BioWare's DS RPG Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood was always intended to be the first entry in a series, however, the sequel never came to light due to a number of reasons, including BioWare being purchased by Electronic Arts.
Now, however, Did You Know Gaming has uncovered some never-before-revealed story details about the planned Sonic Chronicles 2. In a chat with former lead designer at BioWare Miles Holmes (who is now at Warp Digital), new details have been shared about what the Mass Effect studio's plans were for the second game.

Sonic Chronicles — which launched on the DS in 2008 — infamously ended on a cliffhanger which sees Eggman having taken over the world and rebuilding it in his image. These threads have been left dangling for over 15 years, and the follow-up was intended to directly pick up the loose threads and go straight from there.
Holmes (in the video at the bottom of the article) talks about some of the '80s movie inspirations, from Back to the Future 2 — "and it’s now Eggman’s world, right? So that’s a little of a Back to the Future 2 kinda vibe" — to Terminator 2, like "when you get to see [where] Kyle Reece is from". With all of the citizens captured by Eggman and his robots, Sonic and his friends would need to navigate this recreated world:
"Part of that would've been the fun of getting to go to famous world landmarks and seeing them remade in this Eggman-style, so going to Paris and seeing Eggman's gear all over the Eiffel Tower, sort of watching down with a big eye or something like that..."
Initially, the sequel would start with Sonic and his friends crashing onto Earth after the events of the first game and being separated from one another. Each party would then need to build up its ranks by finding and saving others when eventually everyone would be reunited and team up. Your goal was to build up a big enough army to storm Eggman's base.
Things don't go smoothly, of course, with Argus — the mega god only mentioned in Sonic Chronicles — showing up. This forces Sonic and Eggman to join forces. Defeating Argus cracks open the Twilight Cage and frees everyone who has been trapped inside there for generations. Argus had been trapping these all-powerful tribes in the Twilight Cage because of a prophecy he was told — although this turned out to be a trick. Holmes says:
"It was basically a manipulation — so we're left with this notion of: Who's this oracle, this trickster god that got him to do this in the first place?
Because obviously, he wanted all this to happen, he wanted Argus defeated, and now with him out of the way, the longer question that could've been used over the series is: okay, so we've defeated this one god, but now there's this other god that's made all these things happen. Why did he do that, what was it for, and will it eventually threaten us?"
So this ending was less of a cliffhanger and more of a teaser for the future, an ending that would've been more satisfactory for fans. BioWare would've tapped out at two games, leaving the torch behind for another studio to pick up. But not even a second game was made.
We've mentioned that EA's purchase of BioWare may have affected things, but Ken Penders — a former writer over at Archie Comics who worked on the Sonic Comics — believed many characters in the RPG closely resembled the Dark Legion echidna characters in the comics, among other things, which he had claimed copyright for. Penders has stated that if Sega want to pay him for the rights to those characters, he's happy to discuss it with the company.
So we may never see another Sonic Chronicles game, or even a rerelease, but this new information sheds a light on what could've been. And hey, now that Sega has bought Atlus, perhaps we can get a brand new Sonic RPG at some point in the future...
You can watch Did You Know Gaming's full video below, and let us know whether you wanted to see a sequel in the comments!
[source youtu.be]
Comments 27
I'm curious about if they would've at least improved the gameplay in this hypothetical sequel
Yeah, although the game sold a million copies, it feels like the story and characters were the only parts people really latched onto.
The gameplay was tedious with an over-reliance on gimmicky inputs for attacks and forced "the enemy is trying to retreat" chase sequences, the graphics were lacking, and the soundtrack is infamously poor. It's not a game you actually want to play.
Awww I thought this was a leaked anouncement of a new game! Boo. And Ken Penders, double boo. Interesting video though!
I thought the first game was okay, not bad, not amazing, just okay. Like I thought it was weird that you could get elemental attacks, but none of the enemies had any elemental weaknesses. It was basically for show.
Oh wow... As somebody who actually grew up with Sonic Chronicles (and yes, it pains me to admit that nowadays), for a long time I was disappointed by the fact that this game never got a sequel, and for many years, I held out hope for a resolution to the game's story. I even came up with my own predictions as to where the plot would have gone.
Now, after 15 years, my one burning question regarding this often forgotten Sonic game has finally been answered. What makes it even more satisfying is that it lines up almost exactly with my prediction of what the plot would have been, right down to the final showdown with Argus.
This news is like a colossal weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Having been an ex-Sonic fan for a few years by this point, I now have the closure I've always wanted, and I can finally move on. Thank you Did You Know Gaming and Mr. Holmes for this interview.
