While Nintendo has plenty of single player experiences and adventures on the way, some of its notable recent reveals are determined to get us playing with others. The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime are two IPs announced recently that will try and tempt us to play with others online or locally on our 3DS, albeit with equivalent options to play alone. Yet it seems that Tri Force Heroes and Federation Force are going to primarily cater to co-op play for the best experience, with Nintendo's promotional efforts and demos to date pointing to that as the best way to play.
It's an interesting direction for Nintendo to take, albeit one that may have come naturally as it worked towards alternative game projects and - dare we say - spin-off titles. That's gone a step further with Animal Crossing amiibo Festival, which is a spin-off that's also aiming to accentuate the toy range, and like any party game will only really but enjoyable in the company of others.
There are some key solo experiences on the way, such as - at the time of writing - Star Fox Zero, Super Mario Maker (solo in play, but with extensive online sharing) and the 2016 RPG time-sinks on 3DS: Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam and Fire Emblem Fates. Overall, we're looking at a balanced slate of games focused on single players and those with friends to hand locally and online.
Yet when going around Nintendo's booth, watching the Treehouse and taking in demos at press events, not to mention when jumping into Splatoon matches, we're reminded how much Nintendo wants us to play together. In those first two examples, particularly, co-op is the key gameplay mechanic.
With these upcoming games we're curious as to how you feel about this. Are you keen to tackles these multiplayer experiences with others, or will you utilise the solo options in each regardless of the co-op design? We've also included Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, to gauge whether co-op or competitive action in those will be chosen ahead of single player action.
Hit up the polls and let us know in the comments what you think of Nintendo's major co-op and multiplayer-driven titles on the way.
Comments 136
Not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love multiplayer Nintendo games, from the original Mario Kart to Splatoon, but when I think back to my favourite Nintendo games, it's mainly engrossing single player experiences. Mario 64 and the Galaxy games, even Sunshine, all the 3D Zelda games, the Metroid Prime trilogy and so on. I don't want to see EVERYTHING become multiplayer. I really enjoy Super Mario 3D World, but it just doesn't feel as substantial as it's single player predecessors. I've played other games like Gears of War or Halo that can make the entire campaign co-op, without making it all feel toned down in the same way 3D World, Federation Force and Tri-Force Heroes look.
Like with many things these days, Nintendo have changed their opinion on something and are pretending that's always how they've done it. Miyamoto in particular is coming out with some very insulting comments towards people that enjoy single players, despite these games being what they built themselves upon.
What if in Zelda U they add in a multiplayer option also. Hmmm. That's a possibility.
I'm fine with Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Splatoon for multiplayer Nintendo games. I'll play Triforce Heroes, but I don't really need so many Nintendo games to focus on multiplayer.
I clicked a lot of "Hm, I'm not sure yet"s. I don't have friends, and I don't think my brothers are willing to play with me all the time. I just hope the games' single player-content is just as fulfilling as the multiplayer counterpart.
That said, I think I'll be playing a lot of online in Ultra Smash. I don't envision that game being full of single player content.
I enjoy inherently multiplayer games very much. As for traditionally single-player franchises, it depends both on the appeal of the concept and the amount of effort put into it.
For quick examples of an AYE and a NAY, Triforce Heroes appeals to me and feels competently crafted from what I've seen so far - I can see myself having plenty of fun with friends solving puzzles and beating Zelda enemies together. On the other hand, Federation Force neither appeals to me nor do I feel any true effort was put into any aspect of it, so it might as well burn for all I - and my friends - care.
@Aromaiden No no no no no. Don't jinx it, please. XD
I prefer single player, but in all honesty I'm a bit of a misanthrope so nobody making business decisions should include me in their data. I also don't think the benefits of online outweigh the negatives, like poor connections and poorer sports, but again, I'm in a shrinking minority. I will say that playing Mario Kart with my nieces and nephew reminded me that local multiplayer can be quite fun, so I'm glad Nintendo keeps some focus on that.
I hate it when they try it, history has shown it's not that good. I won't be buying any multi-player Metroid or Zelda from now on, I promise you that.
I would disagree that Nintendo has plenty of single player games. Unless we are expected to buy every new release regardless of genre.
Yoshi's Woolley World is the first Wii U game I've purchased this year, apart from the extra MK tracks.
Splatoon's single player mode was to short to warrant a purchase and Kirby was a Gamepad game and not a Wii u game. Not much else of interest so far this year for the single player.
I like multiplayer games in concept, local co-op in particular, but personally it's just been less practical as an adult. It's just harder for me to meet up with friends in general, and it's not always to play videogames either. So lately I tend to only focus on single player experiences, multiplayer is just a bonus.
I get that it's popular and I get why they're going in this direction. But I tend to play games to get away from people, not connect with them.
I prefer single player vastly to multi. I don't care much to go online to play, with friends or not, it's just not the same as it use to be. Now a days, as busy as I am with work, I can only put a few hours into games, and with my back log building up, I'd rather not play the same modes on the same maps dozens of times.
The thing about online gaming is that there are always people who quits early. That's the thing that bothers me most. Then i'm like I'm better alone
I love local multiplayer, I don't care how hard it is to get together to play. My best memories in gaming were with other people in the room.
>Needs multiple cartidges to have an enjoyable local multiplayer experience.
