
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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I've been wanting a Super Game Boy for quite awhile now. I've just ordered it along with Super Mario Land 2. I'll eventually be getting SML1, Wario Land, and Link's Awakening.

Any recommendations?

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


If you're looking for a good FPS on GC, try 007 Agent Under Fire.


@StarFox: The Oracle games are good. I'd also recommend Donkey Kong, Mole Mania, Daedalian Opus (if you like puzzle games) and Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands!.



I don't think the Oracle games work on the SGB. My sister has a GBA, though.

I am getting Donkey Kong. I forgot to mention that.

I'll look at the others. Thanks.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Yeah, looks like they're incompatible with it. Oh well.



Again, I can always borrow my sister's GBA. She's lent it to me in the past.

Link's Awakening DX resembles the Oracles in both visuals and gameplay. I'm sure the Oracles are notably different, but I think I'll just get LA.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Super Mario Land- the obligatory Super Mario Bros. for handheld
Super Mario Land 2- combines elements from my two favorite Mario games: SMB3 and SMW
Wario Land- I've heard it's good
Donkey Kong '94- it was the precursor to Mario vs Donkey Kong
Link's Awakening DX- black cartridges work on the SGB; I'm also partial to it

BTW, I read that black GBC cartridges work in "monochrome compatibility mode". What does this mean?

[Edited by The_Ink_Pit_Ox]

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

Again, I can always borrow my sister's GBA. She's lent it to me in the past.

Link's Awakening DX resembles the Oracles in both visuals and gameplay. I'm sure the Oracles are notably different, but I think I'll just get LA.

Well, the Oracle games were developed by Capcom, so yes, they are quite different.
They are also very much worth playing.



Thanks. I'll look into getting them eventually.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Hey good you didn't buy yet. If you have a Gamecube do NOT get that stupid Super Gameboy device as it's a waste. If you do smart craigslist picking or something else get a GB Player for the Gamecube as it's far better bang for your buck. The GB Player will do any gameboy game at all from the 1989 release of that through the death of the GB Advance. The only thing I think that would be so fun is picking up the Gamecube and twisting it around for a tilt game or two.

To answer your question about monochrome mode. As Super Gameboy was pre-GBC any GBC game that is in a BLACK plastic casing will run as an old GB game on the SGB unit. If the GBC game though is in a clear charcoalish color plastic body, it will only work on the GBC, GBA, or GB Player, but NOT the GB Micro or the DS/Lite due to a lack of the GB 8bit cpu on board.

As I said your best bet is the GB Player if you're going for TV based play. The ONE drawback I forgot to mention is that as it's a GBA, it doesn't allow the pre-sets for SuperGameboy game color sets the SGB unit on SNES can read so the few games that truly used it well with a nice border and proper colors (like Donkey Kong) instead get the GBA pre-program color sets saved to it's internal guts (at least that' better than the default meh 4 shades mess, so it's slightly nicer, just a bit lacking and no border either. The UP side I forgot to mention though on GB Player is that if you jack your GC into a set that does progressive scan 480p, those GB games look damn sharp.

If you want more game recommendations, tell me what systems you're up to as I'm a loaded encyclopedia of useless but fun Nintendo facts and junk so if I have ideas of what style and system you like I can come up with something. I will say though since you want Zelda, grab Final Fantasy Adventure as it's outright epic, the prequel to Secret of Mana on SNES.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


StarFox wrote:

BTW, I read that black GBC cartridges work in "monochrome compatibility mode". What does this mean?

You can play them on the original Game Boy as well, in glorious green-yellow splendor.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

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Hey, my Sega Genesis just arrived a few days ago, along with a bunch of games. I'm thinking of getting a few more to round out my collections. Does anybody no of some good:

Top-Down adventure game that isn't Beyond Oasis?
Fighting game that isn't Mortal Kombat?
Turn-Based RPG that isn't a Phantasy Star or Shining game?
licensed game?
Run & Gun that isn't Gunstar Heroes?

All for the Sega Genesis and preferrably not on the VC.

And I suppose I could look for a good Side Scrolling adventure game, but I have the feeling that I already got one.

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the+shpydar wrote:

StarFox wrote:

BTW, I read that black GBC cartridges work in "monochrome compatibility mode". What does this mean?

You can play them on the original Game Boy as well, in glorious green-yellow splendor.

So when I play them on SGB, they'll be in monochrome? Crap.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


That would be correct. The Super Gameboy in all fairness short of like 3-6 well made non-lazily done SGB releases is worthless. The handful that were done right have some really sharp borders and quality color palette setup that really do shine. I recall Donkey Kong the one that promo'd it had the best color setup and secondarily I think the other 2 that really stood out were Kirby's Dream Land 2 and Street Fighter II. Outside of that many had no specific border or something truly up in like 5 minutes, and then the color schemes most used were just black, white, and a couple shades of the same color looking really no better than using a color pre-set for an older GB title. It's total waste of time.

That's why I suggested if you have gamecube just to get the GB Player as it will do far more for you as it has the ability to run all Gameboy styles of games accurately short of those SNES specific color sets and borders of the SuperGB games.

[Edited by theblackdragon]

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


Top-Down adventure game that isn't Beyond Oasis? - Can't help you there, drawing a blank.
Fighting game that isn't Mortal Kombat? -- Eternal Champions
Turn-Based RPG that isn't a Phantasy Star or Shining game? - I honestly can't think of one, SNES got the RPGs.
licensed game? - If you're thinking movies, forget it as with most they suck.
Run & Gun that isn't Gunstar Heroes? - Contra had one release as did Castlevania

And I suppose I could look for a good Side Scrolling adventure game, but I have the feeling that I already got one. - If not, there's plenty from Vectorman1 or 2 to the top of the alphabet with Aero the Acrobat. Also normally Sega got the better contract with Disney and had far nicer Disney releases in particular Aladdin, Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


Well, I've already ordered the thing. Also, my SNES broke, so ugh.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Ooooh sorry to hear that, both things.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


Yeah, I can't get the A/C adaptor to plug in. I fear that something broke in the SNES slot or the thing that goes into it.

Perhaps, for the time being, I'll download what games I can.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Probably your best bet. If it's the SNES slot and something broke you should be able to see it, but if it's more internal like a bad cap, soldering, you're screwed and it's done. Perhaps it's also a busted ac adapter too and in that case it's easy just to take one off the NES or a Genesis if you have one and see if it lights it back up to life.

My Stuff -
The Gamer Theory Forums -


The adapter works fine.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373

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