Today's Nintendo Direct broadcasts were packed with details, and a large percentage of the reveals and footage went down rather well. This humble writer did have his head in his hands at the announcement of Pokémon Shuffle for the 3DS eShop, however, for multiple reasons.
For one thing it immediately followed the rather nice announcement for the Puzzle & Dragons bundle coming to the West, giving a bit of match-three puzzling overkill. Then there are obvious similarities to Pokemon Link: Battle; in this case you must clear tiles to defeat Pokémon within a certain number of turns, while you can collect, level up and even Mega Evolve the pocket monsters. That's all acceptable enough, if not necessarily thrilling.
The structure of the game is a concern, though. It's free-to-play, and unlike previous examples like Steel Diver: Sub Wars looks set to play on a gamer's patience; when you battle you use hearts, and when you run out you need to wait a fixed time in order to get more. You can earn in-game items to redeem hearts or speed the whole thing up with micro-transactions through the eShop. This is the classic trick that's been used to death in similar smartphone games, and typically tries to get players to spend improbable amounts of money to feed an addictive puzzle game habit. We doubt this will be as bad as the worst examples to be found on iOS and Android, but the structure itself means that balancing will be key.
We know that Nintendo will explore these sorts of models, and can only hope that the balancing in this entry is fair and not exploitative. We shall see.
Pokémon Shuffle will be available in February as a free download. Will you be grabbing it? Also, do you share our concerns, or perhaps disagree with our comments above? Let us know.
Comments 62
DLing ! Free is free, plus all the action is on one screen.
I'll be downloading it for sure, I could end up loving this game, but I'm not one for micro transactions...so we shall see.
I will stick to Trozei. I have so much to do on that one anyway. And then P&D in May
I hate free to play games so I can't find myself liking this.
Really hope Nintendo don't get too involved in all this, but I will let one or two titles go as it is only natural to experiment.
I'll most likely download it. I'll probably play it for an hour then forget it exists though.
I trust Nintendo will make it right, but I'm definitly happy they are experimenting with a little spin-off and not some major game ^^;
Plus this sound too much like a free2play version of LinkBattle, be able to choose between a f2p and a pay-once title really make all this sound even fairer towards customers ^_^
Slightly? It is part of the worst thing that ever happened to gaming. It copies the smartphone business modell and needs to be ignored. It needs to create a loss for Nintendo. I really hope they fail with it.
Figures. The series has been trending casual so it was only a matter of time.
I don't think I'll be getting it, it reeks of the usual money grubbing tactics that are all too common in F2P, and forcibly limiting your play time completely turns me off to this game.
@Sinister "It is part of the worst thing that ever happened to gaming. It copies the smartphone business modell and needs to be ignored. It needs to create a loss for Nintendo. I really hope they fail with it."
My thoughts exactly.
Don't download this thing, people, unless you want to see micro-transaction fueled nonsense take over the eshop.
I hate this. Pretty much any game that uses the coins, gems, and energy mechanic I hate. There's no way I'll be downloading this, even if I wouldn't ever spend any money in it, since I'm not going to support anything like this. Rusty and Steel Diver are fine, since you can play as much as you like, whenever you like, and you actually get something for your purchases. When developers do this, they're basically tricking you into slowly paying for the game, and hoping you'll even overpay what the game is actually worth. They could have just made it $5 game without IAPs, which would have been fine, but of course they already have Trozei, so all I really see in this game is an attempt to make some quick money.
I will be downloading it. it is just like sub wars. I think of it more like dlc not micro transactions. entirely optional content
A game using the smartphone model...but not on a smartphone. Kids aren't the ones who buy extra hearts to play longer. This just isn't going to work.
I'm not one of the people who will go on about how Nintendo should make games for mobile, but if they're going to take the time to develop them anyway they might as well put them on the platform they'll actually matter on.
Wow, I didn't even catch that. I wasn't even paying attention during this part of the presentation. I'm glad I'm not the type to get overly impatient, especially not to the point of paying for something I can just wait for.
