We're over halfway through the year now — isn't that a scary thought? And our calendars are about to get even busier after that Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase! But outside of that mammoth mini, rumours of a Metroid Prime 1 remaster are swirling once again. Sabotage's Sea of Stars has been delayed out of its 2022 window. And modders have already got Half-Life 2 to run on the Switch thanks to the Portal: Companion Collection.
Speaking of Portal, it's safe to say we think the port of 1 and 2 on Switch is darn excellent — just check out our review! We've also picked our favourite games of 2022 so far. And along with a release date, we spoke to the Mario + Rabbids producer about the upcoming sequel.
Now it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
Here we are midway into 2022 and the games just keep on pilling up! This weekend at long last I will suffer like G. did in House of the Dead Remake, explore the curious Young Souls, ensue mischief with Rabbids: Party of Legends, and pretend I have time to jump into Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (I definitely won’t…) while still struggling with Valkyria Chronicles later chapters.
Game of the week is a slice of DLC... a delicious slice if you will. Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course was truly worth the wait. Yum, yum!
Ollie Reynolds, staff writer
So I’ve started that Hades game! Crikey, it’s a good’un, isn’t it? I’ve not put much time into it just yet, but I’m enjoying it immensely so far; the combat is incredibly slick, and I love, love, love the voice acting! I can see this being a go-to title for a good while to come.
Elsewhere, I’ve redownloaded Assassin’s Creed Syndicate on the Series X. I absolutely adore this game and think it’s gotten an unfair reputation over the years for basically being “more of the same” from the AC series. It's high up on my list though thanks to the incredible depiction of London!
Kate Gray, staff writer
This weekend, I will be playing a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. I know! That's not a video game! But it's my friend's birthday, and that's what they want to do, so that's what we will do.
But good news!! I just started a new game: Gnosia. It's that "what if Werewolf, Among Us, and Danganronpa had a baby" game and it's wild so far. It's not what I was expecting, actually — it's a bit slow and a bit repetitive (obviously, it's a time loop situation) so I'm hoping it picks up soon. The loops are all very short, and not much happens in each one, but the systems they must have designed to make this incredibly intricate social deduction simulator work with NPCs are extremely impressive to me!
Alana Hagues, staff writer
It's more Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country this weekend. I'm not quite halfway through yet, but I'm pretty sure this is the best piece of DLC I've ever played — though I'm pretty picky with season passes and DLC in general. I love the cast so much, and this is a reminder that when Xenoblade combat clicks, it really clicks. I'm already hitting damage in the seven-figure range and it's so satisfying every time.
That's probably going to be my main focus since I've got less than a month until Xenoblade Chronicles 3! Though I've still got half of Neon White to go. July is stacked so I'm trying not to pick up anything huge (ignoring Torna) as the onslaught of games hits.
Liam Doolan, news reporter
I'll be spending most of my weekend hunting in Monster Hunter Rise. I'm not quite ready for Sunbreak just yet, but its release this week has definitely spurred me on. Apart from this, I'll also be returning to Sonic Origins. I'm making slow progress in this collection so far, simply because I'm jumping from game to game every half hour. So when I'm finally done with Sonic 2 and 3, I'll turn my attention to CD and the original game.
Last but not least, I'll be checking out the Portal: Companion Collection. I played both games on Steam when they first came out, and have revisited them many times over the years on other platforms, so I guess it's time for the Switch version. Have a good weekend, everyone!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
Comments 130
I still haven't escaped from the prison that is Fortnite. Less than a month in since the season started and I've already unlocked the tier 100 Darth Vader skin, finally completing my transformation to the dark side. Now it's time to no life my way up to the tier 200 skins. May the force be with me 😔.
Pokémon Snap 64 on NSO.
My first time playing this title, having a blast and not gonna lie: pretty excited when a new Pokémon appears!
Still EarthBound, only getting 3 or 4 hours a week at the moment. Think I’m in the last probably quarter of the game though. Think the music is what I’ll remember most about this game.
A tiny bit of slay the spire too.
Shredders Revenge has had me playing Scott Pilgrim, Streets Of Rage 2 and other beat em up classics.
I want to play Torna before Xenoblade 3 comes out but Omori I’ve also just spotted and looks great. I should finally play Undertale from my backlog first though so it’ll probably be that or Torna.
This weekend will be about:
1. Diablo 2 on the Switch.
2. Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance on the GBA.
3. Pokemon Legends Arceus
I've just killed the UR Dragon in Dragon's Dogma and now wondering if I should hand in all my wakestones to move the story along or farm the heck outta this place...
...I'm thinking the world can wait...