Played a lot of games on the DS but never got around to Chronicles.
I wanted this game when it came out but I never got it ...that's the end of that story.
It would have been cool if the sequel had made it to the 3DS under a different genre, back then I was hooked on GBA Fire Emblem, and always felt that gameplay would work with the large cast of Sonic characters.
I really loved this game as a kid. It was so unique, had a good variety of characters, and a pretty decent story. Not sure how it would hold up today, but I have fond memories of it.
Would had made for good Sonic RPG sequel if Sega could announce one to go head to head with Nintendo and Square Enix legendary Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars remake. If a sequel to that is coming and Sega announce this sequel to Sonic Chronicles that would be a great win to gamers cause we could finally get a Super Mario RPG 2 vs. Sonic Chronicles 2 War. A great RPG war like never before (cause Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest never go face-to-face like this) would start from here and it would be spectacular if Sega play their cards right.
I honestly enjoyed this game, the combat took some getting used to, but the inputs really weren't that hard or annoying, I thought they were fine. The story was interesting enough for Sonic, and it didn't overstay its welcome. Always hoped there would be a sequel to resolve the cliffhanger. Never really understood the hate this game got.
Yeah Sega needed the extra manpower that was going to go into the Sonic Nitrome game to instead go towards half-finishing Sonic Origins.
Darn shame about the developers of Sonic Chronicles never seeing their characters show up in Sonic games, would have been cool to have, especially Shade. Tbh though I would probably be more on the side of Penders if only he actually made something worthwhile with what he’s taken from Sega. Yeah it’s good to support the little guys in business but they have to, y’know, be making something good too.
I will forever be amazed by the different pathways Mario and Sonic took in their history. One made landmark titles in most genres in the industry and the other can barely get a side series off the ground without something imploding in their face.
Headline made it sound like a sequel was coming. Article was a disappointment. 😟
I really liked this series-that-never-was. Really too bad.
I get rather salty when I'm reminded about this tbh. I know I recently watched V (2009) again and that ended on a Cliffhanger that will never get resolved either. My point is I hate Cliffhangers that never get resolved.
@abbyhitter Admittedly I thought it was a sequel too when I saw the headline.
Played this to completion at the time, literally cannot remember that ending.
Never played this one, though I am curious. I grew up with the Genesis games and had long since moved on by the time this released. And then Mania brought me back and now I want to experience this weird game.
But how would they handle the cliffhanger of the first game? A cliffhanger which implies they didn't make it through the surprise attack at the same time it ends in a casual proposal of going for chili dogs.
Rebooting/Remaking Sonic Chronicles would work unlike some DS games where the second screen matters so much. Instead of having to to crazy stuff with the touch screen they could just do specific and or timed inputs like the South Park RPGs did. Remove some of the stupid features, completely redo the soundtrack, & release it as a $40 budget title and see how well it sells to go from there.
Echoing other comments. I thought there was some cool stuff in this game but the gameplay was very boring. It's too bad they didn't get to iterate on it. I just assumed the game bombed and that's why there weren't more.
I squarely blame Penders for this. Shade doesn't even resemble Penders' characters enough for there to be a legitimate claim of copyright infringement. Same with the Nocturne clan and the Dark Legion.
But due to SEGA's poor litigating against Penders, Shade's fate has been sealed.
People like to crap on Penders, rightfully so in many cases, but he had a point here with the characters being very similar to his own.
@MegaVel91 What. Shade was totally a rip off of his characters. I don’t like Penders but you gotta be blind to not see he had a point here.
@bonjong23 My guy. I could put Julie-Su and Shade side by side and literally point out every difference of their designs and silhouette in seconds. Both with Shade armored and unarmored. This also applies to Lien-Da and several other Echidna characters by Penders. None of them resemble Shade in any respect.
Same with the Nocturnus clan. Their appearances and silhouettes are so distinct from the Dark Legion to the point that YOU would have to be blind not to see how they are completely different.
Penders has no case and it's easily demonstrable.
Pretty boring game, like 99% of Sonic spin-offs. It had potential but sadly they couldn't find a good company to make the partnership. Atlus should've been the perfect match.
@MegaVel91 @bonjong23 don't forget that every echidna from penders era of the archie sonic comic where all just reskinned knuckles

this is likely where the "no alternate costumes" part of sega's mandates came from as well...
@Shadowmoon522 I'm well aware of that. Which is why i told the dude Penders has no case.
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