Given how many games arrive on Switch each week, we can surely be forgiven for missing the odd gem here and there. We've tried whenever possible in the past to retrospectively right this wrong, and today, we're looking to shed a little light on Kharon's Crypt - Even Death May Die, an utterly fantastic retro-style adventure that looks like a gothic, Dark Souls-inspired take on Zelda but has plenty of unique ideas of its own.
First up, those visuals. The team behind the game has clearly opted for a Game Boy Color look for this one; while we doubt a real GBC could achieve some of the fancier visual effects, it's still brilliantly authentic. The Zelda vibe is clear to see, too – from the way the dungeons are rendered to the map screen and visually-similar inventory management, it really does feel like you're playing a dark, sinister take on Nintendo's famous series.
However, while Kharon's Crypt borrows many gameplay elements from the 2D Zeldas, it offers plenty of new ideas. You assume the role of Kharon – a creature believed to be death incarnate – and you must escape your titular tomb, where you have been imprisoned by an ego-driven ruler who believes he can cheat death by keeping you under lock and key.
Kharon's main form is that of a ghostly spirit, and you can predictably get up to all kinds of ghostly fun. However, if you really want to progress you'll need to possess various fallen enemies. Skeletons, for example, have arms that can be used to interact with objects in the dungeons. You can also pick up weapons and items from enemies you slay. There are a bunch of Zelda-like puzzles to solve, too, such as moving around statues and using shafts of light to progress.
There are 11 boss fights in the game, as well as hundreds of collectables to find – including more than 100 pages that describe various items and expand on the lore. There's plenty going on in what, at first glance, looks to be quite a simple game.
What's more, Kharon's Crypt scores massive points for accessibility by accounting for three types of colour blindness: protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia. An impressive feat, considering the small size of the team.
Kharon's Crypt is out now on Switch and costs $14.95 / £10.95. If you'd like us to give it the full review treatment, let us know below.
Comments 39
A pretend Game Boy Color game for modern console? While that's a cool concept, why not just release the actual game on the actual Game Boy Color instead then you don't have to force us with those borders.
It's clearly going for the GBC aesthetic, but that doesn't really look like the kind of colour palettes the GBC was capable of at all. Kinda makes the GBC motif feel a bit incomplete? and therefore not worth having so prominently in the first place?
Yes, I know that Shovel Knight technically contains shades of brown and beige that weren't possible on the NES, but it did stick to NES palettes for the most part.
This GBC-alike game on the other hand doesn't seem to be putting in the same kind of attention to detail.
Yeah, I saw this in the eshop, definitely intrigued. The gameboy colour aesthetic is quite charming.
What is:
@Spider-Kev In Case You Missed It
Also see LTTP: Late To The Party
@Spider-Kev in case you missed it
@Damo yes please, a full review would be lovely
Today I learned the names of three types of color blindness.
I wish this was on 3ds, this is not the kind of game I like playing on my Switch
At first I was like what? A Link to the the Past?
Had to read it a couple of times.
Damn Zelda-wired brain.
Anyway, thanks.
@Specter_of-the_OLED maybe because they want to actually make some cash? Doubt its easy to manufacture carts for the GBC today or cost effective the game would cost a fortune and sell only to collectors. Vs selling on one of the best selling consoles of the current run for cheap digitally to tons of Nintendo fans who gobble up these throwback games.
That and i doubt it could actually run on the GBC
@EarthboundBenjy every time I think I've witnessed peak internet-pedant someone like you comes along to remind me that people can always surprise you.
I don't think I'm being overly pedantic. Here's my stance:
It's not pedantry. It's literally the premise of this game. It's not a small or insignificant detail at all.
@moodycat We can't possibly review every game, so we have to make calls like this every single week, based on traffic data / comments / general interest.
A lot of people want to see reviews of certain titles before they make a purchase (others want to see reviews because they'd like to see a game get more attention) so it's perfectly normal for us to ask you, the readers, for feedback before committing the time and effort into creating a review.
And in this case, this is a game that's now two weeks old, so it's only natural we'd ask if there was demand for a full review, seeing as we've missed the launch.
Why asking if you guys should review it? I mean, it looks review worthy. While there are also many games that you guys review that aren't worthy in my opinion. Although it all depends on taste.
I think the game looks amazing and needs reviewing. On the other hand there's lots of crap that doesn't need reviewing in my opinion. Or Picross, since it's always the same. But yeah, that's second-party so you can't really ignore it. But a mini-review for Picross would suffice.
“ICYMI” is a good category (now I’ve googled the acronym), would be good to have more articles in it
@Damo Appreciate the heads-up on this one! Totally would have passed me by but looks right up my alley.
I'm curious, can you play the game holding the Switch vertically (like a big GBC)? It wouldn't be my preferred way to play but would be an awesome touch.
i would like to see a review on this. clearly alot of heart and effort went into this game. it deserves it
I for one am extremely grateful for you bringing this to my attention. I have recently been getting my 2D Zelda on: replayed ALTTP and Link’s Awakening, then Blossom’s Tale and Kamiko. Also started Dark Souls Remastered for the first time, so this looks right up my street and wouldn’t have even known about it otherwise. Would love a full review.
game looks good but the fog effect kinda bothers me, hopefully that can be changed in settings
Looks pretty dope, speaking of un-spoken-about gems, how about Street Cleaner??
@Damo Thank you for avoiding the cliche phrase "souls-like," instead opting for "viewed through the lens of Dark Souls." It made the article feel a lot more engaging, instead of a click-bait to get souls fans to read. Very well-played, sir. Great article!
@Damo Tony Manfredonia, the composer for Kharon's Crypt, here. Thank you so much for the kind words about the game in this preview. We'd love a full review! <3
Because they actually want this game to sell.
Yeah I knew what LTTP meant. Totally didn’t think it meant link to the past. Yep totally
@Damo Would love to see a review for this one. The game is utterly gorgeous in my opinion, and while I can’t buy every game I like the look of, a review could certainly push me over the edge and hit the 'buy' button.
I love this game! Took a chance and bought it day one and am real glad I did.
Definitely would love to see the full review treatment! This totally looks like something I need in my life 👍
This looks great! Thanks for the heads up!
@Specter_of-the_OLED The borders are completely optional, in fact the game lets you select several types some of them have art and others are gameboy colors. or you can choose no borders at all.
@Damo i’d like a review then
Maybe something I’d try for under 5 bucks. Trying to be a GBC game and failing and no full screen is where it fails. This game should probably be a 5 of 10 at best.
Not gonna lie, i'm so burned out about "like Dark Souls" that the mere mention of it in form of comparisons kills any and all interest whatsoever.
Definitely. Have it in wishlist, waiting for reviews.
@Specter_of-the_OLED i don't have a game boy color, nor would i buy one for any game; So, if it's a good game, I'm glad it's on a system i can play it on...
I’d dig a review on this bad boy. Thanks for asking.
I'd also like a review.
A Zelda-like that stands out is right up my alley. I would like to see a full review please
@Specter_of-the_OLED because it hasn't been programmed within the constraints.
It's pretty neat looking, but hopefully I can play it in a regular aspect ratio.
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