Juggle between AI SOMNIUM FILE, SCOTT PILGRIM and FATAL FRAME V. Not sure which one I need to finished first.......
I had my second Covid vaccination yesterday and I’m feeling pretty rough, but it will not deter me from tackling Cuphead’s exquisite Delicious Last Course. Speaking of DLC, I’m also back into the fabulous Dead Cells in a pretty big way. The recent update really helps progression.
With my wife at work today, I’m also watching the last two Stranger Things (Season Four) episodes. With all the ramped up horror elements, it’s by far my favourite season yet.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
I’m playing the dlc island with a bud, And it’s worth waiting for!
Also playing more dbd, and trying to get better at sadako!
This week I will be mostly playing
Mayhem in Monsterland
Tetris Effect
Sonic Colours
MHR: Sunbreak on Nintendo Switch… but purposefully limiting myself to small sessions so as to prevent burnout! Only just kicked it off and excited to try the new Switch Skills for Greatsword (hear that they’re great) This will basically be my ‘travel game’ while I’m away with work
Then when home, still on that Platinum grind with Nioh 1 - finally made it to region 5 (of 6) and still loving it. IMO - not quite as polished as the FromSoftware outputs, but would argue that Nioh combat is far superior… just excellent fighting mechanics!
I might start nier replicant.
I can't stop playing Gems of War.
Just beat Thunder Serpent Narwa in Monster Hunter Rise after moving to PC, so onwards to Sunbreak!
Also playing Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 and the ever present Stardew Valley on Switch.
I played PS4 & PS3 games in the morning. 🤓

1. DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders PS4
2. Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One PS3
3. Dance Dance Revolution PS3
Then I played 3DS games in the afternoon.

1. Yokai Watch 3 Tempura
2. Yokai Watch Blasters: White Dog Squad
Xenoblade 2. Completed Xenoblade 1 and X in the last few months. Want to complete everything again so that I'm 100% ready for Xenoblade 3.
Still Wreckfest for me, with some Motogp 22 and hopefully a soon to be updated WRC.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land for me, could well be my favourite Kirby game. Also Retro City Rampage on 3DS too.
Have a good weekend everyone.
My weekend games will be Ring Fit, Breath of the Wild (second playthrough) and some games on the Castlevania Anniversary collection.
Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Finally playing God of War 4 (ps4) for the first time after beating omori, TMNT shredder’s revenge and yakuza 6 last week.
Also a bit of fortnite, planet coaster and theatrhythm final fantasy curtain call.
I'm kind of all over the place this weekend. On Switch, my main game will be Final Fantasy XII. I really want to get this one done before Xenoblade 3 so I don't have to sidetrack it for yet another big game. I started act 2 recently, so I'm hoping that's some good progress! I'll also be playing more of the Capcom Fighting Collection, primarily Vampire Savior. I love horror and faster-paced fighting games, so it's clicked with me really easily! That being said, I still have a lot to learn about it. I finished the first Portal, but I'll probably spend some time with the bonus chambers this weekend as well.
On other systems, I still need to spend more time in Spyro 3 on my Steam Deck. I also started up The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD on Wii U recently, so I'd like to spend some time there. I want to get something going on my PS5 as well: I haven't finished Shantae: Risky's Revenge yet, but that's mainly because I'm admittedly not super into it. I kind of just want to finish it to move on to something bigger at this point. I know it's super short, but I haven't been feeling much motivation to pick it back up. I might play some Evil Dead: The Game this weekend as well; it's been a while since I played, and I'd like to get back into the swing of things with it before the Army of Darkness DLC comes later this month.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, before I purchase Xenoblade 3
My LRG copy of Narita Boy Collector Edition arrived so I started that after finishing 8 Doors Arum's Afterlife Adventure on my Switch.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on my 360 and Wreckfest on my PS4.
