Last September, we brought you word on Shin'en Multimedia's upcoming racing title FAST - Racing League, and with the German developer's track record of producing visually-compelling titles, this racing game doesn't seem to deviate from that reputation at all.
The game's website has been updated with some new screenshots and they're certainly looking very lush indeed, especially when you take into account that FAST - Racing League is a WiiWare game. Talk about deja-vu! Set in the year 2112, people are lapping up high-speed races and the anti-gravity vehicles make things all the more fun. With various play modes, split-screen four player action, numerous challenges and unlockables to tuck into, gamers will soon be feeling their heads sinking further back into the headrest in this WiiWare exclusive.
Shin'en stresses that although FAST - Racing League shares aesthetic similarities with WipEout, and F-Zero, the similarities end there because the game uses different play mechanics. Incidentally, Shin'en Multimedia Project Manager Manfred Linzner has been interacting with our readers and when questioned about the rumours surrounding a 3DS project, Linzner replied with a rather ambiguous:
Well, some say Shin'en always did best with a sequel. Maybe it's time to go even further..
Make of that what you will, but we certainly hope to see more of Jett Rocket in a stereoscopic kind of way. We already know we can expect to see Jett Rocket returning in some form or another, but in what new direction will the series take?
[source fast.shinen.com]
Comments 24
Wow., I just looked on their website last week hoping for news. I bought Jett Rocket and had some fun out of it, but it wasn't that awesome. The game is neat for WiiWare and its 40MB limit (damn you Nintendo).
I'm actually interested.
The poster for the game talks about a phase shift mechanic and has a car change colors from black to white. Make of that what you want.
My favorite company ever.
I will buy this when it comes out. This company has yet to steer me wrong.
Reminds me of F-zero.
I've been playing Excite Truck recently and they have an mp3 playlist feature I hope they decide to bring this back for future games as it has been strangely absent for a while now
Looks like good stuff coming our way. =)
I'm also very curious about the OST.
Aw, I'm not into racing games at all. But if I were, I would probably put this on top of my wish list. The name Shin'en is almost a guarantee for impressive graphics in WiiWare games.
I think its guys (and maybe girls) from Shin`en who made Aero Gauge for N64 which was (and to be honest still is) a nice future-racing game
Somebody told me it was an New F-Zero......I was lied to....
Are there weapons?
I always wanted to play a Wipeout game on Wii, unfortunately I can't. And F-Zero isn't the same.
Hopefully it will have a few extra features to make it stand out from other racing games.
I remember hearing this yesterday from a Shin'en staff member (Manfred).
Anyway, great pics! This might just be my first Shin'en purchase! (I still plan to get Art of Balance and Jett Rocket)
Looks like a mix of F-zero and Wipeout... Awesome!
I think it's time for a Wii F-Zero... or a re-publishing of F-Zero GX at least!
With online races and leaderboards is a must buy for me.
Wow, probably not in game, but with a 40 MB limit it looks awesome.
@Sneaker - if you look carefully you can see all the polygon seems/edges...it's in-game--it's just really clean in typical Shin'en fashion.
i like these kinda games and its online insta buy. where are all the online titles come on wiiware step it up
I love Shin'en games:) Iridion 2 is the best schmup I've ever played behind Ikaruga. And Jett Rocket is an awesome old-school style platformer (I love his design. Harkens back to Alex Kidd and Micky from Ghost House). Anything these guys are doing, I'm there. And man are they filling a void on Wii with this. Besides Speed Racer - the movie tie in game - there's literally NO game on the Wii in the "futuristic super fast racing" genre! Where the eff IS F-Zero, anyway!?!
Hope Jett Rocket comes to 3DS. That would be sweet.
Simply AMAZING! Another day 1 purchase for me.
Shin'en games simply make many other WiiWare games look bad.
Looks really great for a WiiWare game. Hopefully it has a decent selection and quality of tracks.
Wii has been sorely lacking F Zero games, one of the Nintendo trademarks that is less well known (though still popular, just not to the level of demand of Mario, Zelda, Metroid or any of the 'compilation' games - eg Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros etc).
F Zero GX was one of the best looking games on Gamecube.
They seem to be working hard on this one, and it looks stellar!
With nothing like speech or character animation expected from this, the 40MB can be jam-packed with awesome action.
So.... is this an online game? I'm sold if it is and the review's pretty good...
This Look's like i imagined F-Zero would For Wii would look but since they haven't released that yet this'll have to do
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