If players won't be able to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, StarFox, and Donkey Kong games across NES, SNES and N64 within the first five months after the console launches, said console is in for a lot of trouble. Regardless of how much of a GOTY candidate the new Zelda is.
@SavoirFaire Define a "poor" launch
@SavoirFaire less decisions = more sales look at the wii u, had loads of choices 3rd party left because everyone got mario u and other nintnedo games. if you was third party would put out your game out the same time as a new Zelda?
Trading in my wiiu & desperately trying to work through my 3ds games so I can trade that in too. The idea of fast raving neo
, seldom and new bomber man is too strong, it's a shame the accessories are so highly priced & hopefully a solution for the poor battery life will surface eventually.
Excited to see the eshop, I hope it's an improvement & happy they aren't waisting time and effort on miiverse
Of course they will pull a wii u. Skyrim is a great example of third party support will not work.they simply cannot bring the same quality to the switch. Skyrim for the switch might be better than the 360 version which came out in 2011 if I am correct. The ps4 got an enhanced version. Why not port the enhanced version to the switch? And btw why should people buy skyrim again? Just because they can play it on the go? I never play on the go, could be dangerous while driving a car.
@kenrulei One of the main reasons the Wiiu failed was because of a weak launch line-up. It had a lot of games but, they weren't big AAA titles, like Breath of the Wild.
Every system has "fan boys". People can be excited for anything if it simply excites them. Nothing wrong with that.
The best part about Nintendo is that they don't need to be another PS or MS.
They may not get the biggest AAA western titles but that's not important. They made a decision as a company to go after the casual gamer. That is their decision.
COD, BF, Titanfall etc will not sell Switches. Mario's, Zelda's, Pokemons will. Again that is Nintendos plan. We can like it or not, that is what we get.
I'm more optimistic than I was last week but I'm still hoping for a Direct that goes into details about VC and possibly more games coming this year.
I just really want Nintendo to do well and I hope that they're able to get a lot of people to buy a Switch. They really need to start running ads!
But, of course, I'm not pre-ordering. I never pre-order anything.
@Andrzej777 I'm pretty sure it is the enhanced version that's coming to the Switch. And of course you're not going to play it while you're driving. You can play it while someone else is driving, and you can easily take it to someone's house or play on a plane, etc.
It's hard to buy the console when lot of really good games come out in March on other consoles and PC, I look at you NieR: Automata.
@Andrzej777 Please don't play a Switch while you're driving.
You play whenever you're not sitting in from of your T.V and when you're not doing something important.
What kind of games are nintendo fans actually interested in when it comes to third parties? I could think of dragon quest, games by atlus, level 5, maybe visual novel like 999 or ace attorney. I think dark souls is the only game that I would have loved playing but couldnt. And that is about to change! ☺
I'm certainly excited and have pre-ordered the Switch plus a bunch of other stuff with it, but the current line-up of games, along with the pricing of most things concerning the Switch, definitely concerns me. It's not exactly the best launch (window) line-up at that, but luckily that doesn't always mean doomsday, so long as they handle the time after the launch well. I kind of hope they have a lot held back for E3, and that this is why the current line-up is a bit underwhelming. Oh well, I know Zelda will keep me well occupied for a good while, along with Mario Kart when that comes out. I'll personally be happy until E3, I'm sure!
Accepting the Switch for what it is and not what I would have liked to see, I will be getting one. But I'm in no rush.
I don't play Splatoon and I have Mario Kart on the Wii u and would not pay full price again for it. I'm in no rush to play another Zelda but I am looking at the You Tube clips which could win me over.
If not I wait until something that I want is released.
Sadly I am only interested in nintendo. But I dont want to get milked and will wait as long as necessary, I think I own approx 200 games, my backlog is quite huge as well. So there is no need for me to tush.
@Jessica286 haha what?
PS4 and Xbox are totally mainstream, but the thing is, they also cater to hardcore too.
What exactly was I defending? And if you mean by making a valid comment as a rant, then I think you need to read it again.
Believe it or not. I never played on my 3ds outside of the house. Gaming is for me to relax when I am alone.
Not much different. My doubts still stand, I still have questions I'd like answers to (some I would like to see before launch-whats going on with VC, Account system, the online service) and I still think there's a serious chance Nintendo will get it all wrong and it will flop.
That said, I haven't cancelled my pre-order. I like the hardware a lot and I suppose the change is I've started to look into selling my n3DS and my PS3 (possibly a couple of other machines as well) instead. So against all logic I may buy into a launch for the first time since the Wii.
You might actually be right on this one. Still not a game for me.
Ya I've got Nier, Mass Effect and Ghost Recon and Fire Emblem Echoes all pre-ordered for Marxh, although the only ones that takes precedence will be Fire Emblem followed by Mass Effect. But that will have to wait until after I beat Zelda on Switch and have a chance to check out some launch games like Bomberman R and Has Been Heroes. But Fire Emblem and Mass Effect will fill the gap nicely post-Zelda while waiting for Switch library to build up.
It's gonna be an expensive March, no doubt about it!
I understand what all people mean when they don't like the Switch's launch line-ups diversity but, it is by no means weak. It is by far stronger than the Xbox One's, Ps4's and the Wiiu's!
@00Wyvern more lack of marketing imo if you go out to ask people about the wii u get the reply the wii? i had one of those.
@00Wyvern You're right, although it still isn't enough for me to get it at launch. I waited almost 3 years to get a PS4, and 2 years to get a Wii U. I'm in no hurry really.
@ToniK The Wiiu didn't have a massive Zelda game at launch. That sort of says something.
@Andrzej777 i feel for the third party they've gone for make sense, that's the ones that will sell. if it was say cod battlefield yeah it would be meh.
@00Wyvern yeah i see that and they have true mario game in the works not the follow up on the 3ds idea too helps it.
Got mine preordered at a BestBuy so I can go pick it up in the morning and do an unboxing on my YT channel! Also stream it alllll day.
@kenrulei I agree, that was probably the biggest reason for the Wiiu failing. Three years into its life and most of everyone believed it to be a Wii add-on which is just poor, poor marketing.
Now I have a question for you. Is the Switch in the same "poorly marketed" boat as the Wiiu?
I definitely am going to get a Switch. I'm gonna play Zelda on WiiU though and will probably get one around mid summer. Before Skyrim, FE Warriors and Mario drop.
I wish they had a bit more at launch, tho I'm getting zelda. I really want to buy more. But with a awful line up of Arms, Skylanders, superclips and 1-2, all feeling very causal gamer. I'm thinking that they will struggle to get the hardcore gamer until they have content for them. 2018 maybe?
I'm planning on getting the Switch later this year, but not right now. Money is a bit tight, and the only games I want at launch are Zelda (but I have a Wii U) and Disgae 5. I do see potential in the system though, and am probably going to use it more as a handheld.
@Pokefanmum82 Breath of the Wild will cost the same across its two platforms, so I recommend cancelling the Wii U preorder and preordering the game for Switch. That version will be better in every way.
True, fifa is agood addition
@00Wyvern not here nintnedo uk are already marketing the thing
@kenrulei Then thats another big thing all us gamers don't have to worry about for the Switch. Good marketing CHECK!
@00Wyvern this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3XmVt27RI4
@kenrulei AMAZING!
@burchdude65 it's not the same price. I'm paying $55.99 plus tax for the Wii U version.
Great, although once again Nintendo have their marketing all wrong. The Switch isn't a home console you take with you but a portable you plug into your TV. Marketed as a home console it gets shot down vs the PS4 and X1; Marketed as a portable and its pretty much the most powerful portable console ever built, destroys the 3DS and Vita and is a much better option than an iPad for gaming.
All Nintendo had to do was issue a statement telling the world that they had decided to concentrate on portables from now on as they turn a better profit. It plugs into your TV to placate home console fans.
The more people are talking about this system (positive OR negative) the more excited I get. I mainly play my 3DS instead of my wii u, ps4 or xb1 and if I can get new games similar to what's on 3DS, plus AAA Nintendo titles, plus a better portable VC then I can just see myself only using my switch. Can't wait.
I for one am very excited, looking forward to it
I'm really looking forward to it, but lets be honest it's a rubbish launch lineup. Zelda really should have been a Christmas 2016 title for Wii U, where would that have have left the switch launch then
@RadioHedgeFund Thats overthinking it a little too much.
Why can't it just be both?
I don't really feel like there's enough for me to get a Switch at launch, but definitely enough for this year. BotW, Mario Odyssey, and Splatoon 2 make a killer first year trio and there's some other good stuff to look forward to like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the two Sonic games, and Yooka-Laylee. There's more that I like in this year alone than the entire Wii U lineup, and about as many 3DS games that I liked, so the Switch looks extremely promising already.
After 5 years with my wonderful 3DS, we know what we've been through. I was an early adopter, but after that decided to never do it again.
With the WiiU, I waited for a year to buy the Zelda Wind Waker's one.
Never again. It's always better to wait and see. I know I will buy one, certainly; not immediately though - no need for that.
@kevfrei my vote is on the Neon! After I get my hands on a Neon Switch, I’ll pick up that 2 pack of joy-con that red (left) and blue (right), that way I can go all blue or all red whenever I want.
I'm from Chile. Here the are some stores already saying they will sell the Nintendo Switch around an equivalent of 530 US Dollars (350.000 chilean pesos).... that's too much for me, so I won't be getting the Switch at launch.
Super excited. I really think if the games are there this could be my favorite console ever. Being able to play on my tv or anywhere else and store multiple games on the system is just huge. Going to get a 200GB SD and load it up. May get a few of the bigger titles on cartridge but I'm already thinking about having my Switch loaded with all sorts of great Indy games and games like Zelda, MARIO, Mariokart, going to be really great I think.
@Grawlog I see 100 million + Switch units sold in it's lifetime.
@00Wyvern I don't think any console is going to sell that much ever again. 50-70 million might be a more realistic if it does well.
@Grawlog completely agree. If Nintendo can get 3DS levels of sales on the Switch, they'll be happy.
I got my headphones pre order in, I'm looking forward to March 3.
@Bolt_Strike Yeah that is the most likely but, its still possible depending on future titles and marketing.
