With Nintendo Switch due so soon, on 3rd March, a lot of debate and focus is on the confirmed line-up to date. Eager to avoid ambiguity, we've looked through Nintendo's information and confirmation from third-party developers to get a picture of what games are coming, and when.
Note that we're disregarding all rumoured but unconfirmed games in this case, sticking to titles that are pretty much locked for the system. We will mention (marked clearly) two examples where developers have voiced strong intent to release on the system, but the focus is on games that are definitely on the way.
So, from launch through to broader '2017' release windows, below are the Nintendo Switch games we know about so far.
Launch Day Releases - 3rd March
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- 1-2-Switch
- Super Bomberman R
- Skylanders Imaginators
- Just Dance 2017
- The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
- I Am Setsuna
- World of Goo
- Little Inferno
- Human Resource Machine
28th April
- LEGO City: Undercover
- Disgaea 5 Complete
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- RiME
- Sonic Mania (NA confirmed, '2017' in EU)
- Redout
- Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
- Tumbleseed
- Minna de Wai Wai! Spelunker (20th April, Japan-only)
- Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition
- Project Sonic 2017
- Minecraft
- Steep
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Syberia 3
- Hollow Knight
- Oceanhorn
Confirmed Nintendo Switch Games
- Shin Megami Tensei: New Title
- Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure
- No More Heroes Sequel
- Dragon Quest Heroes
- Dragon Quest Heroes 2
- Dragon Quest X
- Dragon Quest XI
- Tales Of... (Confirmed by Bandai Namco)
- Taiko Drum Master (Confirmed by Bandai Namco)
- Project Octopath Traveler
- Nobunaga's Ambition series title (confirmed by Koei Tecmo)
- Yooka-Laylee
- Unnamed Image & Form Project
- Unnamed Zoink Games Project
- Stardew Valley
- Monster Boy
- Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
- Oceanhorn
- State of Mind
- Seasons of Heaven
- 2 Fast 4 Gnomz
- Audio Hero
- Cube Life: Island Survival
Expected Switch Games (Developer Intent to Release)
- Yooka-Laylee (Playtonic Games 'working very closely' with Nintendo)
- Clive 'N Wrench (announced as 'planned' by the developer)
Rumours aside, these are titles that are coming to the Nintendo Switch or, in the final two cases, are very likely. Let us know which games stand out to you in the comments below.
Comments 263
This line up is a disgrace. I'm not sure why but that seems to be the general theme and I want to be part of the masses. Where's my pitchfork?
You can add "Octopath Project" in the "Expected Switch Games" section.
Who think some 2017 games get pushed back till 2018-2019
Launch Day:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Super Bomberman R
Skylanders Imaginators
Just Dance 2017
Could this be one of the worst console launch lineups in history?
I mean, Zelda is looking like a genuine masterpiece, particularly in the latest trailer, but that's one first party title to get hyped over—it's also really just a last-gen Wii U game ported over to Switch; if we're being truly honest here—and then there's basically zero third party stuff to even give a crap about. And, there's not that much to get genuinely excited about in the rest of the launch window either. There's a few solid titles coming in the next X months, sure, but once again it's mostly first party stuff and almost zero AAA third party games.
The hardware has a load of potential, just like the Wii and Wii U did before it, but this is exactly the kind of thing that has me worried about the future of Switch—very worried.
Oh, and considering the line-up, I have to admit this is disappointing... My inner self tells me they didn't show us everything, but if they did, oh boy that will be an extremely mediocre launch for that poor console.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see some of these 2017 games actually launching in 2018.
You forgot Dragon Quest Heroes 1&2. Unless I'm wrong, but it seems lists everywhere else include that as a confirmed title for 2017.
Zelda is day 1 for me. Bomberman looks interesting, but i need to see some more of it. Fast and Sonic are for sures for me, interested in ARMS and Splatoon. Undecided whether I'll double-dip on Mario Kart... I'll definitely buy Minecraft again for the home/ on the go that PS4/ Vita never quite delivered on... all leading up to Mario, which is an obvious day 1.
This launch line up is as good or better than what PS4 had. its really nothing to complain about. I'm excited for my pre-order!
Hm... pretty decent titles for first year. Well, I know what should I buy for Switch games. Better 1 2 Switch and ARMS become Freebies inside Switch bundle just like Wii Sports. Nintendo said there will be 80 titles for Switch during this year. Hm... i'm not sure it can be filled up so quickly.
Weak launch, Summer–Autumn looks worryingly sparse and the Holiday season isn't all that great either. Nintendo has to pull some games (Indie, Virtual Console, anything really) out of their sleeve to avoid extreme droughts.
What concerns me the most is the lack of proper 3rd party support: looks a lot worse than Wii U's support at launch.
Only care about Zelda and Mario Kart initially. Nothing else I care to buy until summer when Splatoon 2 comes out. Let's hope those game announcements start rolling in soon.
If it weren't for Zelda this could easily be the worst Nintendo launch line-up since the Virtual Boy. Luckily, I won't need anything but Zelda to get me on board, but wow. Can't say I blame anyone waiting a good while for the Switch.
Wow what a load of trash. Bar the zelda port they really didn't have anything ready. No wonder they delayed the launch, I'm not sure they have delayed it enough.
Also, I feel like we need an early and steady stream of eShop games to fill the massive voids in game releases. Nintendo hasn't talked about it at all, so I hope they have the sense to have some heavy-hitting indies coming in fast. I'm going to be all over BoI Afterbirth +, but otherwise I don't feel like I've heard of any indies coming along for Switch.
Also, how it Afterbirth + not on this list @ThomasBW84?
Just please tell me this is far from all that will be released on the Switch this year.
Any word on whether I Am Setsuna will get a physical Switch release (either here or in Japan)?
Although we seen somewhat of a cgi trailer of SSB there is no mention of it so far. I hope we get one soon rather it be a port of the Wii U version or an all new one. Maybe a surprise Tekken 7 announcement. Overall I'm not complaining. I'll be playing Zelda, Mario Kart Deluxe, Sonic, Ultra SF for a long time. Haven't played the first Splatoon so I'll check that out too.
@Flowerlark Zelda is obviously a must have.
Snipperclips looks genuinely awesome too. If I had the money to buy the Switch and a few games in the launch window I'd absolutely get Snipperclips. It just looks so charming and genuinely FUN:
I'm really hoping it's not a $40-$60 game though; a $15 eShop version would be perfect.
Oh, and Super Mario Odyssey does indeed look potentially amazing as well, but it REALLY should have been a launch game, and in an ideal world it should have come bundled with console imo (a digital version at no extra cost).
I hope it does alright ...But that launch lineup is not looking good. And they need way more than that in the coming months as well. I really hope they have some epic stuff to show at E3, because right now it is very scarce, especially in terms of third party support. No heavy hitters at all ...No Souls games, no Mass Effect, no Battlefield or Battlefront, etc. Those are important if you want it to sell to a wider audience than just fans and casuals. Zelda and Skyrim is not enough. But I still hope it will do okay. Because if it ends up bad for them, this might be the last chance they got. I will still buy it, because of Nintendo's first party games, but we can't have another generation of just fans buying their system. It's too early to tell right now, but I fear this won't go as well as they want it to.
@Megas You do realize Splatoon 2 is a brand new game and not a port, right?
@yomanation Sweet. That's pretty much perfect.
Shovel Knight is confirmed by Yacht Club.
I don't know, I'd take one must-have game at launch over a dozen third-party releases. All I want from Nintendo is a GREAT first party game at launch, and they've accomplished that with BOTW. As for the rest of the year, I want at least one decent game to buy every month. They definitely need to fill out the rest of the year with content. Hopefully E3 is better this year.
Abysmal launch day. Don't get me wrong, Zelda is phenomenal but in terms of quantity and variety it's appalling.
March as a whole is bad. And in case you think April is better with the arrival of MK8 Deluxe? It's just emerged that the game features no new tracks. Nintendo have some balls asking for €60 for a game that has a few new vehicles and karts. What's that? A new Battle Mode? You mean that mode that should have been fixed on Wii U? Oh, and you get to pay for online now with a McGyveresque voice chat set up while it's free on Wii U. Que the Wii U servers getting shut down.
I'm not even going to try to protest this stuff any more. I'm buying a Switch, I'm buying Zelda, I'm buying Splatoon, MK8, Street Fighter 2, and Bomberman that I already own. I'll buy a pro controller and another set of joy cons despite being pricey. I'll leap in blindly into open Arms. I'll wait forever for Xenoblade 2, Mario, and E3 to fulfill my hopes that may never come. I'll likely even buy FIFA and Elder Scrolls and NBA. I'll rarely play the thing as a handheld, and I'll grumble all the time about it.
Because simply I'm a Nintendo fan. And the worst moments with Nintendo are a thousand times better than the best download update screen on the PS4 to play a depressing grey game that feels like a virtual concussion.
This is the worst launch line up in the history of the industry. Which is a total shame since it was the one thing I was convinced they'd nail after Wii U and 3DS.
Umm... Shovel Knight?
@impurekind Since when has any console ever had a good launch line up? Literally every single console ever has had a garbage amount of games at launch.
@MrGawain I couldn't agree more with you.
Anyone ok with the lineup is just a blind Nintendo fan boy. I'm over hyped for switch and Zelda, but nothing else announced for launch is even decent. It's just more Wii U and 3ds titles, and not the AAA support that switch needs. Switch needs every game that PS4 and X1 gets at same time they do. Maybe downgraded graphics, but playable on the go is worth it. But this is just a dissapointing launch, but really 2 months to fill in gaps.
@MrGawain Not a TLOU fan, I take it?
@MrGawain Clearly you've not tried PSVR yet.
Nintendo can be truly awesome when it's at its best, but don't act like a blind fanboy and pretend there's nothing special on either of the other consoles; they absolutely have their moments too, despite not being perfect either.
Right now VR is pretty much the most exciting thing happening in gaming—across gaming and all of entertainment in general as far as I'm concerned—and Sony's there at the forefront. Let's give credit where it's due.