Definitely no. Why can't we have game link cables again?
........ and Nintendo should stop trying to please everyone and get back to basics, single player games.
They are trying to please the single player, multi players, the Gamepad players, and now the Amiibo players and the online gamers.
They don't release enough games to cover all bases. So they try and include everything in the one game. Take Splatoon, multi player online game with a single player mode and compatable with amiibos.
There is a danger of trying to please everyone and pleasing only a few.
No. I'm not a kid anymore so slit screen has lost most of its appeal and Nintendo's online multiplayer is a joke.
The trouble I'm having with the co-op focused 3DS titles is when I'm playing my 3DS it's rarely in an environment where there are others around to play with. It's usually on the train to and from work, so even if online is an option in the game it won't be for me during my usual sessions :/
It's different for the WiiU where only one unit needs to be presenter everyone to play. Local multiplayer on that is always welcome!
It's cool that they're incorporating it. But I feel like I'll be missing out on the full experience by going solo.
It's hard enough getting people online at the same time for Pokémon trades or AC meet ups, and those are games they're excited about. I think I know only one person excited for Fashion Zelda and apparently you can't do 2-players! :/
Multiplayer needed/wanted in Nintendo games? a big yes!!!! Online as well as offline co-op!!!
It's just that the upcoming Nintendo games don't appeal to me at all... and having multiplayer does nothing to change that.
@Jesh If it's problematic for you to arrange to do something with your friends, the you are doing socialising wrong! Heehee
@Aromaiden In history of Zelda, no big game ever had multiplayer. The only exceptions I remember were the re-release of ALTTP (GBA) and Spirit Tracks, which aren't exactly "big" games...
As long as they start putting in online multiplayer in more of their games, sure. I can't imagine how fun Pikmin would have been if we could play with people around the world. Certainly better than the useless splitscreen Bingo Battle
Honestly, I'm kind of a loner when it comes to gaming. There are multiplayer experiences I enjoy, but I hate it when theoretical replay value through local and online multiplayer takes its toll on singleplayer options.
Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, and apparantly, even Federation Force - they all boast about their big multiplayer options, but the singleplayer experience continues to suffer from it, despite earlier titles nailing the balance much better (especially Brawl, except for the horrible online servers, had a great balance between singleplayer and multiplayer). It's a trend I kinda understand, but still hate a lot.
This issue becomes especially clear when fans of online-focused games shrug off criticism on singleplayer with "it's multiplayer-focused/nobody buys this for singleplayer". Even if a game is successful because of online modes doesn't mean developers have any right to make a bad singleplayer experience. But that mindset continuously fades as even Nintendo rides a game more and more on online, without adding individual value to their games.
@Kaze_Memaryu I actually really enjoyed the single player for Splatoon, and the only real problem I had with it, was that it was too short. Other than that, I found it to be an above average single player for an online focused game. Although I do see what you mean.
I'm glad that the multiplayer option is there, but I mostly play alone. I think multiplayer works better on handhelds than consoles.
I've gone through different phases really. Growing up, my dad and my cousin would get together to game every week so local multiplayer on the N64 was perfect at the time.
After I went to college and Uni, i focused more on single player experiences, but now i live with people and run a StreetPass group, multiplayer (both online & offline) has become important again.
It depends on the game and franchise you pick for it.
I love Splatoon's multiplayer but it probably wouldn't have half the appeal to me if it was a Mario game. Triforce heroes sounds okay but it's not really what I'm looking for in a Zelda game. Singleplayer in that game doesn't sound really interesting.
If you're making a multiplayer focused game just try to make a new franchise or use one that's not used much.
Single player experience all the way. I don't have a gaming friend, and not anyone in my family is gaming either. Playing online can be fun sometime though, but I mostly seek single player experience.
I like some multiplayer experiences like Smash Bros or Splatoon, but I wouldn't want to see everything become a multiplayer focused game.
There's room for diversity.
Well, this is part of Nintendo getting with the times. Multiplayer is an expected standard feature in most games these days that aren't an open world RPG. Sad, but true.
we need it all in equal amounts.
I don't have anyone to play games with, so I mostly play single player in games (unless it has a good online mode). That being said though, I have a blast whenever I DO actually get to play multiplayer games with people, so I have nothing against multiplayer focused games.
Multiplayer is great, but it can be a challenge to get several people together to play through an extensive local co-op campaign, which is what a lot of these games are going for. I prefer my multiplayer games to be the kind that are satisfying to play for a couple of hours and be done with. I'd rather not have my single player games full of moments where I feel like I'm missing out on a large chunk of the experience because I don't have a second or third player, which I feel would be what you'd get from playing Wooly World, Federation Force, or Triforce Heroes alone. That's how I felt trying to play Super Mario 3D World without anyone else around.
And lol, the almost universal disinterest in the Animal Crossing board game.
I like couch co-op and party games for WiiU but it just doesn't work with handhelds in area where i live. I'm lucky if i even get some streetpass hits when i'm walking in the city.
I only wish they'd keep the multiplayer-focused games on Wii U, instead of 3DS. Handhelds are so ill-suited for real multiplayer gameplay, so while I'm interested in Triforce Heroes and SUPER EXCITED for Metroid Prime: Federation Force, the latter, especially should really be on the home console, instead, where I can actually play the game with a team of my friends.
