What happens when Nintendo of America accidentally tweets "Mario has a new best buddy!" without an image and then deletes that tweet? Some of its 2.37 million followers - at the time of writing - get a bit over excited, thinking that a massive announcement is about to rock their world.
Then this happens after a short delay.
Excitable buzz turns to "oh, it's a little thing to promote the Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash amiibo". While some reacted with responses along the lines of it being cute or riffing on images of a crying Yoshi, those that had whipped themselves up into a frenzy in the 15-or-so minute gap from the deleted tweet responded in predictable ways. Some samples are below.
There are a mix of light-hearted responses and others that are unnecessarily spicy. It seems to be a reaction - for some - to a 'hype drought' of late, with fans desperate for the next big Nintendo announcement / Direct / release; you can delete as applicable. Well-known YouTuber Roger DiLuigi III knows this well, hinting at insight into a big upcoming Nintendo announcement and then being surprised by the outcome when he was bombarded by tweets.
Is there a bit of a lull around Nintendo in the hype stakes right now? Arguably yes, but it won't do any of us harm if deep breaths are taken occasionally. Sometimes social media teams just forget to attach an image...
Comments 90
....The new Smash character is going to be Chibi isn't it.
...I don't understand how it is a blunder?
Deja Vu again in this community. Nintendo says a weird thing. Lots of crying and throwing up. Many casualties and jumping ship. Tomorrow is another day.
And the main thing to take away from this article is that, "Hey, if I overreact on Twitter, maybe NintendoLife will be feature me in a 'story!'"
AKA.... I know it's a slow news day, but this is not news.
Maybe write a feature or do a poll on if people think Chibi Robo Zip Lash will even get to 10k sales worldwide after being out for a year.
Nintendo Fans are scary.
That's really the only way Nintendo uses social media, to sell forthcoming things. And exclamation marks.
@XCWarrior I hope it does sell well. Speaking of hopefully selling 10,000...
Nintendo UK only need to sell another 9,998 amiibo bundles in the UK as I have already pre-ordered two copies.
Thankfully, I read the fixed tweet first, so I didn't get super hyped.
"whipped themselves up into a frenzy"
I'd hardly call "well that was anti-climactic" or "and everyone was disappointed." or "don't get us all hyped for nothing" whipped into a frenzy. Now I'm sure there were some horrible replies which for reasons of family values you declined to put here - and as a family man I appreciate that - but I'd say for the most part it was a fairly normal day on the NoA twitter feed.
I do think your ending remarks are regarding the "hype drought" are worthy of discussion. That MK8/Spaltoon Wi U bundle announcement coming outside of a Nitnedo Direct had me once again wondering when or if, the next one would be forthcoming. Oct 7th. We haven't had an ND since E3 4 months ago, and that one didn't go over so well, outside of the muppet puppets.
Holidays are coming, time to lead, follow or get the heck out of the way. So far Wii U seems to just be getting out of the way. 9 days to Yoshi Wooly World in the US, Oct 16th seems like a nice date for price drop. (thanks @DarthNocturnal for the well placed happy reminder)
What were people even expecting out of 'Mario getting a new best buddy', without that picture? I have no idea.
Also don't worry Yoshi, I still love you!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that one image looks suspiciously like something from a hentai.
Interesting I saw the tweet with no picture and was 100% certain it was Chibi-Robo amiibo, if the words cute, adorable or something in the same vein is used right now on Nintendo's twitter you can be sure it is about the Chibi-Robo amiibo, it has been for the past few days.
@Yosher "What were people even expecting"
Just a few things off the top of my head
1. NX
2. F.L.U.D.D. in an HD Super Mario Sunshine HD remaster
3. Super Mario Universe (aka Super Mario Galaxy 3)
4. Announcement of a forthcoming Nintendo Direct starring Mario
Anything to be excited about in a positive way.
@Megumi OMG that would be amazing!
@rjejr I can see how people can think/expect those things I suppose but it's all a little too much wishful thinking, I'd say.
Good thing I don't check twitter every minute of my life like these people.
@Ryu_Niiyama Meh, never cared for the character, so whatever. xD
Wut? Why are people upset?
Yeah I thought a megaton had been announced but it was just that dumb tweet. Nintendo has gone total silence in terms of new announcements after E3 wich was long time ago and pretty much all Nintendo fans are eager -if not desperate- to hear new announcements. I'm one of them since I only own a damn 3DS and Wii U so every new tweet like that is certainly a reason to get hyped but knowing Nintendo, we'll always have to be ready to be massively dissapointed.
Nintendo fans crying and complaining about something trivial? I never thought I'd see the day
Soo... Why are the fans being nasty about a random picture?
@Ryu_Niiyama We all know his Smash victory pose would be his little dance from E3. Look at those hips, THOSE HIPS!
Hardly newsworthy. You can take literally any Nintendo tweet and there's a hoard of complaining kids replying to it. This is no exception.
Oh, so when the plot of triforce heroes is sexist, nobody cares, but when mario is holding a chibi-robo amiibo, everyone goes out of their minds!
