Panic Button's name is one that has seemingly popped out of almost nowhere, suddenly grabbing the attention of gaming fans around the world thanks to a series of high quality, and rather surprising, Switch ports from the studio. We've already seen the likes of Rocket League, DOOM, and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus arrive on the system, and last week saw the announcement of Warframe - yet another hugely ambitious project.
Will Panic Button show any signs of slowing down, then? Well, if word from the developer's studio head is anything to go by - which it certainly is - then absolutely not.
Replying to fan questions during an 'ask me anything' talk on Reddit yesterday, Adam Creighton of Panic Button said that there are "tons" of Switch projects in the works. It was a short and sweet response buried deep within a myriad of other questions, but the answer was, and still is, there for all to see.
Q: ThatWaluigiDude: After Warframe, any more projects for Switch?
A: acreight: Tons.
Of course, we already know that the studio is planning to work on some original projects, as well as the almost certain - and now pretty much expected - high profile ports of games from other studios, so it's becoming increasingly harder to predict what we could see next.
Are there any franchises you'd like to see Panic Button port to Switch? Any genres you'd like the studio to take a stab at in an original game? Let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 102
So there is hope for some single player goodness!
@Mgene15 Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Batman Arkham series, Far Cry series. Just anything.
Great to hear a small studio is making a big splash in an unexpected way! Kudos to the talent at Panic Button. I have purchased Doom, Wolfenstein 2 and plan on getting Warframe for my Switch! My support is fully behind you!
Eh... after Warframe anything else will be underwhelming for me. This game is the best thing this generation and it has everything... I mean, we even have a freaking sport in the game and a warframe that can create her own tunes!
I'm thinking Doom Eternal to release alongside other versions.
It's nice to see what was initially a risky platform for them turn into a sustainable source of projects.
It's good to have a team that we can trust with our Switch ports!
I asked Panic Button last week if they are porting "The Bioshock Collection" & "Tomb Raider + Rise of the Tomb Raider" to which they didn't reply.... so I will take it as confirmed as part of their "tons"
I'd love a Tomb Raider or Call Of Duty...
Maybe it's just one game, called Tons...
I would love one of these 'tons' of games to be The Witcher 3.
Oh and Laser League needs to come to Switch. I know that probably wouldn't need Panic Button to make it happen but since it's been compared to Rocket League I thought I'd mention it. 505 Games who publish Laser League have already brought Portal Knights and Payday 2 among others so there's a good chance it's already in the works. Seems like a perfect fit for Switch.
Awesome! Even though I love the quality work they are doing when porting games to Switch I can't help but wonder what they could do if they made a game of their own, I mean they know the Switch inside and out at this point. More excellent ports are welcome though!
Dragon Age is coming [36]
And The Witcher 3 duh.
GTA V is likely to be the next big announcement.
Subnautica !!!
Panic button be praised! I hope that either they will expand so they have multiple big and smaller teams or that there will come another company specialised in big AAA ports for switch.
I want Quake. That's right, the first game. 1080p @60 fps.
This is encouraging
Keep them busy!
This is great! These guys do excellent work, and as they pump out the games, more and more big companies are gonna want to partner up with them.
I know everyone wants to see Fallout, but Panic Button is not a subsidiary of Bethesda. I'm curious what other studios came out of the woodwork after the Doom port that were interested in hiring them. I mean, Warframe is nice, but they could be working on literally anything, from just about anyone, it doesn't have to be Bethesda's back catalog.
@OorWullie a Witcher 3 port would make me very happy as I still think the game is one of the best in the last decade (yes, better than botw... there, I said it!)
Nintendo should buy them, make them an in-house studio and expand the team with all those $billions they have sitting in the bank. Hands down the best third party studio supporting at the moment.
I'd like to see a more open world driving game along the lines of Forza Horizon. All Nintendo needs to do is release a new set of JoyCons with "proper" triggers.
@notnetlink Easily better than BotW. The quality of Witcher 3's sidequest narratives put many game's primary narratives to shame. Including BotW. BotW is still a great game though. Not sure Witcher 3 is possible on Switch.
@Hyrule Please no. Panic Button is bringing some much needed 3rd party content to Switch. If Nintendo owned them, that avenue would be closed for 3rd parties, and that would be unfortunate.
Echoing many comments above, give me Witcher 3! I know the Switch can do it...and Tomb Raider. Got to play through about half of it before the X-Box I was borrowing died. Switch could run that one easy.
