Those Gaijin Games guys are a wily bunch: the first teaser for BIT.TRIP FATE was vague as they come, but even that has nothing on Alex Neuse's slippery 3DS comments to Eurogamer.
When quizzed about whether the studio had plans to develop on other consoles, Neuse did – or perhaps didn't – have this to say:
I can neither confirm nor deny that we do or do not have a Nintendo 3DS dev kit; nor that it is or is not red; nor that we have or do not have any plans for Nintendo 3DS development. Nor can I confirm or deny that the BIT.TRIP games do or do not look totally amazing in 3D.
See what you make, or don't, of that.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 30
Oh, come on!
Gaijin likes to taunt us now....
They're bad at lying.
So pretty much the bit.trip series will be moving to the 3DS with a possible bit.trip compilation or all online, I'm hoping for a cartridge that will just be called Bit.Trip. They would look amazing in 3d that much I'm sure about. Why would they want a red one though.... LAME. come on Gaijin get with the times and get the purple one that might not even exist.
If only he didn't. Then he'd actually tell us to listen better.
Bwahahaha amazing.
Wow. That is the most obviously un-obvious hint that they might be working on a 3DS game ever.
@James YES.
or no?
It must be a nightmare asking Alex Neuse for directions.
Maybe they'll make a bit.trip game for the 3DS.
or maybe they won't.
The way I see it, that is pretty much a confirmation.
@Odnetnin YES.
...And possibly a maybe.
i love Gaijin Games so hard. i want to take this as a confirmation; therefore, i shall. :3
Awesome! love me some BIT.TRIP
hahaha that was funny! i liked his confirmation, or unconfirmation, or whatever it would be called.
That was the best confirmation ever.
that title confused the heck out of me
epic response
That's either great or bad. I can not confirm if what they were saying there was positive or not.
But seriously, that was brilliant.
I think it is funny when people talk like that.
This is more vague than Nintendo's announcements about the 3DS
That either is, or isn't, a totally obvious hint.
.......I still can't beat the first Bit.Trip...............
"Nor can I confirm or deny that the BIT.TRIP games do or do not look totally amazing in 3D."
Since I thought Beat looked trippy at first, I can't wait to SEE IT IN 3D!
Awesome icon. That brings back a lot of memories.
i'm pretty sure the colors are going to be blue or red. just like picking the first pokemon game
Wow that was totally obvious that they have a 3DS dev kit & have reproduced Bit.Trip in 3d - sounds awesome!
I had to stand up and blow off some steam after that. Oh man, I love Alex Neuse! I can't even fathom Bit.Trip on 3DS, but god help me if he does...I'll have to just give him my soul.
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