
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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@Vinny Gran Turismo is probably my #1 suggestion. Go with GT2. Outside of that it's mostly NASCAR and F1 games to varying degrees of quality. Back in the 90's it was mostly flight-sims that were all the rage as consoles couldn't really simulate realistic physics yet, and PCs just weren't quite there power wise either, but GT really was one of a kind. For arcade any of the Need for Speed games are good choices as they were pretty much the go to AAA licensed arcade racers back then.

[Edited by BinaryMessiah]


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


@jak1one Shantae, Metal Gear Solid (wouldn't consider this a port as it's was built from the ground up), Resident Evil: Gaiden, Survival Kids, Metroid II, Bionic Commando: Elite Forces, Final Fantasy Adventure, Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword, Warlocked.


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


@Snakewolf You do realize that that user asked that question 11 years ago and hasn't been active on this forum since 2014.

[Edited by Tasuki]

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Honestly Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64 is my favorite racing game

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I remember being super excited for the Hand-drawn Game Guides a few years back and I got the Legend of Zelda manual one and it was truly fantastic. And I was just checking the Kickstarter to see when the Metroid one was going to come out.
Turns out, it was cancelled due to C and D fears. BUT, if you happen to be intuitive you might be able to find it in it’s full hand-drawn glory if you look up “hand-drawn-game-guides-metroid” and go to a certain Archive dot org website. (I dont know if Im allowed to post the link but it’s really not hard to find at all)

Not exactly on topic but couldnt find a better thread for it.

Hope all retro gamers take advantage of these masterpieces!

Cartridges are temporary, Memories are forever

My Nintendo: LiNeR


^ So on the website, under Philip Summers’ (the creators’) account you can find hand drawn manuals for the Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Contra, and Ninja Gaiden.

Cartridges are temporary, Memories are forever

My Nintendo: LiNeR


I guess the last "retro" thing I got was the two Namco carts new for the Evercade.
So it was that, and the Data East and Technos arcade games that were going out of print.

From Technos, I guess the big thing there is Double Dragon? I hear the NES version of DD2 is the much better regarded version... and DD3. I hear it's not a very good game regardless of region but at least the Japanese version is not as dishonorable as the US version (which I assume is the one they used) in being ahead of its time in evil.

As to Data East, I've been warned about Johnny Turbo's versions on Switch using somewhat outdated emulation... wonder if that is the case here.



Removed - inappropriate links



@LiNeR I liked the Metroid one a lot 👍
Edit: Would be weird if posting a link were not allowed. It's not copyright material as far as I know.

[Edited by F-ZeroX]



The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls is pretty basic gameplay-wise but it's so much more than the sum of its parts. The fan translation is excellent as well.

There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet.


Recently started Ocarina of Times on Nintendo 64. Damn that is actually feels great for me. Even despite bad camera games is still very good N64 Games i personally think that it deserves it's status as the best game of all times, but i still have a lot to explore in game, but from what i saw the game is really really great. I wonder are there games like Ocarina on N64 or other Nintendo platforms

[Edited by Rattler]



Would like to give Herzwog Zwei a go, but it appears the rerelease is only available on Switch. I remember playing Dune II on a Pentium I back in the day, and later the Command & Conquer games. Herzwog Zwei is credited with inspiring it all and still said to be a uniquely fun experience:

@Rattler I pity you for being on course to the inevitable encounter with the Water Temple ;⁠-⁠)

[Edited by F-ZeroX]



Anyone got any recommendations for retro stores around Ireland, specifically for Wii/PS3 games? I've mainly been going with CEX for the majority of my shopping so far and, while it's definitely worked out well for me for the most part (getting games like Dead Space and Devil May Cry 1-4 for under €15 being the highlights), I'd definitely like to branch out more and see if I can get more games/better deals at other, perhaps less well-known locations. I'll also gladly take recommendations for stores around London since I usually head over there every year or so for Arsenal matches and might find the time to peruse around the streets if possible.

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