I should mention that I have never owned a WiiU (only Wii and 3DS XL). There weren't any games that convinced me to buy this console. Now with the approach of the new Zelda, i don't think it's smart for passionate Zelda fans NOT to jump on Nintendo Switch, which is a more future proof console than the WiiU. I would not have stated this if the WiiU would be much less expensive than the Switch, but it's not. Now I will wait until the release date of the Switch to be able to check it out in a store to determine whether to get the set with the brown Joycons or the colored ones.
Not pre-ordering one but I'm definitely gonna get one eventually. Maybe in the Summer.
Not preordering, only game worth getting is Zelda. Even then, the Wii U version looks and plays just as fine. So I'm not getting the Switch anytime soon, who knows though....maybe Monster Hunter XX will come to the switch with the localization not too far behind.
I wish i could pre-order...oh wait I did! I think you should in case of possible droughts. Just a suggestion
I usually wait a year or two after launch before buying a console, waiting for price drops and enough good games to arrive. Not this time though: I've been waiting for Zelda for too long, now, and want to play the best available version. I'll play that alone and Snipperclips and MK8DX with my girlfriend. Then I'll continue to go through my backlog (3DS, Wii U and PS4), while playing Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Super Mario Odyssey to get me through the year.
@Sinton Welcome to the team brother! All aboard the pre-order HYPE TRAIN!!!!!
All in all, I think the system itself looks fine. Being a portable console at its core, it most definitely appeals to me, and I will be purchasing one in the future. However, the game launch lineup is dreadful. Next to none of the games interest me in the slightest, with the only one being Zelda (which I already have pre-ordered on the Wii U). Non-launch games I would want include Skyrim (say what you will, but portable Skyrim is incredibly appealing to me, special edition or not), Mario Odyssey, and Sonic Mania (which I may be getting on PS4 if I don't have a Switch by then), and that's not a lot. It's something I'm definitely interested in, just not something I'll buy right away.
I think I'm going to wait. A lot of the games I'd be interested in for the Switch are already (or will be) available in some form: Zelda, Mario Kart 8, Skyrim, et cetera. I'm interested in getting one eventually, but now is just not my time.
@kenrulei It's no different at all. Black & White 2 launched on the DS after the 3DS had launched. Fire Red and Leaf Green launched on the GBA the year the DS launched. Each time they say Pokemon will appear on the new system, because it will, just further down the line.
Game Freak are not Nintendo owned and the two co-own the Pokemon franchise. Game Freak aren't obliged to help the Switch's sales by releasing a Pokemon at launch for it. They want their software to sell as best as it can so they're going to release it where the install base is. They do it everytime and people act surprised everytime.
@Morph why always with christmas???
You know BestBuy is offering midnight launches at select stores. I could have done that but, I did it with New 3DS and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and didn't get home til 1am. May as well wait and go pick up in the morning.
Definitely taking off work March 3rd. No. Question. Vacation day already submitted!
I think they're persisting with the home console story to avoid "OMG!! NINTENDO LEAVES THE HOME CONSOLE BUSINESS SHOCK!!" headlines
Its always fascinating to see how these polls turn out.
There is so much negativity going on on this sites comments sections, but when it comes down to it, it seems like most people here are positiv about Switch.
Sure, this is a Nintendo focused site, so it is not surprising at all. But reading the comments under certain news gives the impression of most being negativ even on this site.
It just shows atgain, that the dissatisfied and the haters are just always the loudest of the bunch. And that is always and everywhere the case.
I personally am optimistic. This console has more games for 2017 lined up that I care about than any other console ever. And I'm not even talking just about launch years.
So this whole "bad launch lineup" thing doesn't hold true for me at all.
I'm also optimistic when it comes to sales numbers, as one always reads the positiv ones between the negative ones and that is a good sign because of the what I wrote.
It will at least sell well in Japan and honestly, as long as Nintendo somehow makes a profit with it, it should be ok with us fans. It is not like they need to beat the PS4 to stay in business or anything.
@JaxonH Ooooooo HYYYYPE I just checked and my Best Buy is having it! So excited since I haven't done a midnight release since the original 3DS.
@2CUTE4YOU 😀 That would be an interesting crossover.
@00Wyvern I politely disagree. The WiiU suffered from a branding issue throughout its life. Not even Nintendo knew how to properly market the damned thing*
The Switch branding and message needs to be strong from day 1. People just going 'meh, I have a PS4' is not what Nintendo need.
*Sony turned around the PS3 with a redesign and price cut. In 2013 Nintendo should have redesigned the console to work without the pad, rebranded as Wii HD or just Nintendo U and packed in Wii Sports Club.
On launchday I plan on casually waltzing into a certain toystore I know that always gets stock of new consoles but never takes preorders.
Just confused if Nvidia have update the X1 shield will the Nintendo Switch get this 4k HDR update too?????
I have 2 pre-ordered , one for me and one for my little brother . As a huge PlayStation gamer the Switch has me super excited . Nintendo has some great IP & honestly it will feel good to play games that aren't about gore and extreme violence for a change .
@Frosty_09 I'm part of that group of people that buys Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. And, I firmly believe that Nintendo is the single best developer in the world. But are those excellent Nintendo games enough for me to spend $300 on a less capable system with a much smaller library? (That's a rhetorical question, btw.)
@Nintendian That is my feeling exactly. I preordered, but I have been thinking of cancelling it and just playing Zelda on my Wii U. I already have Mario Kart and Splatoon, so I probably won't buy them again, especially for $60 and needing to pay to play them online. There is not much else announced that I am interested in besides Mario Odyssey. I'm keeping my preorder for now to see if anything else is announced before launch. If not, I'm probably going to cancel and wait until more games come out.
I dont think there is haters on this site. Its nintendo fans who care.
As a nintendo fan I was very disappointment after watching the switch presentation and seeing nintendo committing very much the same mistakes they did in the past. But this time might be the last. They havent learnt a single lesson from past mistakes, no, they are taking it to the next level as if they were the kings of the business and people should be happy that they get a switch at all and not complain.
Videogaming, over the years, has become a nintendo or nothing thing for me. I dont care about MS and Sony because I like family friendly nintendo gaming above everything. If there is no nintendo I will not continue playing video games.
I would have like to continue gaming on the wii u for another couple of years, not caring about specs and stuff. But nintendo pulled the plug, they wont let me buy new games, because there arent any games coming. They had decided that the wii u was not worth producing games for. Its not any others fault but their own. But I am affected. I like playing their games but they wont give me anymore games.
So, yes, in order to continue, I will buy a switch. But not day one. Probably around christmas - or maybe even later if I will be so inclined.
Nintendo hasnt come up with something outstanding - gimmicks are just gimmicks - you play them for 10 minutes and then you are done. I dont care about third party support like EA, Ubi, or activision, but apparently the lack thereof might kill the switch (killswitch ).
So, no, after watching that presentation my hopes for nintendo have really come down. I think its insolent, to charge ridiculous prices, not even trying to compete with MS or Sony, and expecting to be successful?
Paying for online gaming? Fine! One month nes/snes rentals? Thats a joke. I dont care about free games, but I know when somebody is trying to cheap me out. They perfectly know what their competition does, and yet, they believe they are better because their nintendo? Yes, I am a nintendo fan. Or rather a fan of nintendo games. I think I dont really nintendo as a company, because they apparently dont really seem to care about their customers, their loyal fanbase.
Take a look at mynintendo. I still have 150 gold coings and nothing to spend them on. Soon they will delete some of them. I dont care. I am not gonna spend them on some digital content that I already own physical.
So, this is not about hate. Its about disappointment about a company. You like the games they produce but the price to pay those couple of games is getting higher and higher.
There will basically be no third party support. I couldnt care less, but if the system doesnt sell, and of course, they will blame third party support and not themselves, they will pull the plug, and I will have invested lots of money in a console that was again underpowered, overpriced, didnt deliver at all, and had many, many inconveniences to put up with (at least compared to the standard of 2017 or even 2002).
I am not hating, I am concerned, and most of all I am sad about what nintendo is doing. They are giving us a minimum and charging us a maximum. They make it look like a gaming revolution but havent delivered anything yet. THe more interesting titles IMHO would have been possible on the wii u as well. So should I applaud or congratulate them? For what?
300 dollars? They couldnt include a game? Just because they wanted this price tag? Come on! They are not poor!
Its just corporate speech for people who believe anything they say. This is not hating - its about expressing an opinion and opening the eyes of those that dont see. Nintendos glory days are over, they really should go multiplattform and become the greatest software company in the world. The make great software but not great hardware. They should leave it to those who know what they are doing. Nintendo relies on people who are quite old. They may be experienced but they dont get the current vibes and trends otherwise they wouldnt have insulted their fasebase with their gaming revolution. The nes/snes days are long gone.
Some people compare the price of the switch with the xb1 and ps4 at launch or even ps3 charging 600 dollars at launch. Do we get the same here? Do we get more? Do we get less? Can they even compete? They have become the underdogs. In order for an underdog to make an impression he has to hit hard. Make an offer that people cannot turn down. They have made an offer, once again, as if they are the holy of the gaming industry.
Nintendo has been widely known for their arrogance - especially during nes days, forcing people to play by their rules. This attitude hasnt changed very much.
So again, this is not hate, its more of a sadness about a company that has provided good gaming for you in the past, but the company policies/strategies and everything else besides the games leave a lot to be desired.
Its like my nintendo, its there, but is anyone satisfied with it? I dont think so. But there will always be people who will defend any misstep they make. Like saying, we should be happy that there is mynintendo at all. They have the right to do whatever they want and they gave us mynintendo, they didnt need to do that, it was their good will, so we should be grateful for a couple virtual coins we may or may not find usedful, but its their because of their good will. And thats the attitude that I dislike about nintendo. They think they are great, and they know there will be loyal fans who will go for it no matter how expensive, outdated, annoying, inconvenient, umcompetitive it may be and telling us just how great it is and still there will be fanboys who will find a way to defend it. I think thats the truth here and many people know it.
@Nintendian To be fair, the Switch lasts as long (2.5-6 hours) as a 3DS (3 -3.5 hours) or even more. I can't get more than 3 hours on any of my 3DS, and the standby time is horrible: usually less than 48 hours.
@geordie hahaha totally mainstream lol sure. I have not seem any of my friends that bought a Wii with a PS4 or an Xbox One and will never see them. Keep dreaming man, Sony wish PS4 to be mainstream because that will mean it would have surpass the 70m mark by now.