Also excited about the original stuff. It looked like Retro was going to be Nintendo's new Rare, but their output has been so sparse. If Panic Button feels some creative juices flowing, maybe they could take the throne!
Fallout 3 for their good pal Bethesda?
I would like the new tomb raider games
A Metal Gear Solid collection would be interesting. Like, 1 to 5. Maybe split into two collections because, duh, may be too much for a single one.
Or A Borderlands collections. Like, not just the handsome collection that was released some time ago, but a full collection comprised of 1, 2 and pre-sequel, in time before Borderlands 3 comes out....
There are litterally TONS of game properties that could be awesome on the Switch.
I see a lot of Witcher 3 love. I doubt that will ever get ported to the Switch but that doesn't mean that I'm not curious to see what that would look like. It would have to take a significant hit in the graphics department.
doom eternal and fallout 3 or 4.
@gcunit ...in which you would use the joy cons to grab and lift things from different angles and positions.
@Painkiller_Mike That's true, but I'm more worried about the sheer size of the game. The file size alone makes it an iffy proposition because of the way Nintendo handles cartridges and storage space for Switch.
This gives me hope that more gems are coming for Switch, please don't let me down Panic Button. Also never turn to the dark side a.k.a. EA.
really I would like Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 ported to the switch but that is just me.
@NoxAeturnus I'm not concerned with file size since it is what is (not much you can do other than bug Nintendo to help with compression). I would be more concerned with how much they would have to sacrifice to get the game to run. Witcher 3 is one of the few games that felt alive due to how much was going on. BOTW is a great game but it's world pales in comparison to anything in Witcher 3.
Give me the original Red Dead Redemption on Switch and I'm happy. Pull off some magic and port Red Dead 2 and I'm super excited.
Buy Panic Button Nintendo and have them port the crap out of 3rd party games!
Awesome!! Good work deserves more work
The Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time and if it was rereleased on Switch I would buy it in an instant. Throw in a full trilogy collection and I would buy regardless of price Saying that I still think a graphical hit would have to happen to bring Witcher 3 to Switch which would mean it's world might lose its vibrancy that made it so special.
There are so many other possible titles that could make the jump to Switch that I get really excited at all the possibilities hopefully they have something else up there sleeve for 2018. Asassins Creed Rogue/Ezio Collection?? Fallout 3/4/New Vegas?? Tomb Raider?? So many possibilities.
I can't wait for Warframe to come out!
Witcher 3 seems to be the consensus option, and I can't argue with that. However, I would take Nier Automata and Prey too. Pretty please.
Just how big are they if they have tons to port and are working on their own titles? Porting doesn't take as large of a team but they are doing a lot.
I love this studio. They have done fantastic work and I will keep getting their stuff.
That means a lot of developers don't want to put effort in Switch. They rather let an external company port their games to the Switch.
The power that one word has: TONS
Define "Tons."
I guess the Europeans aren't familiar with a "ton" since it's not part of the metric system. 2,000 pounds!
Project Cars anyone ???
If Warframe is released on Switch by the end of the year, then Panic Button will have ported 4 games to Switch in 12-14 months.
So they probably have another 3-4 ports being planned to release on Switch in the next 12-14 months.
GTA V 5 ,Red Dead Redemption! "drops mic" XD Lol
Bring them all! Will pay in installments though...
"Of course, we already know that the studio is planning to work on some original projects"
I understood something different from what I read. They said they wouldn't jeopardize their company with new projects, that they would have to be more than certain to invest money on a new IP.
Actually we do have a metric ton, which is exactly 1000 Kg. Once again demonstrating the neatness of the metric system.
I'm juggling Mario aces, YS Viii , and xenoblade atm. So hard up for more games but sheesh so many! I love my switch, can't wait for warframe as it was great on x1. And hopefully I'll get finish Celeste, p,us I have splatoon 2 to play. So many good games! And I want to buy shining resonance, plus octapath! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh not enough time!
Then on my Xbox 1 I have ton games wanna play too, so glad my cord is busted
Fallout: New Vegas please and thank you!
if we continue to support panic button and buy more games, we will get more good ones.
I'll add Bulletstorm and Hard Reset.
Ports I’d love: Metal Gear, The Witcher, Final or Fantasy
If it's going to be a Fallout, it definitely will NOT be FO4. FO3/NV perhaps.
Sadly the side scrolling AC games I think are the best fit for the Switch.