This tells me that Nintendo fans desperately want more than what they are currently being offered. I know I do.
Haha! Well I know they're still experimenting with social media and finding their footing, but they're hardly going to announce Mario Galaxy 3/Universe or reveal the NX on Twitter now are they?
At best this was only ever going to be a random lighthearted image. Honestly folks I know we're in a bit of a drought but lets at least try to keep a level head here.
Probably Fire Emblem yaoi, from the looks of it.
It's important to know your audience, and to manage your public announcements in the context of that knowledge. There's a reason Bethesda held off on announcing Fallout Shelter until it formally unveiled Fallout 4, for instance. The expectations of your audience matters, and the biggest mistake you can make is to either be tone-deaf, or, indeed, actively dismissive of what your audience wants.
Yeah, we definitely need a new direct soon... especially with the new president!
I saw the tweet without the picture, and I thought they were going to announce a new character for an upcoming Mario game.........we really need a Direct or something soon.
One time, I got an email from Nintendo Australia with the headline "Positions Vacant". My eyes bulged, my palms got sweaty, my mouth went dry. I clicked on that email and...
It was an ad for Fantasy Life. Well played, Nintendo. Well played.
I could see some getting upset if it was a tweet with a picture of say a Marth amiibo, but Chibi-Robo Zip Lash with amiibo is still available for pre-order at most retailers. I've got mine pre-ordered and am excited to pickup on Friday. I would assume there are just a lot of people uninterested in the series and wanting some other information out of Nintendo instead... additional Smash fighters... stages... costumes (well maybe not that).
Well, it just shows what the fans really want—stuff that actually surprises and excites them.
A new sidekick/partner character for Mario would be pretty awesome, particularly if it came with a brand new Mario platformer too. A guy dressed in a Mario costume and holding a Chibi-Robo amiibo—not so much.
Although it was a mistake, it's sort of typical of modern day Nintendo, where it does something that is basically not particularly exciting (pick whatever example), yet it expects everyone to get all excited about it as though it's some earth shattering, megaton event or whatever.
Some of these responses are ridiculous. I can only hope Nintendo doesn't make the same mistake should they give us some sort of small hint for the next Smash character.
Ba-dum BUM!
Apparently Nintendo is only allowed to tweet news or announcements.
"Mario has a new best buddy! (Please don't tell Yoshi.)"
... worded that way, I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say about Yoshi, for that matter.
Why would people think that was an announcement?
The only proper response to practically any twitter-fueled rampage is: what are we doing with our lives?
@Kirk that looks more like a statue than a costume.
I don't think they expected anyone to get overly excited about this picture either. It seems like the fans already have some sort hype train going on and are assuming Nintendo is about to announce something big.
What was wrong with the tweet? It was clearly meant to promote the new Chibi Robo game/Amiibo, not tease a new game.
If people let themselves get this excited within 15 mins over a vague tweet, they have nobody but themselves to blame for their disappointment
@Morpheel Oh, yeah. It is a statue. lol
I don't get it?
Literally the only thing that could have possibly gotten people excited about it was that iit was deleted. More than a little silly.
@Dankykong hahahahaahahaha...sad reality.
Hype droughts bring out the most shallow articles in journalism
What did people expect from this? What's left to announce that we don't already know about?
Nintendo is busy working on the Wii U successor.
@XCWarrior it's gunna easily reach that considering the amiibo only comes with the game if i recall.
Honestly, getting excited over that tweet? I know we're in the middle of a game drought... But seriously?
Getting Nintendo fans in a frenzy is alot easier than it should be. Mind you this is Nintendo here, its fans should be used to disappointment by now
@Yosher Agreed. I was like, "Oh, okay."
Those items listed are pushing that single tweet waaaaaaaaay too far. And how could FLUDD be a new best buddy? Folks are reaching way too far.
People really get their hopes up don't they?
What an odd case of overreacting.
Ha! People are idiots.
Wait.....isn't NoA actually in the middle of a sort of game flood at the moment? I know the releases aren't as plentiful as the other platforms but Mario Maker just came out, along with Infinity, Lego, Skylanders, Yoshi in a week, Guitar Hero soon with Just Dance and a slew of 3DS games. In no way am I saying these are all great games but based on releases over the last few years I wouldn't call this a drought.......
@Captain_Gonru "off the top of my head"
My ego may be huge, but the top of my head is tiny. And filled w/ bar mitzvah planning at the moment and possibly suffering from alzheimers as I keep forgetting what everything is called. I have zero short term noun memory these days.
@TrueWiiMaster When they first sent the tweet, there was no picture. Since the tweet itself made no mention of Chibi Robo, people thought it was teasing something big.
@Alundra-1998 I got one.
@rjejr Welcome to the fantasy zone. Time to drink
@Gerbwmu I think "1st party" is implied in there somewhere. As in - Nintnedo doesn't have any games of it's "own" to advertise at the moment. DI, Lego D and Skylanders have plenty of ad money being spent on them. Though I agree Yoshi needs more marketing. I think Reggie forgot it's coming out. I'm not even sure if the wool colored Yoshi amiibo have a release date or have already come out. They should have made a yarn Mario and made him playable in the game. Though that tongue move could be strangely unsettling.