For me its a matter of waiting. The switch offers very little at the moment, at a very high cost. Not a huge Zelda fan, and if I were, I'll buy the Wii U version.
I like most of the games coming out in the early 3-6 months, including ARMS, Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+, Redout, Mario Kart Deluxe (which I have on my WiiU with all the DLC), and the rpgs lineup has me drooling, but I have a really long backlog on my 3DS, all since Bravely Second (about 8 rpgs or so).
I think that Nintendo knows that the Zelda crowd will buy the Switch at no matter the cost. Then they will lower to 250 and offer an ambassador-like games to the them (maybe a 20 dollar eshop card for Zelda games).
As soon as I can get a Switch with a pro controller for 300, with a great lineup, then I'll buy it. Now, I think is an excellent console to have, but not to buy.
LOVE: the Switch hardware, zelda
DON'T LOVE: ridiculous accessory price, 32Gb HDD, still no Trophy's?
Even after more than a week to digest it I still cannot figure out why 1-2-Switch isn't a free digital pack-in for the Switch. Without something to sell casual observers on, how can Nintendo hope to appeal to anyone that isn't already a Nintendo fan.
I wasn't going to buy the Switch on day one--I was burned by the Wii-U that way--and I'm probably not even a console gamer anymore. But I was hoping that, for the sake of us that have loved Nintendo for decades, that they'd get it right this time.
Unfortunately, they have a CEO with no vision and a North American president who lies with such ease it's unsettling. How can anyone have any faith that Nintendo will get it right this time?
@Jessica286 so how many sales constitutes as mainstream?
Buy the numbers, this list seems to be relatively up to date.
So in your infinite wisdow, enlighten me.
Other than portability, I can't see any reason for a Wii-U owner to buy a switch if what they want to play is Zelda. Perhaps by Christmas, Nintendo or retailers will begin offering a pack-in at the same price as Nintendo is charging for the console at launch. That way, you can play Breath of the Wild until Mario comes out on Switch and it's a win-win.
I think the branding excuse only goes so far. The problem may have been branding at first, but a poor stream of must-have titles doomed the system. Since Nintendo continues to treat third parties with indifference, the success of the Switch will depend entirely upon whether or not Nintendo can deliver a constant stream of AAA titles that gamers must have.
*Wii U was region locked. People complained. Switch is now region free.
*Wii U had games tied to the hardware. People complained. Switch now has games tied to accounts.
*Wii U had analogs both above the buttons. People said Xbox controller was superior. Switch now embraced the asymmetrical layout.
*Wii U had horrible online. People complained. Switch will have a paid online service which improves the experience (even if it does use an app).
*Wii U was $350 at launch. Switch is $300 (even if it doesn't include a game).
*Wii U took 9 months for the next major 1st party game to release with Pikmin 3. In a similar 9 months period, Switch will have Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, Arms (new IP), Fire Emblem Warriors and Splatoon. Not a single one of these even made it to Wii U in its first year. And it hasn't released, and already we're seeing games announced Wii U never got.
*Wii U only served as a console. Switch serves as a console and handheld, and even in handheld mode is as powerful as a Wii U
*7th gen had no crossbuy between handheld games and console games. People complained. Switch ensures you always get a console and handheld version with each game you buy. Cross save issues solved as well.
Now there's some downsides, such as the small built in storage and thin launch lineup, but overall it's nailing it pretty well. More forward steps I've seen with Switch than I've seen in the last 10 years, maybe longer. And this time, Nintendo knows Switch must be a resounding success. They can't afford it not to be. So I have no doubts they're going to give it 110% with software, and I can already see the difference just by all the big hitters coming in first 9 months. Wii U actually was a decent console, and Switch is superior in almost every single aspect, and I expect that by the time this generation is over, Switch will have, maybe, the best library of any Nintendo console since the SNES.
@Monkeyofthefunk As a note, I'd say the joycon charger grip is pretty optional (as the joycons will charge if they are connected to the Switch device when docked), and the joycons should last 20hrs on a charge.
I will get the Switch to play first party Nintendo single player games. Just like the WiiU, Wii, Gamecube and N64. I enjoyed Mario Kart 8 online multiplayer, but not enough to pay for online multiplayer.
If the Switch does not work out, Nintendo can always go the way of Sega. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Sega had nothing left. Nintendo still has the handheld market. If (and that's a big if), but if Switch doesn't work out, I suspect they'll just stop making consoles and do handhelds only. But they'll never give that up.
It would just be a shame because then everyone who enjoys playing their games would have to do it on a cheaper, pocket sized device with no other alternative. Which sure, is better than nothing- after all I love 3DS, but I would mourn the day. Just imagine a future where you can't buy games like Zelda Breath of the Wild. Where big console Nintendo games no longer exist. Where the most you see out of them is what we have on the 3DS.
I'll do everything in my power to show my support so that I never have to face such a future
how i feel about the nintendo switch is its being discussed too much. i understand its a new system but its beginning to turn into overkill
The launch line up is really, really poor. I'm the biggest Nintendo fanboy I know, and even I will not be buying a Switch at launch.
There will only be 5 games on launch day, as far as I can see, and some of those are re-hashed games which you can get on Wii-U.
What happened to 'we've learned from our past mistakes and want to have a strong software library at launch', eh Nintendo?
I'll stick with my WiiU and 3DS until some NEW EXPERIENCES come to the console. Have they forgotten that games sell consoles?
Oh yes, now that someone has mentioned regional locking of Nintendo games, I am so happy that it will be a thing of the past with Nintendo Switch. I have been traveling regularly between Europe and the US. While I 'somewhat' accept regional locking of home consoles, having it for Nintendo 3DS is the stupidest thing Nintendo has ever come up with. I mean, for a mobile console that you want to take with you on your (national or international) travels? Not only that, with some games (such as Zelda Triforce Heroes), you can't even play online with players who own a 3DS from a different region (though it works with Mario Kart 7). I am looking forward not to worry any longer about regions.
Still not sold on the Switch. I feel this is the last gasp for Nintendo consoles, but as far as games, all I see is a handful of silly games and rehashes, with a couple of possible good ones. The system also seems too gimmicky to me overall. This has Wii U 2 written all over it, but I hope they prove me wrong!!
Feeling very good about it. Pre ordered along with a copy of Zelda. Ordered mk8 deluxe also. Plan on picking up one or two digital titles if I fancy a change from Zelda in the meantime - hoping USF2 is out for or shortly after launch or Snipperclips for some two player shenanigans. Looks like lots of good games in pipeline. Need to hear more about online plans etc and hopefully more from western devs.
I'm going to get a Switch at some point this year, but not at launch. There's just no reason to pick it up at launch since the only game I care for is Zelda... and that's also on the Wii U.
If Nintendo announces some more information and launch window games, then I'll probably pick it up when I get home from school in May. At that point Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will be out, more third party titles that interest me will be available, and Splatoon 2 will be just around the corner. I'm just hoping Nintendo announces a solid virtual console line-up and maybe another launch window game or two... perhaps WarioWare? Something like that will incline me to get the system right when I get home.
@Andrzej777. I couldn't have said that better myself. Everything you said is exactly how I feel. For the first time ever watching a unveil of a new console I was gravely disappointed and like you I'm a family guy that likes kid friendly games so I also don't care for third party support as there are a few that are kid friendly but most lack the charm and personality of a good quality first party Nintendo title. I am a Nintendo gamer only on and off for the last 30 years not due to any decisions by Nintendo but life situations and I don't game as many hours as I used to mainly just 2 to 4 hours a week sometimes a hare more. People will judge you and make personal attacks on this site if you chime in and give good valid reasons why The Switch rubs you the wrong way and as you said the cost of the thing is crazy for what you get. I mean 500 to 600 dollars by the time you get the hardware and the peripherals to basically play the same thing over again except it has portable functionality and third party support I don't care about. The switch looked so bad to me I couldn't even watch through everything I mean come on wow I get to simulate milking a cow on 1-2 switch yeah that will draw the crowds into this. Side by comparisons it looked like a slight upgrade from Wii-U both graphically and performance but not enough of one to justify spending over 500 to 600 for hardware and accessories when I already have a Wii -U. Furthermore I'm not one to buy into hype and quite honestly I was intrigued when it was code named NX but the more things that were revealed the more I lost interest and then it completely died after the full unveil of the Switch. For the first time in 30 years as a Nintendo only gamer I'm running far away from the Switch and I'm entitled to feel burned by Nintendo and not on the hype train but yet the fanboys on this site bash your opinion of why you don't see a future in the Switch and very valid points as well are made against it. But your labelled as a troll or oh to much negativity on this site. I just happen to not jump when Nintendo says Jump and they haven't give me a good valid reason to jump so I will not be making the switch. On a positive note about how bad the switch looks to me it has made me appreciate the WII - U even more than I already do and I have so many games I have bought yet to be played that I'm considering getting a second Wii - U just in case the first dies and skip the Switch all together and if there next console appeals to me then I will be back.
@kevfrei You can always buy a set of neon controllers after the fact if you like the neon, just start with grey.
I don't get the people who calculate a 500$ bill with the Switch, and point it as a negative.
A Switch is 330€, and comes with two controllers for some games, like Mario Kart or Bomberman. It's already a great value. You can get two more for 80€, and you don't really have to buy a charger or anything else since they should have a great battery life. You also don't need a Pro Controller right away, since the Switch controller is fine by itself.
A typical day one purchase is going to look like this:
Switch 330€
2 Games 120€
Another pair of Joy-cons 80€
So yeah, 500€, the price of a naked X Box One at launch, or that of the PS4 + 1 game at launch.
That IS a lot of lot of money to put in a game system, but hey, it's the launch. Bundles will come, and third-party accessories too.
Looks fun to me. Starting with Zelda and Bomberman. Plenty of games coming this year from the looks of it. Being happy.
Even if I can't get the console at launch, I will be buying the accessories and software.
I think many do not appreciate how good that HD Rumble is. It is very difficult to convey on the internet but if I can swing a sword and tell if it struck metal or jelly, or I can fire different guns and they feel different, then Nintendo just changed the game again. It sounds like something that will be in the next dual shock and xbox pro pad.
The switch is essentially what the Wii U should have been at launch, but it took them 4 years to get it together.
That being said, better late than never. I hope they do well because Nintendo does things so differently from other companies, and along with their Unique IP's are why people love them.