My god the salt over Metroid is unreal. I mean board based party games don't interest me anymore so that's the biggest reason I don't care for AC amiibo festival, but that game is getting disregarded pretty hard as well. I like multiplayer but Nintendo hasn't demonstrated multiplayer in a way that looks fun for any of these games yet.
I enjoy online multiplayer in Splatoon more than in MK8 and Smash together.
I fear this is their big NX plan/secret, some kind of multiplayer system.
I don't really care about multiplayer unless the opponent is in the same room as me... And not interested in co-op either, they always let you down! Haha!
Stop trying to make me have friends Nintendo! I work alone!
Seriously though I think a bit of every mode makes the best games.
I like multplayer in games especially in a Metroid game because it adds a bit of additional gameplay incase I want to team up or play against someone else. I think it's more fun that way.
I simply dont buy games for multiplayer. Even games like Halo dodondon't hold my attention long online
Yikes. That's a lot of "Mehs" in the poll results.
I was totally surprised when Federation Force and Tri-Force Heroes were given online multiplayer. That's really, really great. I'm not very interested in either right now, but I'm happy they're allowing online play.
I don't play multiplayer.
I can enjoy multiplayer, but not the online kind, or the handheld kind that requires everybody to own the game.
I have Mario Kart 8 and Smash on my Wii U, and those are likely to remain the games I'll play whenever my friends come over. That's mostly why I'm not very interested in further multiplayer games for Wii U. That, and single-player is definitely my preferred way to play the vast majority of the time.
As for 3DS, well, it's always been and will always be mostly a single-player machine for me. Without the couch and the big screen, it just doesn't appeal much to me as a multiplayer platform.
I don't really care about any of these multiplayer games tbh, besides Yoshi!
Why no Splatoon poll? The multiplayer is GREAT! With a few caveats... There are too few stages, no loadout customization in-battle, no voice chat and no couch co-op in the campaign. Fix those things and I would be ecstatic!
That said, I will always prefer single player, and with a good story!
It's a very delicate equilibrium: As long as playing multiplayer enhances the experience, I'm all for it. MK8 and Splatoon are two excellent examples. However, I foresee difficulties with Triforce Heroes because I can't tell the others my brilliant plan,I just have some buttons to communicate.
Also: As long as Splatoon doesn't fix that, it's still a problem. True strategy without communicating is impossible.
I love multilayer - Splatoon and Smash are rotated regularly just to quench that urge, but none of those games above are interesting to me at all. Which is unfortunate, but I have a very specific taste when it comes to games. I'm looking forward to trying out Lego Jurassic World's multilayer and Xenoblade Chronicles X will be a day one purchase, but outside of that, I can't say much else. Yokai watch isn't multilayer unless counting Yokai Watch Shiuichi but that's not even coming out over here.
I'm not all that big on console multiplayer in the first place, but I do really like the way Nintendo is doing multiplayer: it really seems like they want to minimize greifing and try things that other companies haven't already beaten to death(splatoon's turf war for example) and taking a risk with an entirely new gameplay style like... well Splatoon is something I wouldn't expect out of Microsoft or Sony.
My problem with them however is that they have a tendency to not fix exploits(like in mario kart with track skips) which if you ever want to have a community around your game outside of the first few months you just can't do. I also take a bit of an issue with the pricing for Splatoon and I'm not sure if there was enough content at launch to justify a full 60$ price tag.
However they continue to patch the game and support it and that's what matters with a multiplayer game like that.
Mario Tennis... heck yes I'm excited for multiplayer. All these other games... not so much. Zelda Four Swords never really interested me much, I think I beat the first one but that's it, so Triforce Heroes looks pretty 'meh' to me. Federation Force looks interesting enough but I doubt I'll buy it unless enough of my friends get it, which they probably won't... oh well.
And don't even get me started on Animal Crossing. I don't know whose bright idea it was to turn a beautiful, (mostly) single-player experience into a tacky board game just to sell amiibo. They could've easily released another regular Animal Crossing game for Wii U and sold thousands more amiibo than with this crappy-looking game that almost nobody is going to buy.
...Sorry, I'm really sensitive about Animal Crossing lately.
"Does Nintendo's Drive Towards Multiplayer Gaming Appeal to You?"
Yeah can't wait to play this holiday's big release Starfox w/ my kids. I mean online w/ my Wii U friends.
Maybe I'll just skip it.
The only time that I typically play multiplayer is when my brothers (the two who game anyway) are around, or when my niece is in town (or I'm visiting her), so not very often. Splatoon has been the only exception, of course (in fact I've hardly touched the single player). For multiplayer, I love Mario Kart, Splatoon, and Smash. For most other games, I am a lone wolf by choice. If the hubby gets Yoshi:WW, I'm sure he'll talk me into playing co-op with him (probably won't have to twist my arm too hard even).
Online multiplayer? Sure.
Co-op? No thanks.
50% of people don't want to buy Federation Force and why... because it has the the Metroid Prime name in it. Get over it already
Well, one scenario I dreamed up for NX would be the ultimate multiplayer machine because the 3DS replacement could be so integrated with the Wii U replacement that it could act as a controller/gamePad/equal. In other words, many games will have feature parity and you can play locally with each other. Obviously the portable will need to play games with less visual flair, but depending on the situation, it could have imagery streamed from the new console or create the imagery itself to keep the console unhindered.