Most people on here don't care about any toys-to-life games, not even the amiibo ones which they collect so diligently, the amiibo, not the games.
@rjejr Wow I forgot America didn't have Yoshi's Woolly World yet. I'm sitting here with my game completed like NEED NEW GAME!
Geeze, it wasn't super exciting but what some whiny twitter follewers they have.
Now I got that out of my system. I am finding this all pathetic. I haven't played my wii U since July (mostly play on my Xbox). Splatoon was good first time, but became old quickly, and my god that annoying music, I expected more from Nintendo, but how I hated that game. I think Nintendo has to reveal something soon or they start losing fans.
When was the last time we got news on Zelda U?
@Captain_Gonru Still all too much wishful thinking.
i can understand them. I'm waiting a few days each time to read NLife in hopes of good news, anything about Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, DK, Metroid, new IPs... It seems like Nintendo gave up. I hope they announce details about NX and the sequel to 3DS soon - and new games, please!
@Kylo_Ren Zelda U news? Well back in March when they said it wasn't coming out this year, but that wasn't really about the game at all. Last actual game news I believe was last Dec, 2015, during the video game awards, when the Zelda U and Star Fox devs were talking about how both games would be out in 2015.
Oh, my apologies if that was simply a sarcastic rhetorical remark and not a real question you wanted answered.
@nessisonett Even if you lived in the US you would forget. Target does have a demo on the kiosk, but SMM is still front and center. I'm wondering if Ninteod will market SMM for another month and then market YWW mid Nov in time for Black Friday and more serious holiday shopping for the family type games. They need plenty of those cute yarn Yoshi amiibo on store shelves though. Of every color. They're adorable stocking stuffers.
@Volcanox You know, it may seriously be time to drink. I'm battling a cold but 1 beer can't hurt, right? Thanks for the reminder, I always forget.
@whodatninja LOL! With Drake Redcrest posing in the background..lol
As long as He can hit opponents with a toothbrush I'm all in!
@rjejr I'm always drinking. You know me
@XCWarrior That's why the article was not prefaced with "News:"
Have a good day! ^-^
This drought is creating mirages.
I feel like I'm missing something. What exactly is the problem here?
If you look very closely in the picture, you see a Phone on top of the White Wii U. Wow Nintendo sure treats their system with great respect LOL xD
@GaymerZero It must belong to Reggie.
@Superryanworld Lol that would be Hilarious xD
@Nintendo_Ninja Nice one. Needs a desert level screenshot, but my battery is spent.
...I don't get it. Why are people upset?
Because people are idiots.
Haven't i taught you that already?
@LztheQuack I think they're upset because before the picture, people thought there was going to be a big announcement, but it's actually just showing off an Amiibo.
Sanic is best Twitter account hands down.
He's even talked to the game grumps before, and has a sense of humor.
I would laugh about this, but this kind of overreaction is nothing new for Twitter, or Nintendo fans. If Nintendo had something big to announce, they probably wouldn't waste it on something worthless, like a tweet, but instead announce a new Nintendo Direct or something.
@Ichiban Sometimes, the fine line between optimism and delusion can be hard to distinguish. In this case, I'd say it's more of the latter.
lol People get upset over the silliest things these days.
If you were expecting some major news out of tweet with a picture of Mario holding a Chibi-Robo statue/amiibo looking thing, then you were setting yourself up for disappointment. This was just a little promo for the new Chibi-Robo game.
My thoughts:
1) People are dumb.
2) People who like video games are especially dumb for making unreasonable demands without bothering to think about the people involved in making the games.
3) Twitter is dumb.
4) Seriously, I will never understand why Twitter is useful. Or even slightly interesting.
6) Mostly, people are dumb.
Lol that's hilarious!
@edgedino Ahhh... in that case the poll should be, "Will 10K+ people KEEP Chibi Robo and not just sell the game and keep the amiibo." If used video game stores are smart, they will only give people like $5 for the game even on day 1, because they have to be prepared they are going to get 1000s of copies.
If Nintendo followers can have this type of reaction from a tweet that imply nothing (more so the deleted one), I can only imagine people around Miyamoto, since he gets ideas for games based on his life experience. Good thing he doesn't have a twitter account, or at least one that the public knows about.
I don't get what the fuzz is about.
We're only talking about a tweet here! And it's not like Nintendo did promise something specific.
If people have unrealistic expectations, it's their problem.
And really, they got mad because of an deleted image after only 15 minutes?! How impatient can one be (and I'm sometimes impatient myself, but not for these kinds of things)?
owo I don't get why people were so freaked out.
@XCWarrior people are at least gunna try it and see what it's like first cause who wouldn't want to at least try to get their money's worth as much as possible from it.
@rjejr lol. Some people shock me.
"Oh, its just the Amiibo from the game noboby wants" Lol!
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