
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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Should i get the snes cart of Chrono trigger for $75 (plus membership bonuses and such, $50) or just get the ds version?

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


turtlelink wrote:

Should i get the snes cart of Chrono trigger for $75 (plus membership bonuses and such, $50) or just get the ds version?

Get the DS version. It's cheaper, and its the same game with a bunch of extras that you can take or leave as you please. Only get the SNES version if you entend to sell it, because that's really all the value it has left.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Unless you're some rabid collector with deep pockets, go with the DS as it's like $20 now, and it has a few little non-hosing upgrades as I think the lower screen is used as a little map now which is a bit of a help.

I know a local ad selling a stack over 20 SNES games (CT, FF3, and SoMana) are in it for $75. I'm grueling over grabbing that lot, keeping FF3 and SOM and selling pretty much all the rest because I could get 2 or so fun ones and at the worst break even.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


[quote=J.K.]I know a local ad selling a stack over 20 SNES games (CT, FF3, and SoMana) are in it for $75. I'm grueling over grabbing that lot, keeping FF3 and SOM and selling pretty much all the rest because I could get 2 or so fun ones and at the worst break even.


You lucky son of a gun! I hate you now.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Should I get the Super Scope? The only 90s TV I have left is a portable one sitting by my computer.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


hey should i get a nes or a dreamcast



Hate not...I didn't go for it. I don't really 'need' those games again as I had them years ago, and I'm diddling around on my GBA of all things and the PSP at the moment too. DQ9 as of tomorrow when it pops out, and i'm going to Frys for it as it'll be I think $33 instead of $40 hehehe.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


I looked for Earthbound, but all I can find is a $90 minimum. Good grief.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Yeah Earthbound is going to cost you cause its a niche game. The game wasnt very popular in America thus they didnt produce alot of copies and those who have it arent parting with it easily for that reason. Lucky for me I still have my original copy that came with the strategy guide and everything I still have the scratch n sniff stickers too lol.

The only thing I can suggest is if you dont want to spend the money just find a ROM for it online and run it in an emulator.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Tasuki wrote:

The only thing I can suggest is if you dont want to spend the money just find a ROM for it online and run it in an emulator.

Which reminds me: when the hell is Nintendo gonna take that advice?

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Not into Shmups, but I had HellFire for the Mega Drive and loved it!

I hope it gets on the VC one day.

Edit: Not many people I know have heard of it, is it rare?

[Edited by Lotice-Paladin]

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


Relevant+Latty wrote:

Not into Shmups, but I had HellFire for the Mega Drive and loved it!

I hope it gets on the VC one day.

I can't wait until I can finally play it on my Sega Genesis. Seriously, I just checked, it goes for as much as a VC game, minus the waiting.

And yes, it is Rare, but stupidly cheap since on one has ever heard of it. Ah yes, and both the developer and publisher are both gone now, the former split into no less that 4 different companies (and went on to become some of the best shmup developers ever), so its chances of it coming to the VC are remarkably slim.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Mickeymac wrote:

I can't wait until I can finally play it on my Sega Genesis. Seriously, I just checked, it goes for as much as a VC game, minus the waiting.

And yes, it is Rare, but stupidly cheap since on one has ever heard of it.

Damn...still have it somewhere as well as Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker! D:

Thanks for the info. Sounds like a lost gem.

Edit: Damn...that sucks...what are the chances, eh?

OT: I also remember you. We had a discussion in the old VC Forums. See you doing well here.

[Edited by Lotice-Paladin]

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


Relevant+Latty wrote:

Mickeymac wrote:

I can't wait until I can finally play it on my Sega Genesis. Seriously, I just checked, it goes for as much as a VC game, minus the waiting.

And yes, it is Rare, but stupidly cheap since on one has ever heard of it.

Damn...still have it somewhere as well as Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker! D:

Thanks for the info. Sounds like a lost gem.

Edit: Damn...that sucks...what are the chances, eh?

OT: I also remember you. We had a discussion in the old VC Forums. See you doing well here.

Oh cool, high again. It's been a while ain't it? I kinda miss the old days though.

Anywho, yeah, Hellfire is a forgotten classic on the Genesis, sadly enough. One of many undeservedly but deliciously underrated shooters on the system.

And thanks to that dreadful thing called time, a lot of VC games are having difficulty coming to the VC thanks to dead publishers and broken developers, leaving the games in a form of legislative limbo that rarely gets resolved. Ninty's trying their best, but sadly I'm afraid many an old favorite from the past will remain in the past. At least for now.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Mickeymac wrote:

Oh cool, high again. It's been a while ain't it? I kinda miss the old days though.

Anywho, yeah, Hellfire is a forgotten classic on the Genesis, sadly enough. One of many undeservedly but deliciously underrated shooters on the system.

And thanks to that dreadful thing called time, a lot of VC games are having difficulty coming to the VC thanks to dead publishers and broken developers, leaving the games in a form of legislative limbo that rarely gets resolved. Ninty's trying their best, but sadly I'm afraid many an old favorite from the past will remain in the past. At least for now.

Yeah, I've been around other forums and such whilst checking here for news.

It's pretty sad really. That some of these games will be lost in transmission because of companies going bankrupt.

Ah well, at least we know that the game exists.

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


I thought rom and emulator talk was a good mod nazi way to get banned right quick which is why I've been dodging the issue. I don't promote the stuff, barely use it anymore, and usually out of laziness of not wanting to dig up a cart. I'd suggest trying a lot before going to a retro shop or online to buy stuff but wanted to play it safe.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


J.K. wrote:

I thought rom and emulator talk was a good mod nazi way to get banned right quick which is why I've been dodging the issue. I don't promote the stuff, barely use it anymore, and usually out of laziness of not wanting to dig up a cart. I'd suggest trying a lot before going to a retro shop or online to buy stuff but wanted to play it safe.

Earthbounds a special exception until its released. Personally, I'd suggest looking online for videos, since old games like that are easy to judge on sight alone. At least, they are to me. Never regretted a single purchase. Really, getting retro consoles has made me give up my long history of piracy. I just can't stomach the thought of playing on an emulator, not when I can own the real deal.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Mickeymac is right. If a game is expensive and hard to find, then using an emulator is fine... so long as you buy it when (and if) it's available to you.



i am getting a nes with batman (my fav super hero plus i turned down super mario bros.3 for this! ) but what else should i get (1 player games for now so no 2 player games like chip and dale) so which games should i get ..and i hate shooter games


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