Anyway, the upshot is that if this happened, the main console would be a box and a more traditional controller w/out a screen but every other feature of the GamePad, so it would be a nice safe haven for third-parties and single player games.
It's all a fever dream, I know, but the cherry on top would be that you could use a Wii U GamePad with the new console natively or buy a probably refreshed version of it, OR use the new portable device to add Wii U backwards compatibility so there would be a good incentive to get a screen-controller in the mix for everyone.
Anyway, there is no future without online multiplayer and local multiplayer is a rising trend in all gaming right now. It's a good direction for Nintendo to focus on, IMO.
@Hero-of-WiiU I agree. But I also understand the backlash. Game looks really fun to me and I barely play my 3DS. I will say, however, that the 4-player-co-op is a key attraction and if you are a Metroid lover you may very well tend towards single-player games. Plus, there's such a hate wagon, the followers are going to ride it for awhile.
@rjejr Well, with Splatoon we pass and play and take turns even helping each others accounts out. Could work with Star Fox if anyone in your family cared about it. The success of Splatoon tells me this article is justified, however, if your implication was that Nintendo's big end of the year game Star Fox indicated it wasn't going to be a focus for Nintendo.
Given Splatoon's success, I think Nintendo should really consider trying to put Multiplayer into Star Fox even if it's a post-release addition promise. Pull some of those Splatoon devs off for Star Fox.
But maybe Nintendo is just too focused on getting the launch games going for NX. I'm sort of okay with that, myself.
With mario kart, smash, splatoon and (shortly) mario maker, i'll be surprised if I have any time left for any other game...
For MK, Spatoon & Smash it's all about online multiplayer, for Mario Tennis and other similar games a mixture is required but for Zelda and Metroid is all about the single player experience, and trying to force a multiplayer element into these type of games is just wrong.
Multiplayer is my preferred way to play any game that allows for it, but it's not that easy to get a group together to play, at least for me. Nobody really plays games in my family, and my friends and I are always juggling work and school with off-time to get together for some multiplayer. However, in that rare moment where we have a full room of old friends, time escapes and it is pure bliss.
Online multiplayer has tried to amend this limitation, but the experience is a mixed-bag on even the best occasion. Sometimes you will get a good group and maybe you might even get a few friends to join up and smack talk over a headset, but the experience is different when you can't elbow your buddy in the ribs after stealing a star. Other times, you get elitist jerks and 8-year-olds who yell and scream because you killed them while their mom was telling them to clean their room.
The other limitation to local is, for 3DS, everyone needs a console to play on instead of just a controller, and in many cases, another copy of the game you are playing... It's just not that common that me and my mates can actually play handheld adventures together unless the game has a strong single-player aspect too so they have a reason to play when we aren't butting heads in local. The only reason me and my best friend can play together is I bought him his DSLite and an R4 card with some of the games I own so we can play those together when I come to visit - games that otherwise he would not want to play alone. Multiplayer is important, but for me, single player experiences are just easier to manage.
I bought a Wii u for multiplayer gaming, across two screens. Nintendo have so far provided very few options to allow this......fail!!
Wow, record lows on Nlife's interest here...
Online multiplayer is great. Couch multiplayer sucks.
I don't have any friends nearby with a Nintendo console, so I much prefer single player instead of co-op. One of the many things putting me off Federation Force is the high focus on co-op gameplay. However, Triforce Heroes looks like it will be fun playing with complete strangers.
However, I love battling strangers online in Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Splatoon.
@Technosphile Haw, Billy Nae Mates.
@Aromaiden Don't get me wrong, I liked the Story Mode in Splatoon, as well. But it's severely overshadowed by the multiplayer modes, and this focus means that the multiplayer offers various options that we can never access in singleplayer. And when I notice this discrepancy in content, I can't help but realize that the Story Mode could've been so much more.
@aaronsullivan - I think my year end comment about Star fox was that Nintendo usually hits up the family angle for the holidays - SM3DW, MK8 bundle last Christmas - and I think Star fox is their big holiday game but the family angle isn't really there. I honestly think most of their marketing money will go towards Skylanders this holiday.
Splatoon question for you as a family gamer. Do you think switching the TV would be helpful for helping out your kids and teaching them to play? I have a hard time seeing the reticle on the Game pad but it might be worth it to me for my kids and wife on the couch could tell me where to go, and it would obviously be easier to see. The 4x4 player lives could stay in the tv, a clean view on the Gamepad. I don't think it should be that way all the time, but I would like the option to switch screens. Maybe with the - button, I don't think that one is used during battle.
I much prefer single player, but will have a go at multiplayer occasionally if the game warrants it (Splatoon is good multiplayer). Online is irritating with connection issues marring the experience and a lack of balance between player abilities. It's good to have a multiplayer option sometimes as it was in Luigi's Mansion 2, but mainly it's me against the machine. I play to escape the real world, why would I want to invite people into my people-free space?
Most interesting part of the article is the polls showing lack of interest for upcoming games. Part of that might be multiplayer, but thinking that a lot more will be the poor gameplay shown so far.