July tends to mark my last big VG splurges until October or so, and this one is no exception. Switch, ever the belle of the ball, is ushering in the bulk of it, and while not everything will see "save data initialized" this weekend (AI: The Somnium Files is a bit bulky and Xenoblade 3 which I was crazy enough to preorder with the season pass on top is still weeks away), I'm hoping to buffet myself around a fair few other recruits including Hades, The Cruel King & The Great Hero, West of -loathing, Deep Sky Derelicts, first Danganronpa, Wicce and Summer Catchers, Murder by Numbers and even Little Noah. Finally upgrading to NSO expansion pack has brought two more collection apps to my memory card for scrutiny, too. With such a load it would take a completely unrealistic doofus to plan other stuff on top, like Dying Light and Xenoblade games and RF5 and AC2 and Everspace and Space Commander (in place of the heavyweight Rebel Galaxy Outlaw which I had to temporarily shelf for all the new stuff above) and Undermine and Ender Lilies... oh wait, I'm every bit this kind of doofus. Phew.😆
The handheld front looks even more stormy - on the one hand, my general PlayStation stash is temporarily reduced after opting out of PS+ renewal (I mentioned the faced pricetags earlier), although that would mostly affect Remote Play anyway - even not counting the other CFW'd unit, my official Vita library still has a whole lot of games to indulge, which includes the oft-fancied and thankfully almost as often revisited stuff like Gravity Rush and God Eater. But what did the PS+ abstinence save me in the end? Pretty much the sum I ended up blowing on... another 3DS I've been considering since the eShop shutdown announcement. Despite the local storefront going comatose reinforced the intent, I almost ruled it out for the year due to the local used unit prices, yet now here we are - and I never thought I'd find myself holding an Alpha Sapphire 2DS of all models!😆 A peculiar machine to get used to after a decade of clamshell dual screen experience (and predictably somewhat small after NewXL, but nothing perplexing if you have also spent many years with NDS Lite), but I'm pretty stoked about the new opportunities, even shamelessly dressing the console menu in a custom Xenoblade 3 theme via Anemone the very same day. And seeing the perennially out-of-reach stuff like Ace Combat, Driver Renegade and the goddamn Tales of the Abyss among the options at hand... can make an old pirate tear up.😭😄 Not that any of the aforesaid is likely to let my main unit gather dust - its own backlog items like Spirit of Justice, Shadows of Valentia and Etrian Odyssey won't work through themselves... and as pledged, I have started Ever Oasis this week! So far it's already everything I expected and then some.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Shin Megamei Tensei III Nocturne
Just started up my 3rd playthrough of Super Mario Galaxy and I'm having a great time. 25 Stars in and I have no plans on stopping anytime soon. Other than that, I've been shiny hunting in both Let's Go Pikachu and Shield so I'll probably be continuing that in addition to playing some more Mario Golf, a game I thought I had dropped a long time ago but after being to a golfing tournament recently, I decided to pick it back up and am now once again hopelessly addicted. This may also be the weekend I finally start The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve about 2 months since beating Adventures so overall some very exciting stuff all around.
Focus is going to be on Three Hopes this weekend, may mix it up with some MK8 Deluxe but that's about it.
A lot of Mario Party Superstar with the kids. For myself I should finish Immortals Fenyx Rising this weekend.
Cuphead is the only acceptable answer.
Mostly just Fall Guys and Cuphead for me. I'm a bit disappointed The Delicious Last Course doesn't have any run n' gun stages, though. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I think they were a nice change of pace from the gauntlet of bosses. I would've taken a couple of them over the new parrying challenges in the king's palace any day. They just didn't really do it for me very much. The regular boss fights are solid, though. I think the first one with the bugs is actually my favorite. We never saw it in any of the trailers, and the music absolutely SLAPS. Given the name of the DLC, I guess this is all we'll be seeing of Cuphead until they make a sequel. I think it'd be kinda cool if they just kept updating the game every fee years with a new isle of bosses, but I don't really see them doing that.
After a month of pretty much playing nothing, I just started Spyro 2 from the Reignited Trilogy. I'm having a better time than the first game. It feels less clunky, and the difficulty curve isn't as steep so far. I just need something chill to play this weekend to keep my nerves in check before I start my new job on Monday.
For the first time since I purchased at launch I am putting some serious hours into Breath of the Wild. I've played in spurts before and it kinda bored me. Think I've hit that point where I get what I'm doing now and love it.
On Series S Red Dead Redemption 2 is getting my time. What a great little machine.
And trying to continue on with Persona 4 Golden on PS Vita. Don't get the hype so far, sems like a bunch of cut scenes to me but I'm only early in.
@GregamanX Best of luck at your new job! We're rootin' for ya! 😀
I’m in maybe the second last chapter of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (I checked - I’m pretty near the end). There’s definitely some min-maxing I could still do, and there are optional areas where I still get wrecked, but not sure how much longer I want to drag it out. Already been 120hrs, and it tops my playtime records on the New 3DS. Really good game but it has both whetted and dulled my appetite for XC3. Definitely want to get it - but don’t think I have the energy right now to spend another three months with another sprawling Xenoblade epic.
Lots and lots of Sunbreak. That'll be pretty much all I'm playing for a good long while
I'm around 10 hours into Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk and enjoying it immensely. That will be my main focus for a while.