Subnautica would be amazing on the switch, esp with the motion controls.
I'd love to see Xcom ported. I need my xcom-like turned based game fix
I am with you there. And a lot of Nintendo only gamers should be as well. Heck, even though I have other systems, I've been buying them on the Switch when available and may continue to do so because of the portability. There was nothing like watching my buddy's eyes light up when he was able to play a full game of 2K at work yesterday when it was slow. Or when when my buddy who is all about fortnite was able to play three matches while we waited for it to get busy. And being able to blow Nazis heads off while on my commute or riding shotgun on a long ride to the beach can't be beat.
And since they are fairly decent ports I don't mind nearly as much. I double dipped on Doom, just purchased Wolfenstein 2 last week and may grab Warframe from them. Instead of whining & worrying about what you're not getting like some were in that Yakuza thread yesterday, how about we support people that are actually going out of their way to give you quality experiences and quality ports? That's how you get people to take notice, as money talks
These guys are awesome! Go ahead and print money with those amazing Switch ports, I ain't mad at ya
II would love the Bioshock Collection next, along with the DMC Collection and DMC 4 too
With the amount of work ahead of them, they'd better hire more people, and perhaps even expand the company.
If they do, they could re-brand the company from Panic Button to Panic Room...
I so want this to be Assassin's Creed the ezio collection, I would sink 100's of hours playing to complete those games again. I can't think of anything better for extended sessions on the go.
Far Cry 4 co-op would also be ace, or the phantom pain. But Assassin's Creed why can't we have it already? Ow, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5, Nintendo can just make it so already
@gameboy1975 ^This
Well said ☺️
I wonder why so many people mention Ubisoft titles as possible candidates for what Panic Button has in store for the Switch, but I don't think those are options. So far, Ubisoft has always taken care of their own IP all by themselves, also on Nintendo consoles, so I think it's highly unlikely that this is going to change anytime soon.
Think bigger people, think bigger...
And possibly last gen... ish...
@gameboy1975 Completely agreed.
@Jmo I'm right there with you. I have both Doom and Wolfenstein 2, and looking forward to Warframe. I'm really liking the work panic button is putting in, so I will keep supporting them.
Hopefully Capcom is allowing Monster Hunter World to be one of them.
I am okay without world honestly. I'm actually hoping that they're working on an entirely original/custom game for the Switch. This is capcom though. And there are countless examples of them more often than not making dumb & head-scratching decisions
@Tibob Subnautica is a great choice!
@gameboy1975 I'm just hoping because Panic Button asked Capcom on Twitter to please let them handle porting World to the Switch.
Everyone thinks that if it's not 1080p 60fps, then running on Switch is impossible. I'm perfectly fine with 720p and 30fps, I think that's what MH Double Cross/Generations Ultimate is running on, so it won't bother me. lol
@Perryg92 if they port Bioshock Infinite to Switch, I’ll be the happiest man in the universe!!
I believe in Panic Button.
Besides them i am curious if GTA 5 will come to Switch. If that happens its gonna be all over. Or maybe GTA 6 if thats gonna happen
One of them will probably be DOOM Eternal. And I think we can say that with 95% confidence. They keep talking about the gap between release dates growing smaller and smaller thanks to them being brought on board during development to help make decisions which will enable the game to run easier on Switch. And since they already have the engine running, and experience porting DOOM and Wolfenstein 2, and since Bethesda says they have more games coming to Switch, I can't imagine any other game that would be more likely to come.
I also think Fallout New Vegas will come (eventually). But honestly, The supply of AAA third party games is going to be limited by the bottleneck of "for hire" studios who have gained the confidence of 3rd parties enough to port their games. Which means every game that Panic Button brings, it's at the expense of a different game. So even if Fallout doesn't come, I won't be upset because it just means we'll be getting a different awesome game in its place.
Besides which, I can already run Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 on my Win 2 anyways. It'll run DOOM Eternal also when it drops but, I need that gyro. So I really need that Switch release.
Check out the GPD Win 2 handheld. I'm running Bioshock Infinite on high settings on a flippin handheld, and yes, it's incredible (would advise lower settings though to milk more battery life).
Link to Win 2 Forum
Already stated in Capcom's investor shareholder meeting it's not happening, but, they want the franchise to continue on Switch separately.
Switch will get exclusive portable entries tailored to the hardware, both features-wise (portable play, local wireless, touchscreen in handheld mode) and in terms of system power.