@ULTRA-64 - Now that you mention it, Lego does a much better job with that. ALL the Lego games except Undercover which was made for Wii U to be single player offer 2 screen play. Nintendo offers few similar options. Hyrule Warriors has it but I think that's less Nintendo doing. I think they got asyncrouns stuck in their heads and couldn't figure out 2 screen co-op. Even Yoshi is 1 screen only. Kirby is 2 screen, but I can't think of many others.
Star fox could have a simple 2 player mode like Splatoon, only I would like it co-op for story mode. But yes, it isn't something they've run with.
Never thought Nintendo would push out turd games, but E3 though. So much disappointment. The Zelda game would be okay if it were just an eShop title, but being pushed as a retail AAA? Nah, not okay. To me, Zelda is all about going it alone, exploring the world and experiencing the story yourself. I feel the same way about Metroid as well. It's bad enough we get a lame Mario Party every two years, but now we suddenly have to turn Animal Crossing into a board game as well? What the hell were they thinking?! We better have the next main series Animal Crossing as an NX launch title next year to make up for this blasphemy is all I can say! When it boils down to it, I had such high expectations from Nintendo and then bam, one disspointing new game after another. Hopefully they get it right with a Direct soon and have some real quality content to show me to maybe regain my trust as a Nintendo fan. Otherwise, try again when NX is out, because Nintendo is just embarrassing themselves anymore.
Mostly Online, local ain't really my thing.
Not if it comes at the expense of proper, fully realised single player games. At the very least I want the single player mode to be just as important as any multi-player component and in fact I'd like it to be even more central to the experience, seeing as it usually requires far more depth and content that the average hectic but usually rather shallow multi-player experience.
To me, games like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark actually had the balance right. They both had highly polished, world class, fully realised single play games, which could absolutely stand up on their own, and then additional fully realised multi-player modes too.
The way I see it; these games should still be brilliant and totally satisfying and fulfilling experiences if you removed the multi-player components entirely but they should actually feel like something is missing if you take away the single player mode.
Sometimes I just want to play a game on my own, I don't want to have to interact with other people or even worry about other NPC characters, and I don't think I should be punished for that.
It depends on how well balanced the offline and online gameplay is, and how they are both handled.
Splatoon for example, as a multiplayer experience is amazing and well done.. however got completely screwed with repetitive, only one mode gameplay which lost my interest a little while after playing. It's not a full 60 dollar game as it feels very short in single player, and very limited in multiplayer.. compared to say, halo where you have multiple, customizable gametypes, several maps, and very good yet decently long single player campaign.
MP federation force looks like it will have excellant co-op multiplayer, but the blast ball looks very boring and rather repetitive to play as well. The single player I absolutely look forward to.. but the question is how much single player they will be providing.. if it's short and limiting in comparison to the already limiting multiplayer experience, then there is no replay value for the single player, and it flops.
And then like splatoon, there's star fox zero which can easily have additional modes, yet nintendo is cutting short for some unknown reason.. it takes little effort for them to add multiplayer to SFZ, yet they're just going to stop on it, and stick with what they have? They focus on single player for a more multiplayer based title.. and then focus on multiplayer, for a more single player based title? (Zelda, MPFF) It doesn't make sense and feels very restricting..
I want a game where when I get bored of one mode, I have a massive ammount of options to switch to another for replay value. Splatoon fails to offer that as if you get bored with the one mode the game has, then the only other thing you can do is switch weapons and even that gets lame due to the weapon unbalance in the game.
To be honest, I'm extremely disappointed in Nintendo's recent multiplayer focus. Nintendo has consistently made the best single-player game in the industry since the NES, and I became a huge fan of them due especially to their output on the Gamecube and Wii. But with many of their recent and upcoming games, the single player mode seems like more of an afterthought. I'm not particularly interested in multiplayer gaming and I've been passing on more and more Nintendo releases recently because they don't offer enough single player content to satisfy me.
Most of my friends have Xboxes, so I would probably only play with them with local co-op. However, I enjoy playing online with Smash, Splatoon, and Mariokart. Those franchises mix well with online play. But Zelda and Metroid don't seem to fit the multiplayer mold. I like multiplayer modes, not cheaply made online games.
Local co-op and online modes are great (especially two player online) but I don't like it when single player franchises are made into online games with hardly any single player.
Metroid Prime Federation Farce annoys me, but Animal Crossing Amiibo Insult makes me furious. It shouldn't be a thing!
The fact that Starfox Zero has no online multiplayer is ridiculous.
@Nintendo_Ninja Why, exactly shouldn't it be a thing?
I look forward to playing Triforce Heroes with my friend from uni since both her and I are big Zelda fans but that still leaves me with one person short. I heard you can play online with a friend and also a stranger is that correct? Still would be nice to have one more person in slapping vicinity to play with lol
@Hero-of-WiiU No, there are some like myself who aren't interested in it no matter what they call it. You can't assume everyone who votes that way are only doing so because of the name/backlash. Some just don't want it.
when it's shoved down our throats? no
@Aromaiden because all of that work is going to waste instead of just making a main series Animal Crossing title like everyone wanted. If it were a change for the better or a new take on the series for a spinoff (like HHD) it would be ok. But when it is a cheap cash in to sell Amiibo and it is a lazy board game instead of the main series game fans wanted or a decent spinoff, it shouldn't exist.