Note: People who've actually tried VR firsthand will get where I'm coming from: It creates truly magical moments like [virtually] standing directly inside the world of Resident Evil 7 for the first time (it was genuinely terrifying for me personally), or actually becoming Batman (just cool), or making messing around in a 5 foot square office cubicle genuinely fun (that's the power of VR), and there's far more magic than that to be experienced in VR too, both now and in the future.
Well, those game list probably for USA date release. But since Switch is Region Free, maybe I should look the Japanese line up, especially Japan Only games. Guys, expand your games library from another region.
I think its a pretty good line up.
Not sure if some people have short memories or just aren't old enough to remember the launches of the past... N64 was launched with two games, and that did okay. Paradoxically, Dreamcast had an amazing launch lineup and it didn't do so well. Point is, the launch is less important than ongoing development, and with both handheld and console divisions combined, this is a pretty awesome list to get us started.
@MrGawain The last few months, I have to say I agree. Aside from Nier Automata, I'm not really looking forward to much and what is there isn't pulling me away from my backlog of OG DS rpgs.
@impurekind I'm impress overall by the Switch launch, except for the fact that I think 1, 2, Switch should come bundled with the console and that MK8 Deluxe should be a launch title, since it's a port of a Wii U game and it shouldn't be that long to port. Except for that, I think they are doing a great job !
@impurekind PSVR is very cool, I've enjoyed mine... but the software line is pretty sad compared the Switch line up. There really isn't much beyond tech demos available for it. Certainly nothing on the scale of a Zelda game (until RE later this month...)
Videogame enthusiasts are once again expecting Nintendo to deliver a 100-game library on day1.....in a time when consumers are buying less software in clusters and more slowly across the span of a year.
In March alone, there are 4 titles I'm looking forward to...one being a brand new LoZ. Even if it is releasing on WiiU, that console can't be taken on the go easily.
@daveh30 Yeah, it's true the software for PSVR is basic—although still very impressive and compelling in its own way—but it's very early days for the tech. In time VR will ultimately blow away the kinds of games and other entertainment we're experiencing now on traditional platforms (of this I have ZERO doubt whatsoever). My experience with The Heist has convinced me of VR's potential to take something we think we know and just simply make it an order or magnitude better; it's basically the best Cockney gangster "movie" I've ever "watched". And, being inside Resident Evil 7 was terrifying to me, in a way a game shown on a traditional display has never even come close to. VR is truly magical when you begin to understand how much it's going to fundamentally change everything you know about games and entertainment.
I have to ask just how many games do people hope to buy in a year? The launch titles are poor no disagreement there; but there is a good selection of titles to keep you occupied over the year as long as you play games sensibly as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Unless you almost exclusively like Western sandbox and shooter games but that's what i like about Nintendo; they at least try to offer something different.
Me being a mainly Japanese game fan means that there's plenty to keep me busy with Disgaea, I am Setsuna and Xenoblade 2 (I never bought the first 2 as I don't own a PS4).
Besides, I've rarely seen a console that has been truly worthwhile until it's 2nd or 3rd year.
In a nutshell, not the best but hardly the disaster people seem to be making it out as being.
@ottospooky Look up the N64 launch. Or Sega Saturn. Or PS2. Or Nintendo DS.
Launching with a bona-fide system-seller that will likely attach 1:1 among it's 3 SKUs (some people are spending over a hundy on one game), 3 multiplayer games that don't step on it's feet and showcase the Switch's utility and features (and whatever the hell Skylanders: Imaginators is) is actually pretty good.
Get some perspective y'all.
@ThomasBW84, this might be too much to ask but is there any way someone could compare previous launch games from Ninty systems to Switch's launch setup?
March is fine thanks to Zelda, FAST RMX and maybe Bomberman. Spring overall is fantastic, thanks to previous games and Puyo Puyo Tetris, ARMS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Rime and Sonic Mania.
I don't have money or time to play many games, so I'm fine with these games.
Good article!
it will be at least 2 years that I am not willing to jump on this ship. The energy, heart and soul of Nintendo seems to have ALL gone into Wii U Zelda.... not much spirit in the relative small amount on offer, so far. A hefty buy in price, online fees from a company that can't even get Super Smash Bros, one of its largest franchises ever, to run smoothly online.
Glad some here are happy with this list but to me it looks "just like Wii U" all over again. We'll see hot it goes down as it does!
Is DQ Heroes confirmed not to be a launch game ? A couple retailers have it listed in the US as a launch title .
I can expect Bloodstained for Switch in 2018.
Hamster's SNK games have been announced for Japan, at least. The PS4 versions got international releases. WindJammers, Metal Slug 3 and Shock Troopers amongst others.
I'm generally optimistic about the launch window and the fact that there's more surprises ahead, but what I want to know is, where's Smash and Mario Maker in all this? I know people dont want too much of the launch bogged down by ports, but those honestly should've been announced within the launch window.
Speaking of, what's gonna happen to Mario Maker if it hits the Switch? The days of stylus-based gaming are numbered unless they allow one of those capacitive touch screen styluses like Samsung's S-pen. The ones with spongy tips arent even worth one's time for regular work, much less gaming.
@oatmealwarrior92 Finally someone besides me noticed this haha. Pretty sure it's definitely 2017. Don't know about launch though.
Alot of the games aren't dated or talked about I got a list of 38 games announced for switch in 2017 which haven't been talked about
Not a great launch lineup other than Zelda. But then again, most consoles have garbage lineups at day one.
I don't think an official list of games has been confirmed for 3rd March by Nintendo. Could it be there are sitll more titles to be announced? Physical and digital releases. Details on the eshop haven't been confirmed yet.
@MrGawain I'm with you brother. Keep the faith!
@Elithal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_console_launch_games
@impurekind to be honest...it's a little boring. A puzzle game to move stuff round to fit shapes in. I played snipperclips on Friday and thought it was dull...
The long-overdue Zelda will be enough for me for launch, but I'm really looking forward to being able to bring Mario Kart Yet Again and Puyo Puyo Tetris wherever, and multiplayer far easier than it ever was with 3DS. Tempted to get Bomberman but that Treehouse presentation was rather unflattering. Gonna need a playable demo of that I guess.
Zelda is all I need for now. So pumped!!! Arms, 1-2 Switch, NBA 2k18 and Super Mario Odyssey all look fun.
Is it region free?
@8itmap_k1d Agreed. I think the games announced for 2017 (first 10 months of system release) are pretty great. At least from a 1st party viewpoint. Zelda, 3D Mario, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Arms, Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch. Not to mention we are still probably getting GameCube games on VC. Also, at E3 I expect to see some unannounced titles that will release Fall 2017 - Summer 2018.
People really need to remember year 1 of Wii U. A meh 2D Mario, Nintendo Land, Game & Wario, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101. That's... a pretty bad year 1. I don't get how people are saying this year 1 lineup is bad.
@TheHumbleFellow What you talkin' 'bout, Willis!
The Super Nintendo launched with F-Zero, Gradius III, Pilotwings, SimCity and Super Mario World in the US. That's basically five stellar games on launch day right there, one of which was/is one of the greatest games of all time, bar none, that came bundled with the system day one at no additional cost. And, the third party stuff that came in the next months was stellar too, with pretty much at least one 9+/10 game releasing every single month for the rest of the system's life, and many of them top tier titles from third parties at that.
Also, the N64 launched with Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 in the US, which is only two game but one of the greatest 3D platform games ever created, truly revolutionary and seminal in its day, and a pretty impressive "simulation-type" game too. But games like Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Wave Race 64, Killer Instinct Gold, Mario Kart 64, Doom 64, etc. followed in the first 6 months.
Just two examples of previous Nintendo console launch lineups.
I guess I'm more surprised than anything. I was under the impression that Nintendo had been dedicating significant resources for a while toward developing games for the first year of Switch, but I'm just not seeing evidence of that here. I mean, if they're consolidating 3DS and Wii U teams toward a unified system, one would hope for a larger offering of games, right? This seems like a release calendar on par with WiiU, which is to say a trickle.
How many of these games are completely switch exclusives as in not available on any other console including wii u.
Zelda looks amazing, but considering we can all play it on Wii U, I don't see any reason at all to even be considering a Switch for launch. I was sure they'd have a fantastic line up this time, as it feels like so many of Nintendo's studios have barely done anything since around 2010. I figured perhaps they'd been working on Wii U games, but by early 2014, they were already moving stuff to Switch. Now that we can see it's even more bare than the 3DS and Wii U launch, it really makes you wonder what the hell is going on.
I GET that they probably want to hold things back for E3 (or maybe they don't, as lately they seem to treat E3 like the console race, as in we can't compete here, let's do our own thing, at our time), but do they really think this is enough? We keep getting told Retro has more than one team, but the only games they've produced in a decade are two side-scrolling Donkey Kong games?
I will definitely get a Switch at some point, as I get every Nintendo console, but they've made it pretty easy to hold off. I'm not mad or anything, I have plenty to play, but it's just this feeling of... what the heck you been doing, Nintendo?
Guys, keep in mind they're gonna be announcing more games in the coming weeks and at E3. This isn't all we're getting.
I think Nintendo is banking on Zelda bringing in the sales (and it probably will). They're going after the people that skipped the Wii U.
@TossedLlama But the problem is it might be too late by then. Nintendo kinda needs to absolutely nail this launch now, imo, not potentially guff it up in hindsight.
@Franklin Yes, you clearly have master not seeing any news.
Wonder Boy the Dragons Trap is also confirmed.
Quite a poor list if I'm honest, what are retro up to I wonder? Tropical freeze sequel I hope
@impurekind i think the ds was worse and all launch lineups are usually pretty bad tbh, i'm fine with zelda botw being launch because if i got more games, i'd not play them till i had my fill of the new zelda game.
@8itmap_k1d One of which was NOT basically a port of a last-gen albeit great SNES game—hopefully you get the point I'm making here—and was also without any debate an utterly revolutionary and paradigm-shifting title at the time. Zelda looks to be utterly brilliant, but, all things being equal, it's no "Super Mario 64"; it simply can't ever be the equivalent of Super Mario 64 on the N64 (in so many ways). And that's the difference between the two situations, I'd say.
@impurekind so one launch game then?
@kenrulei In relation to what?
The main thing that worries me about the current known lineup is we've had 2 years of Wii U releases slowing down (plus some very cheap efforts like Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash), and a number of Wii U to 3DS ports, and yet it seems there's nothing to show for it.
