
Topic: Retro recommendations thread

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I'm looking to sell Star Wars Episode I Racer. I've become rather disinterested in it. I'll probably get $5 at most.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


@Starfox- Keep it. You'll eventually wanna play it years from now and you'll be like, Crap, I sold that game, and I really wanna play it right now! NNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

U get the point, right?


Nintendo Network ID: QwikStix42


Qwikman wrote:

@Starfox- Keep it. You'll eventually wanna play it years from now and you'll be like, Crap, I sold that game, and I really wanna play it right now! NNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

U get the point, right?

He's right. If you got the space, and you got the money, there's no need to sell it. Trust me, if you'll be wanting to play it again someday, just to relive the memories. Or just for the helluvit. Keep it. Keep it until you need to get rid of it. Not before.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Thanks. It is a racing game, after all. I do enjoy racing games, and it was my favorite of the prequels (Annie was nicely innocent, whereas Annakin was a brat).

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


OK, I'm considering selling my dogbone NES controller since my sister almost never plays video games anymore, and I already have a second NES controller (classic style). Should I?

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

OK, I'm considering selling my dogbone NES controller since my sister almost never plays video games anymore, and I already have a second NES controller (classic style). Should I?

Depends on the going price. If it goes for a decent price, I'd say sell it. A lot of people say the Dog Bone controller is more comfortable, so it wouldn't be too hard to imagine you could off it for $10-15. Of course, if it doesn't go for that much, you might as well keep it in case your other controllers break or you get arthritis and can't use the Rectangular ones.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


NES controllers break constantly, so I would keep it.
I have about 6 standard controllers and wouldn't sell any of them because I'd like to be able to replace one instantly if something's wrong with the one I'm using.



I'm also considering looking into getting another NES. My current toploader is showing signs of wear. It'll occasionally screw up. Just today, my character on TMNT turned into ASCII code.

Yes, I've tried the classic "blowing into the cartridge". It works often. If that doesn't, then I just remove and re-insert.

[Edited by The_Ink_Pit_Ox]

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


Should I sell my Nintendo 64? I only have 5 games that I enjoy playing on it, and 3 of them are already on the VC. Plus, it'll be boxed up once I get my Sega Genesis anyways. I suppose if there are enough games that I'd want to get for it, I'd keep it, but it seems as if there are only 4 games worth buying on the thing, and most are stupid expensive. Any suggestions?

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Don't, because there are plenty of N64 games you might want that won't be coming to the N64 any time soon. If you want those games on your Wii, you can sell them, but don't sell your N64 unless you can do without the other two games.

My N64 has Diddy Kong Racing, which won't be on the VC for quite awhile due to issues with Rare. I might trade in Super Mario 64, however.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

Don't, because there are plenty of N64 games you might want that won't be coming to the N64 any time soon. If you want those games on your Wii, you can sell them, but don't sell your N64 unless you can do without the other two games.

My N64 has Diddy Kong Racing, which won't be on the VC for quite awhile due to issues with Rare. I might trade in Super Mario 64, however.

I was actually planning on keeping Mega Man 64 and Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth just for pride's sake. I'm sure they'll come to the VC eventually. Most of the games I want for the N64 are either really rare and expensive, so I'd be better off waiting until they came to the VC anyways. The only affordable ones are those 4 that I mentioned I wanted, which are just Doom 64 (which I could borrow from my friend), Wipeout 64 (which is the worst in the series, but I still want it because it's Wipeout), and Turok and Chameleon Twist (which aren't very good good, but I want them for nostalgia's sake). Still, that does leave 5 games that I'd own for the N64, so I guess I'll keep it until I get sick of them and/or they come to the VC.

Also, Diddy Kong Racing is a Nintendo property, so there won't be any issues with Rare.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


The issues with DKR is that it includes Conker and Banjo, both of which are property of Rare, which is why they were omitted from the DS version.

Friend code: 5370-0444-3461
Animal Crossing City Folk Code: 3053-5977-0373


StarFox wrote:

The issues with DKR is that it includes Conker and Banjo, both of which are property of Rare, which is why they were omitted from the DS version.

And they can remove them from a VC release as well. Which only means it won't be a priority for them just yet.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Mickeymac wrote:

KaiserGX wrote:


Haha! Glad you stopped me. I finally did up my checkbook, and as it turns out, I would've been short a couple dollars if I got it.

See ain't that a kicker, my fortune cookie told me to basically say no to a question. I should get a VC game. Princess Tomato please.

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@MickeyMac- If you like shooters, then keep your N64 cuz you can get Perfect Dark for pretty cheap on eBay. Of course, you'd also need the expansion pak, which you can also get on eBay for cheap.

I'm sure you can get Jet Force Gemini for cheap as well. Its probably the best shooter game I've played.


Nintendo Network ID: QwikStix42


Qwikman wrote:

@MickeyMac- If you like shooters, then keep your N64 cuz you can get Perfect Dark for pretty cheap on eBay. Of course, you'd also need the expansion pak, which you can also get on eBay for cheap.

I'm sure you can get Jet Force Gemini for cheap as well. Its probably the best shooter game I've played.

I already have Perfect Dark on XBLA, and Jet Force Gemeni seems okay, but after experiencing the much-improved controls in Perfect Dark, I think I might just wait for an XBLA remake instead.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I wish I still had my N64 because of the games that were co-made with Rare like Killer Instinct Gold, GoldenEye and DK racing that I know wont ever come to the VC or XBLA.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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