This belongs to the Google/Apple Stores, but I guess it's being released because of the pressure of the investors. I want to think this won't be as moneygrabber as other games of its kind, we'll see.
EDIT: I'm watching the Direct again and... It doesn't seem THAT bad, I mean, you can get jewels via streetpass, then transform them into hearts, and it says you can also get more hearts using items obtained IN-GAME...
I'm a bit disappointed to see something like this on a Nintendo console after Sub Wars and Rusty did so much to redeem the F2P model.
I'll probably download this, though I'm not gonna pay for the micro-transactions as that money can easily go into better things like the Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Since it's pretty much the same as Pokémon Link Battle, it's gonna be terrible by default, but adding microtransactions is the gross icing on an awful cake.
I'll probably just leave it running for an hour to give it a bad rating...
I honestly don't see why they don't just put this on mobiles (if they are gonna make it at all). Would it really take away from 3DS sales if Candy Crush: Pokemon edition was on mobiles? I doubt it, and by releasing this not only are they entering a 3DS marketplace mostly devoid of disgusting business strategies like microtransactions (Bravely Default SP Drinks aside), they are sullying the name of an existing franchise with this devious move (something Iwata said they would not do).
We will one day, very soon, see a F2P Animal Crossing game with microtransactions forced down your throat at every turn.
This is what the company we love has become.
I'll probably give if a try.
All this news about puzzles games makes me remember that I still have Pokemon Battle Trozei to complete.
I'm a real patient guy so if the pay portion only applies to speeding up playing again, I can live with that. I can't think of one game I ever pay for speed-up micro-T. Even if it uses in-game currency or play coins like Pokemon Dream Radar.
@Capt_N @Ralizah Also my thoughts. I want a kid to rack up a huge bill for things bought in the game, and I want that to hit the news. I hope this poisons the Pokemon brand forever, teaching Nintendo not to make this mistake again.
@C-Olimar @DerpSandwich - Agree w/ you two. There seems to be this mystique about Nintendo that they are too talented to make app games for smart devices so thats why they don't. Well here ya go! Put this out there where it belongs and advertise to get people to buy your consoles and Pokemon Trozei (b/c I have no idea what Link Battle is).
As for the F2P model itself, I don't care, it's out there, might as well exploit it, just don't then say you are too good to make these type of games b/c these type of games will cheapen the brand.
I'm getting it. I believe Nintendo made it very clear when they said that you may choose to buy more turns if so desired or wait for the turns to regenerate. It appears to have a very similar setup to Candy Crush.
I personally like the challenge of taking these games and not even acknowledging the micro transactions. ie. completing the game without spending any money.
My question is: will I have to have an internet connection at all times to play this game? The reason I ask is because I play 3DS at work a lot on breaks and there's no wi-fi there.
I don't mind free to play personally, if people want to drop money and complete a game quicker then that's their choice. Being a gamer by nature, I'd rather grind the game out and be patient when it comes to these sorts of games. If you have quite a few free to play games on the go at once, you can be distracted by the others which you haven't played yet that day while you wait for hearts/lives to be restored over time.
I have faith that Nintendo knows how to handle this.
I just hope this is as far as it goes. I don't want to see games that make microtransactions necessary.
@rjejr Exactly. If they are gonna resort to this kind of money grabbing tactic then there can be no more "Nintendo is different" arguments, either from company execs or fans.
Nintendo wants your money just as much as Micro$oft or $ony
BTW, Link is the name for Pokemon Trozei in Europe.
No, I can not take this platform and will not spend a cent on it. Nintendo is a business and will do what makes them money; I won't fault them for that, them getting money is what gets me more games. But I will not contribute to making this cost structure profitable and hope it collapses.
@C-Olimar Why are you so loving cynical?
I'll probably try it, but I won't spend money on it
@C-Olimar - Trozie = Link. Thanks, I was beginning to think thst while I was replying to you but nobody else had said so. Makes sense reading over all the comments. Speaking of comments, feel free to ignore the one above me, its gonns get deleted for language anyway
Did'nt Nintendo say they did not want this kind of ingae transactions in their games?
