We've heard how there are already mods for the unofficial PC port of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and we've seen some in action.
Now, we've got a much longer showcase - demonstrating what else can be done in this build of the game, courtesy of YouTube Channel Josh Busker. Essentially, the PC mod has broken free from the restrictions and limitations of the original 1998 release.
Players can spawn in enemies, NPCs and even bosses wherever they like and they can increase the number of models on screen at once - without having to worry as much about performance issues. There are all sorts of possibilities - such as having to fend off Shadow Link while taking on Ganondorf. It's pretty wild!
To get a better idea of how this PC port of Ocarina of Time works, be sure to check out our previous coverage:
[source youtu.be]
Comments 37
I'm waiting for someone to make the fake rumour I started in the playground of a "Lon Lon Temple" with Epona as the sage a reality.
It looks crazy.
Why do I want a legend of Zelda Thriller parody so bad right now?
Could probably buy a sealed copy of the game if I got a tenner for every Nintendolife article about this
That's quite funny.
The PC-Port, Zelda itself and the Modifications made for it are getting Attention right now at the Moment.
I have no Clue who the Creator is, is it even one single Person?
And it would be nice if you provide Sources for that Claim, to be certain that it is not a Witch Hunt.
You should be more forgiving.
Please be more respectful of other people. This isn't the place for this kind of conversation.
@PBandSmelly as a counterpoint to this other guy, I appreciate you commenting this because otherwise I would have had no idea, jesus
i feel like "being more forgiving" is a lot to ask given what i'm reading here
@Azuris here's someone's reddit post compiling various things from a couple weeks or so ago https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/tfkz4a/comment/i0xgb7b/
Reported for doxxing.
@ThePizzaCheese you seem really desperate to shut down any conversation about this and frankly it's a little disconcerting
it's not like him being horrible makes the OOT port less of an achievement, it just puts a bad air about it (and from what i'm reading he already didn't have a lot of standing in the community due to stuff like this; SgtMarkIV-style), and i don't think it's a bad thing if people know so it can factor in whether or not to support it (and/or opt for a fork of the project)
The time has finally come to create footage of someone finding the triforce in "REAL OOT N64 footage omgz!!! Triforce!!1!!!11!!".
Wow. This thread needs moderated, some serious hate mongering going on. One bad apple can ruin it all . Best wishes people.
I don't see the fun in breaking the game. But I ain't judging those who enjoy it either.
On another note, they should make a mod that changes the name of Ganon to Gannon.....
more directly on topic, excited to see any weird interactions between npcs and eachother/the world that come about from modding like this
@The-Chosen-one see comments #11 and #12
@somebread I think it's just off topic. And unless you have links to a criminal case, a court trial, or some investigation other than a freaking tweet or a reddit comment, I'm less inclined to believe the things being said.
THAT being said, if modders update the game with some proper QOL features, I might consider finally finishing this darned game!
I sadly can't read anything of it.
One site has no https and appears to be region locked, after skipping the Warnings.
The Twitter Stuff is account locked.
The other Article on Reddit seems to be a Summerize of the former.
And on Reddit is a Screenshot with seemingly homophobic Sentences, that are unclear how they are "locked" as mentioned there.
So i can read out:
I would say, just observe how he acts in the Future.
For his abusive Actions he "paid" to his Ex Wife and Society what he deserved, officialy by a Judge.
That is the best Thing what can be happen in a civilized Way.
It is clear that he has acted very bad.
(if it is true, just be aware that the best Source would be the Verdict or a direct Article about itself)
But for the other Stuff, People do very stupid and bad Stuff often in certain stressful Situations.
They can learn, they can change.
If he was spoken Guilty for the Abuse, it is very possible that he had to go to a Therapy.
In that Way he could have learned from his Bads and changed.
As we have no openly visible Track of him attacking People for their sexual Orientation, Heritage or else,
we have to be better, as civilized People, and stay on the ground and let it be until we found something for sure.
If not, we are not better than uneducated People burning Witches.
Don't take me wrong, all against everybody being racist or homophobic of any Kind.
But i want us all to be better.
Also, the Articles haven't given him as much Credit, barely mentioning the Creator(s).
I've learned the Name by talking about here in the Comments.
So it could also bring more Focus than needed in the End.
Wanted to respond to @PBandSmelly
I acknowledge the seriousness of the conversation and understand there is a wider discussion to be had, but this isn't necessarily the platform for them. Let's please try to focus on the article subject of the mod itself, as I feel we are straying off topic.
I’m not on board with this OoT carnage. It ruins the magic. Having been there back in the day, playing and loving this genre defining game, this leaves a sour taste. But whatever
Playing this at 60fps, with correct physics, is going to be pretty special. I’m definitely waiting a few months before playing it so as more mods are available. Also I love the fact that Nintendo can do nothing to stop these clean room projects, hoping for more N64 ports in future.
I will reiterate a point that I've been throwing across to discussions like this. People's views, opinions, and personal lives are not reflective of their skills, talent, and actions in the outside world. We came here to talk specifically about the PC port, which is nothing wrong. We don't need to automatically associate the port with its creator.
Just look at JK Rowling. As bad as people dislike her, they still love the Wizarding World. There's a clear distinction that I think also applies to here, and as much as you hate the creator of the PC port, it does not necessarily mean you have to automatically shun his creation, which had absolutely nothing to do with his personal life.
@PBandSmelly Don't spread false info this port was done by people of ship of harkinian not open ocarina which was done blawar the wife beater.
@Snatcher That was my first thought, too!
@ModdedInkling There’s a clear difference between domestic violence and making comments Twitter people don’t like, just as there’s a clear difference between creating the Harry Potter books and pirating an N64 game.
@Euler are you implying that reverse engineering the code to a piece of software is piracy?
@BloodNinja I mean, the reddit comment links to that, yes? (2 articles, one link to another reddit post that is easily corroborated) hence why I said "compiling various things"; did you click through or just ignore it on basis of being a reddit comment?
@Atmosfear this is worth noting as well so thank you, looks like OpenOOT/Open Ocarina is the one made by this other dude which is commonly labelled just "OOT PC Port"; it's easy to see where someone could not know which it is
@Euler (insert spiel on this being legal that others have written for me a million times on other articles)
@PBandSmelly you had to, didn't you... bringing more attention to this person
@somebread Don't talk about other people's bad points.
All I've done is advocate for forgiveness and respect.
@BloodNinja i'm not entirely sure what you're referring to here but i'm already close enough to the edge of off-topic as is so it might not be worth pushing
for what it's worth, I was replying to comment 23, if that helps?
Removed - discussing moderation
@somebread I see, it requires a legal copy of the game to use. Other point still stands.
One day, we will get a Triforce & Sky Temple in OOT...
Oh absolutly we will
@Farflung as someone who also is, I'm glad they spoke up and didn't see it as virtue signaling at all, let alone "made it look like a joke"
ridiculous to come in here calling someone a "Repugnant Individual who needs to Shut Up", especially after a mod has already said "alright get on topic again please"
Now you're the one being rude. Why can't people talk about this stuff in a polite manner?
This issue has already been addressed, I recommend we just report any comment that keeps bringing it back up and move on.
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