
Topic: Bioshock Trilogy Nintendo Switch

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Games are 5 days away from release. Still no word on gyro aiming like Borderlands has. I think these games could get away with not having it but they’d still be much better with it. Here’s to hoping.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH You getting physical or digital? I assumed physical release would be delayed, so I was prepared to buy digital.

Even though I skipped the PS3, PS4 generation, I still knew about Bioshock, and I'm SO looking forward to finally getting to play them. I would like to start with the best one, if anyone want's to recommend.

EDIT: Weird. Not complaining, though. On Best Buy, physical is $49.99, while digital is $59.99

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Play them in order. First Bioshock to be immersed in Rapture, then Bioshock 2 to understand what is like to be a Big Daddy and finally Bioshock Infinite to understand the whole universe of Bioshock!

And do not forget the 2 DLCs of Infinite, Burial at Sea Episode 1 and 2. They will connect to Bioshock 1.

Many will argue that Bioshock 1 is the best but for me Bioshock Infinite really stood out as a masterpiece.

One of the best series that gaming could offer.

A pity that the physical release is pathetic and insulting to the games.

[Edited by Zuljaras]


@Zuljaras Thanks for the tip!

Are you saying "pathetic", because it will require a large download? (because it won't have the full game/collection on the game card) Or is there something else I don't know?

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Yes it is about that.

There is no point in this physical and it will not have even one game being playable from start to finish.

There are just 3 Demos of the games on the cartridge.


@Zuljaras haha, yeah, Best Buy says the game requires a 31 GB download. I like having physical right the game, in case I want to share it, or sell it. So, I may still go physical. But I agree, it still sucks not having the full game on the game card.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Both. Digital because... well, a lot of reasons. But namely I’m over the era of having to get up and swap games out every time I want to play video games. It’s a small barrier but I’ve noticed I just play more games and I played them more often when I have my full library accessible from my leather recliner, similar to picking a show on Netflix.

Physical because, the die-hard collector in me just refuses to die. Having a cart in a case for the shelf will do nicely.

I haven’t played any to completion. In fact I’ve only put a couple hours in the first game and Infinite. But I think the consensus is the first game and Infinite are best. Bioshock 2 is still great but the first and last really impressed. Infinite is obviously going to feel more refined because it’s newer but personally, I’m going to play in order. Not sure starting with Infinite would be the best choice.

Ya it’s not ideal. I’m with you on that. I think we all wish every game would be completely on cart.

That said, it’s hard for me to really care anymore. Which is strange given that just a few years ago this sort of thing bugged me to no end. But Switch has calloused me against such practices. It felt very... liberating, to change my way of thinking and embrace digital copies. It was so frustrating fighting against something I had no control over. I either skipped the game and lost out on a great hybrid experience, or bought the game and felt internally frustrated. Now, I enjoy the games and feel no frustration whatever.

But I haven’t been able to let go completely. I still like having games physically, even though I know I’m never really going to use them for anything. I keep a spare Switch with only physical games and their updates/DLC (and digital games not sold physically) which allows me to fit ALL my games on a 1TB card. I don’t ever use it- I have a separate Switch and Lite that’s 100% digital. But it makes me feel better knowing I have it for preservation. So that 30 years from now when I’m retired I can always pick that Switch up and put any cartridge in and play it. Even though... I’m pretty sure my digital only Switches will probably still be around and in working order.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH I hear ya. When some of your library is digital, and some isn't, it definitely feels like a hassle to switch game cards, especially if you're bouncing between a few games.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I did use the search function. And I saw that thread. And along with several others, looked like old generic threads not specifically about the trilogy that was announced. And so, because a new one for the full trilogy hadn’t been created, I created one.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@Tasuki caught us being reckless I'm ok if the thread is deleted/locked.

@JasonX made the thread, and I went with it, haha. I was gonna look for for a duplicate, but got caught up in the fun. Felt good being bad, @Tasuki 🤪

I'm fine with whatever.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I'm thinking I'll just buy one to have to the go. Since I don't need the whole trilogy again.

I'm currently leaning towards buying Infinite, since it has the most variety.

And yes, a relatively old speculative thread about the game doesn't necessarily need to become the main thread of that game. Maybe if had been kept active and it became that it would be different, but that one wasn't even received when these were announced... However if you guys want to move over to that one, I can close this one.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Personally I prefer to have more concise threads pertaining to specific announced games. No discussion was even taking place in that old thread anyways.

I would think, if you’ve already played them, Infinite would be the one to choose. I had this coworker, Darnell, back around the time Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Assassins Creed IV released, think it was 2013-2014, who told me he LOVED Bioshock Infinite. He also told me how good AC Black Flag was. This guy was a diehard Xbox gamer, so I always enjoyed getting his perspective on these games that I had never played.

This guy was also a diehard monster hunter fan. He literally bought a Wii U just to play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. In fact that’s how I got into the series. I had a Wii U and asked if he could coach me while we hunted together. But that’s a story for another day.

But I do remember him raving about Infinite. More than he did for Black Flag, and I know how impressed he was with that game. I just really hope the games have gyro. It’s going to be tragic if we end up being sooo close to perfection yet miss the mark.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Infinite is a really nice game, and in terms of locales, it has both Columbia and a bit of Rapture to look at in awe. It’s also kind of a prequel to the other games.

I personally have a soft spot for the second game, but I’m currently watching my brother play that one on Xbox, so it would be like playing it twice in a row.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I don't know, I'm up in the air (ha).

My favorite of the three is definitely Infinite, but the original will always be a special experience; it was a pretty cool narrative for the time, and the gameplay is crisp and smart.



When I get these, it will almost certainly be digital. I see no point to a physical purchase that isn't actually there. If you need a massive download anyway, why chain that download to a card needing to be in the console?

Anyway, I played some of one and I think I finished Infinite on PC years ago, but they were cool games and I will be happy to have a shooter I actually like on Switch aside from Splatoon 2 and Overwatch which are both basically only multi-player.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
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Not a fan of DOOM and Wolfenstein 2? Admittedly, Wolfenstein 2 wasn’t as good as New Order but, it was still a fine game. Better with gyro, and vastly improved on Switch after the patch.

We’ll also have Borderlands 1, 2 and PreSequel. With gyro. And DOOM Eternal, with gyro. And The Outer Worlds (hopefully with gyro?).

Not a bad spread, given the selection we’ve seen on previous portable systems.

This is more story driven though, so I guess it does scratch a different itch.

[Edited by JaxonH]

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Nothing against them. Gameplay wise they are pretty cool but I really am not a fan of the flavor/story. My favorite shooters over the years are closer to sci-fi and real-life-based. 007 Goldeneye, COD 4, Battlefield( one of the PS3 releases that I am blanking on the subtitle of) and Halo 1-3 and Reach.

Fighting demons in Doom with all the excessive gore and the Nazi stuff in Wolfenstein just doesn't suit my tastes.

Oh yeah, I'll be getting Borderlands and Outer Worlds too. Although I don't quite think of Outer Worlds or Fallout games as the same genre really.

[Edited by Heavyarms55]

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


Well, that means this is a good thing. It means Bioshock will fill a void other games haven’t thus far.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I'm quite fond of both resident evil revelations, on the subject of shooting games.

I do seriously hope these Bioshock ports have gyro, it would be a deal breaker of me if they didn't.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok

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