Especially with the worries from previous Nintendo systems about software drought, and the lack of 3rd party stuff and some of the known stuff being late ports (see: Skyrim).
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Super Bomberman R
Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together!
LEGO City: Undercover
Sonic Mania
Splatoon 2
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Super Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem Warriors
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition
Project Sonic 2017
Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure
Plus, the games I'll be getting for PS4:
LEGO Worlds
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 HD Remix
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Red Dead Redemption 2
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Star Wars: Battlefront II
This year is miles better than last year already and I haven't even played anything new yet. So excited for Switch.
@impurekind when i go the 64 me and many friends of mine only brought mario 64 at launch of the 64.
@Kizashi Yes, it looks like Breath of the Wild better be able to hold me over until April 28th when Mario Kart comes out. Good thing I have an Xbox and PS4 also.
i hope bombermans good because of it being konami an all, it reminds of the classic snes games i grew up playing.
@Toadsfriend Well, it looks amazing to me. Everyone else I've seen playing it in videos seems to have loved it as well. And I've only read positive praise from all the gaming journalists too.
@kenrulei As I recall, I was the same.
You all clearly don't remember some other launch lineups from the past. You don't even have to go back that far — look at the 3ds and Xbox One launch lineup! Having a killer app like BotW at launch already makes it not the worst launch
@impurekind You're right, although in terms of "hype" (kind of intangible though it is) Breath of the Wild is at least the equal of Ocarina. Subjectively speaking, it feels that way, anyway.
I noticed the difference on Character selection. On Wii U version, there is No ? Sign, instead it was Mii (located on nearly Right bottom). But for Switch version, there is a ? on Right bottom. My speculation is, is that for Mii or Random selection ?
So far, that lineup isn't going to tempt me to get a Switch just yet. Zelda will be brilliant, but I can play that on Wii U. Mario Kart and Splatoon will also be great, but so far they don't look different enough to their Wii U counterparts far me to buy them at full price. Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade and Bomberman could all be fantastic, but they'll need to release more gameplay footage before I get excited.
Super Mario Odyssey will be a definite must have game for me if I get a Switch, but it's release is so far away. I'll probably want the Dragon Quest games as well, but I'm getting burnt out on that series from playing DQVII (and there'll be DQVIII releasing on the 3DS soon enough).
@TossedLlama Hence why it had major issues selling initially and Nintendo had no real choice but to quickly drop the price by nearly $100 before the thing finally recovered from a potential disaster. I don't think that would be a good model to come even anywhere near with the Switch launch, but I'd say we're pretty much very close to it so far in terms of the launch lineup and handful of games coming in the next few months. And I think the launch price of the Switch might represent a similar stumbling block too to be honest.
The Switch is sitting there right now with a bunch of potential . . .
But that's all it is, potential, and it's all in Nintendo's hands to either get it right or royally mess it up—and the launch is really the first bullet point on the list.
@Anti-Matter i want to see more of the ui. i expect nintendo to be talking about the switch and revealing more as we get closer it/ could be plan to keep people talking about it.
So far, so good although I agree that month one and two could use a few other hard hitters. Really all I want is BotW which will hold me over fine till Summer, but I do anticipate Nintendo to reveal more between now and launch. Excited to see! My main lingering question at the moment is what do I do with memory? Should I buy a massive SD card or will that not even help too much with how big the digital games will be? Waiting for more info on the storage and online data management side of things...
@impurekind guessing this hd rumble and the gyroscope is the reason for their joycons being so expensive, i think hd rumble and gyro are in the pro controller too from reading.
Konami is back. Actually i'm glad to hear. What do you think about Bomberman R compared with previous Bomberman on PS2 and NDS ?
Also, since Konami back to Nintendo, I'm curious if Konami still willing to make rhythm games again on Switch. Of course, done by BEMANI. I will be shocked like struck by Lightning if Konami want to make DDR again.
@impurekind Except it was an 8 month wait between the Japanese and US launches of the SNES.
Also in a nutshell that was a different time. AAA developers have all but tanked in my eyes. I still remember when top end games were released like 6 months from announcement.
i also think the joycons are made with the future of vr in mind, any one else getting that feeling too?
@kenrulei Yeah, it seems so. And, yeah, I recall reading/seeing that the rumble, gyro, and amiibo reading are all in the Pro Controller too—thank God.
@FX102A Well, it was certainly different times, although I don't think that's an excuse to maybe excuse the Switch launch lineup and major lack of AAA third party support. At the very least, what the hell have all the first party Nintendo developers been doing in the time they basically stopped working on any new stuff for the Wii U, which seems to have been quite some time ago. . . .
Where the !"#¤ is Monster Hunter?
Where are the supposed 3rd parties at launch?
@8itmap_k1d I'd say Ocarina was far more important in the grand schemes of things and certainly felt more hyped at the time, imo, relative to the type of hype I'm talking about, which is more about being something truly revolutionary and paradigm-shifting than just highly anticipated by gamers. Both are about equally anticipated, I'd say, but Ocarina was just a far, far more important title. I think a lot of people will buy a Switch to play Breath of the Wild, which is great, but I think Ocarina influenced and changed the entire gaming landscape, alongside selling a whole bunch of systems too. So my nod would still go to Ocarina, although it looks like I'd have a whole lot of fun playing Breath of the Wild, and maybe even the most fun of any Zelda title to date . . . potentially.
@oatmealwarrior92 I don't think it can be a launch title as DQH2 doesn't release in the West on PS4 u til late April. Now, they are both out in Japan, so maybe they will both be day 1 on Switch in Japan. I'm also confused b/c I can't really tell if they are 2 separate releases or a bundle like Bayonetta. If they are separate DQH1 could be in March, but 2 in late April. If it's a bundle, both games late April.
@Aneira If it's coming this year, it will probably be revealed at E3.
The way I see it. Wii u had a better launch line up by a distance. Along with loads more additional features to sell the hardware. The Wii u was set up to succeed better in pretty much every way except the level of desperation from Nintendo fans.
I'm slowly admitting to myself that the switch is going to bomb hard. At least at first while they can still fix things (a la xbone) and we all know how crucial the launch phase is to overall chances of success!!
@rjejr you thinking that this launch line up is worse than the Wii u was!?!
@impurekind Definitely agree that OoT is the more important title historically, I just don't think the potential importance of a game is a selling point in itself.
Damn that launch lineup is just abysmal. Guess I will have to get Bomberman to have something for the kids to play at launch. Doesn't look all that ground breaking but really have no choice. Already got jd17 and Skylanders on black Friday (got both for less than $60) and 1 2 switch would hold my kids attention for maybe an hour or so. Sigh will be a LOOOONG month and half wait for MK8
I was really expecting a better launch line-up as I thought Kimishimia said they were releasing in March 2017 rather than ho,I day 2016 b/c they wanted to have a lot of software ready. 5 is not a lot. Holiday may have only had Skylanders and Just Dance though so I guess it's good they waited for Zelda.
I think Nintendo likes to rush things when it comes to systems...>.>
Can't wait for Zelda, Splatoon 2, and Xenoblade 2 and Mario Odyssey. I'll probably also get Mario Kart as I loved 8 to death.
@invictus4000 so far, they've said Breath of the Wild will be a 14GB download. NS supports microSD cards so you could expand up to 128GB for about $40.
I dont think we'll be getting the overstuffed filesizes seen on PS4/XBO games.
@8itmap_k1d I think the perception of how "big a deal it is relative to its time*" can be a huge influence in terms of sales, and Ocarina of Time is universally considered as up there with the most important, hyped/anticipated, genre-defining, paradigm-shifting, and highly regarded titles of all time—hence why it's also the highest selling Zelda game of all time (to date).
*And I'm talking about things like it being perceived as cutting-edge and a technical marvel—the top of its class in almost every area—alongside just how much people are looking forward to playing it.
Hey, thanks for putting up a list! It's been hard tracking down all the games in one place, as Nintendo themselves haven't listed them very prominently.
Anyway, I'd say some people will find slim pickings, and rightly so, but Sonic, Puyo, Bomberman and FIFA all on a Nintendo system in the span of a year is a system-seller for me!
just pretend the launch is in december and buy it then with all the great games that will have come out, then you'll feel like it has the greatest launch lineup of all time
Here's the Switch titles that interest me the most in 2016:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Snipperclips: Cut it Out, Together!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Sonic Mania
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Splatoon 2
Super Mario Odyssey
There's some pretty cool titles there, and a couple of potential gems, but where are all the big and new AAA third party titles?
Despite what anyone else says or thinks, I believe Nintendo needs those big AAA titles if Switch is to have a genuine shot at success beyond meagre sales to a bunch of pretty hardcore fans and a some other randoms—like the roughly 14 million that bought the Wii U—and I really do want it be a genuine success, both in terms of sales figures and in the hearts and minds of gamers across the board.
@impurekind And there is a place for other type of gaming aswell. VR is cool, but not sure I follow what that has to do with Switch. This is something else, no point on comparison.
I pre-ordered BOTW for the Wii-U in November/December on Amazon.uk, so I might not bother at first get that version for Switch. I am tempted to get Super Bomberman for Switch if it's cheaper than Zelda, I'm on a budget so that game will be a good choice I hope. Also it's my Birthday in April so I would like to ask for Mario Kart 8 deluxe and could maybe ask for BOTW for that. Also if America get Sonic Mania before we do in the UK I'll import that one for sure. Thank You for unlocking region locking Nintendo.....
@ULTRA-64 Did you write post #111 as a reply to my post #114? That's very Dr. Who of you.
I really don't like the launch line-up at all. I can't recall ever seeing Nintendo hardware launching w/o a 2D Mario game, it seems naked. Now I only go back as far as Gamecube, so I don't know about before that. I think the 3DS launch was pretty pathetic but I honestly can't recall a single game as I'm not a handheld gamer.
I think this launch highlights the problem with a March launch, 2 old ports from last holiday and no new games from this holiday.
