Ok so my brother is debating is debating between 2 launch games. The 2 he games he are considering are PilotWings Resort, and Lego Starwars III The Clone Wars.
"Remember: when life rocks you, RAWK BACK!" ~Rawk Hawk FNS: Y B L R R R B >
Ok so my brother is debating is debating between 2 launch games. The 2 he games he are considering are PilotWings Resort, and Lego Starwars III The Clone Wars.
Well, I haven't played Pilotwings, but if he's a fan of the LEGO games he'll enjoy The Clone Wars. There's no multiplayer, though, so keep that in mind.
Blog: http://www.sequencebreaking.blogspot.com
3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
For people getting their 3DS tomorrow or any time this week get PilotWings resort. The 3D is very good and if you like island fly over in Wii sports resort it is pretty good buy.
Formally Square-enixFan, Neo-GeoFan. A lover of fine games and handheld systems!!!!!!!!!! The New 3DS XL is amazing, soon the NX will be upon us! Backloggery Check my Youtube channel out! http://www.youtube.com/user/Ha...
I'm getting a 3DS soon and am deiciding on one of three games: Street Fighter, Pilotwings or Super Monkey Ball. Very different games, I know, but what do you guys think of them?
I'm pretty okay.
Formerly Destroyer360, Destroyer64, DestroyerInsertYourFavoriteRandomNumbersHere.
"Purple is a color." - Waluigi
Wait, quotes should be meaningful? Ugh, fine.
"I'm useless, but not for long. The future is coming on." - Gorillaz
I'm getting a 3DS soon and am deiciding on one of three games: Street Fighter, Pilotwings or Super Monkey Ball. Very different games, I know, but what do you guys think of them?
ive only played street fighter but i highly recommend it
I agree, and i also own pilotwings, which is also recommended
Wii FC:5954-2958-4632-5792 GE007:00555-9505-006 Brawl:1634-0151-9007 3DS:3609-1031-8007 Steam:WindSquid Xbox Live GT:windsquid887 Im currently playing: Plants Vs Zombies
@ Destroyer360 Both Pilotwings and Street Fighter are good games. I don't own Monkey ball so consult Corbs review to see if you want it. If I had to pick one out of street fighter or Pilotwings. For lasting appeal get street fighter. I you want a game for 3D get Pilotwings.
Formally Square-enixFan, Neo-GeoFan. A lover of fine games and handheld systems!!!!!!!!!! The New 3DS XL is amazing, soon the NX will be upon us! Backloggery Check my Youtube channel out! http://www.youtube.com/user/Ha...
For those debating between Ridge Racer and Asphalt, don't rely on this, but I'd say if you want some more rubber-burning fury, go for Asphalt. From my previous experiences with Asphalt on many different consoles, it's pretty hot. Ridge Racer has that arcadey-style racing to me. But do your research, don't rely on my opinions. Of course, you could always wait for Mario Kart.
@ Phobos how DARE you ! You cant seriously compare racing games with mario kart ? lol ?
Racing games got a completely different feel than mario kart , sure mario kart is fun for a short go and some laughs, but gosh racing games are so much fun in sense of speed especially now with 3D and flow feeling !!! Mario kart cants compete in any of those sectors , its just for laughs when u waste your friends first position ...
so my suggestion would be get Ridge Racer 3D ASAP
as for Asphalt 3D i dont know , have to try it some time ...
PS still dont own it :/ will get on monday though , so i will give definitely an update then PS2 just played on weekend Ridge Racer DS again and its just still awesome the rush and feel , even after 5 years of its original release
I'm getting a 3DS soon and am deiciding on one of three games: Street Fighter, Pilotwings or Super Monkey Ball. Very different games, I know, but what do you guys think of them?
Street Fighter all the way.
"Remember: when life rocks you, RAWK BACK!" ~Rawk Hawk FNS: Y B L R R R B >
Got my 3DS yesterday, but no games yet (I'm low on cash ATM). The launch titles aren't anything that would normally interest me, so I thought I'd wait until more games come out. Now I'm thinking that this is a good chance for me to try something new. There are a couple that I'm kind of considering, but I've had little to no experience with the franchises that are available now. The one that appeals to me most is Samurai Warriors: Chronicles. Can anyone who has played it (or another game in the series) give me some advice/tell me what to expect?
I was thinking of picking up one of the "good" launch titles using my amazon 25$ towards credit when it hit me. Would it be worth it to pay the 15$ for the game, then turn around and sell it still packed at a gamestop or other gamestore? and use the money i get from it towards a future pre-order? or would it be better just to not order it at all?
Ridge Racer 3D Super Street Fighter IV 3D (already have it on the 360) Super Monkey Ball 3D Pilot Wings 3D Rayman 3D SMT: Devil Survivor Overclock Kid Icarus 3D
Must buys if/When they become available:
Paper Mario Kingdom Hearts 3D: Drop Dream Distance Tales of the Abyss 3D Mega Man Legends 3
Any objections?
Agree with your must buys (except mega man) but I would add kid Icarus/Ocarina of Time to my must haves along with the others =]
3DS Friend Code: 4296-2988-0518 Currently playing: Kid Icarus Uprising Radiant Historia
@bonesy - I don't know the exact details of every store's trade-in policy, but I'm pretty sure, even in unopened mint condition, you would actually lose money doing that, so it's probably better to use your credit/money for something else.
I'm still considering Samurai Warriors, but Rayman 3D is starting to look more interesting. It's been a while since I played a 3D platformer, and all I currently have in my library are 3D Mario games. People I know remember having a blast with the original, any I've never played any version of it (or any Rayman game for that matter).
Samurai Warriors doesn't have much information available, considering I could only find one trailer, gameplay footage is somewhat scarce, and all I have to go by are a couple of bad review scores.
From what I've seen, both games look great. Unless there's more info on Samurai Warriors soon, I'll probably get Rayman first.
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