But it's going to take time for a new 5th gen portable game to be built ground up, so I'd wager it's gonna be spring 2021 (4 years after launch, which is how long it took for a new ground up entry to come to other platforms).
In the meantime, we'll have MH Gen Ultimate on Switch and World on PC to tide us over (and hopefully it will run on the GPD Win 2 handheld at 540p 30fps ultra low settings on a 12 watt power profile, or maybe a downgrade mod gets released, but first the game would have to be cracked to use a mod since it's using Denuvo).
(And yes, I realize I mentioned the Win 2 three different times in this post... but when you're talking about portable console gaming, it's kinda the only other relevant system on the market besides Switch)
Resident Evil?
Tomb Raider?
I love how Nintendo Life is taking just one word, "TON", and writes 4 paragraphs.
Dear president of NintendoLife, whoever you are: Do something about this site. Since the beginning of this year there is something going on with your staff and their articles.
I love how "were doing tons" becomes "i bet it's (insert favorite game here)!"
@Krull squeenix does their switch stuff in house now. And the devs said they would like to do nier but it would take at least 2 years. And imo it could never happen. The game engineer is bad. It runs awful on base ps4 and x1s, doesn't run as well as it ought to on pro (bad lighting issues, drops to 30fps on cut scenes and lower in some gameplay), takes x1x to really perform great, and even on pc kind of runs like a dog. And it's not even much of a looker after all that. Great game... But the inside has way to much duct tape to believe in switch bring possible, unfortunately. Even though it's on the table to happen still.
They need to port Red Dead Redemption to the Switch!!
Excellent news, the more the merrier.
Great news, can’t wait to see what else they have. Keep em coming.
I would be so happy if we could red dead redemption and or GTA. Even if its only the GTA story with no online.
My personal wishlist:
-Fallout 3, or 4
-Red Dead Redemption
-Shenmue 1 and 2
Tomb Raider
Good to hear! So far everything that they have worked with is good to see on the switch.
Time to make something new - and not more rehashed ports most people played a better version ages ago. Non like any of this stuff ending up hits anyway.
Imagine if square-Enix hired them to catch up the switch port of Dragon Quest XI
@Level_Up then release date should be at least December this year
It’s GTA Switch can handle it.
Witcher 3 or MGS collection
@Hyrule Literally the worst course of action that could happen apart from them going bankrupt.
@Cosats It was "Tons".
Honestly, you had one word.
Looking forward to seeing these guys really push the Switch!
Hoping that previous smaller devs known for technical achievements, namely VD and Shinen, also manage to bring new stuff to Switch, even if people might be starting to expect a lot more than what a handful of people can create.
@JaxonH I tried GDP, but can’t get used to the controls)
You tried the original Win or some other model
The Win 2 has been redesigned, and its gosh dang comfy, way better than any handheld before it (aside from Switch). The L3 and R3 have been made into buttons now instead of keyboard keys, analogs have moved to the outside and buttons and dpad to inside.
It's incredible. More comfy than a Vita or 3DS (and more buttons too)
@gcunit hahaha haha
Well I've done the math and a ton of games is roughly 3514 games which happens to be the half life of 1 oz of plutonium 2.........Half-Life 2 confirmed
Also don't check the math or science behind my statement
I only hope they don't take on more projects than they can handle and result in their quality dropping.
@Perryg92 I wouldn't mind seeing tomb raider on the switch. I am a TR collector and love every but of it. Even the not so action packed reboot movie
Ok, I know it won’t happen, but how about the following, in no particular order. Ported by Panic Button or the original devs, either is fine.
Divinity Original Sin
Diablo 3
Darksiders 3 (Original 2 as well)
Dishonored series
Shadow Tactics
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen
Castlevania (any game, including LoS!)
Burnout Paradise
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
(Or Ubisoft, pirating on the go would be great!)
Tomb Raider (last gen trilogy and current one)
Portal 2
Witcher 3 (hahaha, yeah not happening, I know!)
Batman Arkham games
Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 & 2
Superman 64!!!!
Darksouls 2 and 3, sans doute.
And Zelda BotW won't be coming to the PlayStation 4. Exclusive games mean they are on one console only. Unless a timed exclusive like Tomb raider on Xbox for 12 months or Xbox 1 exclusives which technically aren't because you can get them on PC as well.
@Zuljaras maybe just buy a ps4
@foxko12 I am on it. The exclusives this year are just way to good.
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