Hopefully they stay strong, their shareholders though (and board of directors) are VERY SKEPTICAL and who blames them? Nintendo is on the rocks, but maybe launch sales will push them in the right direction.
Now WHO'S READY FOR MELEE!!!??? NTSC version, no PAL, screw that.
I am very pleased by the device but the lineup is abysimal. Is a 400$ Zelda machine at this point.
I'll wait until Christmas before considering a purchase
@Kosmo what is there not to get if its explained in their post and like my comment some people are current Wii - U owners that see no value and are highly disappointed in what switch is and offers and would rather save their money and just play their Wii -U. I have given many points on previous posts so I'm not going to list them all but I do not like anything about the switch and would rather save money and skip this generation of Nintendo hardware as they have shown side by comparisons of Wii U ports on Switch and quite frankly isn't enough of an upgrade for me to justify a purchase and only looks slightly improved over Wii U in graphics and performance. Also no games appeal to me and quite honestly BOTW was dry as dust and the voice acting was awful I actually liked the Wii - U version better and I feel the switch for me lacks the charm and personality of the Wii - U. I'm not impressed and the only Nintendo hardware I am skipping out on.
I definitely think that after this week, I'm a little more grounded in my expectations for the system. Of course, I'm still really excited for the Switch, just a bit more realistic. I still think E3 is gonna be good though (I mean, it has to be with the amount of games announced now, right?)
I'm pretty happy with my pre order, standard grey switch and a copy of Zelda and then mario kart 8 deluxe on pre order aswell. I don't think it's even expensive. I've spent more on a night out with mates before than how much the switch is! Plus I didn't buy a PS4, xbox1 or Wii U so my last console was the 360 and 3ds so I haven't been spending money on any games recently. I bought mario run recently and it got me craving more Nintendo so can't wait for switch! Also I've never played a Zelda game before unless you count four swords so hyped for it!
I really like the concept of the Switch, but $300 is a ton of money for someone on a tight budget like me and personally a new Zelda game alone can't justify the expense. So for the time being I'm going to hold off on the Switch until next year when it's game library has had some time to grow then see if it might be worth picking up. A new Metroid Prime game, DOOM, or even just a port of Star Fox Zero (a game I really wanted to play when it came out but never owned a Wii U) could definitely get me on the Switch bandwagon, but for now I'll be holding off until a couple more games I'd be interested in playing come along for it.
@Monkeyofthefunk the joycons have a battery life of 20 hours each so not sure you really need a charger to be honest.
Any news on what happens when you link your account? I'm hoping for some kind of compensation for not having backwards compatibility.
I'm personally excited for the Nintendo Switch and am getting it day 1. The launch window games are really good but if they truly deliver Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this year...the Switch is beyond worth it for me! Also just thinking about the next Monster Hunter, GCN VC, and all the possiblities like Metroid, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Pokemon and DKC...seriously its a great time to be a gamer cause now I never have to stop playing my games because im not home!
@JaxonH you my friend approach such negativity so diligently positive...its always reassuring to know not every gamer has become jaded and entitled...i remember the days people played games for fun and was happy to own a Genesis and SNES...always glad to read ur comments!
I really want to get a Switch ASAP but the $470 it costs here in Australia is too much. I understand the Aussie Dollar isn't worth a lot these days and it's supposed to drop more but I would've thought $430 like the Deluxe Wii U price would've been a better starting point. Games have gone up to $100 (like before the Wii) so it's $570 just to get started. That's way too rich for me so I'll have to wait until there's a good deal going on like when I bought my Wii U.
I wasn't all that impressed by the reveals, but I haven't sworn it off completely. I'll still consider getting one because some of the third party games are must-haves for me, but honestly the price of this thing is putting me off. I'm not on a budget necessarily, but the thought of throwing down $600 on pure entertainment doesn't give me the thrill it used to.
Could be that I'm outgrowing gaming a bit, I don't know. Could be our increasingly ridiculous exchange rate prices too.
Of course a price drop will come later this year. They just want to milk the die-hard fans first.
A Media World discount? Sadly, I couldn't even afford that. I've vowed I'd find a job for real this year and I'm dead-set on that.
The plan is also to invest a whopping 600€ for a "hard mode" course with my Krav Maga instructor that will give me qualifications for a job in the security branch, so I will get a Switch... just not in time for launch, I'm afraid.
Dang, 380+ comments? O.o
Overall I've been happy with what I've seen about the Switch this time around; I won't deny that there are a few negatives in my eyes, but the positives so far seem to outweigh that.
However, it'll be a while before I pick one up. I still have plenty to play in both my Wii U (got it midway through 2015) and 3DS/DS libraries, and I'm in no hurry right now to add another system into the mix. Besides, I'd like to wait for a few more games to release and for some of the bugs to be worked out first.
There's alot to be positive about. Can you imagine how good Zelda looks on that Switch screen? It's something I've been thinking about alot lately. Just how incredible games will look on that screen.
Just think about Mario Kart 8 and how good it looked on a TV. Now shrink that down onto the Switch screen. With 2 controllers at the ready anywhere, anytime. Could take the Switch with you everywhere, play Mario Kart anywhere, with anybody, at any time...
If they bring Metroid Prime to VC I'll be the happiest gamer in the world. Seriously, I've been wanting that game on a handheld for 10 years. Imagine Fire Emblem, the real Fire Emblem, a new one on the Switch screen with full console glory. Imagine how good Mario is gonna look.
Think about how you can take it to work with you, prop it up on its kickstand, pull out both Joycons and play in console-luxury... at work. Think about this stuff... I can't stop thinking about it. This thing is never leaving my side. Where I go, my Switch goes with me.
I think it's a solid piece of hardware, backed up by a somewhat stale launch yet with some promising games coming in.
To me the Switch line up seems really weaksauce so I wont be buying one for a long time maybe I'll buy it during the holidays when we have more games and Mario hits the scene.
Yes, that the difference between a fanboy and a nintendo fan. I dont care about fanboys and how much they justify anything nintendo does. I am fairly disappointed and hope to make at least some people see it for what it really is
Guess what? I bought myself two spare wii us. Thats how crazy I am!
On the other hand I cannot blame anyone. People have wanted the switch to be a success, deep down they know nintendo is not doing an amazing move here, but still they want it to be true, so people will say everythings fine and fully justified and that haters are nitpicking. Nothing could be further from the truth. Good competition only enhances business for the customers, this one is going nowhere, its not even competition, its the price of admition of being a nintendo fan or fanboy. I will buy the switch sooner or later, I am sure there will be games I dont want to miss out on but I will not confirm them in theit insolence by buying it day one. Christmas or later we will see.
Fanboyism has never been so obvious imho.
Be it as it may, its the family friendly atmosphere that nintendo games provide and thats what I like them for. I dont like them for anything else and thats quite sad.
Yeah, pretty awesome. A wii u on the go. Its good but not worth the price of admission.
There is a difference between a fan and a fanboy website. In truth both kinds are present. One is praising everything, the other speaks what is on his mind. No offense, please do enjoy your purchase and make all the world to see it. It will help nintendo and thats what matters most isnt it?
@GrailUK Fortunately - it seems Nintendo probably hold the patents for HD rumble. . .
@Estrallion Yes, it does work in TV mode - The HD rumble is actually in the Joycons. . . The Joycon grip is merely a comfort thing.
Speak for yourself. It's worth it to me. A Wii U squeezed into a handheld is super hype. And a brand new generations worth of new games it will bring.
Nobody's asking you to buy one. I don't think anybody cares one way or the other what you do. But I'm buying one and I'm excited for it.
Sorry if that came off rude, wasn't my intention
Any consumer can buy anything. But why the fanboyism? Dobt you think that nintendo could have done MUCH better? Wouldnt it be nice to let them know? But thats just my opinion. We will see how it will go.
No offense taken. No offense intended.
There's just a lot of excitement from fans who enjoy their products and are eager to get their hands on the next new console. Nothing wrong with that.
They can always have done better. But I'd say they did pretty good. I'm certainly satisfied with the device. Is it perfect? No, but it's the best I've seen Nintendo do in a long time, that's for sure. The launch is thin, but what are you going to do... It is what it is. At least they've got a robust 1st party lineup post-launch, which ultimately matters far more than the initial launch. The launch is just the launch... what matters is the five years that come after that.
I'm not sure what you mean about letting Nintendo know. This is just a fan site to talk about games with other gamers. If there is something on your mind you want to tell Nintendo you probably should try tweeting them. Personally, if I were going to let them know anything I'd just give them a thumbs up for an awesome new console and just tell them to make sure the games keep rolling in with no droughts. And ask for a new Metroid (of course, that's a given)
Got a Switch preordered with Zelda. This is definitely the most excited I've been for a new console since the Wii.
I know the launch lineup isn't stellar, but Zelda and Super Bomberman R will be enough to keep me happy until Mario Kart 8 Deluxe comes out in April. Then E3 is just right around the corner after that, which I'm sure will feature tons of great new announcements. I think the Switch will actually end up having a strong 2017 when it's all said and done.
When I'm looking at Switch I'm considering 3 things. Number one, the hardware. And the hardware is something I really like. Super powerful handheld has been my holy grail for some time now (can actually run current gen console games? Even if they're toned down and have a little less AA or lower resolution, that's still incredible for a handheld).
Number 2, the games. Now this, purely from a day one perspective, is pretty lackluster. Zelda will surely be game of the generation, but aside from that and Bomberman R there's really not much else. But because of the hybrid functionality, it's like when they released Xenoblade on New 3DS. Only game on the system, but I bought that system for that one game. I paid $200 just to have that game on the go, because the game is so great. If I'm willing to pay $200 for Xenoblade on the go, in standard def, why on earth would I not pay $300 for Zelda on the go in full console glory? (Not to mention 5 long years of future titles to come, as opposed to New 3DS which got nothing else)
Number 3, future games. And this is something that really sells me on it. Buying a console is an investment. And as a long time gamer I can look back at the last three Nintendo consoles and safely say I would never dream of having skipped any of them. And given the past 5 years, it's safe to assume they're going all in on Switch. They don't want another Wii U situation. I suspected this would be the case already, but Nintendo confirmed those suspicions when they revealed Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, Splatoon, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem and Arms would all be dropping in the first 9 months. In contrast, Wii U was waiting 9 months just to get its next big 1st party title, and none of these games made it to the U in its first year. That tells me they're gonna bring the heat.
