
Topic: Dragon Quest XI + I, II, III & Beyond

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@Ralizah those little ghosts that disappear are usually around a treasure of some sort. The ones that interact with you will not fade away. They'll just be sitting there waiting gghor you.



Got to Sultanate of Gallopolis.....

Steam: Bruce_CM



I assume you mean the NPCs? The other party members are all excellent!

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


DQXI S is such a comfy little game. Gorgeous music, charming characters, pleasant art direction and character designs, fun combat, a sense of humor that constantly has me smiling, even in the middle of random battles, great voice acting... I don't know that this will end up being my favorite Switch JRPG, but I'm really, really enjoying my time with it. I'm liking pretty much every aspect of the game, which wasn't the case with DQ VIII.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


Dezzy wrote:


I assume you mean the NPCs? The other party members are all excellent!

Well... I like them and all, but the game as a weird thing with facial expressions. I think it’s just a leftover from the fact it wasn’t made with voice acting in mind, but characters don’t really look natural while talking.

In the case of party members, it’s specially noticeable with Silvando.

Like, just making up an example, you have him going “OOH~ Dahling~~ You KILL me~~~” and his face is completely neutral, just his mouth going up and down.

The most expressive one so far is Veronica, but I think it’s mostly because she’s usually permanently frowning and her tone is usually more serious, so her dialogue feels more natural.

The worst case so far was the one imp they gave dialogue to during the section in the woods. That one is like...

😐: “Nyehehe! You fell in my trap!“

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok



What didn't you like about 8? I find this game to be almost identical to 8, from the amount I've played so far. It's just 8 but with current gen graphics.

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Sylvando just officially joined our party.... So, now, I have to choose!

Steam: Bruce_CM


@Dezzy Alchemy was a pain; I far prefer the smithing minigame here. I prefer XI's more streamlined landscape design vs the more open approach that VIII took. There are, naturally, a variety of QOL improvements in XI S that weren't in VIII that make things significantly more fun, including side-quests, collecting items in the field, random battles, etc. I didn't really like the music in VIII. I feel like DQVIII didn't give you enough information about what your skill points were unlocking, whereas XI S does. Mounts are more common, even early on, which is a lot of fun. Dungeons in VIII weren't really all that fun, either.

Can't really comment on the story yet, but otherwise XI S feels like a huge improvement on VIII's game design all around.

...with one exception. I feel like the tension system in VIII was a lot more hands-on than the Pep system in XI, where you just sort of randomly get pepped up for a few turns. There was a risk/reward element to it in VIII that I liked. But that's it.

EDIT: Oh, and this game doesn't have Yangus in it, so add that to the "reasons I prefer XI" pile.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


Is there a way to zoom in and out on the characters, like in XC2? I find that the camera sometimes is to close to the hero.

Friend code: SW-3941-9887-2293



You're definitely right about the landscapes. DQ8 does a better job of feeling open-world even though it's not. DQ11 feels very linear. The beautiful landscapes do feel slightly wasted.

I still think the Xenoblade Chronicles games have the best solution to linear/openworld in all RPGs. I wish more games went with their formula.

Edited on by Dezzy

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Never understood complaints about silent protags. Never bothered me, still doesnt bother me, and I never felt the need for my self insert character to say anything. That's what everyone else is for. They do the talking, they do the dialog. Anything the protagonist would be saying is what I myself would be saying. My thoughts are his thoughts.

And one could then make a reasonable argument for customization, and while I wont argue on that point, I never felt the need for that either. I have no problem self inserting into whatever character is provided. Whenever there's a creation system I just mash A through the defaults anyways.

That's not to say I don't also enjoy fully voiced main characters, cause I do. I like em both. I really have no preference either way. It's all the same to me.

Anyways, about to get Sylvando in my party. Loving the transmog outfits in this game, another addition to the DQXIS version

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@Dezzy I hope they add some stuff to see and do in Xenoblade 1's environments (in the remake). It's this linear JRPG that does nothing with its vast tracts of land. XCX and XC2 were both better about making areas feel like they were worth exploring.

DQXI feels like a PS2 game with modern gen graphics, honestly. I quite like the approach. It's linear enough that you'll almost never get lost, but not so much that I feel like I'm being funneled from area to area without the ability to explore much, like in FFX and XIII. The zones can get quite large and beautiful, so it still feels like I'm on an adventure.

The world map feels smaller than the one in VIII as well.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


Got the boat....

Steam: Bruce_CM


I left at that part yesterday.

Silvando got mysteriously absent when we got to a certain port. Knowing games and tropes, he's probably the estranged son of the rich person that lives in the mansion.

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok



Well I think that's mostly just because its sidequests are significantly weaker. Most of the times you stray off the beaten path, it's because of sidequests (or just curiosity).

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


Fighting the final arena match now....

Steam: Bruce_CM


I’m at the part where you need to visit Dundrasil after the MMA tournament.

Oh gosh the feels

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I'm in the Desert city with the horse races and just got my first taste of PUFF PUFF. And as 1, 2, and 3 go, I got them pre ordered from Play Asia.

Edited on by CurryPowderKeg79


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


Just talked to a mermaid.. ...

Steam: Bruce_CM


Just did my first battle where I gained more than 600,000 exp

Switch Friend Code: SW-6361-0099-3716

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