
Topic: ☠Creepy Scary Moments in VideoGames ☠

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When I was a kid, Grog's Revenge for the C64 would scare me. The music when Grog was near is pretty menacing, even today.



The drowning music in the classic Sonic games still manages to consistently put me on edge.

The Revloggery

Switch Friend Code: SW-4605-3581-8608 | 3DS Friend Code: 4339-3392-1142 | Nintendo Network ID: RevolverLink


The doll factory in Condemned 2, but mostly because I hate dolls. Also the part where a grizzly bear smashes through a wall and chases you around a cabin.

Everything in Clock Tower. Despite being a clunky point-&-click SNES game, it somehow always manages to scare the pants off me.

The room parts of Silent Hill 4 were pretty freaky. And also a lot of good scares in Alan Wake.

Oh yeah, and every time that monster appears in Amnesia. More horror games need to be as good as Amnesia.

Edited on by Kaeobais

The best strategy in the game: go up stairs and pause balls.


Half Life 2. The game itself just gave me creepy vibe. And everything gross from Halo 2.
...Oh, shut up, I was 7! Or something.

Oh, the memories of mai Xbox...

It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
3DS FC - 1719 3275 2374


Two times that scared me quite badly might not sound like a big deal. But, they were so unexpected that they scared the H E double L out of me. The first one was the end boss of Kid Icarus. I was expecting something much smaller and less scary looking. So when that huge, hideous thing showed up from the right, I had to pause to compose myself a bit.

The second is from the Great Palace in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. All game long, you fight these tiny blue and red blobs. No big deal. Then, I get a ways into the final dungeon and this GINORMOUS FRIGGIN BLUE BOT (maybe the biggest creature in the game) materializes out of nowhere and drops on my head! I was personally effed up for a while. Even now, when I'm playing that area, when I get close to where I know it is, I'll close my eyes and do an upward stab, then open back up when it's split into numerous little blobs!

And, I've touched on it before that TLoZ: Majora's Mask creeps me out. Especially after reading the creepypasta story about the copy the guy gets with the BEN file on it, I'm afraid Happy Mask Salesman is going to come out of the TV and get me!!!

Last one is somewhat related. I go to sleep to video game music on my iPod at night. One night I had select tracks from a TLoZ: Twilight Princess rip playing. One of these tracks contained Zant's distinct, terrifying shriek. I must've popped out of bed looking like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone after donning after shave, screaming my head off, it scared me so bad. I went back and changed the file start/end time to avoid it. Then, a couple nights later, another track with him shrieking woke me up horrified again! So, I live in fear of ever hearing Zant again, LOL. He probably still haunts my dreams here years later!

Man... between those and being afraid to face Ganon in the first Zelda, I came to realize while typing this that the series has really messed me up worse than any other game series!

Edited on by EvilRegal

Let's attack aggressively, kupo! :D

3DS Friend Code: 5241-1915-3356 | Nintendo Network ID: EvilRegal


I can't say I had particularly fond memories of Conker's Bad Fur Day when I was 4. I remember dieing in a pretty gruesome way and not... wanting to play anymore.



Super Princess Peach DS — it's terrifying!

Troll... Troll... Troll...

For real though... Clock Tower III (PSone) scared the crap out of me when I was a teenager!

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When I was little, the toddler boss in Luigi's Mansion always used to freak me out so much D:


3DS Friend Code: 1891-1165-2008 | Nintendo Network ID: pikmaniac



It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


"Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job..."
Untitled my pants.


OoT's Redeads, the Peahats also creeped me out when I was little.
The Head Crabs from the Half-Life 2 games.
A moment in Metroid Prime 2 where I was waiting for a door to open in the Torvus Bog, while waiting I turned around to see a Grenchler RIGHT behind me, it made me jump. xD
Majora's Mask...this thing.
(especially after reading up on that whole BEN story...>.>)

Edited on by Joeynator3000

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Sir_Dragoon wrote:

'Nuff said.

You kidding me? I love that song! I listen to it all the time! When I wake up in the morning, while I'm in the shower, while I'm eating my breakfast on a sunny morning, and even to help me fall asleep. It's great!

Edited on by FriedSquid

A Miiverse admin's first day on the job.
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