When I'm ready for a break from Labyrinth, I've been craving some simple "fly forward and shoot everything" action and will probably dip into Cotton Fantasy and/or Raiden IV: Mikado Remix.
I'll probably also spend some time with Ring Fit Adventure over the long weekend, trying to whip my body into some kind of shape before I hit the beach at all this summer.
Elsewhere, I'm on the last bits of the cardigan I'm crocheting. Just a few more rows of a sleeve to finish, then assembly and detailing. It's exciting to me, even though it's an EXTREMELY basic cardi, because even though I've been crocheting and knitting since the Nineties I've never finished a sweater, so it will be a major achievement.
Having finished Axiom Verge 2 and Kirby this week, my weekend is all about Guacamelee 2! I love how it carries on from the first one while the controls fit like a glove.
It continues to be wild to me that the best indie Metroidvania titles only have a 1&2, and no third title to speak of. Though I suppose with a series like Metroid as your titular inspiration (with it's 5 entries over 30 years) then it is only proper of them to put them out slowly lol
Well, being a holiday weekend for us here in the states, it’s going to be some fun gaming time for me. Got some new stuff including the cup head dlc, and Fire Emblem three hopes. But I think my focus will be on Capcom Fighting collection and AI the somnium files nirvana factor. DQ 11 is going to be in the back burner for a while. Oh yeah the other dilemma I have is I got some time on Final a fantasy XIV, and that dominated my time last night so it may take over this weekend. I finally finished Heavens Ward so onto the next expansion. The other part is I want to finally start the Visual novel Island. Has anyone else played this? I heard from a friend it’s really really great!
@JasmineDragon your crocheting updates are great to read. My fiancé crochets and she is quite good. Though she does not doe sweaters, she does do blankets quite a bit and I mean really big blankets.
Bought Underhero and Ikenfell from the summer sale on Steam. Only played a couple minutes from both, but hope I enjoy them.
I would love, as others have, to sink my teeth into the delicious last course. However, I bought Cuphead a few months ago and haven’t got up to speed with it yet as playing a few others games first.
This weekend?
Celeste is my go to at the minute, after finishing Kaze and the Wild Masks last week (highly recommended for DKC fans). What a game Celeste is. Think I’m on the 5th chapter and really enjoying myself.
When I need a break and some downtime I’ve been playing a bit of Jurassic World: Evolution. Not long into the 2nd island, just hatched a couple of Velociraptors. Ooo errr…
Im playing Live A Live demo and transfer progress to the main game. The rest of my playlist is Celeste, Paradise Killer, Eastward, World End Syndrome, Gnosia, Ace Attorney Chronicles and Pokemon Arceus. Neon White is also a priority soon
65 hours into my new obsession, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D! The last few years I've found myself less interested in longer games yet this year's I've put 110 hours into Elden Ring, 40+ in Arceus and now 65 into Xeno, weird turn of events for me but it's a nice change.
I'm about to finish the first DLC of Doom Eternal and also continue Xenoblade 2 I guess
Apex legends and a replay of mario and rabbids kingdom battle
Sunbreak; didn’t play Rise this year and I’m rusty, but MHR is more forgivable compared to GU; I’ll survive
@GrailUK Farm. You will need the good gear. When you head to bitterblack eventually. Plus you want good equipment for dragon forging.(there are lesser dragons in the everfall. )
@Themagusx1 Thanks, it's nice to hear that people appreciate me "crossing the streams". I love gaming and fiber crafts equally, and a typical weekend is gaming for an hour, then crocheting for an hour, until I'm forced to do housework or some other adulting.
I do blankets, too. They are fun to do but take forever to finish, so I almost always take breaks to do other projects while I'm doing them. I'm about halfway through a granny square afghan right now, but it's on hold until I finish my cardigan.
Horizon Forbidden West. I started a game on Ultra but let's just say BLEEP that so I'll play on hard instead. I want to playtest Sonic Origins on PC to see for myself these issues people are speaking of or if they're just exaggerating considering the fact most people spamming the forums on Steam don't even own the game. I want to play more Jurassic World Evolution 2 and I'll likely continue on with Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster.
Sill the same as last week, Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga is still ongoing at Chapter 27 currently I believe, I haven't had time enough to play it quite as much as I'd like to, and it's been kind of a long game for a game of its type, maybe starting to overstay its welcome by just a bit.
Also lots and lots of Overwatch with a friend. I've been trying out some new characters, namely Torbjörn and Echo, both quite fun.
Yoshi's Crafted World: I have never played a Yoshi title (outside of Mario Parties and I guess Mario + Rabbids) and after a big beast of a game like Bravely Default II (which I am still dipping in and out of trying to complete all sidequests after having knocked out the main story) it's a very pleasantly easygoing and diverting platformer which is just the relaxation I need.
