One man has set a Guinness World Record for having the highest number of unique, working video game consoles connected to one TV. Talk about putting your collection to work... (thanks to our friends at Time Extension for spotting this!)

Ibrahim Al-Nasser, from Saudi Arabia, has managed to connect 444 video game consoles — each one different — to a single TV. And every single one works, too. Is it a fire hazard? Maybe. But we're more worried about all of those wires behind the TV. Though Al-Nasser has a method of keeping all of the cables hidden and tidy behind there. Plus, Al-Nasser hooks them all up using around 30 RCA switchers, 12 HDMI switchers, converters, and more.

His consoles range from the classics such as the Super Nintendo, N64, PlayStation, and the Neo Geo, to more obscure ones such as the Super A’Can and the Magnavox Odyssey, the world's very first video game console. The collection also includes arcade cabinets, plug-and-plays, and computers, too — we spied a Steam Deck as well. So, realistically, this collection is only going to get bigger.

But what if he wants to play some Super Mario 64 or Sonic the Hedgehog? Simple — Al-Nasser has a spreadsheet that tells him what switcher or converter every single console is hooked up to. All he has to do is find the game on the Excel spreadsheet, then find the switcher, then flick the switch. Done!

With so many game consoles, you might think Al-Nasser might have an unusual favourite, but nope. His favourite console of all time is the Sega Genesis. Not a bad pick at all.

We have some healthy collectors here at NL Towers, but we can't compete with 444 game consoles and a room that looks like a museum. We might be a bit jealous... Serious, how?

[source, via]