Devilishly good?

In its February Nintendo Direct broadcast Nintendo unveiled Onitore — basically Brain Training 3DS — which will focus on testing your concentration and working memory. Already confirmed for Japan this summer, the success of the DS titles in the series made a worldwide release inevitable; Satoru Iwata has confirmed this as well as plans for the title to be available digitally.

We will later announce the official title and the launch date of the software that we tentatively call "Onitore," but this software too is scheduled to be sold in both the packaged and the digital download formats. Since the packaged and the digital download formats both have their own merits, we would like to offer both of these options to our consumers.

Although no release window is given for the worldwide release, that's confirmation at least that this will be another major Nintendo title to be given the retail download treatment. Are you interested in some 3D Brain Training?