@Ryu_Niiyama Ow good thinking! Yeah, it seems to be a good spot to grab some 'best in slot' items for where I am (and my gear is far from that lol!)
On a Warhammer 40K Dawn of War crusade this weekend. Been having a hankering for slaying Xenos in the name of the Emperor. I miss playing tabletop 40K!
FOR THE EMPEROR!! (I mean, NINJA APPROVED, that’s not heresy, right? It’s probably A LOT of heresy!)
Playing Sonic Rush Adventures on Nintendo DS. I forgot how much of a bugger Marine was.
Capcom Fighting Collection and Sonic Origins. And some short bursts of Mahjong Adventure
Picked up Hoa on sale: good little platformer that is not intense, but is beautiful.
Happy gaming everyone!
Rayman 3D on my OG 3DS
Pocky and Rocky Reshrined and Monster Hunter Rise. Trying to rank my MH character up enough to access Sunbreak before I buy it.
@Scarko @GregamanX so underrated!!!!! One of the best 3DS games
Mostly Sunbreak for me, I am about halfway through the second tier of new quests and loving it so far!
Sadly, nothing from me this week. I don't have an opportunity to play games on console, due some family problems. I feel myself kinda tired and bored of my games library on Android(Google Play), so I haven't played any game on my smartphones... I'm looking forward to next week to have an opportunity to play games on console... Well... Have a nice gaming weekend, everyone.
Edit: Wait... No. I played one game on this week. I played Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on PC in co-op with my best friend. We finished 2nd episode and began playing 3rd. That's all.
I’ll be watching loading screens in Souldiers, man what a frustrating gaming experience
Mary Skelter 2, and Friday the 13th (even with the lack of dedicated servers - it's just so addictive).
I beat Heart-sama with The Watcher now, so I’ll finally wean myself off of Slay the Spire before I start climbing endlessly toward higher ascensions. 😅
I think 13 Sentinels will fill that gap nicely, though I do need to get back to Crosscode too.
That said I’ll probably just end up goofing around with Fall Guys, or Target Earth and Zero Wing in the Sega Genesis app. My girls and I had a good laugh at ZW’s epically bad ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US intro movie. I have to compare now with the Japanese version, which will be perfectly fine and boring I’m sure.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
It’s a Mario sports weekend for me… so Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with the kids, some Mario Golf: Super Rush with the fiancee, and of course Mario Tennis via Nintendo Switch Online.
Oh and of course Mega Man: The Wily Wars as well.
After the last three or four weekends being Pokemon heavy, this will be a nice change of pace.
The Switch is sitting on the table gathering dust this weekend. I started a nuzlocke in Pokémon Black 2 and really enjoying it so far!
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Finally coming back to earn my last three medals that remain.
Age of Empires: Castle Siege (Android) - Nearly halfway through it now.
Make it Rain: The Love of Money (Windows Phone) - Just starting this.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is out & the hype train is in full effect! Trying my best to pace myself by only getting through ONE urgent quest a day. That should last me a bit longer than Rise did in ‘21. At MR3 currently
Tackled & conquered Star Wars Battlefront II campaign which ended up satisfying my Star Wars itch after consuming the new Obi Wan Kanobi tv show. I’m not sure why there’s so much hate for it …?
Played some ElecHead in the car on a quick road trip and I dare say the puzzles are fantastic! Short, sweet, and will make you stop and ponder quite a bit. Also decided to start my rally world career in DIRT5 next & loving the different country representation, visuals and overall experience
Happy gaming everyone!
The first game of AI: The Sumnium Files. It was on sale so picked that up with Ultimate Mortal Kombat. I’ll throw in Mario Strikers Charged and TMNT.
After a busy week - filled with Direct hype, IRL insanity, and not a lot of gaming - this weekend is more low-key. I started the excellent Metroid Dread a few days ago and am slowly working my way to the surface of Planet ZDR. I'm currently bopping around Cataris. These E.M.M.I.s are crazy....
Elsewhere, I plan to play more of Ys I on PC. Currently working my way through the Mountain Shrine. Unfortunately I haven't had much opportunity to sit down at my laptop this week, so I haven't made much progress from last weekend....
Happy gaming! And happy upcoming 4th of July to my fellow US denizens!
This weekend I’ll be playing two games. First up:
Neon White (Nintendo Switch) - This is one of the best games I’ve ever played. It may very well exceed Elden Ring for my GOTY.
