In some surprise news at this year's Game Awards show, a sequel for the famous physics-based construction puzzler World of Goo was announced. It will be released in 2024 and is simply titled World of Goo 2.
The original game by 2D Boy and Tomorrow Corporation was originally released on the Nintendo Switch and Wii Ware, and this sequel will line up with the 15th anniversary.
An official website has also be launched, and claims it will be the "biggest game" the team has ever made. There's also an amusing Q&A on the website, going into a bit more detail about what to expect. No platforms have been announced just yet, but the website does state the following:
What platforms or consoles will it be on? Can I play it on my-
"Dandy Wheeler, PR specialist: Yes, let's enjoy this moment, right now, where anything is possible. Can you play it on your 2004 Discman? Maybe. Let's just let the vast expanse of uncertainty fill our hearts with wonder, while we fill our bank accounts with exclusive distributon contracts."