It is for these 3 reasons I am buying day one, and am very excited for it. There's been a lot of focus put on its shortcomings like paying for online, added expense of storage and lacking launch lineup, and that's fine, but at the end of the day those three things trump all else. And in fairness there's been some good too. Games tied to accounts, no more region lock, gobsmackingly awesome controllers and tech crammed inside, so ya. 90% good, 10% bad, 100% hyped
the closer we get to launch the more hyped I get!!! Though I am disappointed in the launch line up I’m am very excited about the first year of switch! I think when people get one in their hands it will be a surprisingly good system. There are many people right now saying things when they haven’t even tried it yet. It will need time to build a user base. I don’t think it will change the whole gaming industry but I do think it will be great. It’s defiantly going to do well enough to not be Nintendo’s last system!
Pre-ordered one.
Disappointed with online subscription plan (loaned games, no mention of achievements)
Hopeful re games.
@JaxonH I concur....and especially after hearing how DragonQuest is going to be utilizing the HDRumble so u feel the difference between slicing solid enemies and slime! I can only imagine how else it will be utilized in other games! Definitely much to excited for!
Oh for real? That's awesome. We were just having a discussion in the other article about the possibilities of using HD rumble and what it could bring to the table in terms of gameplay.
Hey @PlywoodStick you should hear what he says about Dragon Quest. Apparently they're going to utilize the HD rumble to feel the difference between slicing solid enemies and slime. That's kind of the stuff we were talking about. It's encouraging to see a third-party developer embrace it. Hopefully that means it's not difficult and we'll see it become commonplace.
Much appreciated. I've read a few post of yours lately I've agreed with too. Let's not let it become a habit 😛
@JaxonH I love your optimism but we've been here before. The big issue for the majority of Nintendo fans/customers is whether or not we can bring our existing - paid for- VC and eshop games to it or are they going to charge us for them yet again. This has been asked and asked for years now but Nintendo don't seem to listen. I want this to be a success but it's entering a market with two established big hitters which both offer better value for money. I cancelled my pre order and will wait it out. If they don't finally have our games redownloadable for free I'm out for good. I'm not being a downer here- it's been long enough and I know I'm not alone in this. But hey- I hope everyone who has pre orders has a blast with it. The machine itself looks incredible.
I like what Nintendo has brought forth, but I won't be buying a Switch at launch. The Switch's accessories are too expensive, the online service is a big mystery as we have yet to see the service in action running on whatever "elegant" app Nintendo is developing, and the Switch lineup for much of 2017 is unknown outside of the games Nintendo showed at the Switch presentation.
E3 2017 will determine whether I buy the Switch later this year or next year. The Fire Emblem Direct was a great start. I'd like to see more of that. A price cut on the Switch and/or its accessories would also push me on board quicker.
@JaxonH @PlywoodStick
Here is the link about unique HDRumble in DragonQuest for Switch
Does anyone else feel like Nintendo isn't marketing the Switch to its full potential or as attractive to potential buyers as possible? Currently they are marketing Switch as the most versatile home gaming console and a home console you can also play on the go. Which is fine ... except calling it solely a home console draws comparisons to the PS4 and Xbox One, both of which are more powerful and cheaper than the Switch. Yes, calling it a home console you can take on the go is attractive to some people, but I feel that most potential buyers will shrug and say that the convenience of playing on the go is not worth sacrificing power, graphics, and more third-party games, not to mention the extra cost to playing on the go in addition to aforementioned sacrifices. And the average Joe will see a $250 PS4 or Xbox One with a game, compared to a $300 Switch with no games included, and probably pick up the PS4 or Xbone cause his/her friends have one.
I'm not saying the Switch is a poor machine; it seems to be an amazing console. And in this case I'm not arguing about the price (though I do think the cost should be lower for both the console and accessories to really drive adoption). In this case, what I'm saying is that if Nintendo could market the Switch as "the most powerful handheld ever made, and the most versatile home console ever made, all in one device, for only $299," that could be far more appealing, and also tell people that this isn't just a GameCube/Wii/Wii U (or simply a Nintendo home console) that can be played anywhere on the go, but a GameCube/Wii/Wii U PLUS a Game Boy/DS/3DS (or simply a Nintendo handheld system) all in one device for just $299. That I feel could really attract the average person into buying a Switch.
I know Nintendo isn't doing what I said in the previous paragraph because they're afraid of cannibalizing 3DS sales, but they need to wake up and realize that if they're too concerned with protecting the 3DS, they're going to hinder the Switch right from day one. They should still make games for the 3DS and sell the 3DS, but they should also talk about the Switch as their most powerful handheld ever and, yes, the successor to the 3DS. 3DS will have a market regardless due to its cheaper entry point and mature library, so losing a couple extra sales of the 3DS in return for making the Switch more attractive to potential buyers is much better, IMHO.
Well, I hate to be a downer here but uh... it's not gonna happen. Of that I am certain. Not even PS4 allows your VC to transfer over. So it's definitely not going to happen with Nintendo. When there's a new generation you go into it empty-handed. I'm sure they'll offer a discount program (which is more than anyone else is doing). And that's fair I think. Because if you bought a game once and they had to continue re-porting and re-developing hundreds of VC titles just to hand them out for free every five years over and over and over again for the rest of eternity, they wouldn't have any incentive to make those games available at all. Which is what we see on the PS4, with them not only not allowing VC games to transfer, but flat out not even making them available at all.
That said, a good discount program is a fair compromise in my opinion. You shouldn't expect them to continue putting in work every time there's a new console and just handing out the fruit of that labor for free, and they shouldn't expect you to continue buying those games full price every time there's a new console (even if they did have to put in work to get the game on the new platform). The reasonable solution for all interested parties is a discount program: you pay a small nominal fee for the extra work they put in to get these games on the new platform, and they at least get compensated for the new labor they had to put in without actually profiting by a large margin repeatedly.
With all that being said, I don't really see the compulsion in wanting to re-purchase all those games over and over again. I've got my Wii U and I'll keep that hooked up for the next 30 years for all my VC needs. If they're offering a discount I will gladly buy all my favorites again but if they don't offer a discount program then I just won't. But none of this has any bearing on my decision to buy the actual console, because that is based solely on the fact it's going to have brand-new games that I want to play and those games will be playable both as a console and handheld version, which interests me a great deal as a fan of their games and as a console and handheld gamer.
Sound like a fair assessment?
This is exactly what I've always wanted in games console. I think this will fly. It's not expensive for what it is.
C'mon guys, no console has ever had a stellar launch lineup. Some of u are so quick to "predict" it's demise. The Switch could very easily replace my Vita, 3DS, and PS4 if the games keep flowing. I'll be buying one as soon as I can.
I'm not buying one at launch. Will play Zelda BotW on WiiU. I wanted to see power from the Wii U successor. Better Wiimotes and portability are not compelling to me. Further, I'm tired of missing out on games like GTA, Dishonored 2, Farcry (though granted Watch Dogs on WiiU was a lot of fun), racing games that aren't cartoons (again- WiiU had NFS Most Wanted, and it was good, while the other consoles had that plus ten more good games in the genre), Hitman, numerous arcadey digital games (e.g. PSN,)and more. There are a ton of other baffling choices, too (limited onboard storage, no achievements?, etc.)
@JaxonH You hit the nail on the wall! The Switch is already doing several major things right that the wiiu never did and the funny thing is THE SWITCH HASN'T BEEN RELEASED YET!
@BiasedSonyFan Certainly, and that's their stated objective with the mobile games to, not to be a particularly big player as a mobile publisher but as, basically, and advertising program to lure people to Nintendo hardware and full size games. I'm very skeptical how well that program will work, but that's their intended direction with it. The catch though is I don't think it's about getting casuals to buy a Switch to play casually. I think (I hope) they fully understand that can't really happen (the anomaly that is 1, 2, Switch notwithstanding) that the "casual" gamer is not ever again going to spend significant money on a dedicated machine when they have a capable machine already. I think the intent is to drip-feed and remind the casual gamer what "real" gaming is, and convince them to take the plunge into becoming a "gamer" with dedicated hardware. Not a "I play Halo until 4:00AM because I'm better than you (sound of Doritos crunching)" gamer, but an "hmm, I could buy this movie, I could upgrade my home theater, or I could buy that video game console for that game" split of money and time share on gaming as a mode of entertainment instead of a time waster. I think a lot of their strategy is going to depend on the conversion of "casual phone/tablet gamers" into "gamers" (that was actually their intended goal with the Wii, and it fell disastrously flat. That was part of where WiiU went wrong. They wrongly believed (especially Iwata) that they successfully converted tons of people into being gamers without realizing they mostly created a short lived fad, but converted few to gaming as a long-term activity until after WiiU launched. He did acknowledge that error part-way into the WiiU life cycle.) The other half is going to depend on the Switch marketing itself through it's own visibility as a portable system like you said. I'm not entirely sure of the former, but I think the latter will be fairly successful. IF they can convince people to play them out and about....in the West, that's an uphill struggle.
@audiobrainiacYou could say that the Switch's line-up is stellar when you compare it to every other console launch because it has a massive, well known, 1st party, game right off the bus. Look at the Wiiu, Ps4, XboxOne or any other consoles launch. Where was their massive 1st party game?
There's some grounds on which Switch will need to prove itself, most definitely, but already this system is showing promise beyond what Wii U ever offered. And I really enjoyed Wii U. Waited on Fire Emblem all generation... never got one. Now we have one announced for Switch before it's even been released. Got Shin Megami Tensei coming in Unreal Engine 4... and it hasn't even been released. Got the 5 of their biggest Nintendo IP all coming in the first 9 months, and a few more beyond that.
It's definitely encouraging to see that. I said it before and I'll say it again: I fully expect a new Metroid to be announced for the Switch. I'm hoping for this e3 but definitely, definitely before the generation is over.
Sounds like you enjoy playing a lot of third-party games. I would advise buying another console as soon as possible so that you can get those games you want to play and then you'll never have to worry about not getting those games on Switch because you won't need to get them on Switch. Can just focus on the extra games that it provides and make a decision based on what it offers rather than what it doesn't. That's how I do it. All 3 consoles, both handhelds and PC. I never feel like I'm missing out on anything... because I'm not lol.