I decided to buy this game on a whim because I wanted to try something different from what I usually play. In about an hour I could tell this game was special. The entire game has a unique color to it, and the characters you meet along the way are just as colorful. Each person has their own personality (there’s a cat named Mikey who loves mob related movies and television!). As you play the game you can find gifts that you are able to bring back to the hub world and give to characters. By doing so, you’ll unlock new dialogue options, memories, and side quests that will flesh out their backstory. Some people might consider the people and dialogue cringe, but I think it hits all the right notes due to its exceptional voice acting, humor, self awareness, and references to pop culture.
All of this would be meaningless if the game wasn’t fun to play; thankfully, it’s an absolute blast. The controls are tight and responsive, which is the most important thing considering the game is essentially a speed-runner’s dream. There are about 90 levels to traverse through and each one is different and incredibly well designed. You’ll never encounter the same level twice. The more you progress the more challenging it becomes, but your skills are advancing as well, so each level can still be completed in less than a minute. As a result, there is a perfect balance between the two that motivates you to replay prior levels to get a better score than your original run.
Overall, I think this game is a masterpiece. I understand no game is “perfect”, but Neon White is perfect for me. One main reason is because I don’t get to play games as much as I used to due to adulthood and raising a family, and when I do get to play I get burnt out if I play any longer than ten hours. However, I find it impossible for me to lose steam with this game because of how rapid levels can be completed. It almost feels like a whole new game each time. I really hope more people will play this gem because it deserves recognition.
Lastly, I’ll be playing Diablo III (Nintendo Switch). I originally started the game on my Xbox Series X and made it to Act III, but then I noticed it was on sale for the Switch and instantly jumped on it because of the portability. Thankfully, the game runs smoothly and I’ve had no issues at all. I’m currently halfway through Act I and am enjoying every minute of it. I can’t wait to see what Blizzard does with Diablo IV.
I’m still working my way through the Capcom Fighting Collection. And I can’t neglect Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, either. Plenty to keep me busy this holiday weekend!
I'm all in on Pandora's Tower. Phenomenal game. Before the Wii U eShop stopped accepting credit cards, I spent way too much time researching "hidden gems". Pandora's Tower was on many of the lists, and I cannot think of more emblematic example of a hidden gem than this game. It's incredible in every way. I am completely obsessed with following games. I spend way more time reading about games and watching trailers and gameplay than I do playing them. The fact that I had not heard of this game is astounding.
@Abeedo is there a black market for selling Fortnite accounts?
@JasmineDragon That’s pretty cool. Yeah those blankets can take a long time to do. How many sweaters have you done just out of curiosity…I wonder if my fiancé will ever dabble into making them. An afghan sounds awesome but I get that you want to work on that cardigan. That sounds like fun.
@nhSnork I love my 2DS. I actually prefer to the clamshell models. But I love my DS Lite too.
@RadioShadow man I had that once but it disappeared. I had the first Sonic Rush too, which also disappeared. I take game preservation very seriously, so I'm dismayed I've lost them.
@Vyacheslav333 my favorite Android games are Lara Croft Go and Hoplite. I might be the world's biggest fan of Lara Croft Go.
@xxMPJxx Sounds like you like racing games, (as do I). How is Wreckfest on the Switch? I still play a lot of Grid Autosport, but thinking of trying a new game.
Just downloaded TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge last night. I only played one level, but it was really fun! Other than that, more Sonic Origins, and a new play through of Cuphead now that the DLC is out.
And for anyone curious, yes, I downloaded and finished the DLC on launch day. The 4+ year wait was totally worth it!
More Monster Hunter Rise for me! I’ve finished all four star quests in the village, and I think I’m ready for what comes next 💪🏽. I picked up Underhero on sale, so I may dip into that, as well as more Sonic Mania. Cheers!
Just a few things. Mainly 3 Hopes. I'm completely hooked on the game. Also a little bit of pocky and rocky, plus hollow knight.
@Themagusx1 I've never finished one yet. Started three or four times, but every time I either run out of patience or have unsurmountable problems with the pattern. This is the first time I'm close to the finish line. So this is my personal challenge, I'm finishing this one if it kills me.
I'm ready for Xenoblade 3. Just playing some Smash and Kirby until then
Shining force 2 and sonic origins. SEGA!
@JasmineDragon Well I hope you finish it and that you do make it across. I really believe and know you will do it. That will be awesome when you finish it. Good luck to you!
Would be Portal, but I instinctively bought Subnautica instead at 50% off, so mostly that. Probably a bit of Fall Guys as well!