@Tobias95 Pokemon isn't much of a Nintendo title. Gamefreak/The Pokemon Company usually does their own thing and Nintendo publishes whatever's given to them
It's the same that works in Bravely Default. This Nintendo game has similar micro transactions, but Nintendo can't really enforce their ideas onto Square Enix.
No Nintendo. Just no. Cheap, unwelcome and frankly, I thought you were better than this.
"Slightly worrying Micro-Transactions"
No. they're not. This is a game no body will care about. Even by the standards of Pokemon spin-offs this looks dull. Just a stripped down version of trozei.
Does the 3DS really need more match 3 games ?
Welcome to Candy Crush Pokemon, or Pokemon Crush Saga.
A really bad idea if you ask me. I certainly will not be going anywhere near this.
@SanderEvers Bravely Default is a terrible game yes. It is like they got everything working with the game but forgot to add any content. (Other than grinding that you can pay to win to get out of).
I feel like Battle Trozei / Link Battle should have had the features touted in this game...I'm not talking about the micro-transactions, but the ability to actually -level- the Pokemon you have! Stuck on the 9th section of the game currently, so here's hoping I may actually be able to finish before Shuffle comes out. I'm actually sort of (cautiously) optimistic for this and would like to see how this all pans out. No matter what you feel about it, it's not like Nintendo is -forcing- you to pay for these micro-transactions. Your patience and skill can be rewarded!
Will download it for sure, but won't be using the micro-transitions. I despise that kind of stuff, just to be able to keep playing something and constantly paying for it.
Pass. I was disappointed enough with Battle Trozei to keep me from wasting time on this. I have played many Pokemon spinoffs, and the only one I really enjoyed was Pokemon Snap. How about a new version of that, building on how Pokemon Dream Radar worked? Nevermind, Nintendo has really shown today that they don't want my cash. WHERE IS MY STANDARD SIZE WHITE NEW 3DS WITH FAMICOM BUTTONS!??!
Pokemon Battle Link: The cash-grab version.
Feh, if you're complaining about micro-transactions affecting the quality of the game, I only have this to say to you:
You can elect whether or not to pay for the damn game so you can continue playing. Arcade machines worked the same way in the past. You paid to play more. The only difference now is that with this kind of free to play game, all you have to do is wait to play some more. Those who pay to play more are either impatient and want to play more, incompetent and constantly mismanage their resources, or both.
If you're not going to pay but want to play some more, you can spend time waiting doing other constructive things - and no, complaining about the free to play model doesn't count. You can take care of whatever personal business you have to take care of, learn a few tricks to help you not mismanage your resources next time you play, or you could procreate.
These arguments against free-to-play models are becoming more and more whiny as the years go by. It's like when the PSN and XBL went down over Christmas. Little kids were demanding free copies of big franchise titles just because they couldn't play online for three days. Stop complaining and keep playing. We don't need the world to look at gamers like we're a bunch of children who throw tantrums when things don't go their way.
Others may do as they want, but I won't be wasting space on this one. Unlike some, I no longer have much faith in ninty. Their coyness has become tiresome with product shortages, codes for demos sent thru emails, nonsense statements that are really just words of no substance strung together.
It's ok: the only relationship I've been in longer is with my husband, lol. Him I will keep. Nintendo? It may be time for an affair...
@C-Olimar Iwata may not, but Game Freak/The Pokemon Company sure doesn't seem to care. Have you seen Masuda's rhetoric on how people don't have time for video games anymore? It's pretty clear that they want Pokemon to be like a mobile series now. It shows even in the main games which have become stripped down, linear experiences devoid of any sort of depth or challenge.
@kensredemption The problem is that F2P games are designed so that if you don't pay for microtransactions, the game becomes highly grindy and it takes forever to make progress. And in some cases, this game being one of them, they even limit how much time you can spend on the games to encourage you to pay. So if you don't want to spend money on them the game stalls your progress like crazy.