I also think this is Nintendo's secrecy biting them in the behind. September 2015 - Pikmin 4 is nearly complete. Nobody has mentioned it since, we all assumed it was a Switch launch title. Same for Mario Odyssey, which should have been a launch title. And BG&E2. When you wait until 48 days before launch to announce things, and you tell people you are waiting b/c you don't want people stealing your ideas, well what we're they proctecting, Skylanders and Just Dance?
So, too much silence for too long gives people false hope, and nobody was hopi get for 5 games at launch. I do think Nintendo was counting on Zelda to sell its 2 million initial Switch shipment, and Zelda will, but it could be a slow summer.
I do think E3 will be good, SSB Complete will be a holiday title, and I'll finally get my Cloud amiibo. Squenix has been silent on the FFVII Remake, that would be a huge win for Switch. Maybe even port all of those Kiingdom Hearts games ahead of KH3. So there is hope for the near future, but what we have now is lackluster at best. I give it a 3 out out 10. I'd give it a 8 if we got Zelda in 2015 like they said and this was a sequel, BotW 2, but Zelda same day on Wii U hurts the score for the Switch launch, it just does.
Disclaimer, I'm a big Pikmin fan, bought my Wii U when Pikmin 3 released, and a big 3D Mario fan, so my scoring is admittedly subjective. If Mario or Pikmin 4 was a launch title it would be a 7 or higher.
@Billsama I only mentioned VR because whomever it was acted like the only thing to get excited about right now was Switch and there wasn't anything exciting or compelling about the competition's consoles and games. So, don't blame me for mentioning VR in that particular context; I simply felt compelled to point out the blatantly obvious to someone who appeared to have fanboy blinkers stuck to their face. Is that OK with you?
I'm not blown away like they expected us to be for the launch, but I think they are working on the games we are expecting. The lack of third party is truly my biggest concern still. I'm holding my money til they begin to deliver on those games we're long overdue for. Metroid!!!!! Along with major 3rd party games that get released on the other systems. My expectations are reasonable and possibly a little high but I preordered Wii U a month in advance for Zelda, Metroid, and major 3rd party support and almost 5 years later we are finally about to get Zelda on Wii U. Deliver the expectations and I'll jump on board.
No many games at lauch, but since I will probably be playing Zelda for a while, that is actually ok. I don't know if people can play dozens of games at once, but I certantly can't. So I can get Zelda on March and then wait a bit for Mario Kart.
For those asking where are the big AAA US titles, they are on PS4, you can always buy one of those I guess.
@impurekind Yes it is, thanks
Why aren't you also reporting on the japanese games now that it's region free?
As for launch games: it's not much, but it's still better than half a dozen half-assed ports from 3rd parties that I won't buy anyway
No sign of Rive?
What is Retro Studios doing?
I will get Zelda!, oh wait you can get that on the U? welp, now there is nothing I want on the switch really : P
Besides Zelda, the only games of interest I feel are slightly upgraded looking ports of Wii U games, oh well, hopefully they step up their game in a years time.
Ok so I will be getting this but not hell-bent on buying it day one (just bought a house so time and money will be spent on paint and wallpaper whether the line up is thin or not). Nintendo hasn't lost me on the price (though a bit higher than I had hoped) or the launch line-up (though a bit thinner than I had hoped). I'm a bit worried how many would be customers Nintendo is scaring off though, in the end it could mean 3rd party will have the same reasoning as they did with the wiiu. Myself I will have loads of fun with mates and family so I'm good I guess. Very pleased to see XC2 going back to being XC rather than XCX, can't wait for that one.
Only 4 games in the whole lineup I want and two of them are Sonic which I will get on Xbone.
Happy to not order and see how this plays out, if there is a change in online strategy and a price drop I might get one next year.
Reggie - who has been turned into a greasy, snake oil pimp - went on and on about all of the lessons that Nintendo has learned about launches, including the absolute necessity of having a large and diverse launch catalog and the must have nature of a Mario title at launch. He made sure to mention on multiple occasions that this launch would be a result of those lessons. Either he is completely divested from reality or he's a lying corporate shill. I'm going with some combination of the two. I'm done with Nintendo. Cancelling my preorder... or selling it to someone who thinks this is a good launch line up. Hell, it's not even a good launch YEAR line up.
My initial plans were Skyrim and later I Am Setsuna, but it looks like both will be taking their time (IAS, annoyingly, due to asynchronous region release alone?). So what other "my first Switch games" plans to make in the meantime? I'm still torn between the impression the latest BotW trailer had on me and the wish to archive binge this genre-pioneering franchise before jumping into the latest game whose plot seems to be a distant sequel [to whatever entry/timeline the proverbially complex continuity will establish]. But since my Switch stash will be facing Belarusian retail reality (VAT alone is higher here than even in Russia), I'll have some extra saving up for the games regardless. And when it's said and done, I might as well consider a different, non-sequel "spectacular open world action-adventure" fix called Rime. In a more casual field, Snipperclips looks quite neat.
Many other games share the aforementioned Zelda dilemma but go to the wishlist as future purchases anyway (like Disgaea 5 or Xenoblade Chronicles 2). I'm quite curious about Stardew Valley but it doesn't have a release date, and DQH dilogy has yet to be clarified if 2017 will see it in all regions or just Japan. I dare expect the former, though.
Any combination of the aforesaid should cover it for spring and summer, whereafter my objects of most anticipation will be closer and E3 will feed a load of more food for thought (I mean, not counting all the potential announcements we may see add up even before March now that the Switch cat is fully out of the bag).
There's also Virtual Console to consider once it's detailed. What will NinTegra offer to emulate in the first months beside the already expected NES and SNES? The latter I can also access on 3DS, but there's stuff like Wii U's GBA and N64 (and even Wii and NDS) libraries. And the rumoured GameCube - if it proves more than a rumour, it would be AWESOME to commemorate my early Switch months with something long-wanted like FF Crystal Chronicles or Tales of Symphonia. Hey, dreaming is a free action, right?
@KoopaTheGamer: Fast RMX should be a nice treat for early adopters. FAST Racing NEO is legitimately great.
Anyone know if Platinum Games is working on anything Switch?
@ThomasBW84 They said FE Warriors was a holiday release?
I think the Direct on Wednesday will give us more information and possibly a surprise earlier released date - they've been working on this since Hyrule Warriors . . . .
@cfgk24 Yep, in the description for its YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POsTR5iy_TI
Real talk for a moment here. After the presentation, my friends and I looked into past console launch line-ups. Guess what? They all suck. I'm serious, there were only like, two actually GOOD launch line-ups in history, those being Super Nintendo and Xbox 360. Launch line-ups have, generally speaking, NEVER been impressive. And actually, getting Breath of the Wild at launch is crazy to me after I looked at the other console launches.
I'm not trying to just blindly defend the Switch because it already looks like it has a few problems. But the launch is nothing to make a fuss about. The PS4 launch was abysmal, but look at it now.
On a side not, I think I'll try to actually pick up that Bomberman game. It's kind of a really nice surprise! I mean, Konami making a game of a dead IP that looks good? And it's a launch title for a new console? I'm kinda blown away honestly.
@daveh30 If I get Switch at launch, Bomberman will be one of two games I buy for it, if only to tell Konami "Yes! Keep making console games!"
I've changed from getting the Switch day one to preordering Zelda for the wiiU and upgrading my launch 3DS to a New 3DS. Looking at 2017 line up I can happily wait until next year now. The hype train has reached its last stop.
@MrGawain Correction, you are a fan"boy". And I'm simply saying that because of you feel the need to label every game in the PS4 library as "grey" and "dull". Just like any other fanboy that doesn't actually take the time to check whether they are factually correct.
You just can't stand enjoying games for what they are, and need to tell the world that your console of choice is way better than other people's consoles, just to get some sort of empty sense of accomplishment, which I find baffling.
Want another ignorant statement? Nintendo consoles are primarily made for kids. Fanboys such as yourself would actually battle that statement, since you don't know the meaning of the word "hypocrisy".
Ironically, people like you are the real problem when it comes to gaming, not the other way around. These "grey" and "dull" games actually sell on platforms like the PS4, PC and Xbox for a reason. Seeing ignorant people like you dismiss sales numbers is just so, sooo sad.
But hey! Who am I tell you how to act? You obviously enjoy playing on a machine which has little to no significant games. Enjoy yet another generation of game droughts, with your twisted sense of pride!
@Elithal Yeah, I may do a bit of that in an editorial on the topic, for sure
I just wanted to produce a list, it was helpful to me as much as anything, as some details and even Nintendo's own web pages have been a bit vague.
I noticed some peoples here still complaining or pissed off by weak launch titles. Calm down, guys. Making games is not easy as making a pancake. Seriously, just because still lack of great titles at beginning it doesn't mean The End of the World. Keep your eyes on Nintendo.
@Gorlokk @TheHumbleFellow These guys get it, this is a reasonable launch. Bear in mind on top of that two facts. Firstly the Switch is launching in March. Not the best time for games releases and so you could argue that it shouldn't launch then but I think a bit of time in the market will help it build a presence before Christmas. That helped the 3DS which did poorly initially (granted Nintendo also axed the price there).
Secondly not many developers, Nintendo included, want their games to compete directly with a new Zelda game on a new console. Of course it's coming to Wii U too but that's still pretty intimidating for developers.
I would say looking at this first yeah as a whole I'm confident that come Christmas the Switch will have a strong line up, and so if you don't think it's worth buying yet then just wait.
Thanks. Needed that. My feelings too
I like it. Why are people complaining?
@bluedogrulez I agree, FAST Racing NEO is fantastic. FAST RMX also has additional content, so it should be great!
"online fees from a company that can't even get Super Smash Bros, one of its largest franchises ever, to run smoothly online."
LOL, I wonder what the fees are for.
I wouldn't worry too much about the lineup of games, lineups seem to me like they are really hard to plan out. We know for a fact that games are coming on the way and that's what's important. Only problem I see is for the consumer who doesn't like Nintendo having a hard time wanting to get the system. But I think the more people that have a Switch the more popular it will become.
Hmmm that's a really bad launch day lineup. There will have to be further announcements surely otherwise sales will be poor.
