
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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OK, turns out the plastic thing in the A/C socket broke off. We're going to adjust the pins and see if it works.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


In Super Mario RPG, what is the best place to train? My party is rather weak right now. I need to prep myself for the Seaside boss.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Go wherever there's enemies. Forest Maze is a good place to go.


Nintendo Network ID: QwikStix42


I'd recommend everyone the NES game Faxanadu.

With kind regards,



90%27s+Gamer wrote:

I'd recommend everyone the NES game Faxanadu.

Faxanadu...that game was kind of...weird. It was alright, I suppose, but it wasn't remotely like what I expected. I assumed it would be more like Zelda II, but in fact it reminded me a lot of a rougher Ys III. It's certainly a game I'd recommend everyone investigate thoroughly before investing in, though I should note that it's pretty cheap these days.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Faxanadu is fantastic I second the heads up on it, and yeah it's like a mix of Ys 3 and Zelda 2 in style with its own edge. If you find the game w/out a book do a google search as over 10 years ago I wrote up the book myself right down to the 2 page picture of the world tree redone in some shoddy ascii art no less as it is a little helpful.

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OK, my new SNES should be coming soon. Since I just got a Super Game Boy, I'll be looking into getting some Game Boy Classic games.

Super Mario Land
Wario Land
Donkey Kong '94
Link's Awakening DX

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


I already have SML2 (it came with my SGB). I'll look into the Metroid series.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


should i get a nes???



If you want a consistently challenging but large scale fun pile of games that defined a bunch of genres, then yes you want the NES. It goes back to an era where the controls were stupid easy, but the challenges took some work and were rewarding doing so.

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so i guess just stick to the vc and my fc 16 go and genmoble



mecoy wrote:

so i guess just stick to the vc and my fc 16 go and genmoble

Well, if you're allergic to fun, cheap games, then yes. Otherwise you have no excuse to not pick up a $20 toaster and get as many $2 games as you can play.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


actually it is a moble portable version of the nes for 41$(plus shipping)



Mickeymac wrote:

Hey, my Sega Genesis just arrived a few days ago, along with a bunch of games. I'm thinking of getting a few more to round out my collections. Does anybody no of some good:

Top-Down adventure game that isn't Beyond Oasis?
Fighting game that isn't Mortal Kombat?
Turn-Based RPG that isn't a Phantasy Star or Shining game?
licensed game?
Run & Gun that isn't Gunstar Heroes?

All for the Sega Genesis and preferrably not on the VC.

And I suppose I could look for a good Side Scrolling adventure game, but I have the feeling that I already got one.

Fighting game - Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition, Primal Rage
Turn-based RPG - Might & Magic II
Licensed game - TMNT: Hyperstone Heist

I would also recommend Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone. It's a direct port of the arcade game, so it's quite a bit different than Double Dragon III for the NES.

I'll also +1 for Faxanadu. I make sure to play through it at least once a year. The Guardian Legend is another game that I can't praise enough.



NotEnoughGolds wrote:

Mickeymac wrote:

Hey, my Sega Genesis just arrived a few days ago, along with a bunch of games. I'm thinking of getting a few more to round out my collections. Does anybody no of some good:

Top-Down adventure game that isn't Beyond Oasis?
Fighting game that isn't Mortal Kombat?
Turn-Based RPG that isn't a Phantasy Star or Shining game?
licensed game?
Run & Gun that isn't Gunstar Heroes?

All for the Sega Genesis and preferrably not on the VC.

And I suppose I could look for a good Side Scrolling adventure game, but I have the feeling that I already got one.

Fighting game - Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition, Primal Rage
Turn-based RPG - Might & Magic II
Licensed game - TMNT: Hyperstone Heist

I would also recommend Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone. It's a direct port of the arcade game, so it's quite a bit different than Double Dragon III for the NES.

I'll also +1 for Faxanadu. I make sure to play through it at least once a year. The Guardian Legend is another game that I can't praise enough.

That was the sigle most helpful post I'd had in forever. Thanks a lot. I had already gotten the other genres worked out, so you pretty much answered the questions that still needed to be asked.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


OK, I just read that Mario vs DK is similar to Donkey Kong '94. Should I get it instead?

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

OK, I just read that Mario vs DK is similar to Donkey Kong '94. Should I get it instead?

No, because Donkey Kong '94 is a much better game, and not really similar to Mario Vs. DK at all.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt



Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Well I may have just bought these 3 today but I had most of them a good long time ago for the GBA and I know they're potent recommendations:
-Megaman & Bass
-Mario Kart Super Circuit
-Gradius Galaxies

M&B was highly unique, also one of the hardest of the classic line of MM titles. Very well animated, 2 players to use and each with their own style making some collectables only got by one and some stages easier or harder with who you use...also saves, no lame passwords. Mario Kart really truly was the last of the undeniably solid fun MK games before they got slack, made rubber banding AI that cheats, and a hit/miss level of good to boring tracks. Gradius that one just is unique, a bit hard, and probably not advisable on a GB due to tight areas and teeny bullets but on a GB Player it's up there with the good classic line of numbered titles.

[Edited by theblackdragon]

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