I always ended up being around or above the guest characters when I played the game. Never really had to grind, that was just from hitting every quest and area and collecting items. I would sometimes do an "FoE tour" once i had reached the end of an area to clear out FOEs and get their items so I could sell them and buy the gear you get.
I have dug this game back out again in anticipation of Millenium Girl coming out and I'm finally making some progress in the post-game content. Boy the random enemies in this place are punishing! I haven't boosted my level cap yet but I've been grinding up an Arcanist and Imperial while my Bushi and Medic cool their heels in Tharsis. I was packing paralysis ankhs but I might swap them out for something that resists stone. Getting one-shotted by so many enemies reminds me of the bad old days of trying to get through Persona 3 Portable on the highest difficulty It's been fun messing with my high level guys again since I've been occupying myself with Heroes of Lagaard lately
I'm currently making a D/L and was wondering, is is worth it to sacrifice fan dance for speed boost in this case since speed boost cancels out the evade bonus but I get bonus damage/accuracy from attacking before the enemies from Initiative?
My Backlog | http://www.backloggery.com/thesolarknight
I have a D/L but her Fan dance is at 4/10 and speed boost is 3/8. She already acts first every turn so I just concentrate on buff dances, she's at lvl 69 so i'll only be able to add 1 more skill point to a skill. But I would say go ahead and work on speed boost instead of fan dance because all FD does is increase your evasion rate, where speed boost increases act speed, hit rate, and evasion rate.
I have a D/L but her Fan dance is at 4/10 and speed boost is 3/8. She already acts first every turn so I just concentrate on buff dances, she's at lvl 69 so i'll only be able to add 1 more skill point to a skill. But I would say go ahead and work on speed boost instead of fan dance because all FD does is increase your evasion rate, where speed boost increases act speed, hit rate, and evasion rate.
I heard somewhere that the Dancer's Fan Dance is bugged when used with Speed Boost. Apparently, the Dancer's Speed Boost will give you no evade while negating the evade from Fan Dance. Mostly the reason why I wanted to know if it was a worthwhile trade off.
My Backlog | http://www.backloggery.com/thesolarknight
I finally beat this game today! That final boss is so freakin' annoying, especially since I have an odd party that isn't like how I think most people have it set up.
Front Row: F sub-B, L sub-I Back Row: A sub-R, S sub-N, R sub-M.
I was all excited for post-game too, until I found out the next dungeon was creepy as ever... And I thought EOU SPOILER Claret Hollows END was bad. So I might not finish that, but what a great journey this game was!
I would have never guessed Weezing was so useful until I played a HeartGold Nuzlocke! My YouTube Channel! Video game related, of course! My Pushmo Levels
Hello? Is everyone there?
Well, it sure feels lonely in here... It's kinda scary. Hmm I guess I'll sing a bit the manliest song I know to calm myself:
Oops I did it again, I played with your heart, then lost in the game...
Oh baby, baby...
Well, if anyone is still following this thread, I'm just gonna comment that I just bought Etrian Odyssey IV and I'm joining the party! A couple years later, but still...
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the game, although I'm progressing quite slowly. I really thought I would regret buying this game since the idea of drawing maps and progressing slowly and cautiously through dungeons and mazes with little to no story and without seeing your party other than in pictures seemed quite boring to me, but boy was I wrong. It definitely is a tense game, more horrifying than most horror games because of the difficulty and really engaging and varied because of the freedom you have when you are doing a party and choosing their skills. Even drawing the maps helps to take a break from the game's tension and lets you do things your way so that navigating through these scenarios becomes easier and more confortable to you.
This game is quite fantastic, I'm glad I gave it a chance. I haven't been this surprised with a game in a while.
I called it quits after the last boss for the storyline, I know there's more to do, but if felt like a good place for me to leave it. I certainly had no hesitation in buying the other two EO games from the eshop.
Etrian Odyssey IV is the most accessible game in the series. As such, it's a great jumping on point. And yes, the basic EO gameplay cycle is fantastic, and never gets old for me.
@Ralizah Thanks! Sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven't been able to spend much time in here. It definitely is, and I think this is the kind of game that needs to be played instad of just watching reviews so that you can see it for yourself.
Hello? Is everyone there?
Well, it sure feels lonely in here... It's kinda scary. Hmm I guess I'll sing a bit the manliest song I know to calm myself:
Oops I did it again, I played with your heart, then lost in the game...
Oh baby, baby...
Really loved this.
But yes, EO IV is fantastic - very accessible, and even the post-game content is not too bad. For those who don't know, there are normally about five strata, after which the credits roll. The sixth stratum is usually much harder and requires a great deal more investment of time and planning. EO IV is no exception, but I found the post-game boss a lot more fair than the other games. The post-game boss in the original EO II (not the remake) can be defeated quickly as well, but you need to follow the exact steps.
Etrian Odyssey IV is probably the best RPG on the 3DS (certainly better than the "Untold" games) and it bodes well for EO V.
Topic: Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
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