@JaxonH I have a good feeling Nintendo WIIl blow minds in the coming weeks.
@JaxonH Agreed. Anyone saying that the Wii U is a better console than the Switch is either half-blind or too enamored of the former.
Still, I'm gonna wait. Unless you are a big, big Zelda fan or didn't play Mario Kart 8, there is no reason to buy a Switch now. I'll definitely buy it since I'm a portable gamer myself, and as soon as I diminish my backlog some more.
Can't knock you for that. Me, I actually am a really big Zelda fan though and MK battle mode was my childhood... I need this! I'm taking Switch to work every day and we're gonna play Mario Kart 150cc Cups and Battle mode in the new arenas. Two controllers built in... genius. Most of all though I am absolutely mesmerized by a handheld this powerful, and equally as fond of the new joycon controllers (been dreaming of controllers like this since the Wii era planted the seed in my mind)...
I'm tempering expectations for new pre-launch announcements (of course I'd be glad to be blown away by surprise) but I do think they have a whole bag of goodies they're holding back for e3. We know Pikmin exists. There were even retailer listings for it. Same for Smash and that Rabbids crossover and Assassins Creed.
For now I'm just excited to get my hands on the device and play me some Zelda, some Bomberman, some Mario kart battle mode and Arms. And they best hurry up with that Dragon Quest XI and DQ Heroes 1+2... I need that in my life!
I would agree if it weren't a port of a WiiU game. You can get the same experience on a system that's years old.
If Zelda was built ground up for Switch and only available on Switch, it would be reason enough to buy.
Right now the Switch is for the dedicated Nintendo fans that have money to burn. And even then it's hard to recommend. I'm buying it day 1. But I want to see every moment of Zelda on my big TV, so it won't leave my house. Zero Dawn and some other great games are coming out around March. It becomes a competition for my time, and the rest of Switchs lineup pales. I already have Mario Kart, so it might be some time before I buy another Switch game. But I've gotten used to that with Nintendo.
@JaxonH My sentiments exactly
@WOLF13 I keep forgetting
"But Zero Dawn and some other great games are coming out around March"
March is gonna go down as gaming legend... My lineup looks like this: Zelda and Bomberman on Switch, followed by Mass Effect Andromeda on Xbox One, then Fire Emblem Echoes on 3DS, then Horizon Zero Dawn and Nier on PS4, then Ghost Recon and Yooka Laylee on Xbox One, then finally, after all of that... it'll be time for Mario Kart and Arms and (hopefully) some Dragon Quest, and whatever else is pegged for late spring I'm forgetting.
I'm gonna need to game full time to keep up. Thankfully with switch being portable I'll be able to squeeze in more game time in a 24 hour day 🤗 Nothing like getting paid to host MK tourneys in the back work office
@WOLF13 But on another note, thats after you've overlooked all the possibilities. The reason I pre-ordered a Switch was to avoid drama from droughts and a portable botw as well as future games. The system will do well regardless despite our reasons for getting or not getting it.
@JaxonH Thats the gamers life
I'm playing it safe. Going to get zelda on wiiu then wait a year or so to see how the switch is looking game wise and some decent deals for it.
@JaxonH I'm going to have a backlog. I think South Park comes out too. The first had me in tears.
@BiasedSonyFan Well, it's you who apparently cares about the specific word that's used. All I care about is what the fanboys constantly sucking up to Nintendo and letting it away with sub-par effort means for people that want and expect better.
@Syrek24 You are entirely missing the point: If all the people like me shut up then people like you might be happy but everyone that actually expects more and cares about getting more will almost certainly never get it—because why would Nintendo bother if all it hears is loving praise no matter what it does. So, I'd personally rather see people like you shut up and see the people that are actually telling Nintendo to do better to shout louder, especially with the stuff it's clearly not got right yet with Switch, because if Nintendo actually listens to all the people like me over all the people like you then we'll all be happier at the end of the day—but you're clearly just too blinkered to grasp that.
Let me try and make it really simple for you though: Imagine if Nintendo actually put out a launch lineup that people like me would be happy with, which would include everything that's already there now plus the likes of Super Mario Odyssey packed in at launch at no extra cost, as well as a couple more brand new and true AAA first party titles from major Nintendo franchises in the launch window too, alongside far better AAA third party support, a properly clear and well executed online plan, and a fully realised Virtual Console day one, a slightly cheaper launch price and cheaper peripheral and game prices across the board . . .
So, please, YOU shut up, and let us people that actually give a truly real **** do something about it while we still have even the tiniest bit of a chance at making the slightest bit of possible difference that would actually make things better for ALL OF US if Nintendo simply bothered to listen to us over just the most blindly loyal and easily pleased fanboys!
@JaxonH yeah I understand where you are coming from but when I sold my ps 3 and replaced it with a vita all the majority list of my ps plus games were there for me to simply download again- no hassle and no fee. Intact my download list has games going back to 2008- granted I can't play them on the vita but if ever buy a second hand ps 3 again they are there and so they should be. We pay for these digital titles and they should not be tied to a machine. Again I honestly want this to work but I cannot fathom their strategy at all. Here's hoping in a year or even by Christmas Ive been proven wrong.
Nope, I didn't pre order. Definitely not a day one purchase for me. I might get one when that awesome looking Mario game comes out but I'm in no hurry to get the Switch and there's really no games that catch my interest at the moment. I have the PS4/Xbox One, and I can get my Nintendo fix on the 3DS for the time being.
@BiasedSonyFan Well, when someone ticks a box that says "All is perfect and fine and dandy happy fairy blossoms and rainbows" in a poll asking how good Nintendo's launch is, especially a launch with six measly launch titles, the biggest and best of which is a last-gen port, almost no brand new AAA first party games, an almost total lack of big AAA third party titles coming now or in the near future, a potentially dodgy/gimped yet paid online service, potentially another terrible Virtual Console, crazily overpriced peripherals, and whatever else isn't quite ideal with Switch at this point in time . . . I think those people are letting Nintendo away with sub-par effort. In fact, I think that's people actively rewarding and praising Nintendo for sub-par effort. But hey, maybe that's just me seeing it strange or something.
The Switch only has the potential to be amazing, but it's ultimately not particularly close to being amazing just yet; there's so much that needs to be addressed, fixed and nailed for that to even remotely happen. All I'm saying is let's make sure we all let Nintendo know it has a long, long ways to go before it should rest on its laurels—less we all want another "Wii U" situation on our hands.
And, let's be clear here: All the loud and moany people like me clearly weren't anywhere near loud enough in making all these points be heard up until now—despite certain people already claiming we were making too much noise—because look at all the stuff Nintendo got wrong and is still getting wrong. . . . So, I think the people like me actually need to make even more noise—because Nintendo's clearly still not hearing us properly.
Um, I actually read an interview with Reggie and he said games will be tied to accounts on Switch, and that there would be more information coming.
And yes, other consoles have a better subscription service where you get to hold onto your rental games as long as you're paying- but that's a separate issue.
@BiasedSonyFan I mean anyone who is clearly blinded by a big chunk of meaty fanboyism.
@BiasedSonyFan He is correct:
First: "especially a launch with six measly launch titles", it is correct (so far), and compared to the Wii U the number is quite underwhelming.
", the biggest and best of which is a last-gen port", true again.
", almost no brand new AAA first party games", yes, only 1 2 Switch.
", a total lack of big AAA third party titles..", correct again.
Maybe we don't like it (I really don't care, 'cos I'm not getting a Switch now), but he is completely accurate.
@impurekind Man, just vote with your wallet!! Don't get the d@mn console!!
I'm not getting it either, for the time been. I really need more games to come to the console and a drop in prices in the games: Bomberman is too expensive for what I've seen so far, 1 2 Switch also, and Mario Kart Deluxe, for someone who has the game and all the DLC is a big no-no.
Switch = Frankenstein 2.0
I'll get one eventually, but I have a bad déja-WiiU-ja feeling.
I'm so excited I'm going to pop! I haven't been this excited for system since the day I got my TurboGrafx CDROM. Let's just hope this has better success than the old tg16. I had my fun on tg16 but it was very expensive and 75% of my games were in japanese. I'm sure this is going to be much better
I pre-ordered a Switch in anticipation that they'd be hard to find. The launch line-up and light information about the online are a big concern. I honestly think Nintendo is scrambling to avoid a PR disaster with that aspect.
I NEED to play BotW and Mario Odyssey. Outside of those two, there are a handful of games that interest me. I'll be re-buying MK8, am excited for Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and will give Arms a shot. As for third parties: Konami is getting an early purchase from me with Super Bomberman R at launch, Bethesda has me on lock for portable Skyrim, and Square-Enix will get me with the mainline Dragon Warrior games if they come West.
Capcom needs to prove to me that there is more to Ultra SF2 before I lay down my cash (a $40-$50 price tag wouldn't hurt, either). Ubisoft needs to bring something that I'm interested in — Beyond Good and Evil 2, anyone?
I would honestly say both "I'm looking forward to it, there are plenty of positives" and "I'm a little concerned about it" simultaneously.
I have no doubt that it will sell gangbusters in Japan. It may even become the next PS2-level Mecca for RPG's. There are many good things to be said about the possibilities with the controls, and the limits of the Tegra SoC architecture is not quite as set in stone as the PS4's and Xbone's CPU/GPU limits, so there is room for growth.
However, outside of Japan, the price is higher than it should be, if Nintendo wants it to become a viral success. Many of the great games to come will not arrive until 2018 or later, and the launch lineup (sans Zelda) is looking very sparse. As far as new content is concerned that is not available elsewhere, Snipperclips and Super Bomberman R seem to be the best things on offer within the launch window. The loss of free online multiplayer is a significant blow to many. And the more expensive accessories this time around are not quite as... accessible.
I'm not sure at all if the NS will see major success (outside of Japan). But at least it has a better chance than the Wii U ever had. I'll get it eventually for titles like SMT5 and XC2, but until then, I'll just watch...
@JaxonH Awesome! I assume that's Dragon Quest XI? I doubt the West will ever get DQ X, the era of the console MMORPG kinda died out years ago outside of East Asia.
Edit: I see, DQ Heroes 1 & 2... So it will begin there. DQ XI details remain secret. But I suspect it will introduce other improvements.