Chill out people. Microtransactions aren't the end of the world. You all act like Satoru Iwata just personally killed your dog.
Personally I agree with @Flopsy86 and @kensredemption. I can't be the only one out there who played Candy Crush for a couple of months without spending a cent. It's not that hard.
I'm going to download this and probably get a bit of enjoyment out of it. I liked Trozei (I appear to be the only one) so I'll probably like this as well.
I think it would perform better on the app store, but it's not on the app store. That's life. You guys whine too much.
I think this is a worrying development.
No doubt I'll get it, due to loving Trozei so much. But I'll be damned if I spend any money on it.
-Linear region design
-Decreasing difficulty
-Smaller team rosters
-Decreasing content
Sounds stripped down casual fare to me.
EDIT: Also, Nintendo only has about 1/3 of the share in the company. They're not majority owners.
I have no idea what your response is about. I have bought nintendo products since the nes. I don't care for their corporate decisions lately. I don't have to 'get over' anything. I can, and will, vote with my wallet.
Pretty simple, isn't it?
I have Trozei/Link, so not gonna get this. Besides, I'm through with microtransaction games, they fail so hard. I like a casual game from time to time but I don't want it to remind me every five seconds that I can pay, PAY, PAAAAYYYY for hearts, gems, whatever.
I just hope the eShop won't be overrun with these sort of games. My console is for gaming, not for ads.
Erm, so why not use the much under-used and under-rated 3DS Play Coins instead for micro-transactions? Oh yeah, they wanna fleece the gullible and impatient for small amounts of money that will add up. Meh! Poor move Ninty!
Nintendo seems to love their micro transaction titles. Steel Diver, Rusty's bullcrap baseball, and now Pokémon Shuffle. Can't wait for them to announce that you have to pay real money for clothing and weapon items in Splatoon.
Might give it a try as its free, but generally do not like this pricing model. And even if I did like the game and want to play it more after running out of lives, I would never spend money on it
I don't find it negative thay Nintendo tries a smart phone trick such as this. They explore a new area of gaming, and I find that quite interesting. I will download this, I think, play it on the way to work. I'm not buying any additional stuff, never do that with free-to-plays.
Really hope the micro transactions are password protected otherwise I won't be able to let my 5 years old Pokémon-loving son play it
Remember when everyone was giving EA, ubisoft, and such a verbal thrashing for this kind of thing? I sure do!
Now the shoe is on Nintendo's foot and its all ok? No way, those of you defending this: its over. Give it up. You have lost. These no defending this.
And there is not a hope in hell this will lure the casual crowd in, they have their phones for these types of games. They arent going to buy a $200 handheld for games like this one.
Also, how stupid was it to show this right after puzzles and dragons?! They look almost the same! (Was i the only one who got that)
Lastly, this game looks crap anyway, so hopefully its igonored and never mentioned again.
For shame Nintendo....
I already have Trozei, but I'll wait for a review from NL on this one before diving in.
Am I going to download it? I can't. Quite literally because Nintendo decided that people who don't have an NNID linked to their can't download free software for absolutely no reason (apart from to give NNID a bullet point of great thing it does). But why don't I want NNID? Well being locked into a single eShop is really bad for European regions. I own content unavailable in the UK eShop (plus hate the prices there because I live in 2015, not 2008) and there is no eShop which covers everything I own.
But looking at this game I'm not sure I'm missing much. 30 hours of Pokemon Link Battle was enough for me. Fine so this has a stamina bar, mega evolutions etc...whatever. Plus like the article said Puzzle & Dragons is just around the corner.
Very likely a game coming from all that pressure from Investors for Iwata to have Nintendo to follow the mobile market.
I might get it, without the micro-transactions.
(Don't they already have Trozei? Well, this one's free...)
I download it, though I am not a fan of Free to play. And they won't get micro-transaction money from me, that's for sure. I much rather had that Nintendo would stop with this Free to play nonsense!
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