This is a real let down for me. Why do Nintendo think they can charge people over £300 to buy a low tech console that has practically no new, top quality games for the whole year? I was at the London switch event and although it was good fun it's nothing overly special, especially for the price. The best game there was Arms (Zelda aside which is a Wii u game) and even that I can't see grabbing my attention for that many hours. Such a shame. With third party support, a good-looking launch games and a fair price, I was there. But after I've played BOTW I'm seriously considering giving up on Nintendo. They just seem intent on ripping off their best fans.
Also this event was the first time I actually felt tired of Mario, tired of Zelda. They can't keep rehashing the same franchises for years on end. Where's the creativity?
I'm happy just getting Zelda. I want Bomberman too and I'll pick up Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania and Xenoblade.
That said, there is a surprising lack of 3rd party games/ports for the launch : S I guess after the Wii U developers are waiting to see if enough units sell for it to be worth it?
Or maybe it's harder than I assumed to port and scale existing PS4/XB1 games for the switch? Not that people want a ton of ports but it's what I'd have expected regardless...
@ThomasBW84 oh! thank you! I'm sad though - still holding out for more great news on Wednesday's Fire Emblem Direct!
@AyanamiReign Mate, we won't be seeing any current-gen ps4/Xboxone games on this console I'm pretty sure. The Switch will only be getting last gen games like skyrim and a ps3 version of fifa. I highly doubt it can handle anything like Frostbite
I'm actually glad many of you plan on waiting to get the Switch. It seems like it is preordering well and the rest of you will help ensure it continues to sell throughout the rest of the year.
@rjejr that was a bit strange timing wise eh? Guess we're on the same wave length on this😉
I'm feeling really burned out by the whole thing so far I think. Not enough of my type of thing so far, maybe e3 WILL be great and I'll have a more positive attitude then but right now I'm struggling to see what will make me buy one....
@Gorlokk "The PS4 launch was abysmal, but look at it now."
if you describe the ps4 launch as absymal, than I cant imagine how bad this is. The ps4 launch lineup absolutley demolishes the Switch by a mile. PS4 launched with 25 games from basically every genre besides rpg, compared to 5 for the Switch. Both launched/launching with a Just Dance game and a Skylanders game so those cancel each other out. Now of the only 3 remaining Switch games 1 2 switch is basically like the Playroom (except the Playroom was free) so we are left with Bomberman and Zelda. Compare that to the other 20+ games on ps4 launch and its not even close. Yes Zelda will probably be better than anything that was launched on ps4 but 1 great game doesnt outweigh 20 games most of which were well above average.
Shooters, sports games, kids games, platformers, open world, MMO, Arcade etc.. PS4 had something for everyone and there was just more choices. I mean I had 7 games on launch day for ps4 6 of which were awesome and Knack which sucked. Looking at the 2 side by side Switches is just awful. I have it preordered and im cautiously optimistic but the launch strategy is just atrocious imo.
EDIT: And taking in account the free games on launch day (F2P & thru PS+) that number grows to 12. Got as many games free on launch day of ps4 as Switch is actually selling, sad.
What about Ultra Street Fighter 2?
Look I know everyone is disappointed with the launch lineup BUT you'd have to be extremely brave to put any game out at the same time as Zelda!
Everything else is just gonna get overlooked
Launch day is pretty slim pickings, but to be honest anyone who buys this day one is going to be playing anything other than Zelda and maybe a few mins of 1-2-Switch.
But after that the line up is pretty good through spring! It appears to slow down in Summer but I expect they've just not announced those yet. Honestly there's about the same amount of games I'm excited for on Switch this year as I am for on my PS4, maybe more. And we'll hear about more for both as the year goes on, none of them tell the entire years line up in Janury!
It all comes down to personal taste. I didn't pick up my PS4 until Bloodborne came out. It wasn't a bad launch it just wasn't for me and the console is still fantastic, I'm glad I own one.
@Miss_Dark still coming but to 3DS.
@ULTRA-64 This is why I bought a PS4 for Christmas, so I don't have to care. We have 7 PS4 games on disc already, plus the PS+ stuff. I'm good until Christmas when they bundle Mario for $249 Black Friday. Had I waited for this line-up and held off on buying a PS4 I'm pretty sure I'd be all "WTF is this garbage?!?!" I just need to keep telling myself, Nintendo is a Japanese company that makes games for Japanese gamers, they really don't care about the west and the west shouldn't care about them.
There are even less titles that interest me than on WiiU.... Absolutely terrible.
Meanwhile on february/march on other console we will have Nioh, Halo Wars, Nier Automata, Berserker, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass effect Andromeda, For Honor....
How can Switch compete with that???
@impurekind @rjejr Actually no. There have been worse lineups on launch day. In fact, both Sony and Microsoft also had pretty mediocre lineups on release for Xbox One and PS4. It seems to be a trend in general for more recent console releases.
Any major 3rd party differences seem to be more affected by timing (ie new Call of Duty games usually being Holiday season titles).
@impurekind as long as the games resonate, they'll do. "AAA" has been a dubious factor to bank on for years since Sony's latest platforms weren't saved from fan scorn and cooling sales momentum even by AAAs from Killzone Shadowfall and Killzone Mercenary (really, and then people tell me Switch must have big FPS names to sell) to the authentic gems like Gravity Rush and Tearaway. At least Switch has a likely killer app with many decades' legacy on day one - whose "multiplatform" factor, in sad irony, is balanced by the other platform's comparatively low install base.
Speaking of sad irony, though, I already pondered and mentioned what doubts some Switch supporters might have about releasing their games on the same day as a long-hyped OPEN WORLD ZELDA. Even Push Square fanblog recently discussed whether Sony's own Horizon Zero Dawn ought to move away from the same week to avoid media/customer attention losses on release. XD And HZD is not remotely a modest release in itself!
@arnoldlayne83 it's down to personal taste. Those are all great games but only Nier and maybe Zero Dawn interest me. And Zero Dawn I'm unsure of as the Killzone games looked great but I didn't enjoy them much at all.
Meanwhile Zelda, Fast RMX, Snipperclips, Arms, Rime, Bomberman R and even 1-2-Switch really interest me and that's just Spring for switch. Which is not to say you are wrong for being interested in those other things instead, they are all great games. It's just personal taste. If you don't like the Switch launch window then don't get one yet.
@ULTRA-64 I think I found out why you're so unhappy, waiting 17 months for Pikmin 4 info will do that to a person. Now we're back to the question of - Is Pikmin 3DS really Pikmin 4?
People that are buying the system day one are buying it with Zelda. You don't really need much else at launch. This will likely pull in a lot of people that didn't have a Wii U.
@Anti-Matter we don't even know what launch lineup it exactly is. On January 13 it was two games - 1-2-Switch and Zelda. A couple days later, I check the news and learn that Bomberman and Skylanders are also there. A couple days later, Carl. What else might be announced before March for all we know?
@Miss_Dark yeah it looks ace! I do wonder if a Switch port might happen as it didn't appear to require the dual screens.
I have confidence the Switch will have some more surprises. Nobody puts their entire catalogue for the year out there in the first month, these are just some of them through the year. So many people are getting mad that they don't like the day one lineup but that's fine, why do you need too? I didn't like the PS4 launch lineup and it was much later I got one but it's a great machine and I got it much cheaper as a result of the wait.
Hopefully the Switch will convince you eventually
@Ernest_The_Crab "It seems to be a trend in general for more recent console releases."
Did the heads of either Sony or Microsoft say they were delaying the release of their new hardware in order to have a good launch line-up?
"By that, we don't think "holiday season timing is a must" but rather that we should launch when we can provide something proper. That point has not changed."
I think the feeling around here is that a 5 game launch line-up isn't "proper".
I think a lot of Nintnedo's wounds are self-inflicted. They keep saying they "learn from their mistakes" but they never do. This Switch launch in March looks almost exactly like the 3DS launch in March which caused them to drop the price of the console 33% in only 4 months.
@Ogbert yeah you are right. But I didn t mean to put it on strict personal taste. We all well know that Nintendo fans have different tastes than other gamers (generally speakin).
But this is a new console trying to get its marketshare (if it doesn't wanna be another failure like Wiiu), and this lineup has nothing (except zelda) able to attract new gamers to it. Is a (barely) decent lineup for N-enthusiasts, maybe. Even many of them are now waiting, cos they find it lacklustre. When you compare it with what s on ps4/xbox it screams wiiU all over again
This console had to be the return of Nintendo to form. It needed an awesome lineup, Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, (Metroid) and others on day one. It needed 12 Switch bundled with every console like wiisport.
It needed all the press enthusiast about the console and the games.
The best you get by the press now is "amazing piece of hardware with few games to be play" (at best)
This is even more baffling when you think that development of new games are stopped since early 2015 on wiiu and greatly reduced on 3ds.... And this is all they were able to do?
@FX102A It's a combination of fans who need to see an amazing launch lineup to shut up the haters who will crap on the lineup (no matter what, really) to continue justifying hating on Nintendo even though their own respective consoles had just as terrible launch releases.
@impurekind Who knows, maybe they are artificially holding titles back? They always said their biggest error on the Wii U was lacking a steady stream of good games (among other things). It's not great but not the disaster some are making it out to be.
I don't mind the "not enough for Day 1 purchase but in time I'll buy". Rather it's the "Terrible Launch! Stupid Nintendo! They F'd up and are doomed!" statements that make my eyes roll.
As if Xenoblade will be released this side of 2019 😂
There may only be 5 in-store games but we still don't know what downloads will be available. Will there be GC games for example? Mario Sunshine, REmake or Eternal Darkness would plug some gaps in the launch lineup, as will some online enables SNES games. Mario Kart 8? How about online SNES MK battle mode?
Well....... personally I would say Nintendo are holding a lot back because they are planning on stealing E3 this year, cant see them releasing everything with a new console weeks before E3......... Get ready...........
@arnoldlayne83 It certainly could be better, no arguing that! And I really don't get why 1-2-Switch is not bundled, for no reason other than it's the perfect "hey look at this" demo game that get people showing of their new toy and raising awareness of it like WiiSports or Face Raiders and the AR games on 3DS.
But I don't think it would be smart to put a Mario and Zelda and Splatoon and Metroid out at once. They're all going to eat into each other's sales. They need to space them and save something for later to keep the hype and media attention going. What they really needed was some second tier titles to pads it out. Arms should have been launch, something like F-Zero or PilotWings, maybe even a Kirby though he usually comes along much later in the console's life.