@th3r3ds0x That's my plan too.200Gb SD card for all the major 1st party games,VC and indies then buy the 3rd party games physically.I went mostly all digital with Wii U but that will be tricky with only 200GB but I'm fine with that.As long as it's loaded with my most played games I'm happy,
Despite the Switch missing out on Miiverse, most of Mii features, and lack of two-screen gaming option, I'm still getting the system (Gray for me. Neon looks a little clashy for me). The system surprised me with its third party support it's getting that the Wii U missed out on (though I still like the Wii U), namely Super Bomberman R (Oh, yeah!), Sonic Mania, and Puyo Puyo Tetris, along with other titles I'm interested in such as Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, Lego City Undercover (I already have this on Wii U, but I want to play it on the go), and if it makes it outside of Japan, Dragon Quest Heroes I & II. Of course, there are still Nintendo's titles I look forward to, such as the obvious Zelda title and Super Mario Odyssey, not to mention Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (could've used a better title, but eh...). So, yeah...I'm happy still...
I'm in a position that feels unique but that I think is actually extremely relevant. My mother had a stroke back in 2015 and requires constant attention 24/7. When I'm not at work I'm with her at a facility keeping her company, working on physical therapy or helping her feed. Her facility is a long way from my home so when she does sleep I'm stuck with nothing to do really. And since I'm never home I haven't played a console in about eighteen months. The 3DS has kept me company in that time but I'm interested in deeper experiences. I could bring my Laptop but it's bulky and difficult to transport/setup/move out of the way if a medical situation arises for my Mom or her roommate. The Switch is about the perfect compromise.
Other people travel often for work, some commute to NYC from places as far away as New Hampshire and take multiple buses/trains/etc... to get to and from work with little more than a half hour to get things done before sleeping. They can play console-like games in transit now.
My Cousin has his own truck driving business and due to regulations if you make too good time driving through a state or you drive for some pre-determined length of time you are required to stop for a few hours or be fined (they actually check this as you enter and exit states electronically.) If he pulls over to a diner, etc... it's easier for him to whip out something small like his phone or tablet to keep himself occupied, especially in towns that don't have a movie theater. The Switch lets him play a full-size console game for an hour or two and then get back on the road.
There's a lot of potential here in places people might not expect. In places I haven't imagined yet. There's a lot to this little guy and I'm very excited for it.
I'm still quite excited for the Nintendo Switch, though my disappointment with the lack of Miiverse is proving to be a negative that lingers within my mind. Still, the other features the Switch had excite me, and there are plenty of games announced for the system that have my interest.
In regards to launch windows, I tend to see that as either around the first 3 to 6 months after a system launches, as I don't believe their is a official time specification for what defines a launch window. That is how I see it though, and as such, I have Super Bomberman R, ARMS, and Puyo Puyo Tetris to look forward. Depending on the time frame, I also have Splatoon 2 and I Am Setsuna to look forward to in the launch window, if not, shortly after the launch window.
In terms as 2017 as a whole, there are certainly plenty of Switch games that I want, regardless of their specific release date.
Wow, what is Match 3 genre ? And example of Match 3 games ?
Btw, looking from table of game genres, I think i'm kind of Female gamers type despite for being a male.
Very opposite with Male gamer type as usual.
I Love Life Simulation, Rhythm, RPG, Cartoonish Racing, Quirky games, etc.
Guy plays girlie games, why not ?
Zelda is the only good game for switch ATM. Still it was enough to make me pre order it.
Well, nintendo will carefully monitoring everything. Its a fansite, true. But they want know how people react and what they say on the net.
Eh, I'll wait until 2018 or 2019, when the switch has a lot more games to offer. My rule is to never get a console or handheld at launch.
tell you what, when march 3rd comes around I will NOT have the time to read this many comments. I will be off dancing and skipping through the meadows while gaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm buying one at launch. If more games were coming to the U besides Zelda I may not see the point, but as it stands there are none. I don't care about all of the hoo-hah surrounding the launch, it's part the course for most launches (especially Nintendo's) and I wasn't expecting much besides Zelda in the first few months anyway.
I really do understand people's concerns, and I don't want to make it sound like I'm being dismissive of the few genuine issues presented, but as a gamer none of it really matters to me. PS4 - £349.99 with a few ports at launch, £49.99/59.99 for a Dualshock 4, £60 a pop on most games, literally a handful of announcements over the first 12 months.......
People have a short memory when it comes to these situations, and that 'fanboy justification' door swings both ways.
@Rman12 Nothing really is going to be a great upgrade from now on. Maybe VR, one day? And as a gamer, if you don't feel the appeal of BotW and the Switch, it's obviously that you're not in synch with Nintendo for this generation. And it's an opinion that everyone can respect. To each his own.
What can't be respected is to say that the system is too expensive, looks bad, runs badly, or has no games. No one can objectively say that (yet, and I hope we won't have a reason to). It's just trolling.
I pre-ordered the limited edition Zelda, but Switch i'm happy to wait for a lower price or a special edition console.
Will buy one for sure!
@kenrulei Your talking about a game that was in development for 10 years, its amazing it came out at all.
@maceng Yeah, I can do that, but don't you get that it's ultimately too late by then, just like it was with Wii U. We need to try and help/force Nintendo to get all this crap right before it's too late, not "punish" it after the fact, which does us consumers and gamers little good at all, especially if Nintendo doesn't properly learn its lessons for next time around either and just creates largely all the same issues again. I'm just trying to let Nintendo hear what I think it needs to hear as early as humanly possible, while there's still a chance a lot of this stuff could actually be addressed meaningfully, not after the console has already flopped and died a death. I actually want the Switch to be one of the truly great Nintendo consoles, like the NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, or DS, which it still largely has the potential to be if Nintendo does thing right from here on in. So, I'm simply telling it all the things I think its currently doing wrong, and now rather than later, and hoping some of that gets back to it via the power of the Internet. And that's in addition to voting with my wallet.
@maceng Thanks.
@kenrulei Xenoblade 2 will be out in Japan this year, I don't doubt. It's unlikely it'll come west around the same time due to translation...hopefully not too far behind. Still waiting for this apparent Xenoblade X port to get announced...here's hoping.
@OorWullie yes when I fill the first 200GB (which will take a while) I'll pick up another. I don't foresee needing more than 2 or 3 over the consoles lifespan. I'm excited!
@impurekind Nah, don't bother. Nintendo is just too stubborn! Still, I think that the Switch will ultimately become a hit: well above the Wii U and Gamecube, just shy of current generation Playstation and Xbox One. I'll say 30-35 million units. It could be enough.
But it really gets on my nerves when something as straightforward as streaming apps are a second thought to Nintendo; that taking a small loss on every Switch is inconceivable (still, 30,000 yens translate to 260 dollars or so); that developing a great console with great controls need them to be showcased properly and that only an included game, even a 1 2 Switch mini, will do; that a pro controller for 70 is insane when other consoles are selling them at 45-50 bucks; that releasing a game like ARMS without a (cheap) joycon bundle will be a huge mistake (mark my words on this one); that not everyone wants to plat Zelda but also a Nintendo AAA title; etc, etc.
But enough is enough. The Switch presentation was only 10 days ago and they still have time to mend their errors in some fashion (a free 20 or 30 voucher for games included with every Switch will help), and let's hope that a big company comes forward and promises a good AAA title just days after March 3rd. Yes, I believe in miracles.
@maceng "Yes, I believe in miracles."
Sadly, I don't.
I do, however, believe in shouting about all the stuff that's not right with Switch just now and basically hoping to God someone at Nintendo sees and reads my cries via the power of the internet and sites like this, which people like Reggie claim they visit and read on a regular basis, and maybe does something about it before it's all too late—while there's still time for it to actually matter.
It's the best thing I can think to do right now.
And silence, or even worse than that, praise, is not going to help any of us right now—so I'm not keeping silent, and I'm definitely not going to praise Nintendo for the handful of things its doing right when there's still so much it's clearly doing wrong. Any potential praise will come if at the end of the generation the system has lived up to and delivered on its full potential and given us all a console we can be genuinely happy with and truly love, just like I did and indeed still do with my beloved SNES. . . .
@impurekind If Regis is reading this, and takes it to heart, that is the miracle I've been hoping for!!
@maceng Then keep praying, because I'm certainly gonna keep preaching. . . .
I played the XBC on the 3DS, and while it's a beautiful game with a compelling world, I just couldn't get into it. I'm open to the Switch version, for sure, but it's not on my "must" list.
@Andrzej777 That is so funny that you mentioned buying two spare Wii - u's. Not crazy at all that's how much I love my wii - u as well I just bought another one last night so now I have two total in the house something I have never done before. I have always loved my Wii - U since day 1 and got excited over every new reveal trailer like Pikmin 3 or Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. This is the first time as a Nintendo Fan I couldn't bare the presentation or even the games. This thing (Switch) has no identity or personality. I'm the type of person something I like hits me right away instead of trying everything in my mind to justify liking something just because its Nintendo. Quite honestly the games don't appeal for me when it comes to the Switch. For the first time ever I have not been interested in a new Mario game because Odyssey to me looks out of place and odd. I don't mind making a new direction if it fits like Mario galaxy. BOTW in my honest opinion the Switch version looked dry as dust and the voice acting was awful. I don't like the direction Nintendo is going so that's why I bought another Wii - U. Since I'm skipping the Switch all together and I have no idea if the Nintendo I grew up on will ever come back. Funny thing when I was on Ebay I had around 6 or 8 different Wii - U's in my cart as i couldn't decide who to go with and all of them sold out. Wii - U's are selling faster now than they ever did when they were on shelves at the store. Could it be people are clinging to them because the Switch looks that bad or maybe realizing how great of a console it actually was.
@Kosmo There is a difference between being a frustrated Nintendo Fan and trolling by the way. I have very valid reasons for me to want to skip something that has no value to me when I have spent enough on Wii - u between the console, peripherals, and games. I don't like anything about the Switch and just like this article I'm entitled to my opinion. This article has no means to base off and is just noise and your okay with their false claim of 40 million units but the other side speaks out and its called trolling. I was excited at one point when this was code named NX and quite honestly more info that got leaked my excitement dwindled. Fast forward to the first presentation I lost all interest but because of being a Nintendo fan for thirty years I watched the last full reveal except not the whole thing as it was so bad to me I couldn't watch the whole thing. They lost me at 1-2 switch simulating milking a cow and yet not a pack in game for a tech demo. This thing is over priced in my opinion for all that I gave and has no value to me. HMMMM not backward compatible check. Comes with no pack in games. Check. Accessories more expensive than ever. Check. Slight graphic improvement over Wii - U. Check. Very weak launch line up. Check. First time ever new Zelda and Mario game don't appeal to me and has lost its charm to me. The BOTW Wii - U version looks better to me and I don't like the new Switch version of it. Mario Odyssey just looks flat out weird and out of place to me. So that leaves really no interest for me. I can save money and just enjoy my Wii - U instead and if Nintendo to me does a better job I will come back the next generation.
