We love joking about frequent 'stability' updates to Nintendo systems, but in the case of the 3DS this often meant blocking off various hacks and exploits. Homebrew and broader hacks have been common on the portable, and in a few cases were damaging to developers as they caused games and apps to be abruptly removed from the eShop.
The Nintendo Switch, of course, is a shiny new target for exploits; some will want to implement homebrew and experiment with the hardware, others will simply want to pirate games. Now 'vulnerability researcher' @derrekr6 has posted the following message which has been shared and retweeted by others in the scene, including familiar 3DS Homebrew developer 'smealum'.
What does this mean? Likely the kernel (a key and central element of the system operating system) has been dumped rather than exploited. It's being heralded as a key first step on some hacker / homebrew forum threads, yet at the same time it isn't expected to lead to immediately successful or usable hacks and exploits. That's likely to take time, but nevertheless it'll serve as a reminder to the fact that plenty will seek to utilise the Switch for various unofficial purposes.
There's probably little for Nintendo to counteract at this stage, but it'll no doubt be following progress. The company has been keen to tackle hacks and has been offering paid rewards to those that expose weaknesses in Switch and 3DS. The official site for this has been relatively quiet, though the most recent resolved report was four days ago at the time of writing, so it's still active.
Attempts to hack and exploit the Switch will become increasingly common in the months and years to come; it'll be interesting to see if Nintendo is able to stay ahead of the curve.
Thanks to all that sent this in.
Comments 47
Ha! Nerds!
Seriously, do not give scum hackers the exposure, it helps nobody.
Wow I'm so pleased for them, they must be proud of themselves. They should have played it instead, it would have be time better spent.
Switch will be hacked sooner or later, like all Nintendo systems. Just don't hacked it so soon, online games will be sh*t once they starts cheating.
@Nintendian Then it's up to Nintendo to up their game and ban cheaters.
If they keep it to themselves or if use it just to show the vulnerabilities to Nintendo then I have no problem.
My problem is if they start making any exploit techniques for everyone to use online so that it hurts developers, publishers and online gamers who wanna play legit.
If they do this because they enjoy it then great, they have their enjoyment. No need to share it.
If Switch is ever hacked to DS and 3DS levels, you can bet there will be people previously bemoaning "no games" and "pathetic 3rd party" who will cram the storage full of bombermans and indies they vocally derided. Even the stuff they might not admit they'll play. Human nature desu. :^P
I blame odd world creator for this. He might have leaked or helped out the hackers since he hates Nin & blames them for killing Iwata.
glad people have a lif.... oh wait
@stealth Depends on why they do it. If people exploit this for cheating, they deserve a life long ban IMO. But I think it's important for preserving video games. If hackers didn't exist, so many video games would be lost today. Now, as long as the big publishers are around it's not really an issue. But it would be a shame if a truly classic game would be lost in time.
@CGSasuke Please stop talking a steaming pile of Pony.
Hackers will always find a way. So Nintendo, get cracking on releasing that web browser for the Switch now.
A hacked Switch will truly be the ultimate gaming system.
That said, I do not want to see it hacked until it's later years, because it can and will damage its prospects and support.
So I'm all for this... just... not until 2021. I can wait.
Plus why did you put a capital P in pony?
Man for people that dedicate so much time to games, you gotta ask why they spend so long hacking stuff and not playing. I know it is the challenge of it and being able to do it but in the end it is just pretty sad.
@CGSasuke You've absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Lorne Lanning leaked or helped the hackers. And as such it's a false statement. Does the guy even have a Switch dev kit?
You're other statement that he said Nintendo killed Iwata is also a lie. It was taken out of context and he meant that it broke Iwata's heart that he couldn't get the company overall to change.
@Equinox The Switch has a (more) standard architecture. The Nvidia Shield (which is more or less the same chipset) was rooted years ago. The Switch also has a removable storage module.
Why does Nintendolife seem to revel in the activity of the hacking community when its actually a really crappy thing that shouldn't be celebrated? I'm going to hate seeing hackers online and I hope Nintendo can do something to completely brick their Switches. Heck, if they end up buying themselves a replacement and trying again, Nintendo will make a profit. An extra win for them.