@Nintendo_Ninja The game is confirmed to be free to play, so it will not cost any money. If anything, it's a nice perk that they give you if you purchase the amiibos. Not only that, it's confirmed to have more features than just the board game, and has the possibility to expand.
If anything, I see no reason that the game shouldn't exist, especially when we know so little about it.
I believe it is an aim at profit mostly with 3ds because probably each player will have to have the game so when someone buys a game, they will influence others to purchase it also so they can play together. Sounds like I'm crazy, but I promise that is written as a main topic/financial accomplishment on a board for everyone to see during the initial design and marketing of the game.
I have no friends, therfore multiplayer serves no purpose to me.
I literally been "that kid" all my life, so I'm a huge single player guy. I spent hundreds of hours playing through Super Metroid and even more on LTTP. I absolutely love single player games because of that. The only time I ever play multiplayer is online.
@MegaBeedrill I'd give Splatoon more of a chance. Your description sounds like a game I don't recognize. :/ maybe it was like that in the first week? I don't know. It is built to keep coming back to.
I do like to play multiplayer. I mostly play multiplayer online! Two of my friends have a 3ds but they don't play it often.
Sometimes, I would play local multiplayer when my friends come to my house or with my family for Wii Sports, Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros.
Yeah, that could maybe work but I'd seriously miss the visibility of details. My eyes are always peeled for the smallest ripples.
We play with someone always popping in next to the player looking at the GamePad and tipping them off.
It would be fun to have some options. Wouldn't it be cool if the TV had a sort of dramatic replay mode and other angles that an audience could pick up on? Or half a wall of stats? Multiple GamePads would make this even better.
@Spectra_Twilight With obvious limited features like always. Check Luigi's Mansion. The same was stated about it.
I love the multiplayer in Mario Kart, Smash, and Splatoon. But I still hate the multiplayer focus of Nintendo's new releases. I'm pretty sure I'm skipping Triforce Heroes, Federation Force, and Amiibo Festival entirely.
I know you've probably already made up your mind on this, but Kirby is a really, really fun game, be it played on the gamepad or not. Personally I love playing games on the gamepad anyways, and this one has an art style that really looks 99% as good as the TV anyways. Heck I put up with 3DS visuals so Kirby on the gamepad is like futuristic graphics in comparison.
Anyways though, it's a very fun game, and different too. It's nice to play a different type of game from time to time...
Not interested in multiplayer games. I don't really have people to play anything with locally and my internet is super bad so it's single player or I'm not buying jack.
So glad they're tossing us a few co-op games finally. I'm really not a big fan of competitive multiplayer- I like Splatoon, and Mario Kart, and even the occasional bout of Smash, but that's as far as I go. I don't play Halo online, or CoD, or any of that jab. But co-op I could live on. Splinter Cell Blacklist was amazing for its co-op missions. And I hear the new Black Ops 3 has 4 player campaign co-op, so I put in a pre-order to play with a few friends. Same for Battlefront.
But I really love co-op on the 3DS. Resident Evil Revelations RAID mode was an absolute joy to play, and I've been longing for more experiences like that on the 3DS. Now I get to play Zelda with friends AND Metroid! I really have no complaints. Co-op has been sorely lacking on all platforms lately. This will help scratch the itch
Geez, I said "Meh, not interested" for everything here. I don't dislike multiplayer experiences, though. I've played many multiplayer PC games and a few MMORPG's. I also like how Nintendo handled multiplayer in the past. I just don't particularly like how Nintendo is handling multiplayer in this generation.
Nintendo's core experiences have traditionally been single player, two player, or hot seat multiplayer, with their spin offs and second tier experiences being the multiplayer powerhouses. It's not a strange thing to want more multiplayer- if anything, Nintendo is over a decade behind the times in that regard. The problem is that their core single player core experiences have been largely absent thus far, which is an unprecedented situation for Nintendo in any of their console generations.
They're weaker than ever in the home market, and forfeiting those experiences for decidedly less important outings hasn't helped them. Having more multiplayer offerings isn't a bad thing, but this is not a good way to handle it.
Having fun with others was always inside Nintendo's DNA, but at the moment there is a real co-op/share everything trend going. Personally I just want to play Zelda (and Federation force, if I'll buy it) alone. But for Zelda I need to go online sometimes, because I heard its the only way to get certain materials!
As long as the single-player modes don't suffer because of the multiplayer-modes, its fine. The reason that I didn't buy Splatoon was because the single-player is to short. I might still get it someday, but only if it gets cheaper!
While I absolutely adore single player games and the way they can draw the player into their world, I do believe there is no harm in creating experiences that are focused on sharing the playthrough together with another. Co-op campaigns are something that is still relatively rare and the ability to enjoy a game with another and to share and overcome the hardships and trials together is one aspect of gaming that is not fully explored yet I feel. I do appreciate what the upcoming Zelda and Federation Force game is attempting to do.
Also, the amiibo focused Animal Crossing WiiU game is (while in the wake of amiibo shortages a bit of an unwelcome news... though here's hoping they sort that out) basically what looks like a digital Game of Life, a board game which I'm rather fond of. So I may be in the minority (probably the only at this point) but I would like to see this through especially if the concept is executed well.
im in the single player vs multi camp as well, there is fun to be had in multi but i prefer single player as the main focus and mutli as a nice litte side addition
Multiplayer is not very good for me because I'm not very social and struggle with social interaction and making friends, so it's very disappointing when games are made that focus on multiplayer as the main thing.