But I still don't think it's bad. I think they're relying on the first batch selling out to the core fans with Zelda.
@redd214 you clearly have no idea what you 're talking about mate. Let's look at PS4's launch line up: Angry Birds (PS3 port), Assassin's Creed IV (PS3 port) Battlefield 4 (PS3 port), Blacklight (FTP garbage), COD Ghosts (PS3 Port), Contrast (PS3 Port), DC Universe Online (PS3 Port), FIFA 14 (PS3 Port), Flower (PS3 Port), Injustice (PS3 Port), Just Dance 14 (PS3 Port), Killzone Shadow Fall and Knack (PS4 exclusives), Lego Marvel Super Heroes (PS3 Port), Madden NFL 25 (PS3 Port), NBA 2K14 (PS3 Port), NFS Rivals (PS3 Port), Skylanders Swap Force (PS3 Port), Resogun (also on PS3 and Vita), Soundshapes (PS3 Port), Super Motherload (PS3 Port), Trine 2 (PS3 Port), Warframe (FTP garbage). Essentially, 2 exclusives from Sony, both critical failures (I mean Knack is probably one of the worst platformers to have ever graced a console and Killzone, whilst very impressive graphically, was panned), and 2 FTP games. Everything else is ports from PS3.
I think Nintendo is doing it right. One huge game with Zelda, 1-2 Switch to showcase some of the system's new features, Super Bomberman for those nostalgic of the game as well as a great competitive game, Just Dance 2017 for people who enjoy this kind of games, and Skylanders for children. That way you also let Activision and Ubisoft get a big share of the launch month sales, thus establishing good relations for the future, and let these games breath before others come forth.The Wii U launched with 31 games in Europe, and we all know how this ended.
@rjejr That doesn't change the fact that the original point was off the mark.
Well, I admit the launch lineup is weak, though there are 2 good big releases to be excited for (Zelda and Bomberman R, don't know why everybody is ignoring Bomberman R which is hype), but it is a little unrealistic to think they would release all of their top dogs on the very first day. Admittedly if they did have one more big first party title it would've really cranked it up a notch. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe should've been there day one.
But it's a pretty good first year lineup as far as first party games are concerned. If Wii U had gotten a Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors and new IP like Arms all in its first year, people would've been ecstatic. So it is a tad confusing to see people not ecstatic about it now. Probably because of the launch, which is thin. The rest of the year looks like it's going to be stacking up classics pretty quick. By the end of the first year the system is going to have a nice little spread of Nintendo's top titles.
Dragon Quest Heroes and Dragon Quest Heroes 2 was shown as "March" but DQ Heroes 2 (just the sequel alone) is releasing in April for PS4
I suspect DQ Heroes 1 and 2 will release in April for Switch as well.
That's what I'm thinking. There's no way they're going to E3 empty-handed. Not right after a brand-new console launch.
They probably split the announcements between now and the E3 so that we get a nice little lineup to look forward to now and then they're really going to lay it on thick e3. Pikmin World and Smash have already been sighted on retailer websites, as well as games like that Rabbids and Assassins Creed.
@FX102A Yeah I don't get why some are so annoyed that the launch window isn't for them. So what? If you're a Nintendo fan, and I assume being here that you are, then eventually it'll have the games you want so pick it up then. It'll likely be cheaper or bundled then too and you won't have the preorder stress. Win-win!
But that being said I do wonder what people are wanting if Zelda, Splatoon, Mario, Xenoblade, Arms and Snipperclips are not for them? That's 4 huge (well, Splatoon is smaller but it is a big deal), triple A, first party titles plus two new experimental ones in the first year. Never mind!
Exactly, Nintendo are Nintendo afterall...........
Theres way to many things not making sense and missing..... What are Retro working on, what the hell have all Nintendo developers been working on the last 2 yrs?........ Wheres all the games from that big list of so called developers behind the Switch?.........
Redout and Binding of Isaac are also confirmed for launch.
@TromboneGamer and I'm sure a few more will be announced in the coming month.
I thought they said there were new tracks? What I heard was new battle mode which has new battle mode arenas (not just courses from the game), plus new tracks (someone said 16 new tracks, someone else said just 4). And new characters (possibly new vehicles too?).
Is there confirmation about this somewhere? I mean I'll still buy it just for having on the go and for the battle mode, but it would still be nice to know
I was playing Redout yesterday on STEAM. It's an excellent game.
So launch/March games worth buying would be???
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Bomberman R
Snipperclips (new IP smaller from Nintendo)
1-2 Switch (I gotta try this game with my fam)
Binding of Isaac (not for me but maybe for others]
Has Been Heroes
Fast RXT
I Am Setsuna
@BertoFlyingFox Cool, I didn't hear BotW's file size. But during the treehouse live broadcast Friday morning, they showed the camera they were putting a 256GB SD card into the system so that's cool too. Just confused on whether or not I should go mostly retail, mostly digital, or half and half.
My wallet will strangle me in my sleep by the time this year is over.
I am actually ok with this launch line-up. It admittedly looks slim, but I'm expecting Breath of the Wild to eat up a decent chunk of time, at which point, I will then get Super Bomberman R, along with Fast RMX and Snipperclips. ARMS won't be a priority, but I think it looks interesting enough for me to buy it, sometime in Spring after it launches. I not sure if I will double dip with MK8 or not...
I fully expect to be near the end of April, at which point, I'm betting Dragon Quest Heroes I.II to launch to coincide with the launch of DQH2 on PS4, which should take me up to Splatoon2. At this point, everything snowballs, due to E3 revealing new games, and other confirmed games may have definite release dates, which I will then plan around through out the rest of 2017.
All in all, I'm not worried. I'm also willing to bet, that during this time, Virtual Console will be more elaborated on. It wouldn't surprise me if Wii Games were available, since the Joy Con ensures that every switch player will have a controller capable of acting as a wiimote, and, it is possible that gamecube games will finally be shown for Switch VC.
The fact that we haven't had an official list makes me think there could be a few more titles to be announced, 1st or 3rd party. Third parties may see the apparent weak launch lineup as an opportunity to get some easy sales and hurry up some ports, not that I'll be buying them as Zelda and 1,2 Switch for the kids is enough for this household to start with. Also we have the FE direct next week, could we be getting a few more little directs before launch for other titles, possibly unannounced? Let hope so.
@gortsi the fact that they were ports or not is largely unimoortant. My argument was that there was variety, something for every type of gamer basically. Any doesnt that really apply to the switch as well?! LoZ (Wii U Port), Skylanders (Wii U port), Just Dance (Wii U Port), Bomberman (Basically a remaster with added features) and 1,2 Switch.
Point i was making was that the PS4 was much much more diverse than the switches, and honestly that is irrefutable. The quality of the games or whether or not they were ports are irrelevant. In addition even tho most of the titles were cross generational releases they released either day and date or a few weeks after the last gen versions, not 6 months later.
"That way you also let Activision and Ubisoft get a big share of the launch month sales, thus establishing good relations for the future, and let these games breath before others come forth.The Wii U launched with 31 games in Europe, and we all know how this ended."
As I said both of those will have been out for 6 months by the time the Switch launches. Isnt that on of the knocks people had against the Wii u? Late ports people had already played on other systems? And the sales for both of those games have been dwindling considerably year after year, seems more like Ubi/Activision just throwing Ninty the scraps more than anything. And using the Wii U's launch as a point for your argument is useless. The Wii U had so many issues going on the launch lineup was the very least of them.
The 3DS had the worst launch lineup in the history of the industry. It seriously launched with a Ridge Racer port, a Street Fighter IV port, Monkey Ball 3D and Pilot Wings Resort. The first interesting game it got was Ocarina of Time 3D, 3 months later. It didn't become a system worth owning for 9 months until Mario Kart 7 and Mario 3D Land. This launch is pretty terrible, but I'd have killed for a new gigantic Zelda game at the launch of the 3DS.
@Mommar Exactly, I basically considered the PS4 a Remaster Console at launch. It has since become a good console although so still won't get one until later this year.
I think everyone wants everything immediately out of the gate on Day 1.
@Ogbert That's another thing, people are quick to moan when the games listed may not be for them. Okay, somewhat understandable, but tastes vary. Someone told me they were only interested in 4 titles announced for 2017. In contrast, I have almost 15 I want or am considering.
It's like the "no games on Vita" bunch; I have a huge collection for it purely cos I love JRPGs and a fair few Indy titles so works for me.
Please for the love of God just bring over ALL the Dragon Quest games and I'll be happy! I know I can import now, but me no speaky the Japanese. ;w;
Wait... Is that THE Dragon Quest 10 that we never got that was supposed to be huge and be online but Japan hoarded for themselevs? Whenever we heard "DragonQuest 10" I kept thinking it was just another title that shared it's name. But I just clicked into it and saw that it's THE DragonQuest 10 Five races! Don't let me down! If it is actually coming to Switch, I'll bite the bullet and stop complaining because that's probably my fifth and best reason to get a Switch ever! I mean... outside of Splatoon 2, anyway.
EDIT: So lemme see... The current Switch games I definitely want are;
The games I'm on the fence about are;
It's amazing how Switch is launching just like the other 2 consoles did upon their release yet everyone is acting like this is a brand new phenomenon. And people are even treating Switch like it's been on the market as its 2 closest competitors. I guess I shouldn't be that baffled since everyone reacted to the Wii U this way, and it would have taken a new Metroid or F Zero (or both, and at launch with the 3D Mario) to placate people.
Not great in my eyes. Probably my own fault for believing Kimishima when he said they were waiting until March to have a strong launch line up. Or giving them the benefit of the doubt that their weak last couple of years was preparing for this launch.
More I think about the more it seems like a sort-of 'soft launch'. The lack of software, the high prices, I'm optimistic for more announcements ahead and a big E3. I then expect a price cut/bundles heading into Autumn when they're hoping to have momentum up. Hopefully enough people are happy with the pricing and software selection to stop the first few months being a sales disaster.
You win for the best comment I've read in days, and I'll be doing exactly the same as you.
@Rhydas Both DQ10 and 11 were confirmed during the announcement. That and without region lock anymore you can pick it up regardless of whether or not it gets localized.