There's still a loooooong way before the Switch is "usefully" hacked.
This is the first step, but it's not enough to really be useful.
Still a long way to go. Long long way
If they can hack that gamecube adapter to work on all games normally then I support this.
If my memory serves me right...when the Xbox 360 was released, the very next day a YouTube video came, this YouTube was a tutorial on how to hack the system and pirate games on it.
I remember my friends who bought them at release, a month or so after one of said friends had tons of games pirated already.
Nintendo have been fighting piracy since the GameCube days and they have succeeded to a degree with strict policies such as permanent bans and keeping updates.
They have the kernel, now let's see how much it takes to make things actually work.
@Equinox They can't do anything with this for now...
I'd hardly call that "hack" like people tend to think what hacking means.
It's more a thing like "hey, I found a bug that does a neat thing!" than a "I can use that to modify or get my games free!".
It's not really that much of a cause of concern. We see bugs everywhere.
@ThatNyteDaez Because people read the articles.
If you don't want these articles to be published, don't click the link.
@CGSasuke Hook, line, and sinker, you're a sucker. Congratulations!
@Equinox The PSP got hacked even earlier. Although that was for entirely different reasons. They didn't have much in the way of media security back in 2005. But yeah, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this...
Always fun to see low life scum trying to ruin things for everyone.
I see lots of users here have a twisted view of what "hacking" actually means for the scene. First off of they got a kernel dump it does nothing for usability at this point. Secondly the scene that does the actual " hacking"is anti-piracy, love Nintendo and drive home brew development, not cheating or piracy of games.
You guys need to get your facts straight and read up before passing such harsh judgement on people. It's usually other people that don't work hard to crack the kernel and make usable exploits that come along and make piracy happen.
I hope these guys slip up and get caught and prosecuted.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Sshhh, you're using logic and reason. That's not allowed here in the comment section! Only uneducated and emotional responses are sanctioned!
I'm sure a lot of good and bad can come from this. Transferring your games saves will be great
Yes, because having a dumped kernel TOTALLY makes it all the more easier to hack.
Oh wait.
Why in the world can't anyone just leave things the way they're meant to be. If a hacker wants to do something write something from scratch in C++, Java, C#, Visual Basic, HTML and PHP. We have Unreal 4, Blender, Ogre, and many more all for free or a very small royalty with no cash upfront.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Surely they must be aware that no matter how noble their intentions they're still helping opening the floodgates for piracy.
If they like Nintendo so much why not wait until Nintendo's next console is out before messing with the Switch?
Great news, but a ways to go yet, should help sell more switch units once it's reversed engineered, a Kernel exploit can lead to many things, hmm psp games on switch
@Equinox What kind of computer background do you have to make such a bold statement?
Everything computer can be exploited, every system, every OS. It could be the next day, it could be the next week. Phones get rooted, iPhones get jailbroken, and this is with the makers doing everything they can to prevent it. It's not that developers are bad, but rather just the nature of computers.
And this is not even a hack.
I have no problem with hackers... so long as they stick to single play functions. Don't use it to cheat and I don't mind what you do. In my opinion Nintendo doesn't need to shut down hackers, just keep them out of multiplayer games.
Can we not have something nice for a year?
Cue the weekly security and stability updates in 3, 2, 1
I read that tweet with a hacker voice
Articles with illegal actions and theft should not appear to or / and should not be promoted from a serious website.
It'll take a while for the kernel to be exploited. Look at PS4/XB1, after nearly 4 years nothing has happened.
Can we stay on topic please.
Oh, gosh...
hopefully they work out a way to get android on it so it can do more than just game.
@stealth When you say that all so-called 'hackers' are 'scum', I think you're forgetting that aforementioned 'scum hackers' have actually done some great stuff for the Nintendo community such as bringing Flipnote Hatena back on the DSi (Sudomemo) and running online servers for Wii and DS after Nintendo stopped (Wiimmfi, AltWFC, RiiConnect24) (:
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