@KirbyTheVampire That, and games like Skyrim etc, games that are older, you just pay less for those on other consoles. And even if they're the same price, the Switch has compromised to be portable, and thus you can't buy do it without getting SOMETHING worse. If it's just graphics, I could deal, but it's always that AND frame-drops, or lower frames etc, and I just don't want lagginess in my games.
@Dezzy I think the issue is that given it's running on the DS3 engine, it's not a simple port/remaster anymore, it's a remake if it's built from the ground up in the DS3 engine.
If the game looks exactly the same, but in 1080p at 60fps, it's probably just a remaster. If the game's models are changed, additional background details, and/or objects on screen, or other fancy things that weren't in the original game, it could be a remake. But its name doesn't seem to suggest that it is.
@KirbyTheVampire That's one of my biggest gripes with many of these games. Look at FIFA, feature cut out, runs worse, still full price with the only selling point being portability. Save for the exclusives or games with extra content/DLC to make it worth it, EVERYTHING rests on portability, and as great as that is for numerous people, portability just gets you a ton more sales, it won't help your system run the next-gen games that are more demanding.
When we reach that point, either Nintendo conforms and goes power, or they'll fall behind and everything will fall on their shoulders again....
@MFD Yeah, that's true, and it'll only get worse when the next generation of consoles comes out within the next 2 years or so. At that point, I don't know how much AAA third party stuff we'll see. I suppose it depends largely on how much of a technical leap it will be, though.
Either way, I'm looking forward to the day when the technology all levels out as much as possible and Nintendo can afford to do things like make a hybrid system without sacrificing too much performance and whatnot.
@MFD I'd be down for that. Having the option of more power would be nice, although I can't say that I'd be super keen to buy it since I already own a PS4 and will likely get the PS5 eventually.
However, if Sony didn't have exclusive games that I cared about, I would definitely be more interested in that.
@Dezzy I think the issue is that given it's running on the DS3 engine, it's not a simple port/remaster anymore, it's a remake if it's built from the ground up in the DS3 engine.
That's what I'm saying doesn't necessarily mean anything though. The terms are conflating 1) how something happens to be made with 2) what differences will be noticeable to the gamer.
I'm pointing out that you could remake something from the grounds up in a different engine in a way so that the game appears identical to the player. So that by itself doesn't really mean anything.
@KirbyTheVampire I can see that part with the PS4/5. Honestly, I just want the issues games have while handheld to not apply to docked. You know, the frame-drops, low resolution, that sort of thing.
1. Dark Souls is one of the best games I played this decade (despite being quite bad at it), so I highly recommend it unless this version is somehow worse than the 360 one I played
2. Until a fan fixed the PC version, no version of Dark Souls 1 ran consistently well so...shrugs
yeah, they play fine at 30fps. It's obviously better at 60. But I'll take whatever I can get. I'm really looking forward to playing this on the Swtich - even after having played hundreds of hours of Dark Souls.
It's not that games are unplayable at 30, they're just noticeably better at 60, and as someone who isn't a portable gamer, I have no reason to buy the technically inferior version.
Saying that the extra 30 FPS isn't relevant just because the original played at 30 is also completely rediculous. It's just as relevant here as it is in any other game, even more so, given the type of game Dark Souls is.
@KirbyTheVampire Of course the only reason to buy the Switch version of this game (from what we know so far), would be to play it in handheld mode. Which, for me, is worth it. But I'll also be picking up the remastered version on PC as well. Also, if you're playing games on a PS4, why are you talking about "the best version... etc..."? PC is the best for pure performance. We all know this.
Did you play Dark Souls 3 on PS4? Even though it only ran at 30fps and the PC version ran at 60fps?
I will never, ever buy a game on PS4/X1 that comes to Switch. It is quite literally my definition of paying for less. This game is the exact same price on Switch, runs full 1080p/720p, and you get three versions in one for your money. Don't give a rat's *** about 60fps. I play Monster Hunter in 30fps. I play DOOM in 30fps. I've played Dark Souls in 30fps. It makes no difference to me- it's all the same- and I'm certainly not going to give up 2 of those 3 versions in exchange for an extra set of frames that I can't even notice. It's flushing money down the toilet in my opinion.
This is going to make my brother so happy. He's the biggest dark souls fan I've ever seen, and all he's wanted is Dark Souls on Switch, Skyrim on Switch, Zelda and Xenoblade and 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 and Fire Emblem on Switch, and honest to goodness, I couldn't make this up if I wanted to- The World Ends With You on Switch. He's been telling me how awesome it would be if all these games were on Switch, and lo and behold here we are- every single one of them has made it to the system.
I of course also wanted DKC Tropical and Monster Hunter, so I can say both of us are really happy right now. Anyways, back to Dark Souls.
I always told my brother if they brought the game to Switch I'd play it through. He's trying to get me into the series for so long- I even sat down and played the third game while he watched and gave advice, I got pretty far into it too. But after he left I never played it again. I've got no excuses left now
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@MisterMan I don't believe I called the PS4 version the best version at all. If I did, I simply meant it was the better version of the two from a technical standpoint. Obviously the PC version of any game will always be the best if we're talking pure performance.
Yes, I did play it on PS4, because I generally prefer PS4 exclusives and whatnot to the stuff that PC gets, and I simply don't have a super high-end PC. And yes, it was playable and generally fine. That doesn't mean 60 FPS isn't better, especially for me, because I tend to notice differences in framerate, and if I bought the Switch game knowing that it was 30 FPS while I could have bought the PS4 version which is 60, that would annoy me to no end, especially because I would be playing it docked all the time anyway and don't have much use for the portability. It may not be super logical, but that's just how I am.
Either way, I'm not saying it's wrong to want the portable version of the game. It would be kind of strange not to get it if you're a big portable gamer. All I was saying is that I'm not a portable gamer and thus have no reason to get the Switch version, and that I'm frustrated that third party Switch games don't generally run as well as they do on other platforms, because I would like to support Nintendo in this area.
@JaxonH I absolutely agree with you on the value of Switch games. Don't get me wrong, I love high frame rates and nice graphics, but the portability of the Switch adds so much more value to me personally. As a full time college student I rarely have time to sit down in front of the TV for an hour and play video games. But the Switch means that I can continue gaming, even on campus. I'll gladly take that flexibility over 4k or 60fps or what have you.
I've never played Dark Souls, and while I'd love the higher performance of the other consoles, I don't think I'd ever finish it. The Switch would actually let me experience the whole game, and that is just so much more important to me.
Mario Galaxy is ten years old, and now I feel old.
Topic: Dark Souls Remastered \[т]/
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