@Azikira The Heroes compilation currently has a listed date for North America on Amazon. DQ10 and DQ11 aren't dated for outside of Japan yet. I feel that kind of info will probably come out during E3 maybe?
Fire Emblem Warriors is confirmed for the holidays? I don't remember seeing a year or any date when it was announced, but could someone point me to a source?
@redd214 It's not unimportant at all. First, a correction, Bomberman is not a remaster. Second: It means that they don't give you an incentive to upgrade at all, which was how I saw it at the time. Why waste money on a PS4 just to play Killzone and Knack, when I can play all the other launch games on my PS3? Now you can make the very same argument regarding the Switch line-up, and you would be mostly right, although 3 versus 21 ports is a very big difference. What matters is what will be coming later, and I will be waiting until the end of 2017 before I assess Switch's first year in the market. Don't rush to conclusions is all I'm saying.
@Anti-Matter I think that Miis are done for and that they will not reappear in any game, at least not in playable form. They seems to want to make a clean break from the Wii U.
@gortsi 3 ports vs 21 ports is a big differnece you are right. it means i have more to choose from lol!! That is the exact point im making. All Water under the bridge tho. I have a Switch preordered and almost $200 in accessories. Just disappointed in such a lacking launch. Like I said before going to be a long wait till MK8. I will enjoy zelda as much as you will on launch day but would rather have a couple games to play with the kids in between and there is not very much there to choose from that we dont already have.
>Nintendo gets a launch lineup that covers the core, retro, kids, party, and family demographics
>Not to mention a highly anticipated mainline Zelda title
>"This launch lineup is one of the worst in console history!"
@redd214 well yeah no argument there, but I bought many of these for the PS3 so didn't feel like it was worth it. Anyway, my gripe is with the price of the accessories, that's where I think they went very very wrong.
Good grief that's a weak launch day! EDIT: thinking about it further, not being a tremendous Zelda fan, the launch selection leaves me cold and reality is was actually bested by Wii U launch!! Heeeeeerre we go again kids!! Seems like they've learned NOTHING.
@gortsi I agree man. Console price was reasonable imo. Paying $200 for basically 2 controllers and a charger was brutal tho!!
An utterly anemic launch line-up aside from Zelda, and a lack of AAA 3rd-party support again.
Then there's the overpricing, pathetic plan for paid online and no mention of GameCube VC support.
Are Nintendo incapable of learning from their mistakes?
I'm really happy to see Syberia 3 in the listing. If I can't have a good rig in time for it, the Switch might end up being my way of playing it.
If the main Pokemon games move over to Switch it'll sell like gangbusters.
@redd214 wow! What'd you get? I assume extra joy-cons, pro controller, and an extra dock?
@gortsi Extra Joycons (80) Pro controller (70) extra grip (15) and a charger (30)
@redd214 that's a lot of accessories., I hope they will at least make it worthwhile! I made a huge investment in games and accessories for the Wii U, so I'm not gonna do the same immediately on the Switch, way too burnt for that.
If this is indeed the greatest Zelda of all time, at least this launch won't distract from that.
Guys, you have to look at it like @Nik-Davies said. 2017 is a pretty strong year. Historically, Nintendo would launch new hardware and then there would be a new game drought for months. If you really liked the launch lineup and were still playing, it was cool. I played Smash Bros. Melee a good part of 2002 just waiting for Star Fox Adventures, Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime, etc., but that was a long wait after launch. It hurt the Gamecube some, really hurt the 3DS before the price cut, and I think it crippled the Wii U to this day. By the time the last Smash Bros., Bayonetta, etc. came along the Wii U was already a flop.
We're getting Zelda at launch...honestly, not many games would want to compete with that anyway. That is one heck of a flagship. If Fast RMX is anything like Fast Racing Neo, it'll be good. Good multiplayer stuff coming out in the first few months (that's what the Switch needs for proof of concept, anyway). Zelda, Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, and Mario by the end of the year. Skyrim in the fall so that it doesn't launch right next to Zelda. Other RPGs in the pipe. Are Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade 2 really for 2017?! I figure they would end up being 2018, but either way that's a pretty strong year one.
Biggest thing I'm concerned about is this thing gets expensive if you want to buy a game like Arms for local multiplayer...those joycons are pricey.
Where's project octopath traveler?
Zelda on launch. A couple of month’s later Mario cart. A couple of month’s later splatoon. A couple of months later Mario. I excited about switches first year. I just think it was a mistake to make us piece this list together ourselves, it made a lot of people including myself freak out. Nintendo should have given us an expected 2017 release schedule.
They're going to need more than that for me to buy it on launch.
That's excluding Zelda, which if the rumours are true, may not necessarily be available, day one in Europe.
And Skyrim is due in the Autumn? That's far too late. They're sending it out to die. Not that I'll be buying it anyway - I've already got the PC version.
As for games I will be looking to get, Disgaea (a nice surprise), Fire Emblem Warriors and Super Mario Odyssey are the only ones I've got to look forward to this year.
Beyond that, Xenoblade Chronicles looks like a sure bet, I'll probably want to get Dragon Quest, and I might get Stardew Valley (if the PC version doesn't tempt me first), but above all, Shin Megami Tensei V is the game I will buy a Switch for.
@arnoldlayne83 You're talking about two different consoles as if they're one. And it's not like this is all the games that are coming in 2017. For me, with a huge backlog, it's always quality over quantity. I only bought like 8 games during the PS4s first 10 month period, and most of those were also available on the PS3 (AC4, Battlefield 4) or a remaster (TLoU, flower). Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade 2 and Splatoon seems to be a better lineup, even though there seems to be fewer games at the moment.
The Switch has five games on day one in America and Europe, six in Japan. That's in line with most of their consoles. The Famicom launched with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and Popeye. The Game Boy had five games on day one in North America when it launched in July, and by the end of that year it only had one more. Super Famicom had two games, SNES had five. N64 launched with two games in America.
On the other hand, the Gamecube had twelve games on day one in North America, twenty-one in Europe. The Wii U had about thirty games on launch day. The NES had a lot of games when it launched in America since it had two years of Famicom games to pull from, but that was a more gradual release and you'd be hard pressed to find a store that actually stocked all of them on launch day.
Having a lot of games on day one says nothing about the future success of a system. It also doesn't guarantee that any of those games are going to be good — the 3DS had about a dozen games on day one, and yet its launch was so disastrous that Nintendo had to issue a formal apology.
Looking at this lineup for the year after Zelda, I already see about a dozen more games that I'm definitely interested in and will probably buy if I have money, and about a half dozen more that I'm going to keep an eye on. That's not a bad start considering we only just started this week finding out what games are on it.
This list really is abysmal and makes me nervous that Nintendo didn't learn much from the horrible Wii U launch just 4.5 years ago. The optimistic side of me hopes that they wanted the press conference to be focused on the system itself and not on the games and that they are waiting for another event like PAX at the end of the month to reveal their full launch line up. Unfortunately I would not be surprised if this was their full launch line up.
@Adamario While you're right that traditionally a small line up of launch games was never an immediate death sentence and that a full list of launch titles will guarantee success, but coming off the Wii U where one of the biggest concerns was a substantial library of games and entering a generation where PS4 and Xbox already have a large library, it would not have hurt the Switch to have at least ten launch titles.
@gortsi Agreed
@Adamario Why are you trying to bring reason and logic to this board? Also, the only heavy-hitting Nintendo titles in the first year of the WiiU were New Super Mario (not even sure if that counts) and Super Mario 3d World. Their Switch line-up for the first year looks much better in comparison.
Yooka laylee has cover art on ebgames australias website.
I already have my console and Breath of the Wild paid off.
Definitely downloading Sonic Mania, and I'm snagging Super Mario Odyssey. I'm also leaning towards Minecraft and Skyrim mainly because that's more portable than my laptop. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is up in the air - I'm waiting a bit on the off-chance that the new stuff might end up as Wii U DLC.
@MrGawain well said!
@edhe zelda was confirmed march 3 worldwide release with the console.
Dear nintendo please confirm dragon quest 10 and 11 for english release!!!!! I love dragon quest. I have viii pre ordered for next saturday cant wait!
Okay, I just looked at the PS4 launch line-up again and you're right, as far as variety goes, it really does cover a much bigger audience, and there's a bigger quantity of games as well.
It was wrong for me to call it abysmal (though I was exaggerating to begin with), HOWEVER, I still don't think it's anything to write home about. When I think of the PS4 launch off the top of my head, or really most console launches, I think of the exclusives. In that regards, I'm pretty sure Knack or Killzone didn't set anyone's world on fire. And then the rest of the titles were just multiplats.
Stop whining! How many games does one buy and play during a year? I'll probably get Zelda BOTW, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe,, Splatoon 2, Rime and later this year Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. And that should be more than enough to keep me going untill the holidays. By that time there should be much more titles available and announced.
Eh, not a lot announced, but by the holiday there could be a lot more if the system sells well. Other than that, let's not remember that every console launches horribly...N64 just 2 games, Dreamcast just 3 games, PS2 just a few and many were horrible, Gamecube just 3, Wii just a few, Wii U a few and most were horrible, 3DS just 2 and PS4 just a few, but...if you look at PS4, many companies didn't rush games over to it until it began selling like hot cakes (hence, they were waiting to see if it would sell like the PS2 or sell like the PS3 did in the beginning). All in all, it all depends on the sales.
Other than that, I may or may not get the switch at launch. Zelda is the only thing that looks great to me until Super Mario Odyssey comes out, and other than that, Sonic Mania I'd get on PS4 and I already own Skyrim on PS4. Could pick up Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2, but it all depends on what else comes out, and I'm sorry to say that I'd be choosing between Switch and PS4. Other than that, Zelda would keep me busy for a while, and I'm sure they'll add enough on the E-Shop to keep people happy until the others start pouring out, it's just as long as there is not a ton of droughts like nintendo is known for.
Everybody look up what games the 3ds launched with, this looks amazing in comparison.
I could write a bit post here, but I think this will be concise enough most I think would agree: Unlike the WiiU and its first 12mo of games vs the 10mo we know of so far there will be 3rd party respect and no shortage of things to do either if you're not some overkill game a week type player.
the only must have launch game is also available on another system.....