The Cuphead DLC was only $8, I had no immediate plans to grab it thinking it would be $15 or $20, but $8! I grabbed it immediately and it's worth it if you enjoyed Cuphead at all
Me + Wife:
Last night I finally beat all of the routes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses after 5 playthroughs. Crimson Flower really felt a lot shorter than I was expecting but I still enjoyed it. I really wish the support conversations between characters didn't reset each playthrough because part of me wanted to get them all 😅.
I still have a few weeks until Xenoblade 3 comes out and I'm not sure what exactly I should play 😅. I'm thinking about getting back into CrossCode. I'm a little reluctant to do so because that first dungeon was so lengthy. So it's either that or I could start No More Heroes 3.
I'm on vacation with friends but when i get some free free time i'll continue with Final Fantasy X and some fall guys
My time is all taken up with life right now, but if I get a free chance I'll probably be playing Torna: The Golden Country. I also may just play some more Capcom Arcade Stadium, particularly Carrier Air Wing and Progear.
Picked up my Pokemon Black again last night and was having so much fun, that I'll be continuing it today and tomorrow for a bit as well. Gen 5 is my favorite generation of Pokemon, and playing through it again makes me very happy.
Elsewhere, I'll be working on Three Hopes and Kingdom Heart Re: Chain of Memories on PS4. Also picked KH back up again last night and now I'm more determined to finish my yearly playthrough sooner rather than later lol.
If I have the time, I'll probably pick up Yakuza 7 or FF7R again, thanks to it being a long weekend for me.
Live a Live demo - my impression after the first couple hours is the plot and characters and art are all lovely, but I'm not a huge fan of the combat system. Also, I have gotten a bit lost at places in terms of what to do. I haven't yet decided on whether I want to buy the game but I encourage everyone to try the demo and I suspect people who enjoy the combat will love the overall game.
Little Noah - impulse buy of this adorable and cheap game after the recent direct. Mini review: I'm loving it so far. The plot and characters and art are utterly adorable. The roguelite loop is fun so far and the first boss (I haven't gotten far yet) took a little learning but was very fair without being too easy. The combat system (using a team of critters rather than actual weapons but using them similarly to weapons) is a neat idea but maybe a little bit janky. It makes the combat feel a little less controlled than I would prefer, especially compared to the tight platforming, but its still fun. You can do complicated strategy with the critter teams if you want or just pretend they are a weapon and use the attack button and it still works reasonably well. The platforming isn't quite Mario-perfect but it feels good and you get a double jump plus two types of mid-air accelerations which you can use combined in 4 moves to get around in interesting ways. Overall not a 100% polished game, but super cute and fun and addictive game at least at the beginning.
Spelunky - good sale so I finally picked this up. Fun so far though it's been awhile since I played a true Rogue-like (as opposed to lite) with no hold-over so it's a bit shocking.
Hollow Knight - Kate just reminded us this is the backlog game for July so I should get back to it. I'm looking forward to playing farther into the game than I have before.
Fall Guys - gotta fit a little goofy racing into the schedule.
@Gryffin I'm fairly certain there is, but too much blood, sweat and tears have gone into mine that I'd feel awful if I gave it away.
@Gryffin yeah, I may prefer clamshells (when it comes to dual screens, that is), but 2DS has its nice points in practice, like both screens being at the same angle or the sleep mode switch not obliging you to fold/unfold the console every time.
For me: working through my backlog as usual 😂.
I am playing super robot taisen og endless frontier for the original DS on my 3DS
The house of dead remake on switch. Should be finished with it soon
The live a live demo on switch. Loving it so far even though the ninja story is complex. 😂
And if I have some time, the fire emblem shadow dragon(remake of the very first fire emblem game) game on the original DS which I bought for the Wii U virtual console.
Maybe play some games on my n64 and genesis online service on switch too
Yesterday I bought Luigi’s mansion on my 3ds and it’s amazing, I feel like I’m a child again playing the gamecube version
Other then this I’m playing the ghost of Tsushima dlc
Having a great time playing classic Grand Theft Auto-alike, American Fugitive.
Got it on sale for $1.99 around a week ago and it's been a blast. It has its faults (some long initial load times and the occasional crash to the home screen being the major ones), but it redeems itself by doing what the old PSX GTA titles (and Chinatown Wars) did right, in many cases improving on them greatly.
I recommend this to anyone who enjoyed playing the old top-view GTA games, as well as those who were disappointed by Rockstar's recent "definitive" disappointment.
I'm finishing up Portal 2 and then I plan on replaying the Monkey Island games in anticipation for Return to Monkey Island.
Corpse Factory all the way!
@Tsushima Hell yes for World End Syndrome! Check out Corpse Factory too!