I prefer games that focus on single player, since that is how I usually play, but I love that certain games, like sports or party games, have local multiplayer since it makes for great moments when my friends come over. But I pass on online multiplayer, it isn´t for me.
I'm single player mostly (unless a fighting game) but I know that I'm old and need to stop telling kids to get off my lawn. I'll likely ignore most of the MP offerings and hope that they bring more fans into the fold. In the end the more people that game only results in more games for everyone. Besides I have been swayed a bit by Splatoon. Five years ago I would not have bought that game...Nintendo made or not.
Really hoping Mario Tennis has online multiplayer. Seems like a no brained after Wii Sports Club.
I am another person who has no problem with multiplayer or AC Amiibo Festival. I have kids who love board games so that's why I preordered that. There aren't a lot of games I can play with my daughter who isn't big on platformer games like Kirby & Yoshi. Not sure if I will end up getting Zelda or Metroid because I have enough games preordered as is. Luckily some of them aren't out until 2016. All depends on if I get money for my birthday and Christmas or not even, though Metroid doesn't come out until 2016 either.
@aaronsullivan - "Multiple GamePads would make this even better.
You're always picking on me.
Replays would be way cool. After losing 6 in a row to start my day in tower control after dinner - yelling so loud I dman near gave myelf a heart attack - I hate peopel milling about th ebase willy nilly in towec ontrol like they'r ein turf war, then having only 3 players on my team the next - I finally said the heck w/ it singlehandedly rode the tower to the end shooting everyone in my way got to about 3 before they finally shot me but one of my teammates jumped on to finish it. Quickest victory I ever had. First match I would have liked to have seen a replay of. I'm guesing though if tere really is n central server and we are just playing on each others Wii U there probably isn't power to spare for that. MK8 is probably easy as the track never changes w/ ink coverage.
Multiplayer would require wifi on always and 3ds battery is only 3-5 hrs on solo play already.
How do you expect us to play multiplayers and provide battery so small.
@aaronsullivan - "But maybe Nintendo is just too focused on getting the launch games going for NX. I'm sort of okay with that, myself."
Just sort of had a convo w/ my wife about that. I don 'tthink I really mentioned NX, it was more about Nitneod showing off Zelda U at E3 2014 last year w/ a 2015 release date, but now that it i s2015 they still don' thave any type of release window at all, except I guess "2016" on th egraphic. But they rally should have shwed it at E3 w/ a release date - either "1st half 2016" o r"holiday 2016". If they thought it was 2015 over a year ago they should haev i tnarrowed down to a 6 month window by now.
Oh, what brought that on was "Miiverse update COMING Summer 2015". It is summer 2015, they should give a month.
Does it involve Amiibo Festival? Then, no, not really.
I'm literally not planning to get any of these games. I have not been impressed with anything Nintendo's done with multiplayer lately. First Splatoon is a shorter game than any Call of Duty, is missing typical online gaming features, and lacks a co-op mode for offline play. I'm sure these other games will also all fail to have voice communication and will be short-sighted in some variety of elements. None of them looked particularly fun, either.
Oh well. NX is coming up. Maybe they'll do some of this stuff next time around.
Well I love co-op games, so I am very interested in playing both Tri Force Heroes and Federation Force online. I will probably go through Zelda in singleplayer before going online, though.
I'm hoping that Federation Force will be as enjoyable as Onslaught. I absolutely loved that game! Also it sort of reminds me of the Metroid Blast game in Nintendo Land.
I enjoy party games, but Amiibo Festival looks like a snore. I may rent it.
Wooly World I shall preorder whenever the bundle appears. I had the game preordered for ages, but I canceled it so I can track down a bundle. Hoping I can find one before the scalpers claim them all. (Same story for Chibi-Robo!)
Mario Tennis multiplayer is very important, but if MotionPlus is either not used or is used poorly, I'm passing on this. I still can't believe they demoed it with the Pro controller.
@SMW The Amiibo Festival game is free.
I must admit I'm a guy who prefers multiplayer however like always, "it depends". Not thrilled with the lack of communication on Splatoon. I can totally see why after playing COD online and the amount of international players on Splatoon would wind up being a p.c. nightmare. However the complete lack of online multiplayer on Starfox completely baffles to the point it seems masochistic. Mario makers multiplayer and online capability seems spot on perfect. The above mentioned 3DS games' multiplayer if they include online is great in my opinion BUT again it depends. Are they online multi or local? Local is great fun but for older guys like me its less then realistic to get 2 or 3 guys together to play. Also do I HAVE to get 2 or 3 people to pass a certain part or mission? Having to rely on others can lend itself to some serious trolling and other annoying childish behavior. I'd love to see more online multiplyer experiences, when they are done right.
My friends live in other states so being able to play online influences what games I buy. Being able to talk and play together is a big part of gaming for me.
Practical limitations always make me a single player. I love online multiplayer though, it's just that the local multiplayer doesn't happen much.
