
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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Much like we have WiiWare, Virtual Console, etc, I thought I'd start my own.
This thread is designed for those who are curious whether to pick up classic games, whether or not they're on the VC already.

To start, I'm considering getting a Super Game Boy with Super Mario Land. The combined price should be just under $20. Should I get them?

[Edited by theblackdragon]

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Super Mario Land wasnt bad a little short IMO but I did like the vehicle levels. Gameplay was similar to SMB. But yeah if you have never played it and you have a Super Nintendo to use the SUper Gameboy on than that is a good deal. See if you can also find a copy of Super Marioland 2 if you havent played that one yet.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Thanks. When I get the SGB, I'll be getting various GB games since I don't have a GBC anymore.

BTW, can the SGB play GBC games?

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


I am not sure on that. By the time I got Gameboy Color games I didnt have my Super Nintendo anymore so I couldnt try. The most recent game I used on the Super Gameboy was Pokeman Blue (Man that was a long time ago) and that was because my friend wanted to try Pokeman when it first came out and he didnt have a Gameboy so we played it on his Super Nintendo with the Super Gameboy. I am sure you can probably google Super Gameboy and find some forums or something that will tell you.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


OK, Wikipedia says that the SGB only supports black GBC titles. The only GBC game I'm getting is Link's Awakening DX, which has a black cartridge. So I'm fine.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Yea I just read that too on Wikipedia lol. If you have a Gamecube, and can find the Gameboy player attachment that plays Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy advanced games.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I sold my GC months ago, along with its Game Boy Player. I can play GBA games on my DS. What I'd really like is a GBA so I can have the Tingle Tuner on Wind Waker.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


@mickeymac no get a 360 and plays sonic ultimate genesis collection



@mickeymac: I'd also recommend the Sega Genesis Collection for the PS2, or the new Sonic version if you can't find it.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

Sega Genesis Collection.
Has over 30 games, including arcade games.

And I already have it. It still doesn't have Ranger-X and Rocket Knight Adventures. Still a good pick for any PS2/PSP owning Genny fans, though. I'm following a few gennies on eBay, and most seem to be affordable and come with good games, so I think I'll get one after all.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Dragoon wrote:

Which of the DK Countries is the best on SNES?

The third game, from what I've heard. They're all pretty good, though. Unless you only plan on ever playing one, if I were you, I'd start from the bottom and work my way up.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Does it actually work as a hint sysetm?

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Thanks. So basically it's a bunch of added features rather than a hint system.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


I gotta get back to that game sometime.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


So I tried playing The Guardian Legend using the NES Advantage.
I set the NES advantage on a desk so I'd have a solid surface.

It still moves around too much when I use the joystick.
Does anyone have any solutions for this dilemma?
[I probably don't want to use mounting tape as it may remove the finish on my desk]


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