@JustMonika you play a lot of visual novels, I recently got one called Island. Do you know anything about it? I have yet to start it, because I am cramped with tons of new games.
I bought way too many games last week due to the “Big Ol Super Sale” going on in the Switch Eshop.
On Sale I Picked up:
… 11 games all for around $200 CDN… and still I also picked up the Portal Collection & Cuphead Last Meal DLC… so along with my already established backlog… think I’m good for the rest of the year easily lol think I need to let my wallet chill for a bit now. But it’s def a great time to take advantage of good game sales! Happy Gaming Everyone!
That being said, this long weekend in Canada I’m likely playing and/or finishing the Cuphead DLC, Manifold Garden, Mega Man 11 & Part-Time UFO.
… Wun can only hope.
I’m one of the two people who didn’t get the Cuphead DLC, and probably the only one who hasn’t gotten the game at all.
This weekend, It’s all about LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, and Fall Guys. Whoo!
On my way to save the second Star Spirit in Paper Mario. I’m playing it on the Nintendo Switch through NSO. I won’t be finishing it this weekend. I have a long way to go.
Just bought and then promptly finished the cuphead dlc. Quite a nice ride, definitely went all out on the bullet hell. Might try the Live A Live demo now or give no more heroes a look.
Xbox Series S: Elden Ring, Psychonauts 2
Switch: Spiritfarer, Portal
I’ll be playing several games including Ridge Racer on 3ds, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on switch, Pac-Man Museum… and speaking of which I’m also finishing up a needlepoint I created of an entire Pac-Man maze with Pinky, Inky, and Blinky, plus Pac-Man, and the cherries. All inspired by the classic arcade version of Pac-Man 😁
Continuing my 250+ hrs in SMTV & will try the live alive demo (already played for a short time, nut realized i need to commit if i really want to decide if it's worth cutting to the front of my backlog when it releases).
Capcom fighting collection is the truth
For what little time I have, I will be working my way through Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (currently on 3-3) to finish it before Sparks of Hope and Cuphead DLC, which I am very much enjoying. Hopefully anyone here who celebrates the 4th of July has a good one!
Monster Hunter Sunbreak - great expansion
With a little bit of smash in between with friends
@KateGray I didn't know you played D&D. Would love to here more about your D&D campaign and how long you've been playing for. You should join us in the D&D thread!!!
Playing pokemon Arceus this weekend, I know late to the party, my distrust with new Pokemon games is real, so I held back to make sure it's good, it's so good!! I've also been playing yellow on gameboy colour that's such a fantastic game, for an RPG it's fast paced, the battles are quick and you can take down a couple gyms and go through a cave in a couple hours, granted this is not my first play through.
@Themagusx1 OH hell yes.. Island is the best experience I've ever had since I started gaming in 1989. It'll change your life. Make sure to look up a route guide though.
@JustMonika Awesome! It’s that good? I a, excited to start it but I will definitely check for a route guide for sure. Thanks for letting me know.
I just recently finished 1/2 of my internship before graduation, so I might get up to date on gaming and play some Sonic Origins, and maybe later some good old GCN games, like Melee or even Double Dash.
It's a fight between Sunbreak & Warframe. I have MUCH love for MH and been waiting for the dlc for what seems like forever..and have to squeeze in time to earn a ton of ducats/credits in Warframe in prep for Tennocon😃
I've 96% completed Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Just need to clear Ultimate Tournament Z and earn whatever figurines are left after that. After that, I'm gonna play Super Star with a friend on NSO.
@Abeedo same here, been playing with friends
@Themagusx1 I already did the heavy lifting for you. Here's the guide. Scroll down to the comments because the third comment explains that the 5th choice you make during the final (True ending) is different than what's listed in the guide. Just remember that.. this is the guide I used..
@Tamale I respect that. Being on a site who's fanbase is largely into single-player games makes it hard to find people who don't bash the title without trying it out.
MHR: Sunbreak is the only answer I accept lol.
Resident Evil 4 (Wii U Virtual Console, only $5 right now)
Fall Guys (PS4)
@JustMonika Thanks I really appreciate it, I will save that to my favorites. Thank you again.
Rocket League: Even though I've improved in some areas, I'm struggling to get back to diamond rank this season.
And I'll be riding my bike. I may go ride bowl.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Sega Genesis Classics
I'm set.
Elechead - it is great. Very clever game.
Also started Ender Lilies and FEZ (not for the first time, but haven't finished it before).
Enjoy everyone!
@eagletal88 It' comes highly recommended.
It's a excellent port just like Grid.
Well worth a purchase.
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