Good to hear nintendo is focusing on multiplayer. It will give many games more replay value
Co-op can be fun but it's not always possible.most of my best nintendo experiences have been single players maybe am biased but it seems like there pushing multiplayer as a way to justify not spending resources on the games fans actually want.
Oh and the fact star fox has NO online multiplayer while a series known for isolation like metroid is turned into a team game (no matter how good it may turn out) is frankly baffling.between the co-op and Chibi suits i honestly wouldn't be surprised if samus is undergoing some sort of "casualized" visual makeover to try n appeal to kids more.
Nintendo got me into multiplayer games just recently, thanks to MK8 and Splatoon.............perfect!
@JaxonH I would like to play Kirby. I've played the last few 3ds/DS Kirby games, so I am a Kirby fan, but I bought the Wii U to play games on the big screen. Nintendo should have offered a 3ds version.
To offer a Wii U game that is really only playable on the Gamepad is a costly mistake for Nintendo. They are obsessed with the gamepad and are using it as another console rather than a controller.
Thanks for your comments and I will buy the game if it appears on the 3ds or if Nintendo reinvent it for the Wii U big screen.
It would appeal to me if they finally managed to get online into their game as a standard feature ... not just on handheld either =/
Multiplayer is great as long as
1) It doesn't impact on single player value
2) Nintendo remember they are supposed to be making games for everyone and include online options for the many adults out there who struggle to get local multiplayer sessions arranged
@Hero-of-WiiU I don't want to buy because it's on 3DS and I don't enjoy co-op horde mode shooters like Borderlands.
From the looks of the polls, everyone is still sore that games like Fedaeation Force isn't made like all the old Metroid games, or no one hardly has friends. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I'm a big fan of good local multiplayer.
I've never been a multiplayer kind of person. I'm way too socially awkward to feel even remotely comfortable with it. So I wish Nintendo would stop trying to shove it down my throat.
Don't care about multiplayer at all. I'm a 100% single player. Way back during the N64 days my friends and I did play multiplayer all the time but that was when we didn't have jobs yet and lived down the street from each other. Perhaps one day when I have kids I'll play games with them but until then I'm all about single player.
Multiplayer is great for the WiiU/home consoles. But my husband isn't super interested in buying his own 3DS, and as it's a portable, I'm often out and don't have access to wifi when playing it. In my opinion, portable games should always have a robust single player (with the exception of maybe sports/smash bros type entries), since that's likely how many would play it.
Nothing wrong with a game having/being built around a strong co-op experience. I'm sure there's a market for it (couples with two 3DS's, siblings, kids who play at lunch/on the bus at school) - it's just not as easy to pull off for people as with a home console, so the single player should be worth buying the game for as well, for the most part.
I received Yoshi's Wooly World from my wife for my birthday. It's a terrific platformer, but even after enjoying Kirby's Epic Yarn together, she won't play co-op with me due to falling out of love with video games, much to my dismay. I've also had friends round since who will look at the cover or see a small amount of gameplay and just turn their noses up at the very notion of playing a game that's even slightly cute, so I'm literally starving to play the co-op mode! I am enjoying the single player mode, but without someone to play with, it's feeling like something is sorely missing...
Not planning on getting any of them.
Only Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda U interest me.
Tri Force Heroes is specifically made for a multiplayer experience and allows for online play. Why would anyone specifically buy that game and then choose to do single player? Assuming your Internet connection isn't an issue... why?
Love online co-op RPG's hope we get some more before its over for 3DS. Dragon Quest X would be nice. Bring on the Multiplayer!
The poll results made me laugh. So many people uninterested in the new Animal Crossing and Metroid. I want to at least give them a chance before passing on them completely. I passed on a lot of games because of 1st impressions, and some of them ended up being my all-time faves.
Been playing single player since NES & Sega Genesis days. My older brother would only play certain games so id end up mostly playing single player games alone. When wifi systems came out and the ability to play with friends across the globe i loved it. Nintendo though they really didn't jump on the multiplayer online wagon..
Single player games are great and much fun but i think when you can run through a game with someone else it a much better experience of course only for certain games. There are tons of games that just scream out MULTIPLAYER but never got the feature. I like that Nintendo is trying but can we focus on new Titles and preferably for Wii U home console ?
The only Mario Tennis for me is the RPG-heavy GameBoy Color game.
Basically voted down all the 3DS stuff they announced at E3. Not my style of gaming.
It would if they had better internet support and quit putting multi-players on hand-helds.
This is the reason I didn't buy the Wii U; the emphasis on local coop seemingly at the cost of deeper singleplayer experiences.
The only multiplayer game I love is Monster Hunter and that's not even made by Nintendo. Smash and Kart are great when you have gamer friends in geographic proximity, but I don't, so they're immaterial to me anymore.
The more they go multiplayer, the less interest I'll have in their products.
Mario Kart 8 has great multiplayer, but as a single player experience it's very dull. One of the dullest SP modes I've experienced in a racing game in a long while(I'm not talking about the gameplay, that's not dull). Splatoon's SP can be finished in a few hours too, not giving much content to the singleplayer.
Nintendo needs to refocus on the SP experience of their MP games. There are plenty of MP games where the SP experience is great and full of content too. There's no need to hurt the single for the multi or the other way around, nobody cares for a barebones treatment.
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