I love Nintendo, but I really thought THIS was the time they would go ALL OUT with features and games to blow us and the skeptics and other gamers away. This is undewhelming at best. Where's the killer app? GAmes sell systems, joy-cons do NOT.
I've never been doom and gloom on Nintendo, but man. There's so much we would love them for and they just can't ever quite get it. Someone in the office is missing key market research.
Looks like I'll be getting Breath of the Wild on Wii U and waiting until Christmas to pick up the Switch. That launch line-up is really sad.
@FX102A The other thing everybody keeps getting wrong is the issues with the price and with power. YOur PS4 is slightly cheaper, your PS4 is a bit more powerful. You can't play your PS4 in the car, on a plane on the train. The Switch is different. You're getting the best of Console Nintendo plus on the go. Hopefully third parties realize that's a HUGE untapped market. A lot of people these days are busy. I'm lucky to spend more than an hour at home, therefore a more powerful PS4 or XBone is useless to me. I can't play them. The Switch I can, I can play your console game at slightly less graphic fidelity anywhere I am and I can have the luxury of playing at home too when granted time. That's HUGE. And cannot be compared with the other two strictly consoles.
The overall line-up is good, but that launch line-up...I'll have no trouble waiting a while before I pick up the Switch.
The Nintendo Switch launch for Japan is better. Dragon Quest Heroes I & II, Disgaea 5, and I am Setsuna will all be launch day titles. I'll take that Japanese launch day line-up over stuff like Just Dance and Skylanders.
A lot of negativity about the current state of the release schedule, but bear in mind that there are still a lot that have yet to be given dates, and there are likely more that have yet to be revealed at all.
What Nintendo have done so far is show that they will be continuing with their pattern of at least one major game every 2-3 months, ensuring that there won't be a drought after the initial launch, and allowing third parties to time releases of their games so as not to clash with first party releases... the point of the presentation was to introduce the console itself, not the games... the games they did show were only there to support their presentation of the console, rather than to show the full line-up.
Personally, I'm expecting them to do a load of directs over coming weeks (starting with the Fire Emblem one this week) to introduce additional games for the launch line-up.
Not a fan of that launch lineup at all, Zelda aside of course.
I expect Nintendo to announce the heavily rumored port of Smash Bros Wii U and Pokémon Stars at E3, both with a 2017 release date. I also think Mother 3, Metroid, and Retro's project will be teased at, with the latter two being 2018 releases.
Holiday 2017 could be really good for Switch. A 1-2-3-4 punch of Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario Odyssey, and Pokémon Stars would be awesome, assuming nothing gets delayed.
@erv People have perfectly valid reasons to complain, but it's not THAT bad.
I understand that zelda is THE title for switch, but zelda's not gonna last more than a month.
In addition to the titles here, we should also keep in mind that this thing is likely to take off in Japan like crazy. Which means that it could become the next PS2-level RPG Mecca... But not right away.
Personally, with titles like SMT5 and XC2 in development, and I'm sure many more to come, there's no way I can pass up the Nintendo Sand(s)witch.
...But for me, it's not worth getting right away. Not yet. I would wait for a price drop, and more titles to be announced and produced, at least until holiday 2017. By the time E3 2018 rolls around, I'm guessing the situation will have dramatically turned around by then.
So yeah, I'll wait a year, get some more use out of my New 3DS, give away my Wii U to a friend, and catch up on my stupidly massive backlog for the next year.
As for you early adopters... Good luck, because aside from Snipperclips... I mean BotW, it's looking like a rough ride for launch day. I would recommend you launch day buyers to go out and pretend to milk your friends and family.
@arnoldlayne83 Well put. My thoughts exactly.
Add to that no backwards compatibility and the lineup starts to look even bleaker.
I tend to wait until there are 10 games I want on a system before I take the plunge. So looking at the list up there, here's what I have:
Fire Emblem Warriors (top of my want list)
Disgaea 5
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Project Octopath Traveller
Shin Megami Tensei
Nobunaga's Ambition
Yooka Laylee
Not Getting:
Breath of the Wild (getting that on the Wii U)
Steep (getting that on Xbox One)
Splatoon 2 (not a fan of online games and certainly not paying for the privilege, even though the game is very stylish)
So I'm close. But I think this isn't something I need right now, and the VC situation and some of the other things not clear yet mean that maybe I'll get this some time in 2017.
On GameStop website it says binding of Isaac is march 3rd
So NBA 2K18 is coming confirmed? I don't trust these guys at all. I'll buy it for Switch if it's capable le and doesnt have LeBron on the cover bring back Black Mamba, I liked that Wii version back then.
By the way , Legends definitive version? I'm sure it will be dazzling on the beautiful Switch but the two screens two players thing.... Wii U version was definitive already .
@impurekind of course that's exciting but give the guy his perspective. He's talking about the personal experience he enjoys , not pure expensive technology which is VR and actually done better on PC.
Zelda, Bomberman, and 1-2 Switch will be my launch games. Let the haters hate. All I know is I'm going to be throwing a party and having a blast come March 3rd. Sonic Mania, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Fast RMX will be more than enough for Spring. Splatoon comes out in Summer and then Fall/Holiday will be Fifa, NBA, Skyrim, Xenoblade 2, Street Fighter, Steep, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Mario for me. With all those games I barely will have any gaming time left. And that's before E3 where we'll have a bunch of big announcements.
And for all the people saying you can just buy Zelda on Wii U: Have fun playing in 720p because I'll be playing Zelda in near 4K on my new new UHD TV which can upscale 1080p to near 4K quality.
You forgot Street Fighter. 2017 looks honestly pretty lame. aside from the obvious big hitters there is very little to pick from and lots of them are also digital releases, so the actual in-store presence will be much less. Its worth remembering that the wiiu had 23 titles at launch. if they dont leak some more big titles in the coming weeks i really dont see how this will survive.
For the first time since the snes I may not buy a Nintendo home console on launch, which makes me rather sad. Whichever way you spin it, it's not a great launch day line up. Sure, 1-2 Switch is apparently lots of fun, by all accounts, but it seems like something that needs to actually be played before one really 'gets it.' It probably should've been a pack-in game without any RRP adjustment.
I was eager to buy this at launch (even promised to my eldest son I would) and now I don't know what to do. I don't feel like buying the Switch at launch. The launch lineup is a disgrace indeed.
Skyrim is an autumn game? Wow I figured that was a launch title. No one will care anymore by then. :/ Seems like a perfect setup for a convenient excuse not to support Nintendo anymore after that title bombs.
What the heck have all those hundreds of Nintendo devs been working on for all these years? It sure wasn't Wii U or 3DS games, so I figured they must've been hard at work on dozens of AAA Switch titles. What the heck, like seriously. :/
I was, and still am, eager to play Zelda on the Switch, but it's the only game for a while that catches my interest, and the others are mere ports.
I really don't understand Skyrim's delay. It's a fairly old game that's already received the port treatment, why would Bethesda be dragging their feet on this one?
While in a way I get the lack of backwards compatibility, the best thing about it is that it softens the blow of weak launch line ups.
I'll buy The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, RiME, Sonic Mania, Super Mario Odyssey, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, Project Sonic 2017, Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition, Dragon Quest X, Dragon Quest XI, Oceanhorn, Project Octopath Traveler, Stardew Valley and Yooka-Laylee.
I would have bought Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 if I wouldn't have to pay to play online.
@dumedum His "perspective" doesn't give him free reign to spew crap about the competition's consoles basically not having anything of value or merit—at least not as far as I'm concerned.
I can't help but think Arms and 1 2 Switch were originally going to be bundled games but the lack of other software forced them to release them separately... Possible anyway..
The list is missing the Farming Simulator ^^
Mario and Syberia 3 is a must have for me
@impurekind it does actually. You're on a Nintendo fansite. Many users would be fans of Nintendo and wouldnt care less about Sony. Some will be fans or both that's the way it is.
@dumedum I think you're missing the point. Although, I guess you probably think it's me that's missing the point. But trust me, it's you that's missing point.
@Nico87 @impurekind those Hamster classics are confirmed to come stateside as per the Nintendo website so us retro fans can smile a bit there! Any PS4 gamer should be familiar with those offerings, but I'm still upset that the vc service on the switch isn't already up and running with the Switch launch ugh!! Smh Nintendo...
Not a promising launch, but better than what the DS had: an inferior version of a game made for another platform and little else.
@Anti-Matter Hey, you're right there are more games. They just mentioned there's a new Taiko Drum Master game. No region locks is going to be great.
@joey302 To me, it's just another sign that Nintendo really doesn't quite know how to do this kind of thing right, or else it would be sorted well before the system launch and we know about all its glorious details already. But, I guess Nintendo's still got about a month and half left to tell us the full details—it's absurd that we're having to wait this late in the game to find out such things—so we'll see. . . .
with this list of games that will be available on launch day of the system; Nintendo better have some virtual console games available on day one. it would be nice if they let us transfer some virtual console games from the Wii U to the Nintendo Switch.
in terms of games that they are releasing for the Nintendo Switch, i hope that they will release a sequel to the game Luigi's Mansion. or at least a port of the original version since the different regional versions of the game had their differences. for example the PAL version of the game was a lot harder than the U.S. version of the game.
@impurekind well if this was supposed to be a reveal and being they're in the position they're in, why would they keep ANY cards close to the chest?? Reveal it all I figure. I don't understand them at all. I'm hoping you're right and that there's still a few surprises announced before 3/3 but my gut is there won't be. Just the fact that Mario Odyssey is all the way till 2017 holidays is proof enough! Hope I'm wrong...we'll see like you said.
@joey302 Totally agree.
Waiting from third-parties only Destiny 2, thou
I love this line up!!!
Out of just what's been announced I'll be buying 10-12 games.
Listed in order of my personal hype
1-Xenoblade 2
2-Breath of the Wild
4-Super Mario Odyssey
5-NBA 2K18
6-Snipper Clips
9-Fire Emblem Warriors
10-Fire Emblem 2018
I need to learn more about Taiko Drum Master and Skyrim and then might add them to my list as 11 & 12.
You missed Constructor HD!
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