@BiasedSonyFan Well the conversion of tablet/phone casual gamers into "gamers" was pretty much the original stated goal of the entrance into mobile. Iwata was pretty pointed in that intention that the goal of mobile games was to familiarize that market with Nintendo IP's and use that to encourage more people to buy Nintendo hardware. Miyamoto has stated the same, and said that kids play more on tablets now versus Nintendo hardware in the past, and they want to introduce those IPs, and cited the effect of Pokemon Go selling more 3DS's and 3DS Pokemon titles. So, the conversion factor is really their main push in mobile. It makes sense, "Chibi Emblem" looks like a catchy, but limited game, but it gets people into the idea of the weapons triangle and FE elements and combined with a marketing push on FE could really do well. Though I still question their implementation here. FE just doesn't seem like the franchise the mobile market is most likely to jump into. Heck I'm a hardcore gamer and core Nintendo gamer since the NES and I struggle mightily with that series. If Chibi Emblem isn't much much more forgiving, I can see a lot of frustration and deletes there.
Kimishima seems more ambivalent abut the strategy, I think more interested in seeing an extra revenue stream. But their main interest in mobile is not to fill gaps in that market, but to showcase and advertise that their consoles fill the gaps phones have. I love the strategy. And Pokemon Go proves there's definite potential success in it. I'm just not optimistic in Nintendo's ability to manage that venture well enough to yield success, and wonder if it will eventually degrade into a pure monetization of mobile venture.
You know, it never even occurred to me that some viewed WiiU as something you had to play on the tablet screen. Now that you mention that it puts some complaints from the past 4 years into perspective about "the tablet controller you can't even leave the room with" and I kept thinking "Why do you need to leave the room so much, my Dual Shock doesn't work far out of the room either, but it doesn't matter because I can't see he screen through the wall anyway." I thought they were roughly clear that OffTV was optional and the second screen was an additional screen with more info through most of its life. The only time that really faltered was the initial console-less reveal. I wonder if that just resonated around the internet based on initial perception with people that never owned one. If so, I doubt Switch's initial perception based on the presentation is that much more clear. They need to fix their mangled "it's the home console you take on the go" the "the new home console from Nintendo" language to focus more on its a portable gaming system can play like a console.
In the phone/tablet world, I think, for the in between crowed that's willing to spend money on dedicated hardware for fuller experiences, isn't that the crowed that already owns a 3DS? Or do you think 3DS suffered too much of an image problem of being "for kids?"
IF the latter that could explain their insistence at keeping 3DS running to segment kids away from Switch on purpose for now to grow it's perception among adults.
Well, here we are different. Even though I am highly disappointed with the switch, I am still going to get it. Mario Odyssey looked fine to me, even though I dont need it day one I am certainly going to play botw. Xenoblade and fire emblem will also be games that are no brainers for me. Theres gonna be a pikmin reboot, dragon quest 11 should be fine, too. I just hope the price will drop quite soon....
However I will be very picky this time around when it comes to games. I will certainly not pick up 1,2 switch. Will have a look at arms though when its a budget title
@Kosmo I have a feeling a large majority of people are like "ooooh they're doomed, they're doomed! (but I know I will be buying it)". It's kind of funny. Stop being cool and come out of the closet! Embrace your Nintendo nerddom!
I am not planning on getting the switch till the end of the year when enough games have come out for it, and to have a clear idea of what the online service is and if it is worth it just for splatoon. But im glad lots of other people are hyped and pre-ordering hopefully it will encourage more devs to develop for the switch.
How do I feel about the Switch?
Disinterested. It doesn't even have 3D? Blegh.
I'm feeling better about it as more info creeps out including today the fact that Nintendo got in bed with developers when they started this venture unlike telling them to suck it like they did with the WiiU. All it takes now is for them to follow through and give people the time to buy the hardware before choosing to bail or not.
@Rman12 As I said, it's one thing to not resonate with Nintendo anymore and keeping from buying the Switch, and it's another to be trolling "Nintendoom" rants. Just that. Heck, if you're at a point where Zelda and Mario don't appeal to you, yeah, definitely look for something else. I even agree on some stuff with you.
I'm not fond of 1-2 Switch either, I didn't try it when I had the chance to, I'm not buying it, and I'd have sold it immediately if it came as a pack-in title. It's a poor-man's tech-demo, except it's marketed as a full game. At least put a WarioWare skin on it...
Now, where I differ...
Once again though, how is it overpriced? For 400€, you get a console, two controllers and a game. It's the same as a PS4. There is absolutely no need for accessories, and again, what do people have against the line-up? It's the strongest of this generation, with Zelda, Bomberman, ARMS, I am Setsuna, Isaac, and so much more it makes my wallet tremble... And many others are coming in the first year. The PS4 came out with Knack! KNACK! and don't get me started on its first year. And no backwards compatibility either, for bullsh*t reasons (seemingly not the same program... yeah, right). At least, here we know why: we can't insert discs in the Switch. And we don't have the details over what can be transferred from the Wii U (I just hope Nintendo doesn't screw up here). The Switch still has mysteries points Nintendo should tell us about in those 5 next weeks, and i'm confident it's going to be a great system for those looking for something different than the PS4/XBone experience. It's essentially that, really.
@Kosmo This article is the very opposite of that and that is my point and that is what is great about freedom of speech and expression is to hear both sides. Everyone seems to be okay with a very outrageous claim of 40 million units when the Wii U flopped and this same site predicted they would sell way more than 13 million units in its lifetime so this information may not be correct again. Sure one can argue that they sold the 2 million in pre-orders already but how many of those may cancel before march 3, 2017 and even if they do and they still sell out how long do you think this will go on. I believe when the noise dies down and the wind settles that they will fall way short on 40 million units. As far as Nintendoom goes as you keep saying and putting words in my mouth. I never said Nintendo is doomed I just don't think its going to appeal to enough people to do any better than Wii - U did and if it does not by much. I'm not going into all the details as to why I believe that as I have posted many before. I was just expressing my frustration with Nintendo and feel that they have not learned since Wii -U's commercial failure. I still wish them the best and I hope they don't fail but unfortunately I just think the Switch will not be a mass market success but will have a very small fan base.
@Rman12 I never said you have a Nintendoomed attitude. To the contrary, I like how rational you are. I was putting you in contrast to the usual trolls. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. You're not in synch with Nintendo, and you're being very intelligent about it.
We won't know the sales until we see them, of course. On 2 million pre-orders, how many are scalpers? How many ordered several to get the best price? Of course, pre-orders are not representative.
What is certain, though, is that the word is out there, contrary to the Wii U. And this time, Nintendo did everything to secure third parties, while also building on what it did right with the Wii U. I think they have been communicating enough on that. I think they HAVE learned, but they still will play by their rules because they're Nintendo, they actually can. They won't compete with the other systems, because they don't want to. The Switch should sell itself on a very diverse range of games, that you can take anywhere with you, and it's looking pretty good right now. We have a bit of every gaming genre planned for this yeah, and more to come.
As far as people who can afford only one system go, the Switch still has very strong games with the exclusive Nintendo IPs, new (ARMS) and old. And the Joy-cons are truly unique and can potentially seduce players too. All in all, 40 millions look right to me.
@Kosmo I appreciate you being rational as well even though our opinions differ on the subject. I assumed you meant I was a troll or had a nintendoomed attitude because a lot of others on this site had childish responses so I assumed the same from your posts. A lot of people on this site if you have a rational opposing opinion on the switch with some good reasons they make personal attacks or accuse you of being negative. It's quite the contrary though I have had an off and on again relationship with Nintendo for 30 years not due to them but me growing out of games for awhile and life things of that nature. I can't fully understand why I love the Wii - U and have such a distaste for the Switch. I'm the kind of person something has to hit me right away and even if its a flop like the Wii -U. I absolutely love it and has all the great games for me and my family to play. On the bright side though even if the switch was something I liked I most likely would have skipped anyway I have enough games believe me I haven't finished or played yet as I only game about 2 to 4 hours a week. Every know and then I get to game a little more but so much going on I don't get enough time to justify buying new hardware when I don't game on the road anyway its always at home.
@Rman12 Even I admittedly am a fanboy, I try to be rational... I can see how not having so much time for video games can factor in not getting any more system. I could honestly skip the Switch too, considering my backlog, but video games are my main leisure, and my wife's too, and we enjoy a lot of time on our systems, so it never feels like wasted money.
About the Wii U, I loved it too. I logged in so many hours on it, much more than my PS3 and PS4 combined. It has many great games, many hidden gems, and I'm keeping it preciously, with all its games, since I'm sure to go back to it regularly for its hit titles.
@geordie first vgcharts really? Second, the only mainstream console ever was the Wii. Simple because practically everyone played it. Casuals, grandma/pa, soccer moms, mothers in general, ppl that has never pick a console or game before. That is being mainstream, PS4/X1 only cater to the hardcore market which is already saturated with the same type of games. Nintendo strategy here is on point because they know mainstream is out there and they are trying to get it back. Will they succed? Who knows but is the right move.
yeah I know that the Joy-Cons have the HD rumble, but doesn't the grip have its own... what do you call them? Handle, grip? Where the player holds on to. Not the Joy-Cons directly. So doesn't that decrease the feeling of the HD rumble when playing with the grip?
@Estrallion No - there is no Rumble in the Grip accessory. Obviously, we know that the Pro controller has HD rumble. I can't wait to see how it works!
I've preordered my Switch from the UK despite now living in Japan so I'm hoping it arrives on the release date (Japanese preorders were nearly impossible to get). I've booked the Friday off from work and at the very least I'll get my copy of Zelda, the Limited Edition set (separately as there were no more together) as well as the official carry case/screen protector from the Japanese My Nintendo online store, so at least that will definitely arrive on time.
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